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扬中市第一中学 九年级英语导学案 9B Unit3 Robots第五课时 Grammar 2(新授课)主备人:黄彩云 审核人:九年级备课组 审批人: 班级: 姓名: 【学习目标】1. 宾语从句和疑问词+to do 2. 状语从句和带to的不定式【教学重点、难点】 掌握宾语从句和状语从句及其宾语补足语和动词不定式的用法 【课堂学习研讨】语法 1。宾语从句和疑问词+to do 见书P782 状语从句和带to的不定式 见书P78知识点讲解1. unsure adj.不确定,没把握 反义词 sure 在句中作表语be sure of sth. 对某事没把握when you _ _ _ your spelling,please look up it in the dictionary.当你对拼写没把握时,请在字典中查一下它。He _ _ what to do next. 他对下一步该做什么犹豫不定。【课堂检测】一、 根据句意及汉语提示 完成单词。1. Mike catches a cold and he has to have some _ (药片) three times a day.2. His mother was angry because she found her room in a _ (完全的) mess.3. The man has a _ (严重的) heart problem.4. I want to _ (储藏) some water in the bottle. 5.Some people are very hard to _ (满足).二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. His leg was hurt three months ago, but now he can walk around _(free).2. I am _ (sure) whether your father is in the office.3. My grandfather is _ (forget) because he has a bad memory.4. I dont know how _ (make) the little boy laugh.5. Computers are very useful in our _ (day) life.【课后作业】 一、 翻译短语1.忙于各种各样的家务活 _2.认为机器人在我们生活中一个巨大的帮助_3.感觉和机器人住在一起舒服_4. 出差去深圳_5. 有一个严重的心脏问题_6. 在正确的时间提醒你服药 _7. 努力做一些事来使你开心_8.太健忘以至于没有锁门_ 9.给我买我需要的所有东西_10.上下楼梯_ 11.有一个更好的睡眠_12.不确定在哪儿找到你的衣服_ 二、同义句转换:1. The programme is too boring for many people to like.The programme is_ boring _ many people _ _ _.2. Miss Zhang found the man dead in the kitchen.Miss Zhang found_ _ _ _ _ in the kitchen.3. The boy is so clever that he can work out the difficult problem. The boy is _ _ _ work out the difficult problem.4. Miss Green agreed that she would help me with my Japanese.Miss Green _ _ _ me with my Japanese.5. Mr. Jiang doesnt know what to do with the robot.Mr. Jiang doesnt know what _ _ _ _ the robot.6. Tom cant decide when to play and when to study.Tom cant decide _ _ _ play and _ _ _ study.7. He thinks it difficult to learn the language well.He thinks _ _ _ _ _ _ the language well.8. The novel is interesting enough for everybody to read. The novel is_ interesting _ everybody likes to read it. 9. She saw that the boys were playing football on the playground.She _ _ _ _ football on the playground.10. They wandered. When will they finish the task?They wandered _ _ _ finish the task.三、 单项选择( )1.Im going to take him to some famous hutongs _ he can learn more about China.A. because B. when C. so that D. as if( )2. He started early _ catch the morning train. A. in order to B. in order that C. so as D. so that ( )3. Have you decided _ to have a picnic? Not yet. It depends on the weather. A. whom to go B. how to go C. when to go D. why to go ( )4. I havent seen my grandparents for a long time.Im too busy _ them these days Why not call them instead? A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. visited( )5.In order _ for the show, I forced myself to get up early this morning. A. not to be late B. not being late C. to be late D. being late( )6. What did your father say? He asked us _.A. how to fix up the bikes B. why we fix up the bikes C. that we fixed up the bikes D. where did we fix up the bikes ( )7.When something is wrong with your robot, it might _ in your flat.A. make a mess B. made a mess C. makes a mess D. made mess( )8. Though the dishes were so-so, it seemed that _ my father was pleased with his journey.A. in general B. so far C. after all D. for example( )9.Mum, must I _ the plates right mow? - No, you neednt . You can do it later.A. wash up B. tidy up C. clean up D. put up ( )10.My teacher was so satisfied _ Henrys composition that he read it to us in class.A. to B. about C. with D. on四、翻译句子1. 我的手机不能正常工作了。My mobile phone cant _.2. 为了使教室像新的一样,我们每天打扫。We sweep the floor every day _.3. 她埋怨房间太小了。(complain)She _.4.我们对这个结果很满意。