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20132014学年度三模联考英语科试题本试卷共8页,三大题,满分135分。考试时间为120分钟。注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、班级、座号写在答题卷密封线内。2. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答。3. 答案一律写在答题区域内, 不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。I语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案涂在答题卡标号为115的相应位置上。How can you tell if someones lying? The answer is, theyre probably not. Traditional economics says that people are 1 beings who will lie if its to their advantage. A recent university study has shown that, actually, were pretty 2 especially when were at home.Researchers in Germany 3 people at home and asked them to toss (投掷) a coin. There was a strong 4 incentive (刺激) to lie about the result: if the coin landed tails-up, the participant would receive money, while if the coin landed heads-up, they would get nothing. Because they were on the phone, they knew there was no 5 of getting caught if they lied.And yet people told the 6 . Over hundreds of tosses a coin will land tails-up about 50% of the time. In this 7 over half the people asked (55.6%) said that the coin landed heads-up, which meant they would receive nothing.Previous studies had found that people were more 8 . In those laboratory studies, 75% of people reported a 9 coin and asked for a reward. So the research team thinks its being in our own homes which makes us play fair, although its not yet clear why.In fact both types of study show people are surprisingly 10 . Even in the laboratory, 25% of people 11 a reward by telling the truth. The researchers say this is because honesty is 12 valued in human society. We care about our 13 and our sense of ourselves as decent (体面的) people. So lying has a psychological 14 and it seems this cost is more important than the financial benefits of 15 .1. A. poorB. kindC. generousD. reasonable2. A. honestB. strictC. calmD. afraid3. A. visitedB. sawC. phonedD. caught4. A. mentalB. financialC. technical D. educational5. A. ideaB. needC. evidenceD. risk6. A. differenceB. truthC. storyD. world7. A. way B. interviewC. speechD. study8. A. faithfulB. gratefulC. disappointedD. dishonest9. A. missingB. losingC. winningD. shining10. A. reliableB. greedyC. braveD. wealthy11. A. receivedB. refused C. wonD. required12. A. highlyB. seldomC. formallyD. poorly13. A. moneyB. familyC. jobsD. reputation14. A. reasonB. effectC. costD. function15. A. studyingB. lyingC. phoningD. reporting第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16-25的相应位置上。In 1972, Jim Cathcart worked at a small company, making $525 a month, without hope for the foreseeable (可预见的) future.One morning, he sat in his office, 16 (listen) to a program called “Our Changing World” by Earl Nightingale, who was known as “the Dean of Personal Motivation”. That day, Nightingale, in his booming (低沉的) voice, said something 17 would change Jims life forever: “ 18 you spend an extra hour each day studying your chosen field, you will be a national expert in that field 19 five years or less.”Jim 20 (impress). The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Although he had never given a speech, he had always wanted to help people grow in areas of personal 21 (develop) and motivation. He began to read books and listen to tapes 22 he could. He also started exercising and joined 23 self-improvement study group. Within six months he had learned more than he had in his few years of college, and he began to believe he could turn 24 goal of becoming a motivational speaker into reality. All the hard work, the discipline, and study paid off. Jim now has delivered 25 (many) than 2,500 speeches worldwide and has won every major award in the speaking industry.II阅读 (共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案涂在答题卡标号为26-45的相应位置上。AI love everything about making Easter dinner except the Saturday shopping. That day, the supermarket can be as crowded as a department store at Christmas. And this Easter, on top of my regular checklist, I had to buy the ingredient(原料) for a delicious, new recipe Id discovered: sliced ham and turkey layered with Swiss cheese and cabbage, all wrapped in pastry dough.Trouble was that my work schedule had left me no time to shop earlier in the week. I would get up extra early and take care of everything on Saturday morning, I thought, as I drove to the office on Friday. But that morning, Yola, one of my co-workers, asked if my husband Robert and I would help her move the next day. “I really dont have anybody else to ask,” she apologized.“Sure,” I told her, soft touch that I am. Early Saturday morning, Robert, my 15-year-old son Ben, and I drove our truck to her old apartment. Oh, the piles of furniture and boxes! It took us till late afternoon to get her settled in her new place.By the time we returned home, I was exhausted. I dont know how Im going to go shopping now, let alone cook Easter dinner, I thought. The only ingredient I had at home was the cabbage. On the kitchen counter were two shopping bags of food that Yola had sent home with us - her thanks for helping her move. She was leaving on a trip the next day, and didnt want the food to go to waste.I reached into the first bag and pulled out a package of sliced ham. Well, thats lucky, I thought. Then I pulled out a package of sliced turkey, and another of Swiss cheese. Thats strange, I thought. Theres no way Yola knew my Easter dinner plans. I reached back into the grocery bag, thinking of the Easter miracle. All of a sudden, the strangest feeling came over me. I lifted it out. It was a box of pastry dough - the final ingredient I needed for my recipe.26.According to her plan, what was the author going to do on early Saturday morning? A. Shop in the supermarket. B. Cook some delicious food. C. Do extra work in her office. D. Help her