



2011-2012学年度第二学期第一次阶段考试高二英语 试卷第卷 听力略第二卷第一部分、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)16. Why not go to Lahsa for a visit during the October 1st vacation? Sounds fine. It deserves _. A. considered B. to considerC. considering D. being considered17. To tell you the truth, I dont really take _ of the house. I pay $300 a month as the rent. A. charge B. noticeC. Advantage D. possession18. I think everyone has a role to play in making the planet a better place. Yes, indeed. _. A. Im with you on that B. That couldnt be better C. You have got something D. Ill do my best19. How would you like me to pay for the computer, in cash or on credit? _. Both are welcome. A. Thats a good pointB. Theyre two of a kind C. Its up to you D. No problem20. _ the 2008 Olympic Games will go on smoothly is _ were especially concerned about. A. If; that B. Whether; what C. How;what D. Whether; that21. Which English do you prefer, British or American English? _ Im concerned, it makes no difference. A. As far asB. As well asC. As long as D. As soon as22. Lily went to watch the tennis game last weekend. Yes. She is _ on playing tennis. A. keen B. carefulC. curious D. anxious 23. The reason why he was late for school this morning is _ his bike broke down on his way to school. A. thatB. because C. since D. as24. The course is designed to help students _ their social skills. A. form B. settleC. developD. hold25. China-made toys are very popular in Europe because they have gained a(n) _ advantage over other similar products in quality and price. A. competitive B. traditionalC. attractive D. adequate26. No sooner _ on board the train than it started to move. A. did he goB. he wentC. had he goneD. he had gone27. I think global warming should be brought to the _ of the governments in all countries. A. attentionB. measures C. actions D. focus28. When did you call the police? _ I found the old man knocked over by a car. A. Before B. Until C. The moment D. As long as29. Many students find they have progressed a lot since our school adopted a new _ to English teaching. A. method B. way C. means D. approach30. _ allow his apples to go bad, the shopkeeper sold them at half price. A. Other than B. Rather than C. Except for D. More than第二部分、完形填空(每小题1分,满分20分) I grew up in my grandfathers house in a Tamil Nadu (泰米尔纳德邦,印度邦名)village. At school I was a(n) 16 student. I had difficulty passing exams. In class I liked spending my time 17 small animals run by or imagining flying like birds outside the classroom. When I was in Grade 9, I 18 Cathy, our new Tamil language teacher. I can still picture her, standing in front of the class, short and 19 ,just as usual as you and me. On day, she asked me to read out a 20 she had taught earlier.I was scared 21 I did not practice reading. As I stammered(结结巴巴地说)and finished the paragraphs 22 difficulty, my hands began to shake. My classmates laughed, and I felt 23. What is the 24? Cathy asked.Tamil is your mother 25 , isnt it? Im afraid Ill read it wrong, I 26 , lowering my head. Smiling, she touched my shoulder 27 and said,Dont worry about what others think. Get some famous storybooks. Pick 28 you like. Read. Youll 29 your vocabulary and reading soon. After a few months, Cathy got a job in another village. She came to our class to say goodbye and 30 us all a bright future. During the vacations, I 31 a novel by Sujatha, a famous Tamil writer. Remembering Cathys 32 ,I began to read and found that I loved it. I joined a library in the nearby town. My love for 33 changed into good marks in school, and later, college. Today, at age 24, I teach learning disabled children as a(n) 34 educator in Tamil Nadu, I dont know where Cathy is now, but Id like to thank her for her advice that 35 my life.31.A. impolite B. dishonest C. inactive D. unsuccessful32.A. catching B. killing C.watching D.feeding33.A. called B. introduced C. liked D. met34.A. ordinary B. beautiful C. strict D. nervous35.A. diary B. passage C. magazine D. novel36.A. and B. but C.because D. though37. A. with B. in C.from D. to38. A. strange B. embarrassed C.proud D.bored39. A. matter B. time C.news D . meaning40. A.country B.milk C. river D. language41. A.complained B. replied C. refused D. shouted42. A.angrily B. quickly C.gently D. suddenly43.A. what B. when C.where D. how44. A. practice B.remember C. enjoy D. improve45. A.taught B.wished C.brought D. showed46. A.put out B. gave up C.picked up D.dealt with47. A. advice B. book C. support D. face48. A.translating B. listening C. writing D.reading49. A. experienced B. special C.normal D. popular50. A. formed B.introduced C.changed D. described第三部分、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分30分)A When I was a little girl, I