



第一部分考点探究第1课时.单项选择。(A)1.(2018芜湖模拟)I have a nice sweater. I like it very much.It looks so beautiful.Ill buy_in the same store.AoneBitCthisDthat(D)2.(原创题)Lucy and his brother came to my home last night._ certainly enjoyed ourselves.AHeBSheCTheyDWe(B)3.(原创题)The people in our town are much more friendly than_ in that town.AthatBthoseCthisDthese(A)4.(2018安徽预测一)What about eating_bread and bananas?OK.AsomeBanyCaDthe(C)5.(2018安庆一模)Dont worry.Ill ask your teacher_the sports meet later on.AforBtoCaboutDwith(B)6.(预测题)There is something wrong with_computer.You can use _.Ayour; myByour; mineCyours; myDyours; mine(B)7.(改编题)When Lisa has the test,she always feels_hour is_long time.Aa; aBan; aCa; /Dan; /(A)8.(改编题) My father is a worker._ is very kind.AHeBShe CHisDIt(C)9.(原创题)There are three_in the garden.Aapple treeBapples treeCapple treesDapples trees(B)10.(原创题)Lucys family_going to have a camp in the mountains this weekend.AisBareCwasDwere(D)11.(预测题)Sally really likes the novel,because she thinks its_.AdifficultBboringCterribleDfunny(A)12.(原创题)Where is my pet cat,Molly? I cant find it.I think it may be_the bed,so you cant see it.AunderBonCinDat.(2018河池)完形填空。Tom was a college student.He often made excuses not to attend classes.Also,he spent much of his free time_1_computer games.He never went to the library_2_.How time flew! At the end of the term,there was_3_important event that he was afraid of the final exam.“What should I do?” Tom walked up and down in the room the day before the exam.He was_4_.Suddenly he thought of_5_idea.The next morning,Tom went into the exam room very early.He found a young man_6_looked so confident and took a seat next to him.“Hey you!” Tom greeted.“What?” The young man asked.“Can you do me a favor?” Tom begged(恳求),“Please let me_7_your paper during the exam.I have to depend on you!” When hearing his words,the young man just smiled but said_8_.When the bell rang,the young man_9_immediately and came to the front,saying,“It is time for the final exam! Now I will hand out the papers to all of you and collect them_10_an hour.”Tom sat there with his mouth wide open.(C)1.AplaysBplays CplayingDplayed(A)2.Ato studyBto have a restCto see a filmDto play computer games(A)3.AoneBtwo CthreeDfour(D)4.AsatisfiedBexcitedCbraveDnervous(B)5.AaBan CtheD/(C)6.AwhatBwhichCwhoDwhose(B)7.AkeepBcopyCuseDtake(D)8.AsomethingBeverythingCanythingDnothing(B)9.Asat downBstood up Clied downDsat back(A)10.AinBafterCbeforeDwhen.(原创题)阅读理解。The famous great book “Oliver Twist” is written by Charles Dickens from England.There is a famous saying in this book,“Let him feel that he is one of us.Once fill his mind with the idea that he has been a thief,and hes ours,ours for his life!”The story is about the orphan Oliver.Oliver was born in a poor area in the first half of the nineteenth century.His mother dies during his birth,and he is sent to an orphanage(孤儿院)Oliver is usually beaten and badly fed.He has to run away.He wants to find his good luck in London.Instead,he falls in a child group of thieves with Jack.He trains Oliver to be a thief.Luckily,he meets a kind person.The kind trader takes him away,but other thieves find him and take him back.He has a good friend,one member of the thief group,Nancy.She helped the kind person Maylis to understand who Oliver really is.Mr.Maylis saves Oliver with the help of the police.However,Nancy is killed because of helping Oliver.Oliver starts to live a usual life from then on.This book came out in 1838 and it was made into movie in 1948.He mainly writes the real things from his life.(C)1.Why is Oliver sent to the orphanage? ABecause his family is too poor.BBecause his parents dont need him.CBecause his mother died.DBecause he wants to go there.(B)2.What does Jack do according to the passage?AA teacher.BA thief.CA worker.DA trader.(A)3.Nancy is killed for _.Amaking Maylis help OliverBletting police save OliverCrunning away from the groupDtaking Oliver back(D)4.When can we watch the movie “Oliver Twist”?ABefore 1838.BIn 1840.CBefore 1948.DIn 2002.(B)5.Which of the following is TRUE about Charles Dickens?AHe is an American great writer.BHis books are all about his real life.CHe was an orphan when he was young.DHe used to live a poor life.(原创题)单词拼写。1Mr.Smith alwaysfinds(找到) some mistakes in Sallys ho


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