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宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 1 第三章第三章 支付和支付条件支付和支付条件 3 1 本合同买卖双方的外汇支付以电汇 T T 方式进行 另有说明的除外 合作产品 的人民币 支付以中国境内电汇或转账方式进行 买方对卖 方的外汇付款应通过中国 银 行上海分行 以下简称买方银行 支付到 银行总行 以下简称卖方银行 的卖方 账户上 买方对卖方的人民币付款通过买方银行支付到卖方所指定的中国境内的银行的卖方 指定账户上 卖方对买方的外汇付款应通过卖方银行支付到买方银行的买方账户上 卖方对 买方的人民币付款通过卖方指定的中国境内的银行支付到买方银行的买方账户上 3 2 本合同2 1Al 2 1A4的1 0 计 大写 元 本合同生效后二 个月内 买方收到卖方代表通过卖方银行向买方银行提交的下列单据后 三十天内经审核无 误支付 1 德国有关当局出具的有效出口许可证影印本或卖方代表出具的不需出口许可证的证明文 件一式二份 2 卖方银行出具的 以买方为受益人 金额为合同2 1h的10 不可撤销保证函正副本各一 份 保证函格式见本合同附件十六A 3 商业发票一式五份 3 3 本合同2 1Al 2 1A4的75 以及2 1A2的85 计 大写 将按照以下办法及比例由买方支付给卖方代表 3 3 1 按4 2 2条规定的最终交货计划在第一批 设备 装运前4个月 买方通过买方银行开立以卖方为 受益人 金额为本合同2 1Al 2 1A4的75 有效期至最后一批 设备 发货完成后一个月的不 可撤销信用证 卖方应在提单日期后21天内提交单据给卖方银行议付 本合同2 1Al 2 1A4的每批装运的 设备 的价格的75 总计 大写 卖方代表按 4 2 2条规定的最终交货计划装运 设备 后 买方收到卖方代表通过卖方银行向买方银行提交的 下列单据后三十天确认无误后支付 1 可议付的 已装船海运正本提单一式二份 另外一份正本提单在发货后立即用特快专递寄送 宝山钢铁股份有限公司 上海宝山区牡丹江路1813号宝山宾馆南楼3748房间 邮编201900 副本一式三份 该提单应是清洁无疵 空白抬头 空白背书 并注明 运费到付 合同 号 收货人为宝山钢铁股份有限公司 上海宝山区牡丹江路l81 3号宝山宾馆南楼3748房间 邮编201900 当卖方代表提供的 关键设备 交货时 全套可议付的 已装船海运提单正本一式二份 另外 一份正本提单在发货后24小时内用特快专递寄送宝山钢铁股份有限公司 副本一式三份 该提单应是清洁无疵 空白背书 并注明 运费到付 合同号 通知 上海宝钢国际经济 宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 2 贸易有限公司指定的目的港的运输公司 当空运时 空运运单一式二份 该运单应清洁无疵 并注明 合同号 运费到付 及收货 人为 宝山钢铁股份有限公司 上海宝山区牡丹江路181 3号宝山宾馆南楼3748房 邮编 201900 2 按照本合同5 1 1条款规定的用特快专递寄送正本提单的寄送收据 3 商业发票一式五份 发票上应显示合同号 装运条件 原产地 分项价格以及各分项设备 的规格型号 4 主装箱单及装箱明细单一式三份 5 由制造厂出具并由卖方代表签署的质量合格证一式二份 6 按本合同8 2条和附件九规定的详细出厂检验记录 包括材质 加工和装配精度及有关检验数 据 一式二份 7 如必需 需提供由卖方国家授权的植物检疫部门出具的针叶松包装熏蒸证明或卖方出具的 未使用针叶松包装的证明 或无木质包装的证明副本二份 3 3 2 本合同2 1A2的设计及计算机软件价格的45 计 大写 卖方代表 按4 2 2条规定的最终交货计划装运完本合同的第一批 设备 材料 时 买方收到卖方代表 提交的下列单据后三十天内经审核无误后支付 1 第一批 设备 材料 交货的海运提单副本一式二份 2 商业发票一式五份 注明应扣税额或完税证明或提供免税证明 3 3 3 本合同2 1A2 2 1A3价格的40 计 大写 卖方代表 按4 2 2条规定的最终交货计划装运完本合同的最后一批 设备 材料 时 买方收到卖方代表 提交的下列单据后三十天内经审核无误后支付 1 最后一批 设备 材料 交货的海运提单副本一式二份 2 按4 2 2条规定的最终交货计划 卖方代表出具的全部设备和材料交付完毕证明文件一式三 份 3 根据合同规定的经买方签署有效的 发货完毕前卖方应交付的 技术资料 交付完毕确认 书 正本一份 副本一份 4 商业发票一式五份 注明应扣税额或完税证明或提供免税证明 3 4 本合同2 1A5的价格 计 在买方最后一批技术人员培训结束日后 买方收到卖方代表通过卖方银行向中国 银行上海分行提交的下列单据后三十天内经 审核无误后支付 1 卖方代表出具的并由买方各培训团组负责人签字的证明卖方按合同规定履行培训买方技术 宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 3 人员义务完毕的证明文件一式二份 2 商业发票一式五份 3 由中国国家机关根据有关规定出具的相关免税证明或已完税证明一套 3 5 本合同2 1Al 2 1A2 2 1A4的10 计 大写 本 合同工厂 考核验收后 买方在收到卖方通过 银行向中国 银行上海分行提 交下列单据三十天后经审核无误后支付给卖方 1 商业发票一式五份 注明应扣税额或完税证明或提供免税证明 2 根据合同第八章规定的 由买方出具的有效的验收合格证明文件正一份 副本一份 3 根据合同规定的经买方签署有效的 全部 技术资料 交付完毕确认书 正本一份 副本一 份 3 6 本合同2 1A1 2 1A2 2 1A4的5 计 大写 在 按本合同第十章规定的 合同工厂 机械保证期满后 买方收到卖方通过 银行向中国银 行上海分行提交的下列单据三十天内 经审核无误后支付 1 商业发票一式五份 注明应扣税额或提供免税证明 2 按本合同第十章规定的由买方出具的 合同工厂 机械保证期满确认书 正本一份 副本 一份 3 7 不适用 3 8 本合同2 1B1计 大写 整 按以下办法及比例由买方支付给 3 8 1 本合同2 181的25 计 大写 整 本合同生效 后二个月内 买方收到通过中国 银行上海分行 向中国 银行 上海分行提交的下列单据30天内 经审核 审核期为三十天 无误后支付 1 以买方为付款人的增值税发票正本一份 副本五份 2 付款通知书一式二份 3 由卖方代表出具的付款确认书一式二份 3 8 2 本合同2 1B1的每批装运的 合作产品 中人民币部分55 总计 大写 整 买方在收到通过中国 银行上海分行 向中国 银行上海分行提交的下列单据三十天内 经审核无误后支付 1 按4 27条的规定的并注明买方指定 收货人 和 合同号 的运输单据正本一份 副本三份 2 以买方为付款人的增值税发票正本一份 副本五份 3 付款通知书一式二份 4 由卖方代表或其委托人签署的装箱明细单一式二份 宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 4 5 由制造厂出具并由卖方代表或其委托人签署的质量合格证一式二份 6 按本合同8 2条和附件九规定的详细的出厂检验记录泡括材质 加工和装配精度及有关检验 数据 一式二份 7 由卖方代表出具的付款确认书一式二份 8 由买方或委托人出具的收货证明 3 8 3 本合同2 1Bl的5 计RMB 大写 人民币 整 按合同4 2 2 条规定的最终交货计划装运完最后一批 合作产品 和交付完其全部技术资料时 买方在收到通 过中国 银行上海分行 向中国 银行上海分行提交的下列单据 三十天内 经审核无误后支付 1 以买方为付款人的增值税发票正本一份 副本五份 2 付款通知书一式二份 3 由卖方代表出具的付款确认书一式二份 4 卖方代表签署的 合作产品全部装运完毕 证明文件一式二份 5 卖方代表签署的 全部技术资料交付完毕 证明文件一式二份 3 8 4 本合同2 IBl的5 计RMB 大写 人民币 元整 在按本合同第九章规定 合同工厂 交接验收 后 买方在收到通过中国 银行上海分 行吴淞区办宝钢分理处向中国 银行上海分行提交的下列单据三十天内 经审核无 误后支付 1 以买方为付款人的增值税发票正本一份 副本五份 2 本合同9 12条的规定的 合同工厂 交接验收证明 副本二份 3 付款通知书一式二份 4 由卖方代表出具的付款确认书一式二份 3 8 5 本合同2 1Bl的10 计RMB 大写 人民币 元整 以及按2 2条 所述的价差补偿部分 在按本合同第十章规定的 合同工厂 机械保证期满后 买方在收到通过中国 银行上 海分行吴淞区办宝钢分理处向中国 银行上海分行提交的下列单据三十天内 经 审核无误后支付 1 以买方为付款人的增值税发票正本一份 副本五份 2 按本合同第十章规定的 合同工厂 机械保证期满确认书 副本二份 3 付款通知书一式二份 4 由卖方代表出具的付款确认书一式二份 5 买方有关部门签署的 设备 图纸重量 确认书 以及相应的价差补偿计算单一式二份 6 卖方代表和买方共同签署的 合作制造产品重量变化确认书 一式二份 宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 5 3 9 不适用 3 10 本合同2 1B3 计RMB 大写 人民币 元整 按以下办法及比例由买方支付给卖方 3 10 1 本合同2 183价格的10 计RMB 大写 人民币 元整 本合同生效后二个月内 买方收到卖方联合体成员通过 银行总行向中国 银行上海分行提交的下列单据后 三十天内经审 核无误支付 1 以买方为付款人的增值税发票正本一份 副本五份 2 付款通知书一式二份 3 由卖方代表出具的付款确认书一式二份 3 10 2 本合同2 1B3价格的40 计RMB 大写 人民币 元整 卖方代表按4 2 2条规定的最终交货计划装运完本合同的第一批 设备 材料 时 买方收到卖方联合体成员提交的下列单据后三十天内经审核无误后支付 1 第一批 设备 材料 交货的海运提单副本一式二份 2 发票正本一份 副本五份 3 付款通知书一式二份 4 由卖方代表出具的付款确认书一式二份 3 10 3 本合同 2 1B3价格的35 计RMB 大写 人民币 元整 卖方代表按4 2 2条规定的最终交货计划装运完本合同的最后一 批 设备 材料 时 买方收到卖方联合体成员提交的下列单据后三十天内经审核无误后支付 1 最后一批 设备 材料 交货的海运提单副本一式二份 2 发票正本一份 副本五份 3 付款通知书一式二份 4 由卖方代表出具的付款确认书一式二份 5 按4 2 2条规定的最终交货计划 卖方代表出具的全部设备和材料交付完毕证明文件一式三 份 3 i0 4 本合同2 IB3价格的1 0 计RMB 大写 人民币 元整 在本 合同工厂 考核验收后 买方在收到卖方联合体成 员通过 银行向中国 银行上海分行提交下列单据三十天后经审核 无误后支付给卖方 1 发票正本一份 副本五份 2 本合同9 12条的规定的 合同工厂 交接验收证明 副本二份 3 付款通知书一式二份 宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 6 4 由卖方代表出具的付款确认书一式二份 3 i0 5 本合同2 1B3价格的5 计RMB 大写 人民币 元整 在按本合同第十章规定的 合同工厂 机械保证期满后 买方在收到卖方联合体成员通过 银行向中国 银行上海分行提交下列 单据三十天后经审核无误后支付给卖方 1 发票正本一份 副本五份 2 按本合同第十章规定的 合同工厂 机械保证期满确认书 副本二份 3 付款通知书一式二份 4 由卖方代表出具的付款确认书一式二份 3 11 2 2条款下的技术指导费按附件十二的有关规定支付 3 12 买方按规定履行合同 但因卖方没有履行其义务 卖方应在收到买方有关书面通知后七个工 作日内 将买方已付的全部或部分金额及其利息退回给买方 利息计算从买方支付之日起至卖 方还款日止 以单利计算 年利率 外币为4 人民币为6 卖方按规定履行合同 并完全符合手续 但因买方没有按照本合同3 1条 3 2条 3 11条的规定 在支付日期支付应付金额 卖方应书面通知买方和中国 银行上海分行 买方在收 到上述书面通知后的七个工作日内将应付金额及利息支付给卖方 利息计算从应付日期到实际 支付日止 以单利计算 年利率 外币为4 人民币为6 3 13 按本合同规定 如果卖方应向买方支付赔款 罚款时 买方应向卖方提出书面通知 卖方收 到该通知后 应在七个工作日内支付 如未能按时支付时 买方有权从3 2条至3 11条规定的任 何一次付款中扣除或者实施卖方保证函偿付 3 14 双方因履行本合同所发生的银行费用 在买方发生的 由买方负担 在卖方发生的 由卖方 负担 3 15 合同3 3 1条对于信用证的规定依据 跟单信用证统一惯例 l993年修订解释 国际商会第500 号出版物 3 16 卖方在合同生效以后30天内按附件168格式提交履约保函 Chapter 3 Payment and Terms of Payment 3 1 Payment of the foreign exchange of both sides in this CONTRACT shall be made in T T except for further illuminate Payment in RMB of the cooperative products shall be made in T T or transferred via bank The payment in foreign exchange shall be transferred to the SELLER s account in the head office bank of hereinafter referred to as the SELLER s bank through Bank of Shanghai Branch hereinafter referred to as the BUYER