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HO s1e19 “.0.7%” -Claire: Daddy, Im so sorry.爸爸,真的很对不起。-Noah: Claire?克莱尔?-Claire: Its all my fault. I tried to do what you said, but they caught me, and now Im so scared.What is it?fault: 过失 scared: 害怕的都是我的错。我试图按你说的去做,但是他们抓到了我。现在我真的很害怕。怎么了?-Noah: You. Youre not你,你不是-Claire: Not what?不是什么?-Noah: Not you.你不是。-Thompson: Why dont you leave us alone, Candice? leave alone: 不管(不理,不干涉,让单独呆着)让我们单独待会儿吧,坎迪斯?-Candice: Are you sure? I can show him things that would make him tear his eyes out.tear: 流泪你真要这样?我可以给他看些让他老泪纵横的事情。-Thompson: Youve got more important matters to take care of.important matter: 重要的事情你还有更重要的事情去做。Things okay in here? Do you need anything? I just got through with this Graham Greene Ill bring it.get through: 结束,完成这里都还好吧?你还需要什么吗?我刚读完了格雷厄姆格林的小说。可以给你带来。-Noah: How was it?怎么样?-Thompson: Ended bad.结尾不好。-Noah: I dont know where Claire is. None of these games can make me tell you what I dont know.我不知道克莱尔在哪里。无法让我告诉你我不知道的事情。-Thompson: Im going easy on you. The only reason we havent. taken it up a notch is.because of friendship.easy on: 对宽容的 reason: 原因 notch: 裂痕我没有怪你,我们还没有决裂的唯一原因就是.就是因为我们的友情。-Noah: Friendship?友情?-Thompson: I brought you in, vouched for you. And how do you repay my kindness? Attempting to destroy the company? vouch: 担保 repay: 报答 kindness: 仁慈,好意 attempt: 试图 destroy: 毁坏 company: 公司我把你带进来的,为你担保。那你是怎么回报我的?想要毁了整个公司吗?-Noah: You asked me to betray my daughter.betray: 背叛你是在让我背叛自己的女儿。-Thompson: You got too close. And then you got sloppy.sloppy: 庸俗伤感的你们走的太近了。你就变得多愁善感起来。-Noah: I saw what your girl Candice can do. Maybe youre the one who got sloppy.Maybe Im exactly where I want to be. exactly: 正好地,正是我看到了那个叫坎迪斯的女孩的本事,或许你才是那个多愁善感的人,也许我现在就在我想要呆的地方。-Thompson: Youre on death row. on death row: 末日已近你正在生死边缘。-Noah: If you were gonna kill me, youd have done it by now. gonna: = going to 将要你要是想杀我的话,早就动手了。-Thompson: Im just waiting for the order. Thats how we do it here. We follow orders.wait for: 等待 order: 命令我在等上级的命令。这是我们的行事法则,我们都要听命行事。Ill see about getting you that book.see about: 考虑我会记得给你带书来的。 (拉斯维加斯 科林斯酒)-Nathan: Japanese feudalism. Renaissance, Baroque, Mayan, Persian. 20th century.feudalism: 封建制度 Renaissance:文艺复兴 Baroque:巴洛克式日本封建王朝时期,文艺复兴时期,巴洛克时期,玛雅时期,波斯时期还有20世纪的。You must bring all your first dates here, huh? What do you do with all this?do with: 处置,处理 【first dates这里指的是年代最早的文物】你把自己的头等珍品。你这是要干什么?-Linderman: I protect it. I shield it from a greedy and dangerous world. protect: 保护 shield: 保护,遮蔽 greedy: 贪婪的 dangerous: 危险的我保护它们啊,我为它们和这个贪婪危险的世界间建立了一个屏障。-Nathan: You push the cultured facade long enough, people forget youre a criminal. push: 推进,推动 fa?ade: 表面,外观,(掩饰低劣物品的)门面 criminal: 罪犯,犯人你道貌岸然的伪装也已经足够了,人们都不记得你是个罪行累累的人了。-Linderman: When my day of judgment comes, Nathan, Ill be remembered as a humanitarian. judgment: 评价,鉴定 humanitarian: 人道注意者当被后人评说的时候,内森,我只会被当成一个人道主义者。