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内蒙古包头市一机一中2014-2015学年高二英语上学期期中试题(含解析)新人教版 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. where is the boy from?a. sanya b. vancouver c. london7. what season is it in sanya?a. spring b. summer c. winter 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. when will the boy have an english test?a. on friday b. on monday c. on thursday9. what does the boy ask the girl to do for him?a. get some food b. save the seat c. keep an eye on his materials听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. what does the woman think of living downtown?a. convenient b. unsafe c. noisy11. what do we know about the suburb?a. there is a shopping mall b. there is a night club c. there is a lake12. what is the relationship between them?a. boss and worker b. guide and tourist c. husband and wife听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. where does monica skateboard?a. in skate parks and streets b. in her school c. in a gym14. when did monica get her first skateboard?a. at the age of 13 b. at the age of 14 c. at the age of 1515. what do we know about go skateboarding day?a. it is on the 21st of july every yearb. skateboarders attend partiesc. austrians also celebrate the day16. what dont skateboarders like to wear?a. tight trousers b. t-shirts c. baseball caps听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. what does the new adventure mean in the letter?a. a foreign trip b. the university life c. the new city life18. how can edith make the homesickness fade away?a. by chatting with parents online. b. by calling friends c. by making new friends19. what does millie do ?a. a doctor b. a student c. a teacher20. what is millies cell phone number?a.b.c.二部分 (共三节,满分70分)第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) aa modern-day love story of a man seeing the girl of his dreams across a new york subway train and tracking her down over the internet has failed to have a fairy tale ending with the relationship over.for web designer patrick moberg, then 21, from brooklyn, it was love at first sight when he saw a woman on a manthttan train last november. but he lost her in the crowd so he set up a website with a sketch(素描)picture to find herwww.n.unbelievably in a city of 8 million people, it only took moberg 48 hours to find the woman, with his phone ringing non-stop and email box overflowing. new yorkers took pity on the subway romeo and joined his hunt.the mysterious girl was named as camille hayton, from melbourne, australia, who was working at the magazine black book and also lived in brooklyn. one of her friends saw the sketched picture on the web site and recognized her.but after finding each other, appearing on tv and getting international press, the couple took their romance out of the public eye, with moberg closing down the web site and with both refusing to make any more commentsuntil now.hayton told australian newspaper the sunday telegraph that she dated moberg for about two months but it just didnt work out.“i say we dated for a while but now were just friends,” hayton, now 23, told the newspaper. hayton said she is still recognized about three times a week on the streets of manhattan as “that girl” and the question is always the same: “so what happened?”“i think the situation was so intense that it linked us,” she said, adding, “it linked us in a way that you could mistake, i guess, for being more romantic than it was. i dont know. but i wanted to give it a go so didnt wonder what if, what if?”hayton told the sunday telegraph that she is enjoying single life in new york, keeping busy with acting classes, working in two clothing stores. last week she had a small role as a waitress in the long-running daytime soap as the world turns.“i just cant believe it happened. it feels like a long time ago,” said hayton. moberg, however, was still refusing to comment on the relationship.21after moborg lost the girl in the crowd,he set up a website with .a. a pretty notice to find her b. an inspiring story to move herc. an exciting program to attract her d. a rough drawing to discover her22moberg found the girl in a short time because .a. he phoned everybody in the city b. he e-mailed everybody in the cityc. he got help from the net citizens d.he continued his hunt day and night23what has happened to hayton after the subway romance?a. she still gets noticed in the streets in new yorkb. she has become a journalist in australia.c. she has become a superstar in the city.d. she is out of work and is looking for a new job.24the best title for this passage may be .a. ny subway romance causes debate(争论) b. ny subway romance hits endc. nya romantic city for the young coupled. nya heartbreaking city for the young couple bwearing ties was originally the mark of britains most powerful classes, which made the tie itself a symbol of power and respect. and that led it to be adopted by a much larger tribethe business tribe.you cannot wear a tie if you work with machinery. so wearing a tie became a sign that you were a man who used your brain to make a living, rather than your hands. it showed you were serious. it showed you were a professional. it meant that everyone who wanted a job in business had to wear one. it was just impossible to take seriously a man who didnt wear a piece of colored silk around his neck.this is how millions of people came to be wearing ties across the world. they are part of the uniform of business.