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M5 unit 13 People(1)1. influence n. 影响,作用,感化力;势力 have influence on 对有影响 have influence over 有左右的力量 The influence of religion on society can not be ignored. 宗教对社会的影响不容忽视。Listening to the music has a calming influence on her. 听音乐对她有镇静作用。 His parents no longer have any real influence over him. 他的父母对他不再有任何真正的约束力了。vt.影响 Dont let me influence your decision. 不要让我影响你的决定。1. 在他叔叔的影响下,他成为一位伟大的钢琴家。_, he became a great pianist.2. 文艺对人们的思想有很大的影响。Literature and art _ peoples ideology.【答案】1. Under the influence of his uncle2. have a great influence on/ upon2. talk sb. into (doing) sth. =persuade sb. to do sth. =persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事反义词组:talk sb. out of (doing) sth. =persuade sb. not to do sth. =persuade sb. out of doing sth.你能劝他放弃他的计划吗?(一句多译) _ _ _ _ _Can you talk him out of the plan / into giving up the plan?Can you persuade him not to carry on the plan?Can you persuade him out of carrying on the plan?3. in terms of 以的措辞;按照,根据;用 的思想方法;从方面(说来) to speak of sth. in terms of praise 以赞美的话谈某事 A 200-year-old building is very old in terms of American history. 从美国的历史来看,200年的建筑是很古老的了。He is rich in terms of money but not love. 他在金钱方面很富有,但缺少爱。1. 只要你学习努力,从长远来看你会取得进步的。_用term的有关短语填空2. It was a bad year for films, _ both quantity and quality.3. I am _ this foreign friend.4. If you can insist on, you will succeed _.【答案】1. As long as you study hard, youll make progress in the long run / term.2. in terms of3. on good terms with4. in the long term / run 4. require vt. 需要,要求;想要,务必(此义常接 动词不定式to do) The emergency requires that it should be done. 情况紧急,非这样做不可。 I will do all that is required of me. 凡是要求我做的,我一定做到。The floor requires washing/to be washed. 这地板该洗了。 One does not require to be a specialist. 不一定人人都要当专家。demand, claim, require与requestdemand暗示要求者专横独断、坚决要求和理 所当然提出的命令式的要求,如:demanded payment of the debt 讨债;claim也指命令式的强硬请求,暗示讨回本应属 于自己的权利或物品,根据自己的权利要求、 索取,如:claim the right to manage ones own affairs 索回自己处理自己事务的权利;require是指事情本身存在紧迫性,或者是由于 情况紧急,或者是法律法规的限定,如: The patient requires constant attention. 病人需要密切关注。request基本等同于require。用claim, demand, require填空1. The robbers _ money from the passengers.2. Every citizen may _ the protection of the law.3. The man _ to be the owner of the land.4. The method _ some explanation.5. The room _ cleaning.【答案】1. demanded2. claim3. claimed4. requires5. requires5. end up 结束,告终 The politician finally ended up his speech. 这位政治家终于结束了演说。 Our game always ends up in a quarrel. 我们的比赛总是在吵架中结束。end up, end with与end inend up有“以告终”之意,常暗含不好或 指到达的最终状态;end with 指“以结束”,如: The party ended with a song. 晚会以一首歌结束。end in指“在当中结束”,如: The party ended in chaos. 晚会在混乱中结束。6. missing与lostmissing指“缺失的,失踪的”。 The child has been missing for three days. 孩子已失踪3天了。 The book has two pages missing. 这本书缺了两页。lost指“迷途的;失去的,丢失的,丧失的”, 与missing相比,lost表“丢失”时多指“已证 实不能找回”。 a lost opportunity 一次错过的机会 ones lost youth 逝去的青春 a lost pen 一支遗失的钢笔用missing, lost的适当形式填空My dog _ for a whole day. Did you happen to see him anywhere?Dont bother to search for it. It has been _.has been missinglost7. glare at, glance at, gaze at与stare atglare at 怒视 He glared at me as if I were his enemy. 他怒视着我,似乎我是他的敌人。glance at=glimpse at 瞥一眼 He glanced at his watch, knowing it was time to leave. 他看了下表,知道该离去了。gaze at 凝视(通常带着“欣赏或热切”的意 思);出神 He stood there still, gazing into the distance. 他站着一动不动,眼睛凝视着远方。stare at 睁大眼睛盯着,也有“凝视”之意 Dont stare at others all the time. Its impolite. 不要总盯着别人看,这是不礼貌的。8. whisper vt. ,vi. & n. 耳语,密谈;飒飒响 whisper to sb. 对某人窃窃私语 whisper about sth. 密谈某事 He said it in a whisper so I did not hear. 他是悄声说的,所以我没有听见。9. deserve vt. & vi. be worthy of 应受,值得; 应该得到You deserve it. 这是你应得的。He has worked very hard and deserves to passthe exams.他学习很努力,考试及格是应该的。He deserves ill / well of his motherland.他对祖国有罪/功。他应该得到父母的表扬。 _ _应该再给他一次机会。 _He deserves praise from his parents / to be praised by his parents. He deserves another chance.1. Suppose you are a group leader. 假设你是组长。 在这个句型中, suppose 为连词,表示“假 设”,还可用supposing。 suppose作连词引导的从句中,可用陈述语气, 也可用虚拟语气。使用虚拟语气时,所表示 的意思显得更为客气、委婉或不是很肯定。Suppose we have lunch now!我们现在吃午餐吧!Suppose you meet me at the post office at 7:30. 你7点半到邮局找我吧。假设我们本周六外出野餐。 _ _假如你现在已做完功课。 _ _Suppose we go (went) out for a picnic this Saturday.Suppose you finished (finish) your homework now.2. The fact that she looked like a sensitive, friendly girl didnt matter. 她看起来是个善解人意、友善的女孩,可这无济于事。 句中that引导的是同位语从句。同位语从句的名词一般是抽象的或者是有内涵的名词,需要用一个句子把其内容阐明,如:news, promise, hope, story, report, question, doubt, suggestion, fact等。Have you heard of the news that he failed to get to college? 有没有听到他没有考上大学的消息?注意区分定语从句与同位语从句:判断从句成分是否完整,不缺成分者为同位语 从句,反之为定语从句(或判断引导词that在后 面从句中是否充当成分);看从句与该名词是否同一内容,从句是名词内 容则为同位语从句。他承诺一个月之内还我钱。


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