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扬中市第二实验小学五年级英语集体备课蓝本教案 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 【教学内容】Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears【课型】 新授课、复习课、练习课【课时安排】四课时 第一课时【教学内容】Storytime , 单词: house, room, in front of, her, beside, between; bear, forest, there, soup,词组和句型:just right, hard, soft, afraid; There is There are Help!【课时目标】1.能掌握四会单词: house, room, in front of, her, beside, between;2.能掌握三会单词和词组: bear, forest, there, soup, just right, hard, soft, afraid;3.能掌握四会句型: There is There are Help!4.培养学生阅读能力及阅读技巧;5.能理解故事大意,较流利的朗读并试着表演故事。6.引导学生观察比较,大胆开口说英语的能力。7.让学生认识到,人和动物和谐的关系。【教学重点】1.能理解故事大意,较流利的朗读并试着表演故事。2.能掌握四会单词: house, room, in front of, her, beside, between;3.能掌握三会单词和词组: bear, forest, there, soup, just right, hard, soft, afraid;【教学难点】能掌握四会句型: There is There are Help!【教学具准备】多媒体课件【教学过程】Step1. Warm up 1 Greetings 2 Free talk: What do you like doing at home? Do you like games? Step 2. Pre-reading1 T: Do you like reading stories? OK, our class will go to read a story. Areyou happy? First, lets go to a place. Try to guess what place it is? Riddle.- forest2 There are many trees in the forest. There are in the forest.3 (video) (Some birds, some flowers, a house) What else can you see in the forest? Students try to say: There is/are in the forest.4 (PPT) There is a girl in the forest. Her name is Goldilocks.5 T: Goldilocks is very happy, she sees the beautiful house. - What a beautiful house!(指导朗读)6 T: Whose house is it?Can you guess? Teach the new words: house, bear.Step 3. While-reading1 T: Its the bears house. Today well read a story: Goldilocks and the three bears2 Watch and answer: Whats in the house? Teach the new word: soup Theres some soup. There are three beds. There are three bears.3 Read and complete: Whats the matter with Goldilocks? She is hungry, thirsty, tired and afraid.4 T: Look, theres a clock in the house. Its twelve now. Goldilocks is hungry and thirsty. Oh, there is some soup on the table. Look at Goldilocks, which soup does she like? Teach the new phrases: too cold, too hot, just right.5 Listen, copy and act.6 She is tired. Which bed does she like? Teach the words: hard, soft T: If youre Goldilocks, How will you say?7 Listen, copy and act.8 Goldilocks can have a sleep. But How is Goldilocks? Why is she afraid? There are three bears in front of her. - in front of9 How do the bears and Goldilocks say?10 Read the story Read after the tape. Read one by one/after one/together.11预习反馈:Look and order Turn to page 8 and order the pictures according to the story.12 Try to remember the story Look at the picture and try to complete the whole sentences.13 Retell the story Goldilocks is happy.- Goldilocks is hungry and thirsty. - Goldilocks is tired. - Goldilocks is afraid.Step 4. After-reading1 Whats the story ending?2 The next day, Goldilocks and her friends go to visit the house again. What will happen to them? Discuss in groups and make a new dialogue.3 Act out the new dialogue.Step 5. Homework1. Read the story, and try to tell it to your parents.2. Preview Grammar time and Fun time.第二课时【教学内容】Grammar time &Fun time【课时目标】1.能正确地听、说、读、写单词 beside, between.2.能听懂、会说和会运用There be 句型描述某处存有某样东西。3.能理解并掌握Grammar time 中的There be 句型的用法及规则,还有单词too的用法。4.能对课文有更深入的理解,能熟练运用课文中出现的句型,并对课文发挥想象加以拓展。5.能使用句型 There is /arein/on/under/behind/between/in front of。6.情感目标:通过本课的学习,激起学生学习英语的热情,鼓励学生发挥想象对课文进行拓展【教学重、难点】能理解并掌握Grammar time 中的There be 句型的用法及规则,还有单词too的用法。【教学具准备】PPT 教学课件【教学过程】Step 1 Revision (1)Game: True or falseJudge the sentences according to the story.(2) Show two bears. Talk about two bears.(3) Look and sayWhat is soft? What is hard?(4) Try to know the antonymLead out the phase in front of.(5) Look and say Where is the bear?Lead out the new words: beside and between.Step 2 Presentation(1) Grammar timeThe usage of the word “too”.a. This soup is too cold.This soup is too hot.This bed is too hard.This bed is too soft.How to use “too” to modify adj.b. Look at the pictures and try to complete the sentences.The usage of the word “There is /There are”.a. Think and sayAccording to the pictures, try to say the sentences in groups.Read the sentences and try to conclude the differences between “There is” and “There are” by themselves. b. Game timeAccording to the pictures, try to choose the words “is” or “are” in boys and girls.