co-worker move.27.The underlined part “soft touch” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_”. A. one who is free at that time B. one who has a lot of strength C. one who is easily persuaded D. one who is in need of help28.What do we know from the passage? A. It took the author the whole morning to finish moving. B. Helping Yola move took the author nearly a whole day and a lot of effort. C. Only two people carried the furniture and boxes for Yola. D. Yolas new home is far away from her old apartment.29.Why did Yola give the author food? A. The food she bought was too much to eat up. B. She knew that the author liked eating the food. C. She was leaving and feared the food would go to waste. D. She knew that the author didnt buy Easter food.30.Which of the following things surprised the author most? A. Yola had so much furniture and many boxes to move. B. Yola gave her so much food to express her thanks. C. Yola had known what she was in need of. D. Yola gave her exactly what she wanted to buy.BWhat would you do if your pet cat died just before Christmas? Many cat lovers would go out and buy another cat. But one American woman was unable to bear life without her much loved pet cat Nicky. He had been with her for 17 years; and when she knew he was going to die, she had him cloned. Little Nicky was cloned by an American company, called GSC. But the new cat cost his owner $50,000.“He is the same. His characteristics are the same,” the woman told news reporters. The company, Sausalito-based Genetic Savings and Clone, made her available to speak to reporters only on condition that her name or hometown was not used. The woman said she feared being the target of groups against cloning.“Nicky loved water, which is an unusual characteristic of cats. Little Nicky jumped into my bath. Most cats are afraid of water, but Little Nicky is different: he loves it, just like my old cat,” said the woman, who said she was in her early 40s and worked in the airline industry. The company delivered Little Nicky two weeks ago and was expected to publicly announce the news on Thursday.However, the cats creation has raised heated debate. Many people have said they felt disgusted at the amount of money spent on cloning a cat. They said that she should have chosen one of the many cats without a home - cats like this are a common problem in many countries. The woman has only told news reporters her first name, Julia, but she has already received nearly 100 frightening letters from angry people, who say that cloning is against nature. Little Nicky was not only expensive, but also, like all cloned animals, may have more health problems than an animal which was born in the usual way.GSC said it had to try 80 times before it succeeded in producing a cloned cat. The company is now using new techniques and soon they hope to produce cloned dogs as well as cats. GSC said that if people were not happy with the cloned cats or dogs, they could have their money back. At the moment the cost of cloning is very high, but the manager of CSC said he hoped that eventually it would go down, and that in five years, the cost should be $20,000 for a dog or $10,000 for a cat.31. Why did Julia have her cat Nicky cloned?A. Because Christmas is drawing near. B. Because she was interested in cloning.C. Because she couldnt live without him. D. Because other cats are afraid of water.32. We can conclude from the passage that _.A. the public dont know Julias personal informationB. Julia doesnt like her cloned cat very muchC. there is no difference between Nicky and ordinary catsD. Julia wants to clone a dog in the future33. Whats Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. How the company cloned the cat. B. Why the company announced the news.C. Arguments about cloning the cat. D. The high price of cloning the cat.34. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Many people would have their cats cloned if their cats died.B. Cloned animals are healthier than those born in the natural way.C. News reporters told some angry people Julias name and address.D. People could get the money back if they arent satisfied with the cloned pets.35. According to the passage, GSC hopes to _.A. earn more money by cloning animals B. clone more animals at a lower costC. stop Julia from cloning her cat D. solve the health problems of the cloned animalsCAs wild animal lovers are not content with watching tigers and gorillas(大猩猩) during the day, a growing number of zoos in the US are offering a more thrilling after-dark experience - overnight stays.The Philadelphia Zoo is Americas first zoo and home to more than 1,300 animals. It has been running its Roars and Snores Overnight Programs for about 20 years. The most popular theme program is the Night Flight Overnight Program where children aged 5 to 12 sleep in the zoos tree house. The overnight stays are not only popular with young children. Most overnight stays include a night tour during which youngsters experience the mysterious sights and unusual sounds of the zoo. A midnight snack and breakfast are also served.“It is a unique experience to be at the zoo without the crowds and additional noise,” explained Patterson, of the Denver Zoo, which has been running its Bunk with the Beasts program since 1998. With nearly 4,000 animals and 700 species the zoo attracts more than 1.8 million visitors a year. “The things you hear and see in the zoo are completely different,” said Patterson. On Denvers two-hour tours, night vision scopes are provided so guests can see nocturnal (夜间活动的) animals such as owls, and indoor educational games increase the learning experience.Patterson said parents tend to be more worried about leaving their children than the children themselves. They have rarely had to call up a parent in the middle of the night. “They love it,” Patterson said about the children. “For many, its their first overnight stay away from home. They are so excited that by the end of the day they are so tired that they have no opportunity to worry.”