



教学案例设计 老河口市高级中学 刘丹人教版高中英语必修一Module1 Unit 2 English around the world Using language-reading and writing 一、 教案背景1. 面对学生:中学2. 学科:高中英语3. 课时:1 (45分钟)4. 学生课前准备: 预习课文,了解英语存在差异的事实 让学生几下自己预习过程中的问题 准备好蜡笔或水彩笔5. 教师准备:制作多媒体课件,准备一些白纸,蜡笔和彩色笔二、 教学课题根据本课的主题“设计英文海报”,教师运用多媒体技术手段进行教学。阅读完成语言的输入,课堂讨论为学生的写作做好准备,学生自主创作英文海报实现了只是的有效输出,体现了新课程所倡导的“用英语做事情”的理念。三、 教学目标1 认知目标:理解标准英语和方言一文的大意以及主要信息。2 能力目标:掌握实用性写作如何写英文海报。培养学生的动手、动脑能力。3 情感目标:通过阅读了解当今世界各国各地英语的特色。培养学生学习英语的自信心和合作交流能力。让学生在合作学习中体验用英语做事的快乐。四、 教材分析本课是人教版高中英语第一模块第二单元的Using Language部分。其中的阅读(Reading)部分介绍了当今世界各地说英语的特色,即便是美国东西部、南北部,说话均有所不同。写作(Writing)部分让学生根据师范创造一张海报。通过习作,掌握设计海报的技巧。五、 教学重点和难点1. 教学重点:是学生能从语音角度了解英语存在差异的事实及原因。学生要学会海报的写作格式,并以小组为单位共同合作创作本组的海报。2. 教学难点:通过英文海报的设计,让学生体验用英语做事的快乐。六、 教学方法1. 运用多媒体信息技术导入话题,激发学生学习兴趣。2. 利用课堂活动设计,鼓励学生进行合作学习。七、 教学过程Step Lead inT: From the passage we learned last period we know American people and British people can understand each other even tough they dont speak the sane kind of English. What about us, the Chinese? Do aii the Chinese speak the same language?Ss: No.T: Do you know how many dialects there are in China?Students may give different answers. The teacher tells them there are eight dialects in china. Play the video materials about the eight dialects in china.利用网络播放中国的八大方言,活跃了课堂气氛,使学生感受到本国的语言文化差异。既有助于培养多文化意识,又激发了学生的兴趣。 T: We have enjoyed different dialects. Can you understand all that they say? In order to communicate with each other easily, what do we speak? As a matter of fact, we speak standard Chinese. Then what is standard English? 【设计说明】通过设置不用的预警呈现本文两个重点的词汇dialect 和standard。设计启发性问题激发学生的思维,激起学生探求知识的好奇心,在不知不觉中导入新课学习。同事问题的设置也是层层深入,为下面的任务开展打下了伏笔。 Step Fast reading Let the students rend the passage quickly to find the topic sentence of each paragraph. Para. 1 There is no such thing as standard English. Para 2 When people use words and expression different from the “standard language”, it is called a dialect. Para. 3 Geography also plays a part in making dialects. 【设计说明】让学生通过快速阅读了解课文大意,掌握文章的基本结构。这不仅能够培养学生归纳课文段落大意的能力和快速捕捉文章表层信息的能力,也为下一步的Careful reading 做好了铺垫。Step Careful readingTask1 get the students to read paragraph one carefully and answer the question: why do many people think English on TV and the radio is standard English.A: This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.Task 2 Read paragraph 2 and 3carefully and complete the chart.What is a dialect?Words and expressions different from the “standard language”.American English dialects mentionedMidwestern, southern, African American and Spanish dialectsWhy does the US have so many dialects?1. people have come from all over the world.2. Geography plays a partCan Americans understand each other?Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize and understand each others dialects.T: Do you agree that English plays an important part in our daily life? Why do you learn English?The following are just for reference:To talk to native speakersTo read English books To listen to English music and moviesWidely used in most countriesOne of the main subjects in examsImportant in international businessT: So learning English is important, and we should try our best to master it.【设计说明】 通过设置问题来引导学生有目的的 阅读,既提高课堂学习效率,又训练学生获取信息的能力,从而提高阅读技能。表格的设计能帮助学生理清思路,设计最后两个问题的目的是为了承上启下,自然过渡到下面的环节,使各步骤环环相扣。Step Writing (Design a poster)T: It seems that all of you have realized the importance of learning English. However, many other students actually dont know that. In what ways can we help them know the importance of it?Get the students to speak out their ideas. If they dont mention making a poster, the teacher can tell the students that making a poster also seems a good idea.T: in our daily life, posters can be seen everywhere. For example, before a new film is on, we usually see its poster first (show the posters of two films. One is let the Bullets Fly, and the other is Kung Fu Panda).Here are another two posters. Discuss with your partner to come up with the tips on how to make a poster.Show a poster designed by the college students. Get the students to know the pattern of the poster. What should be included in a poster? theme place timeA poster Content event pictures Conclusion T: ok, now its your turn to make a poster. Work in group of four. There are two posters for you to make. One is about our school sports meeting. Another is about our English Festival. Choosing one of the topics and use your imagination to make your poster more beautiful and more attractive.1. the school sports meeting will be held on October 13-15 on the school play ground. Its theme is Health Firdt.2. the English festival will be held on December 12-16, including appreciating English movies,singing English songs, English speech competition, etc. its theme is Enjoy English, Enjoy Life.Get the students to work in group of four. Allow them 10 minutes to design their poster. After that, invite some students to present their poster to the class.【设计说明】利用网络将生活中常见的海报生动地展现现在学生的面前,从现在的海报中了解掌握设计海报的技巧。唯美的画面会唤起学生创造英文海报的欲望。同事布置学生设计的海报与本校学生的学习生活息息相关,学生很乐意也很有信心去合作完成这个任务。因为高一学生刚刚开始接触这种形式的小左合作,故教师再次呈现一些小组合作的要求。Four students: in charge of the group Collect the information Write down the information Report the resultEveryone should contribute to his group.Step HomeworkPolish your poster and hand it in after two days.Click here for more postersDesign for blackboard Standard dialect What should be included in a poster? theme place timeA poster Content event pictures Conclusion八、 教学反思创造学院里指出,青少年时期是培养创造力的最佳时期。创造教育是以培养学生创造思维为核心的全方位的素质教育。从英语阅读到创造运用是训练学生运用知识、形成能力的重要环节。写作时笔头输出的过程,能促进学生知识的再生和运用,体现了高中英语课程标准倡导的培养学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。让学生选择一个话题进行小组合作,在讨论和交流的过程中开拓了学生的


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