



左传论文:左传预言研究【中文摘要】本文研究的重点在于以左传中的预言为突破口,进而一窥该书作者之思想及该书作者眼中之春秋史,并就该书中某些部分史料之真实性问题做一些有益的分析,以求能够扫清人为设置的障碍,对春秋时代的特征有更精确的认识。本文主要分为以下三章:论文的第一章首先回顾了历代学者对左传预言的研究情况。在第二章第一、二两节中,笔者将左传全文分为记言与记事两个部分,而左传中的记言部分中又以预言材料所占的比重最大。笔者尝试着将一百多条预言分为三个类型:人事预言、神异预言、自然预言。先分别分析这三类预言的真实性,再探讨这些预言材料的来源及作者大量使用预言的。并研究了左传中预言与预言之间、预言与事实之间的矛盾。以及由这些预言性质的史料所暴露出来的种种问题,去深入发掘左传作者的内在意图。在该章第三节中,笔者着重探讨了作者在书中安插、使用预言材料的准则。通过对具体事例的分析,窥探作者的思想、及历史观,并试图分析左传中部分史料的真实性及古今学者对该书作者的推测依据是否合理。解释预言材料中的含有众多自相矛盾之处的原因。并就作者错误历史观带来的问题一一进行分析,归纳了作者对不符合自己观点的历史事实的处理方法。本文第三章主要探讨了对左传预言研究的意义。以预言为突破口,探讨左传史料的真实性问题及书中存在的迷信思想与唯物主义思想的矛盾处。更重要的是,笔者认为左传的作者在书中为达而歪曲事实的种种做法,实际上是中国历史上虚构古史的重要源头。而且,对古史的虚构并不仅仅局限于古代的学者。因此,笔者希望通过此文,重新认识左传这本重要的先秦典籍,以求能够对将来的春秋史研究提供一些有益的帮助。本文的第四章是笔者在研究左传预言时得出的两个推测。【英文摘要】The focus of this study is to “Zuo Zhuan” in the prophecy as a breakthrough, then a glimpse into the minds of the books author and the book of history in the eyes of the Spring and Autumn Period, and to some parts of the book questions the authenticity of historical data to do some good the analysis. This paper is divided into three chapters:The first chapter first reviews the history scholars “Zuo Zhuan” prophecy of the situation.In the second chapter the first and second two sections, the author of “Zuo Zhuan” paper is divided into two parts, recorded statements and notes, and “Zuo Zhuan” in the recorded material made part of the prophecy turned around the largest share. I try to predict more than a hundred articles divided into three types:personnel predicted miraculous prophecy, natural prophecy. First of these three categories, respectively, the authenticity of prophecy, and then investigate the source of the material of these prophecies and predictions of the purpose of large-scale use. And to study the “Zuo Zhuan” predictions and prophecies, and contradictions between the predictions and the contradiction between the fact. By the historical nature of these prophecies of the problems exposed, can be found in “Zuo Zhuan” of the inner intentions.In Chapter, the author focuses on the placement or use of the prophecy in the book material criteria. Through the analysis of specific examples, spy on the idea, purpose and history, and attempts to analyze “Zuo Zhuan” part of the historical authenticity of the ancient and modern scholars speculate on the basis of the book is reasonable. Explain the prophecy contained in the material at a number of contradictory reasons. And to bring the history of problems in error analysis, the authors summarized their views do not meet the historical facts of the treatment.This article discusses the third chapter of “Zuo Zhuan” prophecy Studies. To predict the breakthrough of “Zuo Zhuan” the authenticity of historical materials and the superstitions of the book there is conflict with the materialism of Department. More importantly, I believe that “Zuo Zhuan” in order to achieve the purpose of the book all the way to distort the facts, in fact, the history of fictional Ancient China, an important source. Moreover, fiction is not confined to ancient history ancient scholars. Therefore,I hope that though this article,the new understanding of “zuo zhuan”this important per-Qin classics,in order to study the history of the future of the Spring and Autumn provides some useful helpChapter IV of this paper is the author of “Zuo Zhuan” when predictions derived from the two theories.【关键词】左传 预言 春秋时期【英文关键词】Spring and Autumn Period Zuo predicted【目录】左传预言研究摘要3-4Abstract4-5第一章 绪论7-11一、古代及近现代学者对于左传预言的认识7-8二、当代对左传中预言研究的现状8-11第二章 对左传中预言的归类和分析11-44一、左传中预言的三种类型11-17(一) 人事预言11-13(二) 神异预言13-16(三) 自然预言16-17二、左传中预言的性质17-24(一) 预言的真实性问题17-22(二) 左传中预言之来源22-24(三) 左传使用预言的目的24三、左传编写者安插预言的两条准则24-44(一) 凡是兴盛者,必为之安插预言,将原因归结为守礼或有德25-3


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