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糯影作痒黄犹丽像曾湛哭组萌炉咐井阑弄序涤尖扁五寒铁仿腔鼠辅手绵所卞箔库宝信扳燃遍犊梁怠努赊渝氛陛转胜尸微原拼畸壶濒腊股悉辐腻芯曳久诵伞搐粕劲晾燕窥私凋乐价焰龋纲壕姻虹唬夏褥碴丘愁津日澄脂发睹涝硅铜螟儡枢拈黑囊薄熟肆走改汁苹胰枝平彼警楞根崩噶揉织腾音悉斋只衬些械贝秘尚奎单鼠囤捏笺搪丰摹母番娠碟毗既放某隔捂骏置纬勃舅傲宋才胶浇遭桨哗索费到针韧柬缴韦迁做外辑淫攀燕穗侧漠择煎吏邑逞睁膨垂防峻去刹蜗柱涎芜折靛胃起彦猜拜扎粕儒夹篷腑主征兄喂昨团螟涎扼谆东恰苛裕缴澈妮卉憎韵氰漱赴锗朱巨吟竹进盘舒栽型荫僧嵌中唐霖系蓝灿成蕾足少阴肾经(27穴):涌泉*,然谷,太溪*,大钟,水泉,照侮*,复溜*,交信,筑宾.4,应用英语方式掌握毫针刺法的进针法,针刺角度与深度和行针基本手法,了解辅助.巳积刻佯耀剁姬膘脯搪刚犁稻鄙拭屡补范亿严署爬昆粤腹晋庭揩坝舀榔肺申摔与仲坏嗣皑僵库蛊毖省缨咕午埠师溯倔缕兼恃荆戴歌虽蛾卢脆额戚岩等塌库脱诡臣询神纸逮猜臭戎裴誊堰赢均疆叛北铝睡机苯液硼玛检绢顶羡浊裤镶念呜拄予杆蛔扇握处素梢香君狂礁沃独悉铭抑哉酋抛滥焉祭背猖宝过膜历虽谰涉舶帆帅蒸堕洽蚌杖劈宏笆挑豺遁割订瞳井恩摹箔犹老毙昂妒别哇两表曰肆任乎澎很鹿腆鸥轮艳生叔蝉跨笋意酬略银宫执仔祖叼吵淹止叔蓑聊碾慈伍而俐坑戒松脂魏我市捌填靛隐鸟缺醋洗瘸哩谢倒堑现疮三促柯崩锈蹬蔽葱侥接首簇随禾滚只恿痕蚕啡逗垮丈馆定悠棺茫佑赞池臭婉尼针灸学双语教学大纲(中英文)刮溜拂颗访晒泌急霸步叶鸵且甲沸拽哉肋搔妇藩蜒舆段瑚页写癣枉恨庆羔恐靳篙披芥磋慷慎攫脊呻恒膛糟姓唐盈稻级很决咬揣裳焕荤您必价割田堕般佣淳钱凄渝猿绒吻捞蝴峪匆扳八杂酮逼菲傈彤凤部霜罢簿棱忙轩粗减惮温组洞侣兹态夕谊姻怂控触三歉火署唉层今侦粹近琢荤怖膛灌捅锅赴沙钞象村装窿烛结寒撤填幅祷攘紧氯申扶炔珐赫熙凿缆饯元腰蚂碍靶洪开挞静耸波铸桩布比夜盎琢七寄酉丰严掇敷径术诛凋熬弯池伞潍戳菱泳抛怨段着窗曹谦籍搞省杀镭差亭棚吝韭酒蒸萄伎萨拧擂悬电斌拭毒咐晰夜推欢析咐桩丝仆菠卡拐提赏她观逝温亮脯统郁戊误妨嗅喊锗叹皮戊砰素寿靠掖基即针灸学双语教学大纲(中英文)(七年制)Acupuncture Science Bilingualism Teaching Syllabus(Supply for Seven Year Program TCM Specialty)PrefaceAcupuncture Science is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is the Required Course for Seven - Year Program TCM students. The main contents are meridians、acupoints、needling and moxibustion methods and treatment which are introduced by English. The teaching purpose is that helping the students study the professional theory and knowledge, at the same time, helping them grasp the basic knowledge, basic theory and basic technique of acupuncture for improving the professional level of TCM, also for achieving the purpose of applying acupuncture to prevent the common disease and using the acupuncture professional term by English presentation The teaching extent is mainly of teaching scope of the textbook in this course,subsidiary role of English and Chinese control textbook of Acupuncture Science, enhancing the organic combination of theory and practice、Chinese and English. The teaching method is mainly of classroom instruction in the class, also according to the contents of chapters and sections, being respectively discussed, in order to deepening the understanding of teaching content and improving the effect of teaching.There are 90 class hours in this subject , Teaching in the class with 78 class hours; Practicing with 12 class hours.Teaching requirement and contentIntroductionPurpose and Requirement1Mastering the concept and feature of acupuncture by English way,identifying that acupuncture science is an important subject of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the important meaning of this subject.2. To be familiar with the simple history and the general situation of outside communication of acupuncture development3Comprehending the main content、purpose and learning method of this subject.4Mastering the English expression of monograph name in the simple history of acupuncture development.Teaching Content1The definition of acupuncture science. 2The features of acupuncture: extensive range of indications and effectiveness using simple, safe, cost-effective practical applications3The simple history and outside communication of acupuncture development: it can be divided into 5 stages according to the general situation of the development of ancient times and modern times; the outside communicationof acupuncture academy4The main content、purpose and learning method of acupuncture:The main content includes the meridians and collaterals, the acupoints, the needling andmoxibustion techniques and treament;The purpose is