I care about the world. I just want to save it. To heal it. And to do that, I need you. care about: 关心 heal: 使治愈,使痊愈我关心这个世界,我只是想要拯救它,医治它,为了达成目的,我需要你。-Nathan: What could you possibly know about healing? possibly: 可能地,也许 know about: 知道,了解你知道该怎么医治吗?-Linderman: A few things.知道一点。 -Noahs mind: Parkman. Parkman, wake up.帕柯曼。帕柯曼,醒醒。Theyre just waiting.他们正在等待.-Matt: You gotta be kidding me.kid: 开玩笑你们这是开什么玩笑。-Noahs mind: Theyre coming for you. Theyre just waiting for the order.order: 命令他们正在来找你。他们只是在等待命令。And then youre never coming back. Not to your wife, or anyone else you care about. Theyll never see you again. come back: 回来然后你就永远也不会回来了,再也见不到你的妻子,还有其他你关心的人了。他们也不会再见到你了。We dont have much time. If you can hear me, and if you can trust me, bang on the pipe. bang: 砰然而击,砰地重击 pipe: 管子,管道 我们的时间不多了,如果你能听到我,也相信我的话,敲一下管子。-Noahs mind: Good man.好样的。If you follow everything I say, you might not die. You may want to argue, but luckily this is a one-way conversation. Can I count on you? follow: 遵循 argue: 争执,争辩 luckily: 幸运地是 one-way: 单向的 conversation: 交流,谈话 count on: 依赖,指望 如果按我说的做,你可能会免于一死。你可能想要跟我争辩一下,但幸运的是,这只是单向会谈。我能指望上你吗?-Matt: I hate him. hate: 憎恨,憎恶我恨他。-Noahs mind: Yes or no?能还是不能? -Nathan: I know this man.我认识这个人。-Linderman: Well, great. If you see him, tell him I want my sword back. sword: 剑,刀嗯,太好了。如果你看到他了,告诉他我想要回我的剑。-Nathan: He said he needed it to save the world. A lot of people seem to be saying that these days. seem: 好象是,似乎他说他要用它拯救世界,好像最近很多人都在用这个词。chuckles Well.是啊.-Linderman: we all have our roles to play in the events to come. You know, this isnt just a collection of art. This.is a road map. have our roles to play: 有各自的事情要做 role: 角色 in the events to come: 在即将到来的事情中 event: 事件,大事 collection: 收藏品,收藏物我们在接下来的事情中,都有自己的角色要扮演。你知道吗,这不仅仅是收集到的一些艺术品,这是一副路线图。These artists envisioned a brighter future. Peace, prosperity.envision: 想象,预想 brighter: 更加明亮的(bright的比较级) peace : 和平,安宁 prosperity: 繁荣,兴旺这些艺术家勾画了一个美好的未来繁荣祥和。-Nathan: Thats your idea of a brighter future?这就是你说的美好的未来?-Linderman: What if I was to tell you that it was? what if: 如果如果我告诉你是呢?-Nathan: Id say you were a lousy humanitarian. lousy: 讨厌的,卑鄙的 humanitarian: 人道主义者我只能说你是个恶心的人道主义者。-Linderman: I was a lot younger than you when I discovered my power.在我发现自己的超能力的时候,我要比你年轻的多,也发现了他们自己的超能力。 And there were others too, like me, who discovered theirs.discover: 发现 confused: 迷惑的 each other: 彼此 make a difference to: 对什么产生影响 还有另外两个人,和我一样。We were all confused. And we found each other. Together, we tried to make a difference to the world.我们都很困惑。后来都发现了互相的秘密,于是我们想要一起改变这个世界。And for a while, we did. It was beautiful. And then, some of my. friends. they lost their way. for a while: 有一段时间 lose ones way: 迷路,迷失方向曾经一度我们是这样做的,真的很棒。然后,一些.,我的朋友们.却迷失了自己的方向。They used their powers for personal gain. And all the good that wed done wasWell, it amounted to nothing. amount: 总计,等于他们利用超能力为自己谋利而我们干过的好事呵,都已经不值一提了。