s bank The price 宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 7 of the product in RMB shall be paid to the SELLER s designation account in the bank within Chinese territory through the BUYER s bank The payment in foreign exchange should be transferred to the BUYER s account through the SELLER s bank The payment in RBM should be transferred to the BUYER s account through the SELLER s designation account within Chinese territory 3 2 In this CONTRACT 10 of the price of 2 1A1 and 2 1A4 in total Say only within two months in which the CONTRACT is implemented the payment should be made by BUYER within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the documents that Sell Representative delivered from SELLER s Bank to BUYER s bank as follows 1 A Photocopies of the valid certificate of export offered by the German relevant institutions or the duplicate documents free of certificate for exporting issued by the SELLER s representatives 2 One original with one copied irrevocable letter of guarantee issued by the SELLER s bank in BUYER s favor at 10 of the price in 2 1h under this CONTRACT And the format of the guarantee should comply with the clause in Annex 16A in CONTRACT 3 Commercial invoices in five copies 3 3 10 of the price in 2 1A1 and 2 1A4 and 85 in 2 1A2 under this CONTRACT is Say only which should be paid to the SELLER s representatives by the following clause 3 3 1 With reference to the agreed delivery plan in 4 2 2 the BUYER should open the irrevocable L C four months in advance of the first shipment of the equipment through the BUYER s bank in BUYER s favor at 4 of the price in 2 1A1 and 2 1A4 under this CONTRACT Stipulating the life of irrevocable L C end in the next month after dispatch the order The SELLER should apply for the negotiating after the date of the B L with providing required documents 75 of the price of the equipment in each shipment in 2 1A1 and 2 1A4 is Say only After the SELLER s representatives have loaded the ship in accordance with the final delivery plan stipulated in 4 2 2 the payment should be made by BUYER within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the documents that Sell Representative delivered from SELLER s Bank to BUYER s bank as follows 1 Negotiable and loaded original Duplicate B L And one of the duplicate original B L with three copies shall be transfer to BaoShan Iron 3 3 3 40 price of that stipulated in 2 1A2 and 2 1A3 under this CONTRACT is Say only After the accomplishment of the first shipment of 宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 9 the equipment and material the payment shall be made within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of following documents from the SELLER s representatives with reference to the final delivery plan stipulated in 4 2 2 1 Duplicate B L of the first shipment of the equipment and material 2 Triplicate documents of the accomplishment of all the equipment and material offered by the SELLER s representatives in according to the final delivery