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课时跟踪检测(四)earthquakes.单项填空1(2014安徽皖西四校二模)hi, mum. i got promoted for my wonderful performance in my work._acongratulations!bbest wishes.cgood luck. ddont mention it.2the spacesuits can be adjusted so that the team can reproduce different levels of gravity as if they _ in space.aare bhas beencwere dhad been3(2014宿州一模)the greenbelt, _ finished, will be of great importance to the environment of this area.awhile bunlessceven if donce4mr. yang stressed in his report that it was the waste water from the chemical factory _ polluted the underground water in this area.awho bthatcwhich dwhere5(2014潍坊一模)the air in beijing those days was difficult for people _. as a result, lots of people had to stay at home, especially the old.abreathing bbeing breathedcto breathe dto be breathed6(2014海南洋浦中学模拟)marys always _ in reading and studying.no wonder she always got the first place in any examination.aburied bscheduledcburst dshocked7(2014辽宁盘锦模拟)_ his happy look on the face, he must have passed the exam this time.ajudging from bto judge fromcjudged from djudge by8(2013湖北十堰高三联考)accidental deaths have decreased obviously since the police launched a _ to reduce road accidents.aevent bbattlecfight dcampaign9(2013齐鲁名校高三调研)jewish americans are _ successful in the fields of business, entertainment and science.twentyfive percent of the 400 wealthiest americans are jewish americans.acompletely bextremelyceventually dunconditionally10(2014厦门模拟)you will _ your chances of getting a pay rise if you dont work harder than others.ainjure bwoundcharm druin11(2014邯郸模拟)flowers displayed at the fair are appreciated and _ by the tourists.athink well of bthought wellcthinking well of dwell thought of12the great wall is the place _ almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to beijing.awhy bwhichcwhen dwhere13(2014杭州高三质检)it is reported that _ of this week the price will have risen by about 10%. aby the end bat the end cin the end dat an end14(2014南阳高三质检)with the help of the new teacher, _ number of the students in my class who have made _ great progress in english up to now is far larger.athe; the ba; acthe; / da; /15(2013南昌二模)thanks to the great efforts by netizens and the journalists determination to _ the truth, anticorruption has been accelerating.atake out bcheck outcpick out ddig out.完形填空(2014合肥高三一模)diana velez does everything with maximum effort and at maximum speed.that _1_ learning a new language, completing two certificates and opening a store.when arriving in canada in 2008, she had one _2_: to have what she had back home in colombia.“i didnt want to _3_ what i do, like so many who come to a new country,”she said.“i _4_ to open a store here in canada but knew i had to _5_ myself properly.”diana quickly realized that making her dream of shop ownership in canada a _6_ meant going to school to get the _7_ education and certification.“my experience of owning a shop and working as a designer in colombia gave me _8_ in my abilities, but i couldnt speak the language and i had to _9_ how to do things in canada.it was like having to _10_ all over again,” said diana._11_, she found just the help she needed for her relaunch (重新开张) _12_ continuing education at george brown college.she began taking _13_ for both the essential skills in fashion certificate and the image consulting certificate in may 2009._14_ diana met with the language harrier, she was always going _15_ while at college.by the end of october 2009, she had completed all certificate requirements.within two years after her _16_ in canada, diana at last achieved her _17_ goal when her new store opened its doors in torontos sheppard centre.she was on the fasttrack to _18_.looking back, diana, a fashion (时装) designer, _19_ her achievements to the goal she set, the education she received from the college, and _20_, the efforts she made.now diana is very happy doing what she is doing.1.a.requires bencourages cincludes dadvises2a.goal bmemory cchoice dproblem3a.continue bchoose cchange dlose4a.demanded bdecidedcagreed dhesitated5a.teach bprepare cenjoy dpersuade6a.reality bfact cchallenge dwonder7a.physical bprivate cprimary dnecessary8a.pressure bjudgment cinfluence dconfidence9a.put away bdepend onclearn about dlook into10a.advance bstart csuffer dwork11a.naturally bgradually cluckily dclearly12a.through bfor cbefore dwith13a.notes bresponsibilitiescchances dcourses14a.though bas csince donce15a.around bback cahead dout16a.adventure barrivalcperformance djourney17a.original bcommon canother ddistant18a.success bwealth cglory dhappiness19a.adds bconnects cdevotes dowes20a.after all babove all cat least dat first.