“Guests at the new overnight program at the Queens Zoo make breakfast treats for animals, and watch the keepers feed them to the animals,” said Education Curator Tome Hurtubise. The growing popularity of overnight programs has caused zoos that only serve day-time visitors to think again. The Queens Zoo, which started their program this year, is so pleased with its success that they want to continue it next year.36. What can we conclude from the passage?A. The Philadelphia Zoo is Americas biggest zoo.B. It is becoming so popular that American zoos are open to visitors at night.C. Roars and Snores Overnight Programs are most popular.D. The overnight stay program is only for children.37. What can overnight visitors in the zoo do at midnight?A. They eat something. B. They take care of animals.C. They watch videos. D. They only sleep.38. The Bunk with the Beasts program includes _.A. making breakfast for the animals themselvesB. sleeping in the zoos tree house and seeing owlsC. a two-hour visit and indoor educational gamesD. watching the keepers feed food to the animals39. The visitors go to the zoo at night mainly because _.A. they have no time during the dayB. there are too many visitors during the dayC. they can have a quite different experience at that timeD. they want to make their dull life exciting40. Which of the following words best describe the children who stay in the zoo overnight?A. Excited and worried. B. Amused and frightened. C. Worried and amused. D. Excited and tired.DSons who have fond childhood memories of their fathers are more likely to be emotionally stable in the face of day-to-day stresses, according to psychologists who studied hundreds of adults of all ages. “As our study shows, fathers do play a unique and important role in the mental health of their children much later in life,” psychology professor Melanie Mallers of California State University said.For this study, 912 adult men and women between the ages of 25 and 74 completed short daily telephone interviews about that days experiences over an eight-day period. The interviews focused on the participants psychological and emotional distress (痛苦) (i.e.whether they were nervous, sad, etc.) and if they had experienced any stressful events that day.The participants were also required to answer questions such as, “How would you rate your relationship with your mother during the years when you were growing up?” and “How much time and attention did your mother give you when you needed it?” The same questions were asked about fathers.People who reported they had a good mother-child relationship reported three percent less psychological distress compared to those who reported a poor relationship, according to Mallers. Men who reported having a good relationship with their fathers during childhood were more likely to be less emotional when reacting to stressful events in their current daily lives than those who had a poor relationship, according to her findings.Also, the quality of mother and father relationships was significantly associated with how many stressful events the participants faced on a daily basis. In other words, if they had a poor childhood relationship with both parents, they reported more stressful incidents over the eight-day study when compared to those who had a good relationship with their parents.Mallers explained why healthy or unhealthy relationships may have an effect on how people handle stress as adults. “Perhaps having caring parents equips children with the experiences and skills necessary to more successfully navigate their relationships with other people throughout childhood and into adulthood,” she said.41. What do we know about the study from the passage?A. It paid close attention to the effect of fathers on their children.B. 912 children and adults took part in the study.C. It lasted as long as several months.D. It was funded by the California State University.42. In the interviews, people were asked about all of the following things EXCEPT _.A. their psychological distress B. their emotional distressC. their childhood stressful events D. their childhood relationships with their parents43. What can be concluded from the passage?A. Parent-child relationships have a lasting effect on children.B. Adults with good childhood relationships with their parents are sure to be happy.C. The mother-child relationships is more important than the father-child one.D. The quality of parent-child relationships determines how people handle stress as adults.44. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the findings of the study?A. People with a good relationship with others suffered less distress.B. Men with a good mother-child relationship were more likely to be emotionally stable than women.C. Women were more skilled at getting along with their parents than men.D. People with good childhood relationships with their parents suffered less stress.45. The last paragraph mainly tells us about _.A. how to live in a happy and harmonious familyB. why parent-child relationships are so influentialC. the importance of a happy childhood lifeD. the effect of the telephone interview第二节 信息匹配(共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息, 并按照要求匹配信息, 请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。首先请阅读下列网友住宿宾馆后的留言。A.Everything was perfect with Skene House Whitehall except the Internet service. The wireless connection was constantly disconnecting and reconnecting, which caused me no end of problems and enormous frustration in connection to my server back in


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