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Favouritetoys 设计
牛津小学英语5B M2U2《Favourite toys》教学设计 学习目标: 1、能听、说、认读单词:dinosaur, computer, all, both. 2、能正确运用句型“Which …do you like? I like both/all the …”询问和回答喜爱的玩具。 3、正确朗读对话,能根据图片和玩具实物进行问答练习。 学习重点:正确运用both 和 all the 回答由which…引起的特殊疑问句。 学习难点:能正确区分both和all the. 学习流程: Step 1 Check.(5minutes) Show a toy bear and say: This is my toy bear. It’s my favourite toy. Do you like it? Do you have any toys? Today we will learn Unit 2 Favourite toys. (板书课题) Today I will take you to a toy shop. I t’s very beautiful. Show a toy shop and let the Ss guess: What’s in the toy shop? (充分调动学生的思维,激活学生积累的玩具单词。) Show the toy words and let the Ss read: aeroplane, bicycle, skateboard, doll, robot, panda, kite, car, bear, robot, … Play a game. (认读单词我在行!) Step 2 Presentation.(15 minutes) Learn the words: Introduce some new toys. Say: In the toy shop, there are other toys, do you want to know? Oh, let’s look at them.(运用课件,介绍新玩具,引出重点句型和新授课文。) New words: dinosaur, computer. Ask pupils to read and make sentences with the words.(先引导学生根据元音字母和字母组合尝试读出单词,再领读,自主读,互读,互背。) e.g. I like dinosaurs. I like playing computers. Learn the new sentences: Show two pandas and ask: Which panda do you like? I like the big/ small one. Lead the pupils try to say: I like both pandas. Show anther panda and say: Now I have three pandas. Which panda do you like? Lead the pupils try to say: I like the three pandas. Oh! I like the three pandas, too. I like all the pandas. All the three pandas are lovely. Learn the word: all 都,指三者或三者以上“都”,“both”指两者“都”,它们都要与名词复数形式连用。 Play the tape and let the Ss listen and repeat. Then read the dialogue in pairs. Step 3 Cooperation.(10minutes) Read the dialogues in pairs. Ask and answer in pairs. (让学生说出在练习这个对话时需要注意什么。) Step 4 Show.(5minutes) 1.I can read and remember the new words. (两人一组互背单词) 2.I can act the dialogue. (Act in groups first. Then act in class.) 3.I can make some dialogues using the sentences: A: Which … do you like? B: I like both/all the … Step 5 Consolidation.(5minutes) 达标检测: 一、写出下列单词的汉语意思:(根据时间,可以采用说一说的方法。) soldier______ computer________ dinosaur________ bicycle_______ skateboard____________ robot_________ 二、选择填空: ( )1. ---Which __ do you like? --- I like all the______ A. car, cars B. bears, bear C. dinosaurs, dinosaurs ( )2. ---Which ___do you like? --- I like both_____ . A. cars, car B. bear, bears C. computers, computer ( )3.I like all ____computers. A. the B. both C./ ( )4. Alice likes ____computer. A. a B. all the C./ ( )5.---____ panda do you like? --I like both pandas . A. What B. Which C. Where Step 5Homework: 1、根据26页图片自编两组对话写在你的本子上。2、Finish your workbook at page 12.
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