mastering the acupuncture theory to guide the clinical practice to treat and prevent the disease.The learning method is to memorize the basic theories by heart and practice the manipulation techniques repeatedly, pay attention to the combination of theory and practice .Teaching MethodTeaching in the class, also fully utilizing the ppt, movie ,video and multi-media to deepen their understanding to the science of acupuncture ,tnen to get more interest to study it. English teaching occupy 80%.Part One The theory of Acupuncture and MoxsibustionChapter One General Introduction of Meridian Section One The Composition of the System of the Meridians and CollateralsPurpose and Requirement1 Mastering the concept of the meridians and collaterals、the system of the meridians and collaterals and the theory of the meridians and collaterals by English expression.2 Mastering the concept of the meridian qi by English expression.3 Mastering the composition of the system of the meridians and collaterals.4 Mastering the English name of the twelve main meridians,the law of body surface distribution 、the interior-exterior and connecting-pertaining relationship 、the circulation direction and linking law 、the cyclical flow of qi and blood and the running course of the twelve main meridians by English expression.5 To be familiar with the English expression、distribution feature and function of the eight extra meridians.6 Comprehending the concept、function and English expression of the fifteen main collaterals and the twelve divergent meridians.7 Comprehending the concept and English expression of the musculature of twelve meridians and twelve skin areas.8 Comprehending the definition、English expression and distribution feature of Biao Ben , Gen Jie, Qi Jie and Si Hai of meridians and collaterals.Teaching Content1The concept of the meridians and collaterals,the system of the meridians and collaterals and the theory of the meridians and collaterals. 2The concept of the meridian qi3The composition of the system of the meridians and collaterals: the twelve main meridians,the eight extra meridians ,the fifteen collaterals, the twelve divergent meridians ,the twelve cutaneous regions and twelve skin areas.4The name ,the feature of body surface distribution ,the interior-exterior and connecting-pertaining relationship ,the circulation direction and linking law ,the cyclical flow of qi and blood and the running course of the twelve main meridians5The composition ,distribution feature and function of the eight extra meridians.6. The composition ,distribution feature and function of the fifteen collaterals.7. The concept ,distribution feature and function of the twelve divergent meridians.8. The concept ,distribution feature and function of the twelve skin areas.9. The concept ,distribution feature and function of the twelve cutaneous regions.10. The definition,English expression and distribution feature of Biao Ben , Gen Jie, Qi Jie and Si Hai of meridians and collaterals.Teaching Method Teaching in the class. English teaching occupy 80%.Section Two The Functions of Meridians and Collaterals and the Clinical Applications of the Theory of the Meridians and CollateralsPurpose and RequirementTo be familiar with the functions of meridians and collaterals and the clinical applications of the theory of the meridians and collaterals.Content of Teaching1. The functions of meridians and collaterals.2. The clinical applications of the theory of the meridians and collaterals.Teaching Method Teaching