plan stipulated in clause 4 2 2 3 Confirmation of delivery the technological information with the signature of SELLER before Completion of delivery valid if signed by the BUYER according to the clause under the CONTRACT 4 Commercial invoice in five copies that indicated the tax amount or certification of Duty Paid or Duty free 3 4 The 2 1A5 expenses for the technical training in this CONTRACT is After the training of technician come to the end the payment should be made by BUYER within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the documents that Sell Representative delivered from SELLER s Bank to Bank of Shanghai Branch as follows 1 The duplicate documentary evidence SELLER representatives issued which signed the head of training company to attest that SELLER have completed performance of all obligations under the CONTRACT 2 The original commercial invoice in five copies 3 Tax exemption certificate or tax payment receipt offered by China state organs according to relative stipulation 3 5 The 10 of the price for 2 1A1 2 1A2 and 2 1A4 is say only After the performance test for The CONTRACT Factory the payment should be made by BUYER within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the documents as follow that Sell Representative delivered to Bank of Shanghai Branch through Bank 1 The original commercial invoice in five copies shall states the liability to tax or provide Tax exemption certificate or tax payment receipt 2 One original document with a copy issued by the BUYER to verify the product quality certificates with reference to the clause in Chapter 8 under the CONTRACT 3 One original document with a copy of a letter of confirmation for completing the delivery 宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 10 signed by the BUYER with reference to the clause under the CONTRACTs 3 6 The 5 of the price for 2 1A1 2 1A2 and 2 1A4 is say only With reference to Chapter ten when The CONTRACT Factory exceeded a regulation to guarantee period of machine The payment should be made by BUYER within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the documents that Sell Representative delivered from SELLER s Bank to Bank of Shanghai Branch as follows 1 The original commercial invoice in five copies shall states the liability to tax or provide Tax exemption certificate or tax payment receipt 2 One original document with a copy of confirmation for expiry of machine in The CONTRACT Factory with reference to the clause under the CONTRACTs 3 7 Inapplicable 3 8 The 2 1B1 expenses of cooperate products in this CONTRACT is say only BUYER shall pay by the following clause 3 8 1 The 25 of list price for the 2 181 is say only Within 2 months after the CONTRACT going into effect The payment should be made by BUYER within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the documents period of examine and verify is 30 days that Sell Representative consigns Bank of Shanghai Branch to deliver to Bank of Shanghai Branch as follows 1 The original with five