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冀教版2019-2020学年上学期七年级期末检测英语试卷(I)卷一、 单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)哪一个字母发音含ei A . DdB . FfC . Aa2. (2分)My friend and I are interested in drawing, but of us is good at it.A . neitherB . bothC . noneD . all3. (2分)My uncle has two children, a son and a daughter. The son is _ English teacher and_ daughter is a nurse. A . a, theB . an, theC . the, aD . an, a4. (2分)This is my good friend Allan Smith. _ last name is _. A . His; AllanB . Her; AllanC . His; SmithD . Her; Smith5. (2分)Jogging is so _ that not only the young but also the old would like to take part in it.A . activeB . attractiveC . adjectiveD . positive6. (2分)Whats in the tree? A . Theyre some birds.B . Its over there.C . Its a bird.D . There are some birds.7. (2分)Which of the following is a polite thing to do in public places? _ A . B . C . D . 8. (2分)The girl saw a snake _ on the road and was frightened.A . lieB . liesC . layD . lying9. (2分)Its sports time. Most _ students in Class 1 are playing football on the playground.A . boyB . boysC . boysD . boys 10. (2分)Why did you leave the fan on in your room? Its a waste of electricity._A . I dont think so, either.B . Not at all.C . Sorry, I will turn it off.D . Thats all right二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空。 Have you ever been to London? 1do you know about London? Now let me tell you.Greater London has more than 8,700,000 2. From the year 1801 to the early 20th century, London was the biggest 3in the world. But now many cities are even 4than London.London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visit its famous buildings and 5the famous clock, Big Ben. 6many big cities, London has 7such as traffic jams and pollution, and they 8the city from developing. Every day people come and go by underground, 9there are still too many cars and buses in the streets. So the air isnt clean. However, it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago.For me, the 10things in London are the parks. There are many parks in the city centre. But my childrens favourite place is Hamleys, the biggest toy shop in the world.(1)A . How far B . How many C . How much (2)A . parks B . buildings C . people (3)A . village B . town C . city (4)A . smaller B . poorer C . bigger (5)A . look for B . listen to C . hear from (6)A . Like B . With C . Without (7)A . problems B . questions C . ways (8)A . help B . teach C . stop (9)A . so B . and C . but (10)A . last B . first C . best 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共26分)12. (6分)(2017金华)阅读下面四篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(1)How many lessons are there in Unit 1?A . TwoB . ThreeC . FourD . Five(2)If you want to learn how to write a poem, you can get help in _.A . Lesson 1B . Lesson 2C . Lesson 3D . Lesson 4(3)Where can we most probably read such a page?A . In a magazine.B . In a textbook.C . In a newspaper.D . In a dictionary.13. (10分)根据短文内容理解,选择正确答案。Daniel comes from Sydney. He is now staying in Beijing with his family. He usually gets up at about 6:30 am and has breakfast at 7:00 am. Then he leaves home at 7:15 am.He gets to school at 7:45 am. His first class begins at 8:00 am. There are four lessons in the morning. Morning classes are over at 11:50 am, and he has lunch 10 minutes later.Afternoon classes begin at 1:30 pm. There are two lessons in the afternoon. They are over at 3:10 pm. Daniel usually stays at school for another hour to play soccer, and then goes home.(1)Where is Daniel living now? A . Sydney.B . Beijing.C . New York.D . Shenzhen.(2)When does Daniels first class begin? A . At 7:15 am.B . At 7:45 am.C . At 8:00 am.D . At 8:15 am.(3)What time does Daniel have lunch? A . At 11:50 am.B . At 12 oclock.C . At 12:10 pm.D . At 12:20 pm.(4)How many classes do they have a day? A . Four.B . Two.C . Six.D . Eight.(5)After school, Daniel usually stays at school for one hour to _. A . play soccerB . play basketballC . do his homeworkD . play music14. (10分)阅读理解Four years ago, Chinese skater Wu Dajing introduced himself to the skating world by winning a silver medal at the Sochi Olympic Winter Games. At this years Pyeong Chang Olympics, Wu not only returned, but also made history.On Feb 22th, 2018, Wu won the gold medal in the mens short-track 500-meter race. He set a new world record with a time of 39.584 seconds. He also became the first Chinese man to take home an Olympic short-track gold medal. BBC said Wus win was “flawless”, because he was much faster than all of the other skaters.