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unit5ifyougotheparty youwillhaveagoodtime littlebylittle onegoesfar 千里之行始于足下 wordsandtheexpressions 1 agentn 代理人 代理商2 professionaladj 专业的 职业的3 makealiving谋生4 againstprep 反对5 charityn 慈善团体6 chancen 机会 机遇7 allthetime一直8 injuredadj 受伤的 受损害的9 sincerelyadv 真诚地10 lawyern 律师11 tonightn 今晚12 mobilephone移动电话 oldpeople shomeschoolclean upchildren shospitalhelpmeorganizeapartyhalftheclassplaypartygamesendofyearpartyend of yearexamme too whynot 敬老院学校大扫除儿童医院帮助我组织聚会半班学生玩聚会游戏年终聚会年终考试我也一样 为什么不呢 behappytravelaroundtheworldgotocollegemakealotofmoneybecome befamousgetaneducationmobilephonelaughat sb dyehairbrown 高兴环游世界上大学赚许多钱出名受教育手机嘲笑 某人 把头发染成棕色 sportsteamgetfatfastfoodthemostboringsubjectthefunniestteacheroutsidethewindowtalkaboutconsequencesexplainwhy dothefollowing3things 体育队发胖快餐最无聊的功课最有趣的老师窗外谈论结果解释一下为什么 做下面的 件事情 ifyouarehappy whatwillyoudo ifiamhappy iwillsmile ifiamhappy iwillsing ifiamhappy iwilldance ifyouaresad whatwillyoudo ifiamsad iwillcry ifiamsad iwilleatalotoffood ifiamsad iwillgoshopping studyhard iwillgotopekinguniversity ifi a ithinkiamgoingtotheparty b ifyoudo youwillhaveagreattime ifyougototheparty youwillhaveagreattime a ithinkiwillwearadresstotheparty b ifyoudo youwillhaveagreattime b ifyouwearjeans youwillberelaxed butiwon tletyouin whatwillhappenifyoudon tworkhard ifidon tworkhard iwill getabadgrade chainpractice a ifidon tworkhard iwillgetabadgrade b ifigetabadgrade myparentswillbeangrywithme c ifmyparentsareangrywithme iwon tgetanypocketmoney d ifidon tgetanypocketmoney if引导的条件状语从句 时态 主将从现 主句一般将来时 从句一般现在时 例句 如果他努力工作 他的梦想将会实现 ifheworkshard hisdreamwillcometrue 例句 如果明天下雨 我将不出去散步 exercises thestudentswillgotothesummerpalaceifit notrain tomorrow ifhe notdo hishomework he llbelate ifshelikesit she read itsoon ifyouplaycomputergamesonweekdays you be tired ifyouwatchtvtonight you notstudy forthetest ifyou bring candiestoschool theteacherwilltakethemaway idon tknowifhe come tomorrow ifhe come pleaseringmeup doesn train doesn tdo willread willbe won tstudy bring willcome comes 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 ifyou be late theteacherwillbeangry 2 wedon tknowifit snow 3 he become asoccerplayerifheworkshard 4 you be famousifyousingwell are willsnow willbecome willbe halfofthetime be wastednow halfofthesebananas be bad halfoftheboys like basketball is are like watchingtv 太多 isbadforoureyes it sbadmannersto 嘲笑 others theteacher 拿走 hismobilephone becauseheuseditinclass 4 please 清理 thebrokenglass 5 hangzhouis 以 闻名 thewestlake 6 hefoundapart timejobto 赚钱 don tmissthe 机遇 whenitcomes canyou 解释 whyyoudidit shewantstobea law whenshegrowup mayiopenthe 窗户 it stoohot 5 thereisgoingtobeaconcert 今晚 toomuch laughat tookaway cleanup famousfor makemoney chance explain lawyer window s tonight 1 howmuchdidyou ontheinterestingtoys a takeb payc spendd cost2 couldyoutellme a wheredoeshelive b wherehelive c whatdoeshedo d whathisjobis 3 wouldyouliketomybirthdayparty butihavetakecareofmylittlesister a ofcoursenotb that sallrightc i dlovetod yes ido 4 doyouknowifhe toplaychesswithus ithinkhewillcomeifhe freetomorrow a comes isb comes willbec willcome isd willcome willbe5 pleasegivemeapieceofpaperto a writeinb writewithc writeond writeto6 itoldhimthatthesun inthewest a setsb setedc hassetd wassetting 7 saturday sundayisok iwillbefreeinthesetwodays a either orb neither norc both andd one theother8 thereanytreesonbothsidesoftheriver a isthereb aretherec hasd have9 thereisnoairorwaterinthemoon isthere a yes thereareb yes thereisn tc no thereisn td no thereis 10 hisfamily alargeone thewholefamily watchingtv a is isb are isc are ared is are11 hewasthe theclassroom a thirdtoleaveb thirdleavingc threetoleaved thirdleave12 thegreens lunchwhenigottotheirhome a werehavingb washavingc arehavingd ishaving 13 areyouforor theplan a withb toc againstd agree14 itwassodarkthati tellitwasyou a can tb wasn tabletoc couldn tbeabletod wasn table15 whydidyoumakeherso a angerb angrilyc tobeangryd angry16 whatdayistoday a it smay4thb it ssaturdayc it sfinedayd it saholiday 17 howfarisittothebankofchina a verysoonb twokilometers ithinkc bytraind aboutfifteen18 thetreesturnsgreenandtheflowers inspring a comeinb comeoverc comeoutd comeon19 therearetwo threestudentsintheclassroom a andb butc yetd or 20 i venevereatenahamburger havei a sob tooc butd neither21 thefarmwas walkfromhere a two hourb twohour sc twohoursc twohours 22 shirtsarebothon desk a tom sandjim s lilyandlucy sb tomandjim s lilyandlucy sc tom sandjim s lily sandlucy sd tomandjim s lilyandlucy s 用所给词的适当形式填空 hemakesalivingby teach 2 ifyouhaveachance go abroad takeit 3 hehasdecided notbuy thehouse 4 therearefewpeople sit inthepark 5 heworks real hard 6 the twenty lessonisveryeasy 7 oneofthe win ismybestfriend 8 iam true gratefulforallyourhelp 9 thisbookisfar thin thanthatone 10 luck tomwasn tbadlyhurt teaching togo nottobuy sitting really twentieth winners truly thinner luckily 用适当的介词填空 heisgoingtowearjeans theparty they restudyinghard theirtests whathappened hiscaryesterday mrliispleased whatyoudid sheisgoingtotakethebus shanghai mumboug


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