七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like单元能力测试课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like单元能力测试课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like单元能力测试课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like单元能力测试课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like单元能力测试课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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unit9单元能力测试 unit9whatdoeshelooklike 一 单项选择 20小题 共20分 1 annisa girl wealllikeher a badb unfriendlyc terribled nice 2 mr liistheman longhair a withb andc fromd for d a 3 ourchineseteacherhas hairandsheisgood looking a blacklongbeautifulb beautifullongblackc longbeautifulblackd beautifulblacklong 4 pleasestop arestifyoufeeltired 2011南宁 a tohaveb havingc haved has 5 whois tallwomanwithlonghair sheis actress a a ab a anc the ad the an b a d 6 thereisgoingtobeabasketballmatch television a byb withc ond in 7 what yourfriendslooklike they mediumbuildand longcurlyhair a are arein hasb does areof havec do are haved do areof have 8 lucydoesn t herbeautifulskirttoday a putonb wearc dressd has c d b 9 whatisthe ofthemountain it s4 000meters a highb tallc heightd weight 10 it sgoingtorain remember anumbrellawhenyougotoschool allright mom 2012 湛江 a takingb bringingc totaked tobring 11 thereis newsaboutthismoviestarinthenewspaper wherecanigetsome 2013 广东广州 a manyb afewc alotd little c c d 12 lucy shairisn tcurly that sright herhairis a blackb straightc blondd brown 13 therearemanyflowersandtreeson sideofzhongshanroad a eachb everyc bothd all 14 whatdoesyourbrotherlooklike heis 铜仁中考 a fineb niceandfriendlyc goodd tallandhandsome b a d 15 mybrotherlikes a tospeakstoriesb talkstoriesc saystoriesd tellingstories 16 thenewstudentis shy a alittleb littlec abitofd bit 17 couldwemeeteachotherat9 00tomorrowmorning sorry let smakeit time a other sb theotherc anotherd other d a c 18 limeioftenputsherarticles newspapers a inb atc ond of 19 isthatachinesebookoranenglishbook a yes itisb no itisn tc anenglishbookd amusicbook 20 youlooksobeautiful a don tsaysob notbeautifulc thankyoud notatall a c c 二 完形填空 10小题 共15分 mygoodfriendtony 21 canada he samiddleschoolstudent he sfourteenyearsold he 22 brownhairandbigeyes 23 sisterisann she sastudent 24 buttheyaren tinthe 25 school she stallandthin 26 longbrownhair she sgood looking 27 fatherisabankclerk heisofmedium 28 helikes 29 sunglassesinsummer tony smotherisanurse shehaslongcurlyhair she 30 young nowtheyliveinbeijing china theyalllikechinaandchinesepeople 21 a isb isfromc comefromd from 22 a isb havec hasd thereis 23 a himb herc hisd he s 24 a alsob tooc eitherd never 25 a sameb differentc samelyd differently 26 a withb andc isd has 27 a theirb themc theirsd they 28 a highb buildc heavyd thin 29 a wearingb wearsc havingd wear 30 a lookb islookingc looksd looking b c c b a a a b a c 三 短文填空 10小题 10分 i mscottdean thisisaphoto31 myfamily theman32 glassesismyfather heisadoctor he33 inahospital thewomanismymother sheisnotthinor34 sheisofmediumbuild she35 historyinamiddleschool sheisagoodteacher thestudentsalllike36 ihaveabrotherandtwosisters mybrotherkenisgoodat37 hewantstobeanartistinthefuture the38 girlsaremysisterslisaandlinda theyareinthe39 class they of with works fat heavy teaches her drawing art two same arebothgoodatenglish theythinkenglishisfun 40 ithinkitisalittledifficult but 四 阅读理解 5小题 10分 信息匹配 请阅读以下相关信息 然后把人物及他们所需要的书籍匹配 并将答案的字母编号填在题前的括号内或按当地要求在指定位置处填写 c f a b e 五 根据所给单词的中文意思或者根据所给单词的适当形式完成句子 10小题 共10分 46 iusuallygotothe 电影院 withherfriendsonweekends 47 shecan t 记得 thenameofhermathteacher 48 whoisthe 真实的 criminal 49 theboy 描述 whatheseestohismother 50 theapplesaredelicious iwanttoeat 另一个 one cinema remember real describes another 51 hewritesalostnoticeontheblackboard find hiswatch 52 jack have straighthairandbigeyes 53 heusually wear sportsshoes 54 one ofall heisverykind 55 hissisterwantstobea sing whenshegrowsup tofind has wears first singer 六 完成句子 5小题 共10分 56 你的爸爸长什么样 doesyourfather 57 我们的历史老师个子很高 留着短发 ourhistoryteacher and 58 这个箱子有点重 我搬不动 theboxis andican tcarryit 59 周末我经常和我的朋友去看电影 ioften withmyfriendsonweekends what looklike isverytall alittle abit alittlebitheavy gotothecinema gotoseeafilm gotothemovie hasshorthair his her hairisshort 60 迈克和他的哥哥总是以同种方式看事情 mikeandhisbrotheralwaysseethings inthesameway 七 读写综合 本大题分a b两部分 共30分 a 信息归纳 5小题 共10分 mynameistom mybestfriendsarejohnandann johnlivesnearmyhouseandweareinthesameclass he stallandthin hehasblondehairandblueeyes heispoliteandveryclever heisverygoodatmathandsometimeshelpsmewithmyhomework heusuallywearsjeansandabluet shirt wethreeoftenplaybasketballinanearbypark myfriendannstudiesatanotherschool she sshortandthinwithstraightbrownhairand browneyes she salittlebitshy weallhavekongfulessonseverytuesdayandfridayafternoon welovekungfuverymuch annisreallygoodatkungfu wecallher kongfugirl sometimesshepracticeskungfuwithus sheloveswearingat shirtandahat wehavegreatfuntogether informationcard johnandann math jeansandabluet shirt everytuesdayandfridayafternoon at shirtandahat b 书面表达 1小题 20分 从上面的短文中我们知道不同的人有不同的长相 不同的人对同一事物也有不同的观点 假如你结识了一位名叫mary的新笔友 请根据她发给你的有关信息 写一篇不少于60词的短文介绍她 可适当扩充 ihaveanewpen


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