“ties offer a point of difference,” says john milne, head of the british guide of tie makers. “they give a chance to say something about their own personality.”so if you happen to meet a man with a very brightly colored tie, there is a good chance that he is the office joker. there is also a good chance that he will be wearing brightly colored socks.is there a future for ties? the signs are not promising. tie wearing seems to be rare among entrepreneurs(企业家) in the internet and new technology industries. many political leaders,including british prime minister tony blair, now go without ties. this shows they are men of the peoplebut not the people wearing ties.up until around 1960, it was common for men across the western world to wear hats as part of their business uniform. that changed with the election of john f. kennedy to the presidency of the united states. kennedy never wore a hat in fact his nickname was“hatless jack”. seeing that the most powerful man in the world did not have to wear a hat, millions of other men decided that they did not have to, either. perhaps“tieless tony”(uk prime minister tony blair) will have the same effect as “hatless jack”25in britain, ties were first used as a sign to show a persons_.a. personality b. job c.social position d. favorite hobby26in the business world,wearing a tie was necessary because_.a. it showed you were welltrained b. it showed you got a good salaryc. it showed you were an employer d. it showed you were a brainworker27. if you meet a man with a not brightly colored tie, that means _a. he likes playing jokes. b. he is popular with others.c. he maybe seldom play jokes. d. he is a leader. 28the writer may hold the opinion that_.a. millions of people will go to work without a tieb. kennedy is the best leader in the worldc. blair is the best leader in the world d. people will wear hats instead of ties cin todays world of cell phones, mini laptops and mp5 players, most people have at least one time-telling tool with them. since these devices are so common, is time running out for the 500-year-old watch? according to some consumers, yes. new jersey teenager charlie wollman says a watch is “an extra piece of equipment with no necessary function”. many young adults agree and use their cell phones to tell time. it is said that fewer young people wear watches today than five years ago. as a result, some people claim that the watch industry is at a crossroads. however, watchmakers optimistically say that watches redeem popularity when consumers reach their 20s and 30s. by then, they are willing to spend money on a quality watch that doesnt just keep good time. fifty years ago, watchmakers boasted about their products accuracy. but in recent years, the watch industry has transformed itself into an accessory(饰品)business. and for many today, the image a watch communicates has become more important than the time it tells. “complications” - features that go beyond simple timekeeping- are an important part of a watchs image. todays watches offer lots of features that meet almost any personality. these features include compasses, lunar calendars, and even usb drives.creativity is a key element in todays watches. for example, japanese watchmaker tokyoflash makes watches that dont even look like watches. the companys popular shinshoku model uses different color lights to tell the time. it looks more like a fashionable bracelet than a watch. whether a watch communicates fashion sense, creative flair or a love of sports, consumers want their timepieces to stand out. nowadays, everyone has the same kind of gadget(小玩意儿) in their bags, so people want to make a statement with whats on their wrists. will this interest in wrist fashion last? only time will tell! 29. the underlined word “redeem” in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by “_”.a. enlarge b. lose c. prove d. regain30. according to the passage, a multi-function watch can _. a. show the direction b. remind you of your daily affairs c. be used as a calculator d.store the list of phone numbers 31. in paragraph 4, japanese watchmaker tokyoflash is mentioned to _. a. compare a watch with a cool bracelet b. prove todays watches are fashionable c. show how popular shinshoku watches are. d. stress its tokyoflash that makes shinshoku watches32. what might be the most suitable title for the passage? a. japanese watches stand out b. watch industry is in a bad situation c. watches tell more than time d. watches are becoming less popular d (a) for salechinese-made bicycle good condition zhang ying 306, dormitory 4 (b) needed25-year-old woman 900 yuan a month speak good english lan fleming 422-389506 (c) roommate wantedmale(男)-english native speaker wanted to share a 2-bedroom apartment near campus ,washer, dryer, kitchen call li ming, 228-940605any evening after 5 (d) lostblack briefcase (公文包) with 3 books on physicscall: john smith 843-316065(e)wanted to rent one-bedroom apartment from feb.1 through june ,better near campus(校园)call robert waller 843-429065(f) foundbrown briefcase with some moneysee: joseph hofman in chemistry dept (系)33. if you want to find a job, and you can speak english, you can call _a. 422-389506 b. 228-940605 c. 843-316065 d.843-429065 34. one of the reasons why li ming wants someone to share his room is that _. a. he wants to live near the campusb.he wants his washer, dryer and kitchen to be used c. he wants to improve his englishd. he wants someone to use his kitchen35. robert waller wishes to rent a room_ .a. outside the city b. far away from the schoolc. inside the school d. near the school 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项。