And I learned that healing one person at a time was just not enough. at a time: 每次,一次我也懂得了单单医治一个人是远远不够的。We needed somethingsomething to pull it down on course. Something big.pull down :拽下来 on course: 在正确方向上我们需要一些推倒重来一些大事件。-Nathan: And thats what you think this is?那就是你认为的大事件。-Linderman: People need hope, Nathan.人们需要希望,内森。-Nathan: An explosion of that magnitude would destroy half the population of New York City like that. explosion: 爆炸 magnitude: 量,数值,数量 destroy: 破坏,毁掉 population: 人口这个量级的爆炸会让纽约城一半的人丢掉性命。-Linderman: Theres six and a half billion people on the planet. Thats less than .07%. Come on, thats an acceptable loss by anyones count.billion: 十亿 on the planet: 在行星上 less than: 少于 acceptable: 可接受的 loss 损失这个星球上有65亿人,那个数字不过是它的0.07%。对任何人来说,这个损失是可以接受的。-Nathan: By anybodys count?对任何人来说?-Linderman: I said people needed hope, But they trust fear.我说了,人们需要希望,但他们更信赖恐惧。-Nathan: This is crazy. crazy: 疯狂的你简直是疯了。-Linderman: This tragedy will be a catalyst for good. For change. Out of the ashes, tragedy 悲剧 catalyst: 催化剂 ashe: 灰烬这场灾难将会是通向美好的催化剂,我们需要改变,在灰烬之上。Humanity will find a common goal. A united sense of hope. Couched in a united sense of fear. humanity: 人类 common: 共同的 united: 联合的,统一的 couch: 横躺,睡,暗示人们会找到一个共同的目标,一个在恐惧感之上建立起来的希望。And it is your destiny, Nathan. To be the leader who uses this event to rally a city. A nation, a world. destiny 使命,命运 leader: 领袖 rally: 重整旗鼓这也是你的使命,内森,利用这个事件成为领袖,重建这座城市,这个国家,乃至整个世界。Now you look deep into your heart. Youll know Im right.现在你问问你的内心,你会知道我是对的。-Nathan: Look, I dont mean to toss a wet blanket, but if you havent noticed, Im down in the polls. mean: 意谓,想要 blanket: 毛毯 notice: 注意到 poll: 投票,民意测验 听着,我不是要扫你的兴,你可能还没有注意到,我已经在选举中落后了。Im not gonna get elected to Congress. Let alone the White House.get elected: 胜选 congress: 国会,议会我可能会在议会选举中落败,更不要提什么白宫了。-Linderman: Do you think Id leave that to chance?leave to chance: 任凭命运,不管你觉得我会让那种事情发生吗?-Nathan: If you know all this, then you also know that the exploding man is my brother Peter.explode: 爆炸就算这些你都知道了,你也肯定知道那个要爆炸的人就是我的弟弟皮特。-Linderman: As I said, we all have our role to play. Peters curtain call will come the day after youre elected.curtain call: 谢幕 curtain: 窗帘就像我说的,我们都有自己的角色要扮演。皮特的谢幕表演会出现在你选举成功后的第二天。-Nathan: Youre insane. You know that?insane: 疯狂的,精神错乱的你肯定是疯了你知不知道? -Noahs mind: Now, all that banging has alerted the guards. alert: 使警觉,使警戒 guards: 守卫,警卫现在这些敲击声肯定惊动了警卫,快点,警卫要来了。-Matt: What?! You told me to signal you.signal: 向作信号什么?你说过要提醒我的。-Noahs mind: Dont worry, its a good thing. Now look for the rusted pipe. rusted: 生锈的 pipe: 管别担心,这是好事,现在去找一下生锈了的管子。-Matt: Pipes.管子。-Noahs mind: It should be the one closest to the window. A couple of hits will loosen it. Hurry up a guard will be there. Youve got three minutes. a couple of: 两个,几个 loosen 使松开,解除应该是离窗口最近的那根,使劲敲几下就会弄松的。