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福建省厦门实验学校2013-2014学年九年级英语上学期期中试卷 (满分:150分;考试时间:120分钟) Name_ Class_ No._友情提示:请把所有的答案填在答题卷上!请不要错位答题!第一部分 听力(30分)考生注意:本试卷分为两大部分,第一部分(1-75小题)为选择题,请考生将答案填涂在答题卡上;第二部分为非选择题,请考生将答案写在答题卡上。第一部分(选择题)(一)听力测试(每小题1分,共30分)I. Listen and choose the right pictures.(听音,选择符合内容情景的图片。听两遍)1. A BC2. A BC3. A BC4. A B C5. A BCII. Listen to some short dialogues and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. (听简短对话,然后挑选最佳答案回答所听到的问题。听两遍)6. A. By car.B. By bike.C. On foot.7. A. No photos.B. No smoking.C. No swimming.8. A. $150.B. $300. C. $600.9. A. America.B. Australia. C. France.10. A. Beethoven.B. Mozart. C. Sonata.11. A. The blue one.B. The green one. C. The white one.12. A. To Toms house.B. To the hospital. C. To Jacks house.13. A. Do some chores. B. Play a football game. C. Watch a football game. 14. A. For two hours.B. For three hours. C. For two and a half hours.15. A. Because he forgot it.B. Because he didnt go out this morning.C. Because he planned to do it tomorrow.III. Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the right answers to questions 16-20. (听一篇较长对话和一篇短文,然后选择正确答案作答16 20小题。听两遍)Text A16. Jim used to _.A. read booksB. play basketballC. play computer games 17. Jim reads books _.A. very oftenB. almost every dayC. three times a weekText B18. The speaker is _ now. A.13 years oldB. 15 years old C. 16 years old19. The speaker _ in the mid-term exam. A. failedB. got good grades C. didnt do well 20. The speaker wants to _ to his English teacher. A. say sorry to B. say thanks to C. say goodbye to *注意:请将该题的答案书写在答题卡的第二部分IV. Listen to a dialogue and a passage, then fill in the blanks with the right words. (听一篇对话和一篇短文,用恰当的单词填空完成7685小题,每空一词。听三遍)Text A:听录音,记录学生一次活动的信息。Where to goVisit the 76._.When and where to meetAt 77._ a.m. at the school gate. Money to hand inTen yuan for the 78._ and five yuan for the food and water.Where to have lunchHave a 79._ in a park.What to doSing and 80._.Text B: 听录音,记录记录有关限塑令的信息。ActionMake a decision to stop the use of 81._ plastic bags.PlacesSupermarkets, shops and convenient 82._.AdvantageOffer 83._ service to customers.DisadvantagePollute water, 84._ and air. Should doCall on people to 85._ cloth bags and use baskets.(二)基础知识与运用(每小题1分,共30分)V. 选择填空:从A、B、C中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。21. Your brother joined the army last year, didnt he? Yes, his dream to be a _ has come true.A. soldierB. doctor C. volunteer22. Im leaving for the exam. Bye, Mom. Well, make sure youve got _ ready.A. nothingB. something C. everything23. Mary has a bad cold. She has to stay in _ bed.A. aB. the C. /24. Can you drive more _ , sir ? My plane is taking off in 15 minutes. Yes, sir. I will try my best.A. safely B. quickly C. slowly25. What do you think is the best way to improve spoken English? _ listening to English news.A. By B. With C. For26. _ I dont know anyone at the party! Dont worry! Tom will introduce you to people.A. As ifB. Even though C. What if27. Dont be _ to make mistakes when you speak English. Practice makes perfect.A. patientB. afraid C. happy28. May I play basketball with my friends now? No, _ youve finished your homework.A. sinceB. if C. unless29. How nice the T-shirt looks! Maybe it belongs to Jerrys. It _ be Jerrys. Its much too small for him.A. mustB. cant C. can30. I will surely thank him if someone _ me some good advice.A. offersB. provides C. lends31. . I know its not easy to learn English well, but you cant _. A. put it up B. look it up C. give it up32. Bill said they would have _ holiday.A. a eight-day B. an eight-day C. an eight-days33. I coughed a lot last night. What should I do? If I _ you, I would go to see the doctor at once.A. amB. were C. was34. The lady gave all the money to charity _she wasnt rich.A. if B. because C. though35. What do you think of Mr. Green? He is very funny. He is good at telling and _ jokes.A. making upB. using upC. looking up 36. Hi, Jim. What do you think of Peter? Well, I think he is easy to _. He is very friendly.A. come up withB. get along withC. catch up with37 I prefer_ at home rather than _ out in such bad weather.A. stay; go B. to stay; going C. to stay; go38. The movie is so _ that I am very _ in it. A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interested C. interesting, interested39. Li Ping speaks English very well. _. Going to the English club helps him a lot.A. So does he B. So do IC. So he does 40. . He didnt sleep well last night, and now he feels _ and tired. A. hungry B. sleepy C. thirstyVI. 