was foolish enough to believe everything adults said. Even I was scared to death by a word my mother said. It all started when my elder brother came home with a heavy bag of cherries(樱桃)a friend gave him. In order to spend a pleasant afternoon, my sister suggested we have a competition to see who could eat the most cherries in as short a time as possible and be the winner. We all jumped at her idea, and the competition began in no time. Our action had to be fast and we must know how to bite in the middle of the cherry to chew and spit the seed out losing no time. I realized that this wasnt a good game to play. And I suddenly found that I have swallowed more than one seed down to my stomach. Then Mother came and laughed and said to me, tonight when you sleep, a cherry tree will grow out from your head.I was jittery and scared . I believed every word she said at that age. I was rather frightened that night thinking how I was going to make it to school the next morning if I had a tree on top of my head or how I would leave this world just like that because of the cherry seeds in my stomach. I couldnt sleep the whole night. Well, the next morning, I woke up to my surprise , and discovered nothing had changed. My head was normal as it was. But one thing remains unchanged until this day. My love for cherries stays forever.51.Why did they start the cherry eating competition? A. Because they wanted to challenge their friends. B. Because their mother asked them to do that. C. Because they wanted to have a happy afternoon. D. Because they just wanted to please their brothers.52.The underlined word jittery (Para 2) probably means_. A. pleased B.disappointed C. lucky D. nervous 53.From the mothers words we can learn that_. A. She was just joking. B. She wanted to help the writer C. She didn t know what to do D. She was too strict with her children54.Why did the writer believe her mothers words? A. Because her mother asked her to do that. B. Because she was too young at that time. C. Because her brother had the similar experience before. D. Because she wanted to have a good relationship with her mother.55.In this passage the writer wants to _. A. Introduce a kind of fruit to readers B. Show her anger to her mother C. Show the reason why she hates the fruit D. Tell an interesting story of her childhoodB Nodira, 18, lives in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan. She was born with a rare disease and is now paralyzed(瘫痪) from the waist down. Her life is confined to a wheelchair but her dreams know no such boundaries. Her hopes for the future include attending university, riding in her fathers car and being able to walk like other children. Nodira, which means unique in Uzbek, is one of five children in a poor family. Every morning, after reciting her prayers, Nodira feeds the hens and goats from her wheelchair. The rest of her day is spent knitting for other people and helping her mother with the household chores. Nodira has never been to school because it is too far from her home and inaccessible for her wheelchair. A local teacher used to come and tutor her at home and, as a result, she was able to finish third grade. After that, her parents moved to another town and the tutor could not visit as much. Despite the many difficulties in Nodiras life she is lucky to be living with her family. The stigma(羞辱) attached to the children living with disabilities, combined with the lack of wheelchair access in schools and the economic difficulties faced by many Uzbek families, have led many parents to place children with disabilities in special institutions. These days, Nodira does homework exercises at home and reads as much as she can. Still, it is unlikely that she will be able to finish her primary education, much less attend university. While missing out on an education is a great disappointment to Nodira, her greatest wish, for a true friend, can still come true. “What I want more than anything is a friend who also has a disability,” she says. “Somebody will not feel sorry for me or make fun of me, and will understand what my life is like.”56. The underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably means “_”. A. her dreams will help her desert her wheel chair B. her dreams are never limited by her disability C. she often dreams of moving freely without a wheel chair D. she never dreams of recovering from her disability57. Nodira does all the following every day EXCEPT _. A. give food to some animals B. to make clothes from wollen or cotton thread C. drive cars designed for the disabled D. help with the housework58. The underlined word “tutor” in the 3rd paragraph can be replaced by “_”. A. educate B. visit C. treat D. comfort59. What