阅读理解(2014宣城高三模拟)standing in the middle of a yard crowded with soldiers, luo ming, a 31yearold team leader with the sichuan emergency response volunteer group, sees a threat (威胁) nearly as big as the earthquake that struck western chinas mountainous area on saturday: too many volunteers.“the volunteers have created a certain kind of disaster themselves,” he says, obviously tired due to no sleep in 48 hours.“there are more volunteers than there are earthquake victims.they have no place to sleep, and nothing to eat, and most of them have no experience or training.” mr luo is in charge at the volunteer registration (登记) tent at the town centre of longmen, where the earthquake has left thousands of people without shelter, food and water for three days.he has registered more than 500 volunteers, but he has turned even more than that away.“for some people, the biggest help that they can do for disaster areas is go back where they came from safely,” he says.authorities are trying to make sure that no more volunteers show up.beijing announced a ban on private volunteers and civil society groups entering the disaster area for the time being, and several universities in sichuan issued notices to their students asking them not to travel to the earthquake areas, encouraging them to donate blood instead.one of the reasons for the governments decision is transportation difficulty: large rescue vehicles and heavy car traffic makes the roads impassable.on one stretch between longmen and taiping, traffic was so bad on sunday morning that an injured woman was taken out of her ambulance, which was stuck in traffic, and carried by her husband on his back to seek medical attention.1which of the following is true of luo ming according to the passage?ahe is a soldier.bhe is in his forties.che is overworking. dhe has nothing to eat.2why are more volunteers banned from entering the disaster areas?athey cannot give any help at all.bthey bring more trouble than help.cthey refuse to donate their blood.dthey make the earthquake even worse.3the man had to carry his injured wife on his back to find a doctor because _.athe ambulance she had been in was stuck in trafficbher injure was too serious for her to be carried in any vehicleca road accident made it impossible for the ambulance to go ondhe thought it the best way to carry her dear wife4whats the best title for the news item?aquake left thousands homelessbquake volunteers create challengecluo ming, a hardworking team leaderdtransportation difficulty in disaster areas答 案.1.选a孩子因在工作中表现得好而得到提升,妈妈应该表示“祝贺”,所以选a。2选c考查虚拟语气及as if的用法。句意:这些太空服可以调节以便队员们能模仿不同级别的引力,好像他们在太空似的。根据句中的can be adjusted,知这些队员现在还没在太空,是一个与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,故用were。3选d句意:这条绿化带一旦完成,将对这一地区的环境产生重大的作用。while“当时候”;unless“除非”;even if“即使”;once“一旦”。4选b句意:杨先生在他的报告里强调正是来自这家化工厂的废水污染了这一地区的地下水。本句强调的是主语the waste water,是物,用that构成强调句。5选c句意:那些天北京的空气很难呼吸。结果,很多人不得不待在家里,尤其是那些老人。the air与breathe构成逻辑上的被动关系,需用被动语态,但因句中有形容词difficult,不定式在作状语时,用其主动形式表达被动含义,故答案为c。6选a句意:“玛丽整天埋头于学习和读书中。”“难怪她每次考试都得第一名。” be buried in “埋头于;专心于”。7选ajudging from为插入语结构,不受句子主语和语态限制,故正确答案只能选a。8选d句意:自从警察开展减少道路交通事故的运动以来,意外死亡已经明显降低。launch a campaign“开展一场运动”,符合句意。event“(尤指重要、有意思或不寻常的)事件”;battle“战役”;fight“战斗”。9选b句意:犹太裔美国人在商业、娱乐和科学领域极其成功,在400个最富有的美国人中,有25%是犹太裔美国人。extremely“极其;极度”,符合句意。completely“完全地”;eventually“终于;最终”;unconditionally“无条件地”。10选druin可用其引申含义,意为“毁坏”,此时其宾语通常是health, fame, chance等。injure侧重身体上的伤害;wound侧重战场上的刀伤、枪伤等;harm指“对有害”。所以选d。11选d句意:在展览会上展出的鲜花得到游客们的欣赏和高度评价。从句意看,flowers与think well of是被动关系,故用被动语态;think well of“对评价高”,其被动语态常把well放在系动词之后。12选b分析句子结构可知,“_almost all tourists would like to visit”为定语从句,修饰先行词the place,关系代词在从句中充当visit的宾语,因此选b。13选a“by the end of将来时间”时,谓语动词用将来完成时。14选c句意:在新的英语老师的帮助下,我们班中在英语方面取得进步的学生数量相当大。the number of“的数量”;make great progress in“在取得进步”。15.选d句意:由于网民的努力和记者挖掘真相的决心,反腐工作加快了。dig out“找出;发掘”,符合句意。take out“获得”;check out“核实;检查(是否一切正常)”;pick out“精心挑选”。.1.选c根据“learning a new language .”之后的列举和前面提到的“everything”可知,此处答案为c项,意为“包括”。2选a根据下文“to have what she had .”可知,此处不定式表示目的,故答案为a,意为“目标”,由此两者形成呼应。3选c根据常识可知,许多人去了新地方,都会有一个新的开始,但是戴安娜与众不同,她并不想改变自己所做的事情。这与下文她重新在加拿大开商店形成呼应。故选c。4选b此处与上句她不想改变相呼应,她决定开一个商店。这与下文她所做的努力相呼应。decide意为“决定”,符合语境,故选b。5选b根据下文内容可知,戴安娜接受教育,最终取得成功,说明一开始来到一个人生地不熟的地方还是有很多东西要准备的,故答案为b。6选a根据固定搭配make ones dream a reality“梦想成真”可知,答案应为a。7选d要想梦想成真就意味着要上学接受一些必要的教育和得到相应的证书。necessary意为“必要的”,符合语境,故选d。8选d在哥伦比亚开过店和做过设计师的经历让她对自己的能力充满信心。confidence in sth.意为“在某方面有自信”,符合语境,故选d。9选c此处与上句要去学校学习相呼应,说明戴安娜在加拿大必须要学会如何应对很多事情,这就是一个重新学习的过程,故答案为c。put away“存放”;depend on“依赖”;look into“调查”。10选b根据“it was like having to _10_ all over again”可知,这就像一切重新开始。start意为“开始”,符合语境,故答案为b。11选c根据下句“she found just the help”可知,她恰好找到了帮助,由此可见在异国他乡她很幸运,luckily意为“幸运地”,符合语境,故答案为c。12选a根据语境可知,戴安娜是通过继续教育找到了办法。through意为“通过”,符合语境,故选a项。13选d根据固定搭配take a course“学习课程”可知,应选d项。14选a虽然戴安


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