copies of value added tax invoice that BUYER do as the drawee 2 Duplicate Billhead 3 Duplicate the letter of confirmation of payment issued by SELLER representatives 3 8 2 55 of RMB for each batch of cooperative products for shipping in 2 1B1 is say only The payment should be made by BUYER within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the documents that Sell Representative consigns Bank of Shanghai Branch to deliver to Bank of Shanghai Branch as follows 1 The original with three copies for Bill of document for shipment that give a clear indication of Consignee and CONTRACT number with reference to clause 4 27 2 The original with five copies of value added tax invoice that BUYER do as drawee 3 Duplicate Billhead 4 Duplicate container loading list with the signature of SELLER representative or its 宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 11 consignor 5 Duplicate Certification of fitness issued by manufactory with the signature of SELLER representative or its consignor 6 Duplicate Certificate of delivery inspection including the detail date of material process degree of accuracy of assemble and relative routine date in accordance with the clause of 8 2 and accessories 9 7 Duplicate the letter of confirmation of payment issued by SELLER representatives 8 Certificate of receiving note offered by BUYER or its consignor 3 8 3 The 5 of the price for 2 1B1 is say only After all the cooperative products and technical information have delivered in accordance with the finial delivery plan the payment should be made by BUYER within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the documents that Sell Representative consigns Bank of Shanghai Branch to deliver to Bank of Shanghai Branch as follows 1 The original with five copies of value added tax invoice that BUYER do as drawee 2 Duplicate Billhead 3 Duplicate the letter of confirmation of payment issued by SELLER representatives 4 Duplicate delivery confirmation of shipment with the signature of SELLER representative 5 Duplicate delivery confirmation of all the technological information on with signature of SELLER representative 3 8 4 The 5 of the price for 2 1B1 is say only After taking over and inspecting the CONTRACT factory in accordance with the clause under chapter 9 the payment should be made by BUYER within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the documents that Sell Representative consigns Bank of Shanghai Branch BaoSteel Sub Branch in Wusong district to deliver to Bank of Shanghai Branch as follows 1 The original with five copies of value added tax invoice that BUYER do as drawee 2 Duplicate certification document of taking over and Inspection 3 Duplicate Billhead 4 Duplicate the letter of confirmation of payment issued by SELLER representatives 3 8 5 The 5 of the price for 2 1B1 is say only and price differentials compensation with reference to the clause in 2 2 With reference to Chapter ten when The CONTRACT Factory exceeded a regulation to guarantee period of machine payment