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师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构 北京学位英语试题北京学位英语试题 语法分析 二 语法分析 二 第二节第二节 虚拟语气虚拟语气 虚拟语气是北京地区英语三级考试的重要考点之一 表示一种假想的情况或主观愿 望 表达异想天开很难实现的愿望 表达建议 命令 劝告等语气 在使用虚拟语气时 句 子的动词往往需要特殊形式 三级英语考试试卷中考察虚拟语气时都是从所需要的动词的特 殊形式方面命题 考生只要掌握了本节的知识 并对往年试题认真研习 一定不会在虚拟语 气这个考点上失分 一 虚拟语气的基本形式和用法 一 虚拟语气的基本形式和用法 虚拟 条件 语气中 主句与从句中谓语动词的形式可分为下面三类 虚拟语气考题千变万化 但都是有规可循 上表考生务必要牢记在心中 往年试题 往年试题 例 1 Mary said to me Had I seen your bag I it to you A will return B must return C could return D would have returned 答案 D 2004 年 4 月 45 题 例 2 I would ask George to lend us the money if I him A had known B have known C knew D know 师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构 答案 C 1995 年 38 题 例 3 If Bob with us he would have had a good time A would come B would have come C had come D came 答案 C 1995 年 59 题 二 二 if 引导的虚拟条件句引导的虚拟条件句 条件句指表示假定情况的句子 大都包含一个由 if 引导的条件从句 条件句有两种 一种表示可能成为现实的情况 即为真实条件句 例 If you ask him he will help you 如果你向他请求 他会帮助你 这个句子中假设的情况是可能发生的 句子谓语使用陈述语气 但是 与此相反如果假设的情况完全是假想 是与现实不一样的或发生的可能性不大 那么此时就要用虚拟条件句了 例 If I were you I d go to night school 如果我是你 我就上夜校 当然我不是你 If she were younger she would study computer science 如果她再年轻一点 她会学计 算机科学的 她当然不会再年轻 但是 考生要注意 在虚拟条件句中 如谓语包含 were had should 等词 这时候要用 倒装语序 即把这些词放到主语前面 省略 if 例 Were she in charge If she were in charge she would do things differently 如果是她负责 她会是另一种做法 Should I be free tomorrow I will come 万一明天我有空我会来 往年试题 往年试题 例 1 the advice of his friends he would not have suffered such a heavy loss in his business 师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构 A If he took B If he should take C Were he to take D Had he taken 答案 D 2004 年 4 月 34 题 例 2 I should ask them some questions A Should they come to us B If they come to us C Were they come to us D Had they come to us 答案 A 1997 年 30 题 例 3 you were busy I wouldn t have bothered you with my questions A If I realized B Had I realized C Did I have realized that D As I realized 答案 B 1996 年 39 题 三 含蓄虚拟条件句三 含蓄虚拟条件句 在不少情况下 句子不一定包含一个条件从句 但意思却和条件句差不多 这时谓语仍 可以用虚拟语气 这样的句子叫含蓄虚拟条件句 常用 with without but for 例 But for my brother s help I would not have finished 要不是我兄弟的帮助 我是无法完成的 Without your help I couldn t have achieved all this 要不是有你帮助 我不会取得这些成就 往年试题 往年试题 例 1 Without heat and sunlight plants on the earth well A would not grow B will not grow C had not grown D would not be grown 答案 A 2004 年 11 月 32 题 例 2 But for my classmates help I the work in time A did not finish B could not finish C will not finish D would not have finished 答案 D 2004 年 4 月 36 题 例 3 But for the rain we a nice holiday A should have B would have had C would have D will have had 答案 B 2003 年 4 月 28 题 师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构 四 以四 以 wish that 引导的表示 愿望 的宾语从句 引导的表示 愿望 的宾语从句 wish 后的从句常表示一个与现实情况相反的愿望 因此要用虚拟语气 这种从句有两 类 一类表示现在或将来的愿望 基本形式是 主语 wish 从句 主语 过去时 例 I wish we had a car 要是我们有一辆车多好啊 I wish I were 30 years younger 我但愿自己能年轻三十岁 第二类表示一个过去没有实现的愿望 其形式是 主语 wish 从句 主语 过去完成 时 这种情况表达的意思往往不能挽回 常常有懊悔的意思 例 I wish that I had never met him 但愿我从来没有见过他 I wish you had let me know earlier 你早些让我知道就好了 往年试题 往年试题 例 1 I didn t go to the party but I do wish I there A were B would be C had been D will be 答案 C 2001 年 53 题 例 2 Peter wishes that he law instead of literature when he was in college A could study B studied C had studied D would study 答案 C 2000 年 53 题 五 五 would rather 句子 过去时 句子 过去时 在 woukd rather 后的宾语中 谓语常常用相当于过去式的形式表示现在或将来的情况 也可以用相当于过去完成时的形式表示过去的情况 来表示宁愿 宁可的意愿 语气比较婉 转 例 I would rather they left on an early train 我更愿意他们坐早一点的火车走 表现在 I d rather he hadn t told me about it 我宁愿他没告诉我这事 表过去 往年试题 往年试题 例 1 I am too busy these days I would rather all of you next month for a dinner A come B would come C came D have come 答案 C 2002 年 46 题 师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构 