



课 题: Unit5 Section B(1a-1d) 【教材分析】这是一堂听说课,听说内容围绕Tony和Mary参观动物园的场景展开,先让学生解读图片,选择与动物的动作表情匹配的描述性形容词,使其更直观地领会词汇的含义,再通过听训练学生捕捉描述性形容词,然后通过结对操练使其学会在真实情景中运用描述性形容词。学生通过对SectionA的学习,已经学会了动物的表达和一些描述性形容词,本课时继续补充学习friendly, shy这两个词汇,因此,对学生来说,难度不大【教学目标】1. 通过学习,学生能熟练运用描述性形容词谈论各种动物,继续学习形容词adj. friendly, shy 2. 通过学习,学生能运用“What animals do you like? Why? ”谈论喜欢的动物及原因。3. 通过听力技巧的指导,学生能运用速记的方法来记录听到的单词。4. 通过跟读和模仿,学生能理解听力材料并能模仿其中的语音语调,进行对话表演。3. 通过谈论,学生能树立人与动物是朋友的观念,并能关爱动物。【教学重难点】用描述性词汇来谈论动物 运用听力技巧来记录所听到的单词【教学准备】PPT 【教学过程】教师活动学生活动设计目的.Warming upTo play a guessing game and ask the students to guess what animal it is. To listen to the sound of the animal and guess what animal it is, then to look at the pictures of parts of an animal and guess what animal , finally ask the teacher questions to guess what the teachers favorite animal is. 通过听声音猜测动物,调动学生积极性;通过看动物身体部位,猜测动物,培养学生观察能力和;通过问老师问题来猜测老师最喜欢的动物,在复习前面知识的基础上,培养学生的想象能力。. Talking Talk about the dog and the panda in the picture and present the new words friendly and shyTo talk about the animals in the picture, and learn the new words.通过谈论,复习所学的描述性形容词,并呈现生词friendly和shy。. practice (1a)To look the pictures in 1a, and ask the students to talk about them one by one.To talk about the animals in the pictures one by one with the description words,仔细观察图片,运用两个描述性形容词来谈论一种动物,拓宽学生的思维。IV. listening (1b) 1.To guide the students to predict what animals Tony and Mary want to see and why .2. To guide the students to pay attention to the description words while listening then ask them to listen and circle the description words they hear.1. To predict “What animals do they want to see?” then listen and check, then predict Why.2. To pay attention to the description words while listening, then listen and circle the description words they hear.通过预测Tony和Mary想去看什么动物,以及为什么,引导学生关注听力材料,并进行听力策略的指导抓住关键词(形容词)。V. listening (1c) 1. To guide the students to look at the chart in 1c and show the listening strategy. 2. To ask the students to listen and fill in the chart, then check the answers 1.To read the chart, first predict what Mary and Tony think of the elephants and the pandas, then learn the listening strategy- how to write quickly while listening . 2. To listen and finish 1c , then check the answers by saying the sentence- Mary thinks.通过预测,进一步关注听力材料中的关键词;同时关注听力策略如何速记,并运用此方法完成1c中的表格。引导学生运用完整的句子来表达观点。. Imitate To ask the students to listen and imitate after the tape. Ask them to practice in pairs, then ask some pairs to act out before the class. To listen and imitate after the tape, then practice in pairs and act out before the class. 通过听和模仿,进行语音语调、连读和不完全爆破的指导,并让学生进行操练,进一步巩固。. Activities1. Pair work:To ask the students to read the conversation in 1d, then work in pairs to make up a new conversation like this, ask some pairs to act out. Read the conversation in 1d. then work in pairs to make up a new conversation, then act it out通过对话引导学生运用所学目标语言进一步谈论动物。2. Group workFour students in a group to discuss what animals they like and why they like.通过小组讨论有关动物的话题,之后通过小组成员的合作整理,最后选出一个代表做下小组汇报。有利于大家掌握话题内容,也有助于提升大家参与英语课堂的积极性。. conclusionTo show some pictures of animals and people, to show the them- animals are peoples friends. Look at the pictures and listen to know that animals are peoples friends.通过谈论人与动物和平相处的图片,升华主题动物是人类的朋友


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