快点!你还有三分钟的时间。grunting-Matt: Come on!快点!-Noahs mind: By now you should have removed the pipe. The guard will be coming through the door, any second now.remove: 除掉,消除 through: 经过,穿过 knock him out: 把他击败现在你应该已经拿到了管子,警卫可能会在任何时间内走进门来。Signal when youve knocked him out.击倒他后,给我发个信号。-Matt: Yeah, Im working on it, Im working on it. Come on, come on- unh! work on: 继续工作,不断工作行了,我在弄呢,在弄呢。快点,快点,啊!-Noahs mind: Grab his pass, and head into the hall. grab: 抓取,抢去 head into: 朝向,走向找到通行证,然后到大厅去。 knock on door-Peter: Suresh? Suresh? Its Peter Petrelli. Mohinder?沙瑞西?沙瑞西?我是皮特佩特利。摩西德?-Mohinder: Sylar.Sylar。-Sylar:I remember you. Youre like me, arent you? Id like to see how that works.Id like: =I would like:我想要我记得你,你和我一样,不是吗?我很想看看你的超能力。-Peter: Unh! 啊!-Sylar:No, no. Im not done with him yet. Interesting. I cant wait to try that eresting: 有趣的 cant wait to: 等不及要不,不,我还没有搞定他。很有趣啊。我等不及要试试那个了。-Mohinder: Oh, my God. Peter? Peter?哦!我的上帝啊。皮特?皮特? -Angela: My two boys actually getting along. Nathans wedding. He has two boys of his own now. actually: 实际上 我的两个儿子相处的很融洽。那是内森的婚礼。他现在自己也有两个儿子。And that handsome man is Peter. But youve already met him now, havent you? handsome: 英俊的那个帅气的小伙子是皮特,对不对?你已经见过他了。-Claire: He saved my life. He forgot to mention that we were related. mention: 说起,提到 related: 有关系的,有关联的他救了我的命。但却忘了说我们的关系。-Angela: Oh, he didnt know. He didnt even know you existed. exist: 存在哦,他并不知道,他甚至不知道你的存在。-Claire: But you did?但是你却知道?-Angela: Since you were a baby. Nathans folly in Texas. folly: 愚蠢,荒唐事从你是个婴儿起就知道了。内森在德克萨斯干的蠢事。-Claire: And you kept me a secret?你把我当成了秘密?-Angela: I cared about you a great deal. Perhaps not in the traditional senseoatmeal cookies and school playsbut I did what I could. perhaps: 也许,可能 in the traditional sense: 传统意义上的 traditional: 传统的 oatmeal: 燕麦片我很关心你。可能不是按照传统的模式,没有燕麦粥,饼干,和学校的表演,但我在尽我我所能。My husband and I made arrangements for you. make arrangements for: 为做安排 arrangement: 安排我丈夫和我为你做了安排。-Claire: Arrangements?做了安排?-Angela: Then that fire happened, and Nathan just assumed you were gone, so happen: 发生 assume: 假定,设想于是就有了那场大火,然后内森就以为你已经死了。-Claire: So you let him. It was the right thing to do.是你让他这么认为的,这就是我该做的事情。-Angela: You needed to be protected.你需要被保护起来。-Claire: Trust me, I dont need protecting.相信我,我不需要什么保护。-Angela: Because you can grow back your bones and spit up bullets.grow back: 长回来 spit up: 喷出 bullet: 子弹仅仅是因为你能自己痊愈骨折,然后吐出子弹来。You have no idea, Claire. The life your abilities would bring you. you deserve better.deserve: 应该得到你根本就不知道怎么回事,克莱尔。你的超能力所带给你的生活. 应该更好才对。And thats why you have to go. Get you away, like we planned. plan: 计划,打算那就是为什么你必须要走,就像我们计划的,把你转移。-Claire: I havent seen Peter, or met my father yet.我还没有见到皮特,还有我的父亲。-Angela: Neither of them is in a position to be anything to you right now. Be sensible. neither of: 两个都不 position: 位置 sensible: 明理的,明智的现在还不是你见他们的时候。好好想想。