浙江省泰顺县罗阳二中八年级英语上册《Unit5 Can you come to my party》Section period1 课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
浙江省泰顺县罗阳二中八年级英语上册《Unit5 Can you come to my party》Section period1 课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
浙江省泰顺县罗阳二中八年级英语上册《Unit5 Can you come to my party》Section period1 课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
浙江省泰顺县罗阳二中八年级英语上册《Unit5 Can you come to my party》Section period1 课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
浙江省泰顺县罗阳二中八年级英语上册《Unit5 Can you come to my party》Section period1 课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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canyoucometomyparty unit5 1 每日一句afriendinneedisafriendindeed患难见真情indeed in di d 真的 whatdoesshe heoftendoonweekend whatdotheyoftendoonweekend whatdoyouhavetodothisweekend ihavetoplaytheguita haveapianolesson whatdoesshe hehavetodothisweekend whatdotheyhavetodothisweekend gohiking babysitherbaby studyforatest d a c e nationalday tuesday 2009年10月 20 星期二 abirthdayparty a canyoucometomybirthdaypartyontuesdayevening b sure i dloveto a canyoucometomybirthdayparty b sure i dloveto a canyoucometomybirthdayparty b sorry ican t ihaveto haveapianolesson les n class gotothebeach listenandwritethenames tim kay annaandwilson nexttothecorrectstudentsinthepicture tim kay anna wilson ted saturdayafternoonismy iwanttoaskmyfriendstocometomyparty butthey come timishavingatestthatday sohe studyforthetest tedhasto hisparents wilsonisill hehasto thedoctor anna svisitingher inthecountrysidewithherparents kaycan t either shehasapiano whatasmallparty can t help aunt hasto birthday goto lesson fillintheblanks pairwork a canyoucometomybirthdayparty b sure i dloveto sorry ican t ihaveto gototheconcert helpmymothermakedinner studyforatest 去不去 1 jeffcan can tcometotheparty 2 marycan can tcometotheparty 3 maycan can tcometotheparty 4 claudiacan can tcometotheparty 5 paulcan can tcometotheparty 2a listenandcircle can or can t listeningpractice 26 2bnumberthereasons1 3whypeoplecan tgototheparty listeningpractice 2 3 1 26 选择任意图片完成对话 1c a canyou b sorry ican t i a that stoobad maybeanothertime b sure thanksforasking 下次 多谢邀请 studyforatest survey a canyou b sorry ican t i a that stoobad maybeanothertime b sure thanksforasking homework 1 practicemakinginvitationsandanswers 2 inviteyourfriendstodosomethingandwritedowntheiransw


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