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英语人教版八年级下册unit6 1a----2c.doc_第3页




Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.Period One Section A (1a-2c)I. Teaching Goals: 1. Language goals:(1) Words &expressions: Be able to use the words and phrases: shoot, stone, weak, god, remind, silly,once upon a time, a little bit, instead of(2) Grammar: v Be able to use conjunctions such as “as soon as, so.that.,unless” to tell a storyv Be able to use “how, what, who, why”etc.to ask about a story.(3) Structure:v How does the story begin?v Once upon a time, there was a very old man.v What happened next?v As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.v Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains?v Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side2. Ability goals: By learning, Ss can tell a story in English, using the target language.3. Moral goals: By learning the story of Yu Gong, Ss are expected to realize that nothing is impossible if we have enough determination and perseverance. II. Teaching Importance1. To understand and ask about how the story goes on.2. To have Ss tell a story and use the conjunctions properly while telling.III. Teaching Difficulties:To enable Ss to tell Chinese legends or stories and give some opinions.in English IV. Teaching Methods: Audio-visual Method; Task-based Teaching Method; Communicative Method.V. Teaching Aids: CAI, PPTVI. Teaching Strategies: Summarize the stories according to the conversationVII. Teaching Procedure:Task 1: Lead-in (2 mins)Purpose: To interest the Ss and introduce the unit goal: tell a story.Play a music video called Yu Gong Moved the Mountains by Jiang Tao.Ask “Have you heard of this song before?” and tell Ss that it sings about an ancient Chinese traditional story. Ask who knows the name of it and then present the language goal in Unit 6: Tell a story.Task 2: Presentation (A guessing-game) (3mins)Prupose :To set the scene, increase Ss vocabulary and introduce the target language.1. T: In Section A, well learn about some famous Chinese traditional stories. Can you guess what stories these are? Look at the screen and guess. Divide the class into two teams. A and B. Present a picture of a story little by little on the screen until one team correctly calls out the name of the story in English or Chinese, e.g. “Hou Yi Shoots the Suns”. Show the story title on the screen ask “Who is the main character in each story?”Give this team a point and then continue the game the same way one after another. 2.Work on 1a Ss read the story titles and match them with the pictures in 1a, then check the answers. Make sure that Ss can understand the new word “shoot”. Journey to the West b Yu Gong Moves a Mountain d Hou Yi Shoots the Suns a Nu Wa Repairs the Sky cTask 3: Listening (3 mins)Work on 1bPurpose: To help Ss recognize the target language in natural speech.1. T tells Ss that Anna and Wang Ming are talking about a story and ask Ss to listen the conversation once and find out which story it is. Ss who get the answer may raise hands.2. Play the recording once more, Ss listen and check the facts they hear.3. Check the answers. The two mountains were very high and big. A very old man tried to move the mountains. A man told Yu Gong that he could never do it. Task 4: Discussing (5 mins)Work on 1cPurpose: To help Ss use the target language in natural speech.1. T: Now Lets discuss these questions in the box.(Have Ss read the questions, make sure that they understand each question.)2. Ss discuss the questions in pairs, they can use the tapescripts on P103 for help. (While Ss are discussing, show the useful expressions on the screen to offer tips) once upon a time; there was/were ; so. that. 3. Have some pairs volunteer to ask and answer the questions. 4. Task 5: Listening Work on 2a (4 mins)Purpose: To give Ss listening practice with the target language.1. Pre-listening. Show the pictures in 2a. Say”These pictures show how the story of Yu Gong went on, but they are in the wrong order.What happened in each picture?”( Ss can volunteer to say something about the pictures ) After that , have Ss try to number the pictures according to what they think the story should be like.2. While listening:Say “Lets continue to listen to this story. Listen to Wang Ming carefully.” Play the recording, Ss listen and check if their guessings in advance are right or wrong. 3. After listening Check the answers in class.Work on 2b (6 mins)Purpose: To give Ss practice in listening for specific items in conversations.(Listen for specific items in conversations.)1. Pre-listening Before listening, have Ss read each sentence and explain some difficult sentences (e.g. “as soon as, remind and unless”)for Ss to make sure that they understand them. And then Ss predict and underline the answers they think will be correct. 2. While listening Play the recording again and Ss circle the words they6 hear.3. After listening Review the correct answers by reading the whole sentence with the class,and have Ss raise their hands if they predicted the answers correctly in advance.Task 6: Look and talk (8mins)Purpose: To give Ss practice in retelling or talking about a story.1. T: Well, Wang Ming told us the story of Yu Gong today. Can you try to tell this story as him? Just do it . Lets say “YES, I CAN.”(The whole class say “YES, I CAN.”lo


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