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中考英语总复习 第二部分 语法强化复习 第2节 冠词课件_第4页
中考英语总复习 第二部分 语法强化复习 第2节 冠词课件_第5页
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第二节冠词 语法精讲精练 考点1 不定冠词a an的用法 考点精讲 考点精讲 1 Whatdoyouwanttobeinthefuture Lucy Iwanttobepilot Itisexcitingjob A a aB a anC a theD the an 2 WouldyoulikenewblueT shirt Mary Sorry Mom Ipreferorangeone A a aB a anC an aD an an B B 3 umbrellaisusefultoolonrainingdays A A anB An aC An anD A a 4 Thereis r and b intheword bring A a anB an anC an aD a a B C 考点2 定冠词的用法 考点精讲 考点精讲 1 Ienjoyedtheperformanceverymuch Yes itwasreallygood Ithinkboyinwhitewasthebestactor A aB anC theD 2 Whoisyoungladywithcurlyblondehair A aB anC theD C C 考点3 零冠词的用法 考点精讲 考点精讲 1 maninblackisfrom England A The theB The C A D A the 2 LuJialei 14 fromHangzhouForeignLanguageSchool wonfirstplaceintheCCTVCharacterSpellingContest 中国汉字听写大赛 A theB a theC a aD a B A 3 LiNastartedplayingtennisattheageofsix Sheisoneofbestwomentennisplayersintheworld A the theB a C theD the 4 Willyoustayforsupperwithus Sure I dloveto HomecookingisjustwhatIlike A aB anC theD C D 5 Myfatherdoesn tlikegoingtoworkbybus A theB aC D an C 考点4 不定冠词a和an的辨析 考点精讲 考点精讲 1 HaveyouseeniPhone6 Ileftitherethismorning Isitblackone IthinkIsawitsomewhere A an theB an aC the aD the 2 MissZhangwillgotoAmericaforimportantmeetingnextmonth A an anB anC aD an the B B 3 LeeMinhaoisactorfromSouthKorea HesangChinesepopsongonthe2014CCTVNewYear sGala A the anB theC an aD a 4 IthinkEnglishisusefullanguage andit salsoimportantlanguage A an aB a anC an theD a the C B 考点5 在某些词组中 有冠词和无冠词意思不同 考点精讲 infrontof在 前面 inthefrontof在 范围内 的前面 部分 inhospital 生病 住院 inthehospital在医院里atschool上学 attheschool在学校attable在吃饭 atthetable在桌旁inbed 躺 睡 在床上 inthebed 某物 在床上 考点精讲 1 Wouldyouliketocometomypartythisafternoon I dliketo butmymotherisillinhospital Iwillgotohospitaltoseehe


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