“I didnt give them a chance and I kept my speed from the start,” he told the reporter after the match.But Chinas short-track teams didnt do well in general at the Games. Chinese skaters in the womens 500 meters, 3000-meter relay and mens 1500 meters all failed to take home the gold. Wu was Chinas biggest hope, which put a lot of pressure on him. But he proved himself with his great performance.Wu is now known as a highly talented skater. But things were not always that way. When Wu joined the national team in 2010, he was seen as almost “nothing” compared to gifted skaters like Zhou Yang and Fan Kexin, as his coaches said at the time. Their words made him quite upset. But Wu didnt want to give up and worked as hard as he could. He practiced skating all year round. He even didnt return to his hometown for the holidays for 10 years. “I believe in myself,” he told the reporter after his match at the Olympics.(1)At the Pyeong Chang Olympics, Wu Dajing won the gold medal in the mens short-track race. A . 500-meterB . 1000-meterC . 1500-meterD . 3000-meter relay(2)What does the underlined word “flawless” mean? A . Ordinary.B . Common.C . Perfect.D . Difficult.(3)Accor ding to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A . Wu won a gold medal at the Sochi Olympic Winter Games four years ago.B . Wu set the world record with a time of 39.584 seconds and made history.C . Wus coaches placed great hope on him when he joined the national team.D . Chinese skaters in the womens 500 meters, 3000-meter relay took home the gold.(4)What does the last paragraph mainly tell us? A . The national team and coaches regarded Wu as a talented skater all the way.B . Wu kept on practicing skating all year round even in the holidays for 10 years.C . Zhou Yang and Fan Kexin were more hard-working on skating than Wu Dajing.D . Because of Wus hard work, confidence and strong will, he finally succeeded.(5)Which one might be the best title of this passage? A . From Zero to Skating HeroB . Short-track 500-meter RaceC . Pyeong Chang Winter OlympicsD . Rising of Chinas Bright Skiing Star四、 词汇运用。 (共3题;共20分)15. (5分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。(1)Toms head is hot. He may have a f_.(2)My head hurts. I c_a cold yesterday.(3)I like the shape of the cake. Its a h_.(4)Lily is going out. She takes an a_part in sports.(5)I feel s_. I want to go to sleep.16. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Have you ever heard of it? Does shopping with cash(现金)really help you lose weight? Some scientists have studied for years. The US scientists have_(发现) that customers who take debit cards(借记卡)to the shops and_(忘)their cash at home are more likely to take junk food from the_(架子). That is to say, they are easy to get fat.There are two reasons leading to this _(结果). First, people only think some kinds of food is delicious, but they dont consider whether its healthy or not. _(第二), cash payments are more painful than card payments for the customers, so this painful payment can stop them from buying_(无论什么)they want.American scientists even think that one of the_(恰当的)reasons why westerners are generally getting fat is that they are paying_(用)debit cards most of time. In this case, it is easy for people to _(变得)fat. You can find that cash is commonly used by the thin men, and debit cards are used by the fat men.Maybe those fat men would say _(自豪地)that they are rich and they can buy anything they need.17. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。possible parents America true value(1)To tell you the _, I often feel nervous in front of strangers.(2)If you want to do that, you should get your _ support.(3)Thank you for your help and _ advice.(4)It is said that many _ teenagers will come to watch the 2014 Youth Olympic- Games in Nanjing.(5)It is _ for me to design the poster without your help.五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)根据内容,选择相应的职业(1)_ I work with people and money. People give me their money or get their money from me. I work in a bank.(2)_ I like talking to people. I meet interesting people every day and ask them questio


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