-Claire: By shipping me off to Paris?那就要把我送到巴黎去?-Angela: For now, yes. Ill be taking you there myself.对于现在来说,是的,我会亲自送你去的。Youll have a chance to grow up and develop into someone who can make her own choices.grow up: 长大,成长 develop: 发展 choice: 选择你将会在那里长大成人,然后变成一个可以自己做决定的人。And then if you choose to come back and join this madness, like I once did, at least I will have given you the option. madness: 疯狂,愚蠢的行为 at least: 至少 option: 选项但是如果你选择了要回来,就像我原来一样,参与到这些疯狂的事情中去,那至少我也会让你自己做出选择。-Claire: So youre like me?你和我一样?-Angela: I regret a lot of the choices Ive made in my life. Youre getting the benefit of my experience. benefit: 利益,好处 experience: 经历,经验我为我这一生中做过的很多事感到后悔。你现在在分享我的经验。-Claire: Whether I want it or not.不管我想不想要。-Angela: You get that mouth from me.你的嘴长得很像我。 Coughing-Sylar: The list-no! Nooooo!名单,哦不!不! -Isaac: My editor needs these pages right away, so I called my best messenger. right away: 现在,立刻,马上 messenger: 报信者我的责任编辑现在就需要几张图,然后我就给我最好的送信员打了电话。-Postman: Oh, man, the new 9th Wonders. Ive been dying to find out what happens to Hiro.哦,伙计,新的第9大奇迹我真迫不及待想知道弘怎么了。-Isaac: The latest, and the last.最新的,也是最后的。-Postman: Last?最后的?-Isaac: Looks that way.大概是了。-Postman: Why, what do you mean?为什么,什么意思?-Isaac: Never mind.当我没说。-Postman: So what happens to Hiro in this one?那这集里Hiro怎么了?-Isaac: You promise you wont post any spoilers? promise: 答应,保证 spoiler: 破坏事物者你保证不去网上泄露剧情?-Postman: The future? How do you come up with this stuff?! come up with: 想出 stuff: 材料,东西未来?这些你都是怎么想出来的?-Isaac: Its a gift. Speaking of which是天赐的礼物,说到礼物-Postman: Your sketchbook? Are you serious? sketchbook: 写生薄,小品集 serious: 认真的你的素描本?真的吗?-Isaac: Hold on to it. It might be worth something someday. hold on to: 拉住,抓牢【这里指保管好】没准以后值大价钱呢。-Postman: Thank you.谢谢。 -DL:Working for a gangster like Linderman, pulling triggers for him. gangster: 匪徒,歹徒 trigger: 触发器给林德曼那种烂人打工,帮他杀人。-Jessica: Everything Ive done, Ive done for Micah.我做的一切,都是为了麦克。-DL:You keep telling yourself that.你就自己骗自己吧。-Jessica: Hey, if it wasnt for me, Niki would still be in prison, Micah wouldnt have a mother, and youd be all alone. in prison: 在狱中 嘿,要不是我,尼基还被关在监狱里呢,麦克也就没有母亲了,你也就孤身一人了。I dont remember you plain: 抱怨,埋怨你当时可一句怨言没有。-DL:Niki, Jessica, whoever the hell you are, Im done. Im taking Micah, and youre never the hell: 到底,究竟尼基,杰西卡,不管你他妈是谁,我不管了。麦克我带走,而你永远-Jessica: Careful how you finish that sentence. finish: 完成,结束接下来的话小心点。-DL:Hes not safe as long as Linderman owns our lives. Now as long as youre around. Look at what you brought into our house. as long as: 只要 bring into: 使卷入只要我们的小命在林德曼手里,麦克就有危险。只要你在这儿,他就有危险,看看你都带来些什么。-Jessica: What, money? Rent? Poor me. Nobody wants to hire a black ex-con. rent: 租金 hire: 雇佣什么,钱吗?房租?我真可怜,没人愿意雇用一个黑劳改犯。-DL:Everywhere you go, people die. Cash, cars, hurting people for the fun of it.你到哪儿,哪儿就死人,钱,车,杀人取乐。