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2015届高考英语二轮专题检测精品练习:完型填空(1)(a)are your table manners much better when you are eating at a friends home or in a restaurant than they are at your own home? probably so, _45_ you are aware that people judge you by your table manners. you take special pains when you are eating _46_. have you ever stopped to realize how much less self-conscious you would be on such occasions if _47_ table manners had become a habit for you? you can make them a habit by _48_ good table manners at home.good manners at mealtimes help you and those around you to feel _49_. this is true at home as much as it is true in someone elses home or in a restaurant. good _50_ make meals more enjoyable for everyone at the table.by this time you probably know quite well what good table manners are. you _51_ that keeping your arms on the table, talking with your_52_ full, and wolfing down your food are not considered good manners. you know also that if you are mannerly, you say “please” and “thank you” and ask for things to be passed to you.have you ever thought of a pleasant attitude as being_53_ to good table manners? not only are pleasant mealtimes enjoyable, but they aid digestion. the dinner table is a _54_ for enjoyable conversation. it should never become a battleground. you are definitely growing in social maturity (成熟) when you try to be an agreeable table companion.45. a. because b. but c. unless d. though46. a. in public b. at home c. at ease d. in a hurry47. a. suchb. no c. some d. good48. a. acting b. enjoying c. practicing d. watching49. a. comfortable b. stressed c. depressed d. outstanding50. a. dishes b. manners c. atmospheres d. friends 51. a. mention b. prefer c. doubt d. realize52. a. stomach b. hands c. mouth d. bowl53. a. essential b. considerate c. obvious d. unusual54. a. time b. place c. chanced. way (a) 4549 aadca 5054 bdcab(b)michael greenberg is a very popular new yorker. he is not famous in sports or the arts, but people in the streets 16 him, especially those who are 17 .for those people, he is gloves greenberg. how did he get that 18 ?he looks like any otner businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱). but hes 19 _. his briefcase always has some gloves。in winter,mr.greenberg does not 20 like other new yorkers,who look at the sidewalk and 21 the street.he looks around at 22 .he stops when he 23 someone with no gloves.he gives them a pair and then he 24 ,looking for more people with cold 25 .on winter days,mr.greenberg 26 gloves.during the rest of the year,he 27 gloves.people who have heard about him 28 him gloves,and he has many in his apartment. mr. greenberg 29 doing this 21 years ago. now, many poor new yorkers know him and 30 his behavior. but people who dont know him are sometimes 31 him. they dont realize that he just wants to make them 32 .it runs in the 33 .michaels father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. michael greenberg feels the 34 .a pair of gloves may be a 35 thing,but it can make a big difference in winter.16.a.know aboutb. learn fromc. cheer ford. look after17. a. oldb. busyc. kind d.poor18. a. iobb. namec. chance d. message19.a.calmb.differentc.crazyd.curious20.a.actb.soundc.feeld.dress21.a.cross overb. drive alongc. hurry downd. keep off22. a. carsb. peoplec. street numbersd. traffic lights23.a.helpsb .choosesc.greets d.sees24.a.holds upb.hangs outc.moves ond.turns around25.a.handsb. earsc.faces d. eyes26. a. searches for b. stores up c.gives away d. puts on27. a. borrows b. sells c.returnsd. buys28. a. call b. send c. lendd. show29. a. delayed b. remembered c. began d. enjoyed30.a.understand b.dislikec.studyd.excuse31.a.sorry forb.satisfied withc.proud ofd.surprised by32.a.smartb.rich c.speciald.happy33.a.cityb.familyc.neighborhoodd.company34.a.honorb.painc.samed.cold35.a.smallb.usefulc.delightfuldcomforting16.【答案】a【解析】街上的人都知道他。a了解,知道. 的情况;b向.学习;c为.加油;d照顾。故选a。17.【答案】d【解析】根据第六段话many new yorkers know him可知,尤其是穷人们,对他很熟悉。故选d。18.【答案】b【解析】那些穷人叫他“gloves”greenberg,它是怎样获得这个称号的呢?故选b。19.【答案】b【解析】他看起来和其他人一样,穿西装提公文箱,但和别人不一样。