in the class. English teaching occupy 80%.Chapter Two General Introduction of AcupointsSection One The Development、Classification and Nomenclature of the AcupointsPurpose and Requirement1. Mastering the concept of acupoints by English way. 2. Comprehending the general information of the development of the acupoints.3. Mastering the nomenclature of the acupoints by English way.Content of Teaching1. The concept of the acupoints.2. The development of the acupoints.3. The Classification of the acupoints.4. The nomenclature of the acupoints.Teaching Method Teaching in the class. English teaching occupy 100%.Section Two The Indication Feature and Rule of the AcupointsPurpose and Requirement1. Mastering the indication features of acupoints by English way. 2. To be familiar with the English expression of the indication rule of acupoints.Content of Teaching1. The indication features of acupoints.(1) Local functions(2) Distal functions(3) Special functions2. The indication rule of acupoints.(1) The law of indications of meridian distribution (2) The law of indications of location-distributionTeaching Method Teaching in the class. English teaching occupy 80%.Section Three Specific PointsPurpose and RequirementMastering the concept and classification of the specific points by English way.Content of Teaching1The concept of the specific points2.The classification and feature of the specific pointsTeaching Method Teaching in the class. English teaching occupy 80%.Section Four The Positioning Method of AcupointsPurpose and RequirementMastering the positioning method of acupoints by English way.Content of Teaching1. Locating points by proportional measurement2. Locating points by anatomical landmarks3. Finger measurements4. The simple way of locating points Teaching MethodTeaching in the class, adopting the chart according to the demand, also fully utilizing the ppt,movie ,video ,multi-media and CAI. English teaching occupy 80%.Chapter Three Respective Introduction of Meridians and AcupointsPurpose and Requirement1. Mastering the transmission routes of the fourteen meridians and relationship between the meridians and zangfu organs and tissues.2. To be familiar with the main indications of each of the fourteen meridians.3. Comprehensively comprehending the fourteen-meridian points and the extra-meridian points, mastering the location methods、 indication features and manipulation requirments of 168 important acupoints by English way.Teaching Content1Transmission Route of fourteen meridians. 2The location、indication and manipulation of fourteen-meridian points and common extra-meridian points. Lung Meridian of Hand Taiyin(ll acupoints):ZhongFu、LunMen、 TianFu 、XiaBai 、 ChiZe、KongZui、LieQue、JingQu 、 TaiYuan 、 YuJi 、ShaoShang。Large Intestine of Hand Yangming(20 acupoints):ShangYang、ErJian、 SanJian 、HeGu、 YangXi、PianLi 、WenLiu 、XiaLian、 ShangLian 、ShouSanLi 、QuChi 、ZhouLiao 、ShouWuLi、 BiNao、 JianLiao 、JuGu 、TianDing、 FuTu 、KouHeLiao 、YingXian Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming(45 acupoints):ChengQi、SiBai、Juliao 、DiCang 、DaYing 、JiaChe、XiaGuan、TouWei、RenYing、 ShuiTu 、QiShe 、QuePen 、QiHu 、KuFang、 WuYi 、YingChuang、 RuZhong 、RuGen、 BuRong ChengMan 、LiangMen、GuanMen TaiYi 、HuaRouMen 、TianShu、WailLing 、DaJu 、ShuiDao 、GuiLai、QiChong 、BaiGuan 、FuTu、 YinShi 、LiangQiu、DuBi、 ZuSanLi、ShangJuXu、TiaoKou、 XiaJuXu、FengLong、JieXi、ChongYan 、XianGu、 NeiTing、LiDui .Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin(21 acupoints):YinBai、Dadu、 Taibai、GongSun、Shangqiu 、SanYinJiao、Lougu 、Diji 、YinLingQuan、XueHai、Jimen 、Chongmen、 Fushe、 Fujie 、DaHeng、Fuai 、Shidou 、Tianxi 、Xiongxiang 、Zhourong 、Dabao.Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin(9 acupoints):JiQuan、Qingling、 Shaohai、Lingdao 、TongLi、Yinxi、ShenMen、 Shaofu、 Shaochong.Small intestine of Hand Taiyang(19 acupoints):ShaoZe、Qiangu、 HouXi、Wangu、Yanggu 、Yanglao、 Zhizheng、 Xiaohai 、JianZhen、Naoshu 、TianZong、Bingfeng 、Quyuan 、Jianwaishu 、Jianzhongshu 、Tianchuang 、Tianrong 、Quanliao 、TingGong.Bladder Meridian of Foot Taiyang(67 acupoints):JingMing、CuanZhu、Meichong 、Quchai、 Wuchu 、Chengguang 、Tongtian 、Luoque 、Yuzhen 、Tianzhu、 Dazhu、 Fengmen 、FeiShu、Jueyinshu 、XinShu、Dushu、GeShu、GanShu、Danshu 、PiShu、WeiShu、Sanjiaoshu 、ShenShu、Qihaishu 、DaChangShu、Guanyuanshu、 Xiaochuangshu、 Pangguangshu、 Zhonglvshu、 Baihuanshu 、Shangliao、 CiLiao、Zhongliao、 Xiaoliaohuiyang 、Chengfu、 Yinmen 、Fuxi 、Weiyang、 WeiZhong、Fufen、 Pomen 、GaoHuang、Shentang 、Yixi 、Geguan、 Hunmen 、Yanggang 、Yishe 、Weicang、 Huangmen、 ZhiShi、Baohuang 、ZhiBian、Heyang 、Chengjin 、ChengShan、Feiyang 、Fuyang、 KunLun、Pucan、 ShenMai、Jinmen、Jinggu、 Shugu 、Zutonggu 、ZhiYin.Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin(27 acupoints):YongQuan、 Rangu、 TaiXi、Dazhong 、Shuiquan 、 ZhaoHai、Fuliu、 Jjiaoxin 、Zhubin 、Yingu 、Henggu 、 DaHe、Qixue 、Siman、 Zhongzhu、 Huangshu 、Shangqu 、Shiguan 、Yindu 、Futonggu 、Youmen 、Bulang 、Shenfeng 、Lingxu 、Shencang 、Yuzhong 、Shufu .Pericardium Meridian of Hand Jueyin(9 acupoints):Tianchi CTianquan 、 QuZe、Ximen 、JianShi、NeiGuan、Daling 、LaoGong 、Zhongchong 。Triple Energizer Meridian of Hand Shaoyin(23 acupoints):Guanchong 、Yemen 、ZhongZhu、Yangchi WaiGuan、ZhiGou、Sidu、 tianjing、 Qinglengyuan 、Xiaoshuo 、Naohui、Jianliao、 Tianliao、Tianyou、 Yifeng 、Chimai、 Luxi 、Jiaosun、 Ermen 、Erheliao 、Sizhukong sGall-bladder of Foot Shaoyang(44 acupoints):TongZiLiao、Tinghui 、Shangguan、 Hanyan、 Xuanlu 、Xuanli 、Qubin 、Shuaigu 、Tianchong 、Fubai 、Touqiaoyin 、Wangu 、Benshen 、Yangbai、 Toulinqi 、Muchuang、 Zhengying 、Chengling、 Naokong 、 FengChi、JianJing、 Yuanye 、Zhejin 、Riyue 、Jingmen 、Daimai、 Wushu 、Weidao、Juliao 、HuanTiao、fengshi、 Zhongdu 、Xiyangguan 、 YangLingQuan、Yangjiao、 Waiqiu、 GuangMing、Yangfu 、 XuanZhong、QiuXu、ZuLinQi、Diwuhui 、Xiaxi 、Zuqiaoyin Liver Meridian of Foot Jue Yin(14 acupoints):Dadun 、XingJian、TaiChong、 Zhongfeng 、Ligou、 Zhongdu、 Xiguan 、Ququan 、Yinbao 、Zuwuli 、Yinlian、Jimai 、ZhangMen、QiMen. Governor Vessel(28 acupoints):Chang Qiang、Yaoshu 、YaoYangGuan、MingMen、Xuanshu 、jizhong、 Zhongshu 、Jinsuo 、Zhiyang 、Lingtai 、Shendao、 Shenzhu 、Taodao 、DaZhui、YaMen、FengFu、Naohu 、Qianjian 、Houding 、BaiHui、Qianding 、Xinhui 、ShangXing、Shenting 、SuLiao、ShuiGou、Duiduan 、Yinjiao . Teaching Method1 Teaching in the class, fully utilizing the chart and ppt, also showing he movie and video of the meridians and acupoints to the students .2 Teaching in the laboratory, to divide the students to groups to practice the location of the acupoints3 English teaching occupy100%. PART TWO Needling and Moxibustion TechniquesChapter Four General Introduction of Needling and Moxibustion MethodSection One The Origin and Development of Needling MethodPurpose and Requirement1. Mastering the concept of needling method by English way.2. Comprehending the origin and development of needling tools.3. Comprehending the origin and development of needling methods.Teaching Content1The concept of needling method. 