should 宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 12 be made if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the documents that Sell Representative consigns Bank of Shanghai Branch BaoSteel Sub Branch in Wusong district to deliver to Bank of Shanghai Branch as follows 1 The original with five copies of value added tax invoice that BUYER do as drawee 2 One original document with a copy of confirmation for expiry of machine in The CONTRACT Factory with reference to the clause under the CONTRACTs 3 Duplicate Billhead 4 Duplicate confirmation payment issued by the SELLER s representatives 5 Confirmation of the equipment s Drawing Weight and bill of calculation for the price differentials compensation in two copies signed by the relevant department of the BUYER 6 Duplicate Confirmation of weight change for cooperative product signed by both sides 3 9 Inapplicable 3 10 The total price of contrast 2 1B3 is in RMB Say only the payment should be made by the BUYER to the SELLER as the following means 3 10 1 Ten percent of the price in contrast 2 183 for RMB Say only the payment should be made by BUYER within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the documents that SELLER combinations consigns Bank of head office to deliver to Bank of Shanghai Branch as follows 1 A AVT invoice in five copies which the BUYER does as the drewee 2 Duplicate Billhead 3 Duplicate Confirmation of payment issued by the BUYER 3 10 2 Forty percent of the price in 2 1B3 of the CONTRACT for RMB say only After the accomplishment of the first shipment of the equipment and material the payment shall be made within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of following documents from the SELLER combinations with reference to the final delivery plan stipulated in 4 2 2 1 The first batch of equipment material delivery duplicate of ocean bill of lading in two copies 2 An original invoice with five copies 3 Duplicate Billhead 4 Duplicate Confirmation of payment issued by the BUYER 3 10 3 35 of the price in 2 1B3 of the CONTRACT is RMB say 宝钢合同翻译宝钢合同翻译 商务英语商务英语 07 5 班班 卞德杰卞德杰 学号 学号 12075157 13 only After the accomplishment of the first shipment of the equipment and material the payment shall be made within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of following documents from the SELLER combinations with reference to the final delivery plan stipulated in 4 2 2 1 Duplicate document of first batch of equipment and material delivery of ocean bill of lading 2 An original invoice with five copies 3 Duplicate Billhead 4 The payment confirmation issued by SELLER in two copies 5 Confirmations of delivery for all the equipment and materials as the final delivery plan in clause 4 2 2 in triplicate 3 10 4 10 of the price in 2 1B3 in the CONTRACT is RMB Say only After the performance test for The CONTRACT Factory the payment should be made by BUYER within 30 days if the BUYER has confirmed the preciseness of the docume


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