(2) Look and writeWelcome to the bears house! Look, there _ a picture _the wall. There _ a table in the house. There _some honey(蜂蜜)_ the table. There _ two balls _ the table. There _ a car_ two balls. There _ a clock _the window. There _a cap _ the clock. Do you like their house.(3) Fun time Whats in Goldilocks house?Draw and say(4) A new storyThree bears are in the town. They are at Goldilocks home now.Bears: Hello, Goldilocks.Goldilocks: Hello. Welcome to my house.Bears: What a nice house!Goldilocks: Thank you ! Are you hungry? There is /There are 第三课时【教学内容】Cartoonculture time 【课时目标】1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 really , find , their.2.能听懂、会说和会读单词 then.3.能听懂、会说、并有感情的朗读句子There arent any cakes here. Here are the cakes.4.培养学生在理解Cartoon time内容的基础上正确,流利,有感情的朗读表演能力。在初步接触Culture time的基础上体会中西方饮品文化的差异。【教学重点】能听懂、会说、并有感情的朗读句子There arent any cakes here. Here are the cakes.【教学难点】培养学生在理解Cartoon time内容的基础上正确,流利,有感情的朗读表演能力。在初步接触Culture time的基础上体会中西方饮品文化的差异。【教学具准备】Cartoon time 动画。【教学过程】Step 1 Game timeT: Lets play a game called Yes or no.Step 2 Cartoon time1. T: How about Bobbys living room?Whats in the living room? Ss: There is / There are .2. T: Look at Bobby ,whats the matter with Bobby? Ss: Hes hungry.3. T: Yes, hes hungry. Do you have any suggestions? Ss: Heres / Here are . T: This is Tinas suggestion. But do you kow where the cakes are?4. Watch and choose ( ) A. Yes ,he can. B. No,he cant. C. Sorry, I dont know. T: Where are the cakes now ? Please read and find.5. T: Yes ,please look at this picture.There are some new words in this picture.Work in four, try to read them.(Learn then , find , their )6. Listen and repeat7. Read it together.8. T: Try to remember the sentences as more as you can.9. T: Lets try to remember.10. T: Bobby is very angry, do you know what he should say? Discuss in four, try ro find the proper sentences.11. Try to imitate T: Discuss in four, try ro find the proper emotions.12. Lets act T: Work in four, try to act the dialogue.Step 3 Culture time1. Watch a short video.2. Talk about the video. 3. Talk about coffee.4. T: What is popular in China? 5. Talk about tea.Step 4. Homework 1. Recite the story.2. 完成课后延伸。第四课时【教学内容】Sound time &Checkout time& Ticking time 【课时目标】1.能理解课文story time,并尝试根据图片提示完整地讲述这个故事。2.能熟练运用句型:Theres /There are ,对特定环境中的事物进行描述,并能运用四会单词进行There be句型肯定句式写的训练。3.能熟练掌握字母c在单词中的读音。4.熟练掌握字母c在单词中的读音,并能利用类似的发音规律自学新的单词。 5.在学习的过程中加深对家庭的了解并激发学生爱家的情感,同时加深学生对美好环境的热爱和保护。6.教育学生在生活中做个善于观察的孩子。【教学重、难点】能熟练运用句型:Theres /There are ,对特定环境中的事物进行描述,并能运用四会单词进行There be句型肯定句式写的训练。【教学具准备】1.PPT2. 补充习题。【教学过程】Step 1 Greetings.Step 2 Free talk.Whats in our classroom?Theres/are.(学生自由回答)You did a good job!Today well go on learn about this unit. This is our learning aims.Show the learning aims.Step3. Revision.1. Look and try to retell:work in four.Tip:四人为一组,分工合作每人复述一幅图。分层次进行操练并评价:(一颗星)completely and fluently(两颗星)completely fluently and eloquently(三颗星)completely fluently eloquently and do some actions学生自评和小组成员互评完成ticking time部分的第一项评价。Step4: Presentation and Consolidation1.Sound time(1)PPT出示两个人物,引导学生提问。Look and try to ask and answer: Who are they?(引导学生回答)They are Goldilocks_ and _.呈现“uncle”and”cousin”(2)观察PPT出示的两个人物,引导学生回答。Are they happy? Whats the matter? Theyre ill.呈现句型“My uncle has a cold, And my cousin too!”(引导学生将这两个句型进行简单朗读。)So the doctor is coming.呈现“doctor” What is he saying?Please listen carefully.Please listen and try to fill in the blank.My uncle has a cold, And my cousin too!The doctor comes and says,_!(3) Work in two.体会并大声且有节奏地朗读这段话。(4) 自由朗读sound time中罗列出的有规律的单词,并体会字母”c”在单词中发音。(5) Brain storm.work in pairs.同桌先讨论一下并汇总还有哪些单词中含有字母c发/k/的。然后全班反馈。(6) 课外拓展:结合句型和图片引导学生理解含有字母c发/k/的四个新单词。并尝试大声读出来。(7) 学生自评和小组成员互评完成ticking time部分的第三项评价。2. Checkout time(Look and say)(1) PPT出示Goldilo


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