例 2 I d you didn t touch that if you don t mind A rather B better C happier D further 答案 A 1998 年 45 题 六 以六 以 as if as though 引导的状语从句引导的状语从句 在 as if as though 引导的状语从句中 用虚拟语气的情况是比较多的 动词形式和 wish 后的变与从句中的谓语形式差不多 例 She spoke to me as if she knew me 她和我说话的神情 好像她早就认识我似的 The animal was walking as though it had hurt its leg 这动物走路的样子好像伤了腿 似的 往年试题 往年试题 例 1 He talks as if he everything in the world A knows B knew C had known D would have known 答案 B 七 以七 以 suggest advise insist ask 等词后的宾语从句 等词后的宾语从句 这类从句中 不管从句是什么人称 从句的谓语动词要用 should 动词原形 should 一 般可以省略 类似的动词还有 propose order demand require request 等 例 They demanded that the right to vote be given to every adult man 注 此处省略了 should 他们要求给与每个成年男子以选举权 Rose insisted that he be present 注 此处省略了 should 罗斯坚持要他出席 往年试题 往年试题 例 1 His mother insisted that he the coat when going out A put on B puts on C to put D putting on 答案 A 1999 年 58 题 注 此处省略了 should 例 2 The doctor advised that Mr Malan an operation right away so as to save his life 师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构 A had B would have C have D was going to have 答案 C 1998 年 28 题 注 此处省略了 should 八 八 It is necessary important urgent that 引导的主语从句 引导的主语从句 考生注意 这种虚拟语气的从句的谓语动词要用 should 原形动词 should 可以省略 例 It is highly important that we should stick to the one China principl 对我们来说 坚持一个中国的原则致关重要 It is necessary we should understand what our children think and feel 我们有必要了解我们的孩子在想些什么 他们有什么感觉 往年试题 往年试题 例 1 It s urgent that a meeting before the final decision is made A will be arranged B must be arranged C be arranged D would be arranged 答案 C 2003 年 4 月 45 题 例 2 It s desired that she to teach us at least twice a week A comes B will come C come D may come 答案 C 1997 年 29 题 第三节第三节 被动语态被动语态 英语中有两种语态 一种是主动语态 一种是被动语态 大部分的句子都是主动语态 这时句子的谓语动词表示主语的动作 但是有时候主语和动词是被动关系 动词要用被动语 态 也可以说句子是被动结构 通常在正式文件中 被动语态用的比较多 在成人三级英语考生中 考试的重点是 感官动词和使役动词的被动语态 动词短语的 被动语态 情态动词的被动语态 用主动表示被动的含义 一 感官动词及使役动词 如 一 感官动词及使役动词 如 see feel hear watch make bid 在主动语 态中用无 在主动语 态中用无 to 不定式做宾补 改为被动语态时要加不定式做宾补 改为被动语态时要加 to 师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构 往年试题 往年试题 例 1 The middle aged man was seen out of the house on the afternoon of the murder A came B come C to come D have come 答案 C 2000 年 58 题 二 带情态动词的被动语态二 带情态动词的被动语态 基本构成 情态动词 can could may might must 等 be 过去分词 例 Your homework must be finished before lunch 你的作业必须在午饭前干完 Nothing can be done by him 他一事无成 往年试题 往年试题 例 1 I can t find the recorder in the room It by somebody A must have taken B may have taken C may have been taken D should have been taken 答案 C 2003 年 11 月 22 题 三 用主动表示被动的含义三 用主动表示被动的含义 常用 need require doing sth to be done 此句型主语大多为物 例 The floor requires washing 地板该洗了 往年试题 往年试题 例 My room is a mess It needs A to be tidying up B tidying up C to tidy up D tidied up 答案 B 2000 年 47 题 第四节第四节 情态动词情态动词 情态动词用来表示能力 允许 许诺 可能 劝告 意愿 义务等概念或态度 情态动 词无人称变化 在句子中和动词原形一起构成谓语 英语的情态动词共有 13 个 can could may might will would shall should dare must ought to need used to 从近几年的试卷来看 师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构师资最强 课时最长 价格最低 最专业的学位英语辅导机构 着重测验情态动词接完成时的用法 尤其是与虚拟语气结合起来考察考生的掌握情况 一 一 must 现在完成时 一定已经 现在完成时 一定已经 表示对已发生的事情的一种肯定的猜测 即 一定已经 例 He must have arrived already 他一定已经到了 Nonsense you must have misheard 胡说 你准是听错了 往年试题 往年试题 例 1 Since this road is wet and slippery this morning it last night A must rain B was raining C must have rained D may rain 答案 C 2004 年 11 月 35 题 例 2 I believe he an accident otherwise he would have arrived on time A would have had B could have had C should have had D must have had 答案 D 2001 年 58 题 例 3 Mr Green my letter otherwise he would have replied before now A must have received B must have failed to receive C must receive D must fail to receive 答案 B 1998 年 44 题 二 二 shoul


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