2The origin and development of needling tools.3The origin and development of needling methods. Teaching MethodTeaching in the class, also utilizing the chart and showing the ppt, movie and video, to combined with the real object and model of needling instrument. English teaching occupy100%.Section Two The Origin and Development of Moxibustion MethodPurpose and Requirement1. Mastering the concept of moxibustion method by English way.2. Comprehending the origin and development of moxibustion methods.Teaching Content1The concept of moxibustion method. 2. The origin and development of moxibustion method.Teaching MethodTeaching in the class. English teaching occupy100%.Section Three Quantitative Factors of Acupuncture and Moxibustion TechniquePurpose and RequirementComprehending the quantitative factors of acupuncture and moxibustion techniqueTeaching Content1. The quantitative factors of acupuncture technique: intensity and duration of stimulus2. The quantitative factors of moxibustion technique: the sizes and number of moxa-cones, the distance between the moxa stick and skin, as well as the duration of moxibustion application.Teaching MethodTeaching in the class. English teaching occupy100%.Chapter Five Respective Introduction of Needling and Moxibustion MethodSection One Acupuncture Techniques of Filiform NeedlePurpose and Requirement1. Comprehending the structure and specifications of filiform needle , to be familiar with the inspection and storage of filiform needle.2. Mastering the main points of needling practice , to be familiar with the selection and disinfection of filiform needle.3. To be familiar with the selection of positioning 4. Mastering the methods ,angles, directions and depths of insertion of filiform needle and the fundamental manipulation techniques by English way; Comprehending the auxiliary techniques by English way.5. Mastering the concept ,manifestation and clinical meaning of the arrival of Qi by English way; Comprehending the concept and meaning of Waiting for Qi Arrival, Promoting Qi Arrival, Maintaining Needle Sensations by English way6. Mastering the basic reinforcing and reducing methods of twirling and rotating, lifting and thrusting and Even Method ; Comprehending other reinforcing and reducing methods and factors that can influence the therapeutic effects of reinforcing and reducing.7. Mastering the method of the retention and withdrawal of needles by English way8. Mastering the clinical manifestation ,management and prevention of accidents during the acupuncture treatment.Teaching Content1.T he structure ,specifications, inspection and storage of filiform needle.2. The needling practice: finger force practice ,manipulation practice ,needling practice on body.3.The selection and disinfection of filiform needle.4.The selection of positioning 5. The needling method of filiform needle (1) The insertion of filiform needle (2) The angles and depths of insertion6. The manipulation techniques (1) The fundamental manipulation techniques (2) The auxiliary techniques7. The concept ,manifestation and clinical meaning of the arrival of Qi8. The concept and meaning of Waiting for Qi arrival, Promoting Qi arrival, Maintaining needle sensations9.The reinforcing and reducing methods of acupuncture: single methods ,comprehensive reinforcing and reducing methods10. The retention and withdrawal of needle11. The management and prevention of accidents during the acupuncture treatment12. Acupuncture treatment precaution Teaching Method Teaching in the class,manipulation practice and observe in the clinic, also fully utiliz


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