We _ the result.5.你能告诉我他在哪买的那个熨斗吗?Canyouhelpme_.6如果你的机器人感染了病毒,那么就会引起许多麻烦。Ifyourrobot_.9B Unit3 Robots第六课时Integrated Skills(新授课)主备人:黄彩云 审核人:九年级备课组 审批人: 班级: 姓名: 【学习目标】1. 从阅读和听力材料中获取信息,完成一份电子邮件;2. 谈论机器人能做的事;3. 表达对机器人的看法。【学习重点、难点】 从阅读和听力材料中获取信息,谈论机器人能做的事;【知识点】1. customer的基本意思是“顾客”,指具体的人,是可数名词, The are going to law for the bad service.这位顾客将为此恶劣服务诉诸法律。辨析 guest,shopper,customer这三个词都是“顾客”的意思。其区别是:guest指旅馆、饭店等的顾客,shopper指商店里的顾客customer则是针对某一商店而言的顾客。2.hold动词,用于打电话时,意为“等待,不挂断”。如:Hello,may I speak to Ken? on,please. 你好,请Ken接电话好吗? 请稍等。3.put through,“给接通(电话)”,through用作副词,意为“(电话)接通”。如:I will the you now. 我马上为您接通电话。Please Personnel Department. 请给我接通人事部。拓展 through为介词,主要有以下几种意义:“穿过;通过”。The river our village. 这条河流过我们的村子。“以;凭借”。She got the position her elder brother. 她靠她哥哥获得了那个职位。“由于;因为”。They lost their jobs no fault of their own. 他们失业不是因为自身的过失。“在整个期间”。He read the manuscript. 他把手稿从头到尾都看了。“遍及;在之间”。She has traveled Europe. 她已经游遍欧洲。“完成;(做)完”。We all got our examinations. 我们都通过考试了。4.“have+stn(宾语)+过去分词(宾语补足语)”意为“让/叫/请别人做某事”。宾语stn后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth与过去分词表示的动作之间是动宾关系。He just now.他刚才请人把手机修好了。Ill tomorrow.我明天要去理发。【课堂检测】 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,使句子完整、通顺 1. Mr Wus shirts are (熨汤) by the robot twice a week.2. He helped the old (顾客) find the lost wallet just now.3. We always have a spare (车轮) in our car.4. The sports meeting (举行) next week, isnt it?5. Do you know how long the robots b will last?6. When did the teacher tell you about the (decide)?7. The beauty of the lake attracted her (complete). 8. You should put me t to the sales department;9. We will never give up working w happens.10. One shouldnt be (satisfy) with only a little success.【课后作业】一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,使句子完整、通顺 1. Mrs Wus dress used (iron) by the robot twice a week.2. He had the old house (repair) the afternoon before last.3. We usually have four w in our car.4. A driver can see the road behind him by looking at the back view (镜子).5. This store has various articles of _ _ (日常的) use you could wish for.6. The fire s from the factory to the houses nearby.7. If you dont take part in the party, I wont take part in it ,e .8. You must put the (文件) into the drawer because they are very important.9. He did all the housework without a word of (complain).10. Since his wife left him, he has become more and more (tidy).二、单项选择( )1. The students are discussing a more meaningful holiday.A. how they can spend B. how will they spend C. how can they spend D. how they would spend( )2. Im new here. Could you please tell me ? A. how is the building used B. when does the first class beginC. where is the dining hall D. how many classes our school has ( )3. I know the name of the pretty girl on the playground, but I an not sure . A. how old is she B. where she lives C. where does she come from D. how tall is she ( )4. Dad, I wonder . He will talk about your study with me. A. if the teacher will come to our house B. why the teacher will come to visit youC. how the teacher will come to our house D. when the teacher comes to visit you( )5. Could you tell me dictionary ? I think its Millies. A. who; this was B. whose; was this C. whose; this is D. who; is this( )6. She often helps her mother with the housework, for example, washing the dishes, sweeping the floor and the bed, etc. A. getting B. selling C. repairing D. making( )7. All the windows are closed in winter, so we should often open them to the room. A. clean B. sweep C. air D. heat( )8. You must do what you are doing well even if you are not happy your job now. A. at B. with C. over D. on( )9. Something has wrong with the clock. We buy a new one. A. come; neednt B. gone; need to C. turned; cant D. looked; couldnt( )10. Who the rumour (谣言)? Please help me make it clear and I will thank you greatly. A. spread B. complained C. thought D. copied三、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 当他下班回家时,他发现晚饭已经好了。 