根据but可知表转折,故选b。20.【答案】a【解析】mr. greenberg不像其他纽约人一样,其他人是看看人行道,然后就穿过马路。而act表示“行为”,故选a。21.【答案】c【解析】who look引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为other new yorkers,其他纽约人的做法是看一下人行道,接着驶过马路。a穿过;b沿着开;d远离;故选c。22.【答案】b【解析】根据下一句可知,mr. greenberg环顾四周,看有没有没戴手套的人,故选b。23.【答案】d【解析】当看到有人没戴手套时,他就会停下来。故选d。24.【答案】c【解析】根据looking for more people可知,mr. greenberg继续前行,寻找没带手套的人。短语hold up举起,支撑,耽搁;hang out闲逛;move on继续前进;turn around转身,好转。故选c。25.【答案】a【解析】他沿街发放手套,他寻找的肯定是手冻僵的人,故选a。26.【答案】c【解析】search for搜寻,寻找;store up储存;give away分发;put on穿上。在冬天里,他发放手套,故选c。27.【答案】d【解析】他冬天发手套,过了冬天就买手套,以备冬天发放。故选d。28.【答案】b【解析】send sb sth寄给某人某物,认识他的人都会给他寄去手套,结果,他的公寓里就有了很多手套,故选b。29.【答案】c【解析】他是21年前开始做这件事的,begin doing开始做,故选c。30.【答案】a【解析】根据下一句可知,知道他的人,都理解他的行为。a理解;b不喜欢;c研究;d原谅。故选a。31.【答案】根据上一句可知,不知道他的人,会不理解他所做的事情。a为感到遗憾;b对感到满意;c为感到自豪;d对感到惊讶。故选d。【解析】32.【答案】d【解析】那些不理解的人没意识到他只是让他们那些穷人快乐,根据最末一段it made everyone happier可知,此处填happy。故选d。33.【答案】b【解析】乐于助人的精神在mr. greenberg的家庭相传,根据下一句可知,父亲对他有很深的影响。故选b。34.【答案】c【解析】他的父亲相信,乐于助人让每个人更快乐,他也这样认为,故选c。35.【答案】a【解析】一双手套或许微不足道,但是在冬天就会有很多不同了。本句表转折让步,突出mr. greenberg的无私奉献精神,故选a。c lightning flashed through the darkness over sibsons bedroom skylight(天窗).sibson was shaken by a clap of thunder _21_ he knew what was happening. the storm had moved directly _22_ his two-story wooden house. then he heard the smoke alarm beeping. sibson rushed down the stairs barefoot to 23 ; he opened the door to the basement(地下室), and flames 24 out. sibson ran back upstairs to call 911 from his bedroom. “i felt 25 because the room had a separate outdoor stairway,” he explains. but the phone didnt work, and when he tried to go down the outdoor stairway, he was 26 by a wall of flames. sibson realized he was trapped(困住). sibsons house was three kilometers 27 the main road and was so well hidden by trees that he knew calling for help would be 28 . up a hill nearby lived sibsons neighbor, huggons. he was lying in bed when something like a smoke alarm 29 his ears. he jumped out of bed, took his 30 and flashlight, and headed down the hillside toward the 31 . that was when he saw the rolling heavy smoke. huggons dialed 911, and the operator warned him not to 32 the house. but huggons said, “there is no way i am going to listen to sibson 33 and die in that fire.” “anyone there?” huggons called out. then he heard “help! im trapped!” coming from the second floor balcony(阳台). he entered the house, but soon had to run back to catch his 34 . 高666考%资&源#网 after one more 35 inside the house, huggons gave up and 36 around back. the wind parted the smoke just 37 for him to catch sight of sibson. but there was no way to get to him. he 38 the flashlight into the woods and noticed a ladder. he took it over to the balcony and 39 sibson down just as the second floor of the house fell off. sibson is still 40 when he tells the story. “ i was alone that night,” he says. “then i heard the most beautiful sound in my life. it was huggons.”21. a. before b. while c. since d. until22. a. on b. in c. through d. over23. a. hide b. wait c. check d. escape24. a. moved b. gave c. went d. exploded25. a. safe b. worried c. glad d. tired26. a. burned b. stopped c. shocked d. covered27. a. beside b. off c. across d. along28. a. limited b. false c. fruitless d. regretful29. a. struck b. missed c. touched d. passed30. a. coat b. key c. basin d. phone31. a. noise b. road c. smoke d. danger32. a. search b. enter c. leave d. damage33. a. call b. roll c. scream d. sigh34. a. breath b. attention c. ladder d. flashlight35. a. stay b. chance c. thought d. attempt36. a. climbed b. circled c. looked d. jumped37. a. clear b. open c. enough d. fit38. a. led b. put c. drove d. shone39. a. persuaded b. kicked c. pulled d. forced40. a. nervous b. surprised c. proud d. thankful【答案与解析】【本文要点】本文为记叙文,叙述了在一场雷雨引发房屋火灾之后,sibson如何自救,以及他的邻居huggons如何帮他脱离险境的惊心动魄的故事。21. a 此句句意为:在sibson还不知道发生什么事情的时候,便被一声雷鸣震醒。此处before表示“还来不及就”。22. d “暴风雨直袭他的两层木屋”,暴风雨应该是从房屋上方袭来,故用over。23. c 根据后文“他打开通向地下室的门”可以判断sibson冲下楼梯的目的是“查看一下”到底发生了什么事情。24. d 他打开地下室的门,火焰从里面喷发出来。此处explode out意为brea


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