i ran into a stranger as he passed by. “im so sorry!” was my reply. then he said, “excuse me too. i wasnt 36 watching for you.” we were very polite, this stranger and i. then we went 37 our way after saying goodbye. but at 38 , a different story is told. how we treat our loved ones, young and old. later in the kitchen, as i 39 our meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. when i turned, i 40 knocked her down. “get out of the way!” i shouted with a frown(皱眉). she stepped away silently, with her little heart 41 . i didnt realize how harshly(苛刻地) i had spoken.that night, when i lay 42 in bed, gods quiet voice spoke to me and said, “while 43 with a stranger, you are calm and polite, but with those you love, you are quick to excite. go look around on the kitchen floor, youll find some flowers there by the 44 . those are the flowers she brought for you. she 45 them herself- pink, yellow, and your favorite blue. she stood there quietly, and you never saw the 46 in her eyes.” by this time, i felt sad and small and now my own tears had begun to fall. i quietly went and knelt by her 47 : “wake up, my dear,” i said, “are these the flowers you picked up for me?” she smiled, “i found them out by the tree. i 48 them in a napkin(餐巾), just for you. i knew youd like them, especially the 49 .” i said, “i am so sorry that i missed them today. and i 50 have fussed(慌乱)at you that way.” and she whispered, “mommy, thats okay. i still love you 51 .” i hugged her and said, “i love you, too and i love the flowers.” do you know that: if you die tomorrow, the 52 you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of (大约)days. but the family you leave _53 will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. and come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into our 54 than into our families-an unwise investment(投资) indeed. remember that 55 = (f)ather - (a)nd-(m)other - (i)-(l)ove-(y)ou.36. a. ever b. just c. right d. even37. a. to b. in c. on d. for38. a. home b. school c. work d. office39. a. had b. cooked c. ate d. took40. a.already b. hardly c. rudely d. nearly41. a. broken b. missed c. beaten d.lost 42. a.asleep b. awake c. afraid d. alive43. a.going b. meeting c. dealing d. talking44. a. floor b. kitchen c. window d. door45. a. grew b. bought c. picked d. fetched46. a. joy b. expressions c. tears d. smiles47. a. bed b. knees c. body d. desk48. a.covered b. wrapped c. put d. help49. a. pink b. yellow c. blue d. black50. a.cant b. neednt c. mustnt d. shouldnt51. a.anyway b. indeed c. anything d. besides52. a. country b.place c. company d. state53. a behind b. for c. with d. to54. a. stranger b. loss c.work d. meal 55. a. respect b. warmth c. friend d. family第三节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 imagine being able to go online through the contact lenses (隐形眼镜) on your eyeballs. blink (眨眼), and youd be online. _56_ and if your new friend happens to be speaking a different language, an automatic translation could appear directly in front of you. that might sound fantastic, but its something that might very well exist in 30 years or less._57_ some of the inventions that may appear throughout the coming century include space elevators and driver-less cars. in the future, youll simply jump into your car, turn on the internet, turn on a movie and sit back and relax and turn on the automatic pilot, and the car will drive itself. _58_in the future, our brains might be able to work with artificial intelligence. one study in which computer chips were placed into the brains of disabled patients shows that by thinking certain thoughts, they could move the cursor(光标) on a computer screen. _59_ after a while, the patients were able to read email, surf the internet, guide wheelchairs and so on. _60_ as its very dangerous to put astronauts on a moon base where theres harmful radiation, itd be much better to put robots on the moon and have them mentally connected to astronauts on the earth.a. it may take a long time for people to learn the technology.b. anything you can do on a computer, the patients can do as well.c. internet-ready contact lenses arent the only future item were likely to see.d. meet a new friend, and youd have the ability to immediately check their identity.e. the first people to buy these contact lenses will be college students studying for final exams. f. the car doesnt get drunk, doesnt get absent-minded and certainly doesnt lose control of its temper.g. similar technology could be used in the future to control robots that can go to places wherehumans cant. 第ii卷(共50分)(请把答案写在答题纸上)第三部分 英语知识应用 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。life is difficult, but it is no longer difficult once we 61._ (true) understand and accept it. most do not fully see this truth. instead they complain 62._ their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy.


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