Nodira wants most is _. A. to go to university B. to walk on her own feet C. to finish her primary education D. to find a true friend 60. It can be inferred that _. A. Nodira never feels lonely, living with her family B. Nodira learns very fast and is satisfied with her progress C. many disabled children like Nodira leave their parents D. disabled children never feel looked down upon in Uzbekistan C Moby Dick is an amazing book. I like it thinking its one of those classics you really should read. For me the charm of this book was in the way Herman Melville wrote about whales and the whaling industry. He seemed to view whales with such awe, wonder and worship. As you read this book, you are buoyed(鼓舞) along by his enthusiasm for the splendor and gloriousness of whales. He gives the highest honor to the profession of whaling and highlights the extreme danger the men would have undergone. What I introduce to you first of all is Ishmael, a simple young man looking for adventure on a vessel. He wants to see the world. Through circumstances he meets harpooneer(渔叉手) Queequeg, and the two become firm friends. They decide to start a whaling voyage together. Their captain will be Captain Ahab, who mysteriously is not present for the loading of the vessel. He also does not appear on deck for several days after their voyage starts. They are not just hunting any whales. They are after Moby Dick the white whale. Many men have gone after him and suffered for it. Ahab himself had tried for him and lost his leg to the whale. The most part of the novel tells his mission of revenge. Herman has real enthusiasm for his subject which draws you in and makes you want to know more. Each character is developed with considerable depth, especially Captain Ahab. You can get into his mind, think what he thinks, feel what he feels.Published by Pengine Popular Classics, this book boasts a whopping(巨大的) 536 pages. It comes with a short introduction telling you who Herman Melville was and why he wrote this book, which may be interesting to some. Available at Amazon.co.uk for 1.50 and usually dispatched within 24 hrs.61. Whats the authors purpose of introducing the book “Moby Dick”? A. He wants to take adventures. B. He wants to be famous. C. He wants to become a captain. D. He wants to sell more books.62. Who is the hero in this book? A. Ishmael. B. Queequeg. C. Dick. D. Ahab.63. Whats the story mainly about? A. Whales and the whaling industry. B. Two firm friends. C. Revenge on Moby Dick. D. Ahab and his lost leg.64. Which of the following may NOT be the attraction for you to read the book? A. Herman has real enthusiasm for his subject. B. Each character is developed with considerable depth. C. Its published by Pengine Popular Classics. D. The short introduction tells you who Herman Melville was and why he wrote this book.65. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “vessel” in the second Paragraph? A. Train. B. Ship. C. Container. D. Tube.第四部分、阅读表达(每小题2分,满分10分阅读下面短文,并根据要求完成文章后的题目. (请注意问题后的字数要求. ) The Internet is a medium through which people can view information from anywhere in the world. Documents from the World Wide Web and many other kinds of services, such as instant (即时的)chat and email, are also available on the Internet. At the beginning, the Internet was very expensive. Most users went to public centers to use the Internet at a high price per hour. As the use became more popular, there was an increase in speed and also a decrease in cost. Net works were planned, and many service providers entered the market. They made it very simple for users. Now the use of the Internet has become much cheaper. Almost everyone can afford it at home, and now most users have unlimited access as well. This has made it possible for many people to get benefits. Those who are unable to go out might have opportunity to work at home. Various doors have been opened to average people and many people have taken advantage of the Internet. Almost everyone uses the Internet where it is available. This medium caters to (迎合) the needs of all age groups. The Internet has made a lot of activities very easy. The medium is used for almost all purposes, even for important issues, such as education and government organization. It has come a long way from being used only by scientific organizations , institutes and so on. 66. What is the best title for the passage?(Please answer within 6words.) _ 67.List three benefits of the present network compared with the past.(Please answer within 6words.) 1_2_3_ 68.Why people go to public centers to use the Internet ?(Please answer within 10words) _ 69.What does the underlined word this


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