Hell, you didnt turn into Jessica. You turned into your old man.turn into : 转变为 old man: 父亲你没变成杰西卡。你变成了你老爹。-Jessica: whispering Dont you dare.dare: 敢你敢这么说。-DL:Ill die before Ill let you do to Micah what he did to you.想把麦克也变成那样,就先从我身上踩过去。-Lindermans man: Miss Sanders. Mr. Linderman has asked to see you right away. right away: 立刻,马上桑德斯小姐,林德曼先生马上要见你。-DL:If this is the life you want, you need to get Micah out of it. You can say good-bye tonight.如果你就要这种生活,别把麦克也卷进去,你可以今晚来道别。 -Noahs mind: The first door on the right is the supply room. Steal something less conspicuous. supply: 供应物,储备 steal: 偷 conspicuous: 显而易见的右边第一扇门是杂物室。偷些不显眼的东西穿上。Keep moving. Youll see an exit door before the hall.hall: 大厅接着走。出口在大厅前面。-Thompson: Orders came down. Were moving Bennet, Sprague, and Parkman. make sure: 确保命令下来了我们送班尼特,斯布拉格和帕柯曼走。Now make sure you gas Spragues room before you put the IV in him. I dont want that man so much as dreaming.给他打针之前先放催眠气体,我可不想他做太多的梦。-Doctor: What about Parkman?帕柯曼怎么办?-Thompson: Put some tape on his mouth. I dont want to hear any more about his pregnant wife.tape: 带子 pregnant: 怀孕的把他嘴巴用胶条封上,我可不想听他唠叨他怀孕的老婆了。-Matt: You want to do what?!你想干什么?-Ted: Parkman?帕柯曼?-Matt: We gotta go. Quickly!Go我们得走了,快!走-Ted: how did you even get in here?你怎么进来的?-Matt: Bennet, hes got a plan.班尼特,他的主意。-Ted: Bennet? Were you listening to him?班尼特?你听他的了?-Matt: He told me to come get you.他让我来救你。-Ted: He could be leading you right where he wants you to go. lead: 致使,诱使他可能是想设计害你。-Matt: It cant be worse than the alternative. alternative: 可供选择的事物害也害不到哪儿去了。 -Mohinder: Mrs. Petrelli?佩特利夫人?-Angela: Yes.是我。-Mohinder: Im so sorry. Its Peter.很遗憾,是皮特。-Angela: What about him?他怎么了?-Mohinder: I found this address in his wallet. I didnt know where else to go. I couldnt leave him. Hes dead.我在他钱包里找到这里的地址,我不知道还能去哪儿,我不能把他扔下。他死了。He was killedmurderedtrying to save my life. I was in over my head and murder: 谋杀,凶杀 他被杀了是谋杀为了救我。-Angela: Get out of here.出去。-Surech: Im sorry? Please leave.now.什么?请走吧马上。-Claire: Peter.皮特。 -Lindermans man: Mr. Linderman will see you now.林德曼先生马上就来。-Jessica: Linderman? Youre kidding. Linderman doesnt see anyone.林德曼?开玩笑吧,林德曼谁都不会见。-Linderman: Not if he can help it. Fearsome Jessica, finally. Sweet Niki, yes , but you. I never had the pleasure.fearsome: 吓人的,可怕的 pleasure: 高兴,愉快除非他能帮上忙。可怕的杰西卡,终于见面了,可爱的尼基,是的。但你我永远不愿意见。-Jessica: Hmm, you were due. due: 应付的,到期的唔,你该付钱了。-Linderman: Well, weve both certainly come a long way, havent we, since you borrowed that $30,000 and conveniently forgot to repay. certainly: 当然,肯定 conveniently: 便利地,故意地 repay: 偿还是啊,我们都等了很久了,是不是,自从你上次借了三万块结果故意忘了还。Oh, by the way, uh, Ive had to have that room repainted since your last assignment. repaint: 重画 assignment: 任务哦,顺便说一句,你上次任务以后,我把那间房子重新刷了一遍。-Jessica: What is this?这次是什么?-Linderman: I need a small favor.favor: 帮助,支持我需要你帮个小忙。-Jessica


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