【培优练习】 Unit 2 Section B (英语人教八上).docx_第1页
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【培优练习】 Unit 2 Section B (英语人教八上).docx_第3页
【培优练习】 Unit 2 Section B (英语人教八上).docx_第4页




Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Section A培优练习本课时编写:成都市武侯实验中学 周丹凤 1 阅读理解。根据短文内容选择正确答案。 Public School 244 is a school in New York.It has 400 students all together. It is the first in the country to have an all-vegetarian menu(全素菜单).The school started to serve(提供) a vegetarian lunch three times a week in January, and then increased it to four times a week. And now it serves a vegetarian lunch every day. There are no hamburgers or hot dogs at Public School 244 now. The transition (转变) isnt so difficult for students, because about 70 percent of the students there are Asian and Indian. “Our cook is also a vegetarian and a parent in the school,” Principal(校长)Robert Groff said. “Today is Tuesday. There are black beans and roasted potatoes on the menu. And its not just lunch. The school also serves all-vegetarian breakfasts.( ) 1. Public School 244 _A. is in the UK B. has 400 students C. is the best school in town( ) 2. How often does the school serve a vegetarian lunch now? A. Three times a week. B. Every day. C. Four times a week.( ) 3. The underlined word“ increased” means “ _”in Chinese.A 减缓 B.增加 C加快( ) 4. About_ students are Asian and Indian in Public School 244.A. 150 B244 c280( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The students can eat potatoes for lunch on Tuesday.B. The students can eat hot dogs.C. Most students dislike a vegetarian lunch. 2 完成对话。在对话的空格中天上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词。A: Li Hua, can I ask you some questions about your free time _1_?B: Yes, of courseA: What do you usually do in your free time?B: Nothing much. I usually stay at home and use the InternetA: Do you use it for fun or for _2_? I mean (意思是) you can find _3_ to some math questions.B: Well, I am _4_ after a long day at school. So I just relax by playing _5_ games.A: How often do you exercise?B: Im not sure. _6_ one to three times a month.A: Why dont you take _7_exercise? I think the best way to relax is _8_ exercise.B: Why do you think so?A: First, it is good for health. Next, exercise such as playing sports is fun. You can make more interesting friends.B: But the problem is that I cant find 9 to play sports with. My parents are so busy all the time. A: Dont worry. There is a sports center in our town. You can meet many sports lovers there and play with them 10 B:That sounds good. Ill go there and have a try. 参考答案一1. B 答案在第一段第二句“It has 400 students all together.”2. B. 第二段中第二句 “And now it serves a vegetarian lunch every day.”3. B “增加”4. C. 第2段最后一句“70%的学生是亚洲人和印度人”。400乘以70%,所以是280.5. A 文章介绍了这个学校开展的是全素早餐午餐,所以热狗肯定是没有的,也没有提到学生不喜欢,所以算A。二1. activities 空闲时间的活动2. study “是为了玩还是学习呢?”3. answers “我的意思是你可以找到一些数学题的答案。”4. tired “在学校待了一天后我有点累。”5. computer games “玩电脑游戏”6. Maybe 可能一月1


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