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主备人:孙婧 4A Unit5 Our new home(第一课时)教学内容:4A Unit5 Our new home教学目标:1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词home, sofa, bedroom, kitchen, living room, come。2.能用句型Wheres ? Its Where are ?Its/ Theyre 寻找东西。3.能听懂、正确地理解并用合适的升降调朗读Story time,在老师的引导和帮助下表演课文内容。4.能通过对Story time的学习,体会到自己的物品要会自己整理和保管。教学重难点:1.单词home, sofa, bedroom, kitchen, living room, come的发音和具体运用。2.句型Wheres ? Its Where are ? Theyre的运用。教学准备:多媒体课件,图片。教学过程:Step 1 Warm up课前热身:播放动画和歌曲:on in under,学生边看边尝试着跟读、跟唱。(快速进入英语学习氛围,看动画,学唱歌,对接下来的课堂教学内容有整体的感知。)1.Greetings T:Good afternoon, boys and girls. Ss:Good afternoon, Miss Sun T:How are you today? Ss:Fine, thank you. And you? T:Not bad.2Listen to the song on in under 3.Free talk (1)T:boys and girls,Whats this? Ss:Its a bird./A bird.Step 2 Presentation and practice1.Lead in T:Look! Wheres the bird?Guess. Ss :. T:Its in the tree.Look,It has some good friends. 2New wordsT:(出示幻灯片:小鸟们在树上)Who can ask me? Ss:Where are the birds? T:Theyre in the tree. 出示家的图片师提示The home is _. (教师提示)Big or small? Is it nice? Ss:The home is big/small/nice/new/ T:The home is new.So today well learn Unit 5 Our new home.(指着板书,学生跟读)3.Story1)T:Girls and boys,theres a new home. Do you want to go with us?(你们想跟我们去看看吗?) S:OK.Lets go.2) Learn:bathroom,living room sofa bedroom以上通过一扇门打开逐个学习。其中拓展学习短语。3) Play a game :Whats this?通过练习巩固单词4)Watch and answer T:First, we should watch and answer two questions. Task1:Watch and answer. Q1:Who are at home? Q2:What are they doing? Are you ready? Ss:Go! Ss watch the cartoon. Ss answer the questions:Theyre Su Hai, Su Yang and mum. They are moving house. Theyre looking for something.(板书贴苏海苏洋头像)2)T:Theyre looking for something.What are they looking for?Task2:Listen and choose.Ss listen to the story, then circle the pictures.T Check the answer.(板书贴三个物品图片)3)T:You all did a good job! But how do they look for the things? Ss:她们问妈妈和姐姐。 T:How do they ask? Task3:Read and underline. Ss read and underline the sentences with _. Check the answer: Ss:Mum, wheres my bag? T:Tips(注意体会寻找东西时的焦急心情)教师播放录音,学生跟读,体会语音语调。 Ss:Mum, where are my skirts? (多读) Ss:Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? (多读) T:Good!/Wonderful! Can you help them? Ss read and under the sentences with _ Ss:Its in your bedroom. (Teach: bedroom 教师出示bedroom图片贴在黑板上,进行单词分解教学) 教师带领学生读句子。 Ss:Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. 教师带领学生读句子。 Ss:Your cap is in the kitchen! (Teach: kitchen 教师出示kitchen图片贴在黑板上,进行单词分解教学) 教师带领学生读句子。4)T:Now can you match them? Task4:Read and match. Ss read the story, then match. Check the answer. Ss:Su Hais _ is in the _. Su Yangs _ are in the _. T:Su Yangs cap is in the kitchen. Its in the dogs mouth! So funny!5)T:Youre very good! Task5:Read after the recorder. 教师播放录音,学生跟读,读得不好的地方多读。 Teach:come come and look Your cap is in the kitchen! It looks so funny!体会语气6)T:OK. Now the next task:Read in groups. Three in a group, read or act the dialogue, OK? Ss work in groups. Ss 上台展示,注意加动作。教师对表演者给予一定的奖励。7)T:What have we learned from the story? Ss say in Chinese. T:We should be good at collecting and keeping our own things, to avoid that we cant find something, also it can help our parents. OK? Ss:OK.Step 3 Consolidation1.Summary当我们想问某个物品在哪里时,我们可以用Wheres.?来询问,回答时用Its . 当我们想问某些物品在哪里时,我们可以用Where are.?来询问,回答时用Theyre来回答。注意物品的复数形式需要加S或es或变y为i再加es. 2.Exercise:Look, read and write Su Hai and Su Yang are in their new home. Su Hai: Where are my pencils?Su Yang: Theyre _ the desk.Su Hai: _ my schoolbag?Su Yang: _ _ on the bed?Su Hai: No, it _.Su Yang: Oh, its _the desk. _ _ my dolls?Su Hai: _ on the bed. Wheres my toy panda?Su Yang: Your toy panda is under the _.Su Hai: Lets tide up(整理)our room.Step 4 Homework1.Listen to the tape of Story time, try to imitate the pronunciation. Then act the dialogue with your friends.2.Learn to clean up the rooms with your parents: help.教学反思 Unit 5 Our new home 是江苏译林版英语四A上册的内容,主要是学习一些家具物品以及一些常用房间的单词,涉及到的主要是有关地点的句型:Where is/ are.? Its/ Theyre.和一些常用介词的用法。而对于地点的提问,其实学生已在牛津小学英语2A中学习过,包括一些常用的介词也都学过,所以,对于句型的学习,其实主要还是复习巩固。但是如果一堂课只是在复习以前学过的知识,那么对于新授课来说,肯定是不够的。于是在复习的基础上,我进一步挖深了一些内容,下面我就详细地分享一下我关于本课时的一些反思。首先,这是本单元的第一课时,那么新授是必然的。但是要如何将新授单词自然地融入到课堂中,再融入到Story time中呢?为了解决这一问题,从一开始我就向学生听声音猜小鸟。然后通过小鸟飞走,运用Where is/are the bird/birds?并且这两句型可以贯穿整堂课的始终。通过介绍小鸟飞到一座新房子,引出了 new home,由此引出本课的课题Our new home。由小鸟进新房子,引出单词living room。这样学生在识记单词时不是单纯地去记一个完全陌生的单词,而是在之前已比较熟知的基础上记单词,就相对容易一些。在此基础再拓展新的词组。之后,通过图片展示在客厅里的东西,复习并学习一些家居类单词。同时复习到bed时引出单词bedroom。通过房间里物品的不同,引出kitchen.再通过Naughty出现在不同地点,学习句型,并进一步巩固刚刚学习过的单词。到这里,本节课的新授内容基本已经结束了。接下来就是对本节课的巩固了。通过不同物品摆放在不同的地点,包括大地点和小地点,来操练句型的同时,将两句话整合。注意大地点和小地点摆放位置的不同,标点符号的用法也不同。这是本节课的难点。于是针对这一难点,我设计了一些方法来帮助学生掌握,比如说chant和pair work。我给出的图片主要是衣服在各个房间里的摆放。这其实也是为下面课文内容的出现做好铺垫。学生在一问一答中,对大小地点的用法,掌握得都比较好了。于是就可以引出story time了。其实在之前学习的基础上,故事里的内容对于学生而言已经是很简单的了。于是只需通过观看动画并回答几个问题,学生就可以轻松掌握此故事的大概了。但是,我们的学习还不止于此。于是我通过几个典型问题,帮助学生了解大概的故事内容,以及一些物品的摆放地点。并且帮助学生归纳总结,并复述出本故事的主要内容。复述对于四年级学生来说,还是一件很难的事情。虽然,我已在黑板上把主要的人物,物品以


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