When he , he found supper was ready.2. 我们确信将来你会喜欢机器人。We youll like the robot .3. 我期望这次汽车展至少持续两个星期。 I expect the car exhibition two weeks.4. 她最喜欢的机器人是那个能帮她做作业的。 Her favourite robot is the one that her her homework.5. 我们需要在上午9点左右从家出发以便能准时到达那儿。 We leave home at around 9:00 am we can arrive there .6. 昨天他收到他顾客的来信。 He yesterday.7. 听说您不能来参加聚会,我感到遗憾。 hear that you are unable to go to the party.8. 昨天我打电话给你,但是没有人回答。 I called you yesterday, but .9. 他对比赛结果很满意。He the result of the match.10. 你站起来好让我能看看你有多高。 Stand up I can see how tall you are .9B Unit3 Robots第七课时Study skills and Task (新授课)主备人:黄彩云 审核人:九年级备课组 审批人: 班级: 姓名: 【学习目标】 写作训练【学习重点、难点】 写作训练【知识点】1.satisfied形容词,意为“满足的,满意的”,be satisfied with 对 感到满意They have plenty of _ _.他们有充足的满意的顾客。95% of passengers say they _ _ _ the bus service.95%的乘客说他们对公共汽车的服务感到满意。# satisfy动词,意为“使满意”;satisfaction名词,意为“满意”。be unhappy with/about“对不满意”。 be happy with/about;be pleased with;be satisfied with。 He had reason to _ _ _ _ since he was one of only seven out of forty candidates who were successful.他有理由沾沾自喜,应为他是40个候选人里仅有的7名成功者之一。2.first of all,“首先;第一”,在句中用作状语。 _ _ _ , I want to say something about the exam.首先,我想说说考试方面的事。3.regret动词,意为“懊悔,惋惜,遗憾”。 regretted regretting(1)后接名词或代词,表示对某事后悔。Ive never _ the decision.我从不后悔那个决定。If you dont do it now,youll only_ _. 你如果现在不做,以后一定会后悔的。(2)后接动词不定式表示因将要做某事而感到抱歉或不快。I_ _ _ _ _ this,but I have _ _.我很遗憾不得不这样去做,但我别无选择。(3)后接动名词表示因做了某事而感到后悔。I _ _ _ her what I thought.我不为告诉她我的想法而后悔。(4)后接从句表示对某事感到遗憾。I _ that I am unable to accept your kind invitation.很遗憾,我不能接受你友好的邀请。You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.Well,now I regret_that. A.to do B.to be doing C.to have done D.having done4.give sth a try的意思是“试一试某事/物”。I would like to _ _ _ _ _ .我想试一试这台电脑。Look,weve _ _ _ _. 看,我们已经试过了。Would you like to_ the new car_ _? 你想试一试这台新车吗?【课堂检测】 写作上个星期你们学校去阳光镇参观了“国际机器人展”,你对机器人有了许多了解,请你根据提示写一篇短文,谈谈如果有了机器人将对你的生活带来的变化,开头已给出。词数80左右。 好处:你有更多空闲时间从事自己的爱好,可以帮助你做家务,如洗衣服、做饭、打扫卫生。 坏处:会感染病毒,引起许多麻烦。会把早餐放进洗衣机,会把衬衫扔进垃圾箱。最后不得不送回机器人商店。 Last week I visited International Robot Exhibition in Sunshine Town _【课后作业】一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,使句子完整、通顺1. There is an _ of oil paintings in the museum.(exhibit)2.I have decided to write a _(complain) letter for my broken bike.3. Chen Dan is not at all _ (satisfy) with the lazy robot.4. The new robot is moving around _ (free) in the office.5. My radio doesnt work. I will put a new _(电池) into it.6. His robot can stand on four small _(轮子)7. Put your things away. Your room is always in a _(杂乱)8. In winter, the bird flu(禽流感) _(病毒) is easier to spread. So we should be more careful.9.The classroom is so dirty, you should empty the _(垃圾) every day.10. For a moment he was completely _ (knock) over by the news of his friends death.二、根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空格填一词1.You will find Wu Dong (interest) if you talk with him.2. He made a shelf (care) to keep his new books.3. The computer room must be always kept (clean).4. She is (tall) of the twins.5. Chinas Shenzhou manned spacecraft (land) safely on October 17th, 2005.6. This is one of the most important the great .(invent).7. Mr Cheng told his son not to spend too much time (play) computer games.8. He joined the air force and took (flight) lessons.9. When they went into the park, they saw someone (play) Chinese kungfu.10. “What did she forget when she left for home?” “ (take) the keys.”三、选择题( )1. The robot is _dear. I dont have _money. A. much too; too much B. too much; much too; C. much


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