完形填空:从A、B、C中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。Jackie Chan is a well-known Chinese action movie star around the world. He was born on April 7, 1954, in Hong Kong, China. His parents 41 mainland China for Hong Kong a short time before he was born. His parents 42 him “Chen Gangsheng”, which means “born in Hong Kong”. They wanted to 43 a safe trip to Hong Kong. 44 , Jackies family lived in the French Embassy(大使馆). In 1961, when Jackie was 45 years old, his family moved to Australia. His father got a 46 as a cook in the American Embassy. Later, back in Hong Kong, Jackies father sent him to the China Drama Academy(中国戏剧学院). Jackie studied and worked 19 hours a day. The students 47 Kung Fu and learned how to do many stunts(特技表演) there.In the early 1980s, Jackie went to Hollywood, 48 he wasnt very successful. He went on to 49 in Hong Kong and had great success. Finally, in 1995, Jackie Chan became 50 in the United States. Today, Jackie Chan has both Chinese and American fans, and his films make millions of dollars.41. A. lived B. left C. went 42. A. told B. named C. offered 43. A. make B. build C. celebrate 44. A. First all B. At first C. At last 45. A. five B. seven C. ten 46. A. business B. member C. job 47. A. practiced B. entered C. searched 48. A. though B. and C. but49. A. book tickets B. make films C. sing songs 50. A. excited B. special C. famous(三)阅读理解(每小题2分,共50分)VII. 阅读下面五篇短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答5175小题。AWhats waterThe students were having their chemistry (化学) class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that, she asked her students,“ Whats water?” No one spoke for a few minutes. Miss Li asked again,“ Why dont you answer my question? Didnt I tell you water is like?” Just then a boy put up his hand and said,“ Miss Li, you told us that water has no color and no smell. But where to find such kind of water? The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell. ”Most of the children agreed with him.“ Im sorry, children.” Said the teacher, “Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier. Thats a problem.”51. The students were having their class.A. EnglishB. ChineseC. chemistry52. Miss Li was telling the children what was like.A. waterB. airC. earth53. A boy said, “The water in the river behind my house is always _.”A. whiteB. blackC. clean54. Most of the children the boy.A. agreed withB. wrote toC. heard from55. The water in the river has color and smell because it is getting _.A. more and more B. less and lessC. dirtier and dirtierB150 Years of Cool Look in the bedrooms of young people around the world. You will probably find a pair of blue jeans in each room. Jeans are very popular all over the world. Jeans give you the feeling of comfort, youth and energy. They have long been liked by every person. Levi Strauss is an American company. It first made blue jeans. The company was founded in 1853 by 24-year-old Levi Strauss. Twenty years later, he made the first blue jeans in the world. The jeans were used as working trousers for the cowboys of the American West. During the Second World War, American soldiers brought blue jeans to Europe and Asia. People there began to wear jeans. Little by little, they become cool. People from different countries like different styles of jeans. Americans like to wear simple and single-colored jeans, but many Chinese like to wear jeans with lots of different colors.Jeans now can be seen everywhere. However, in many places, its not always good to wear jeans. No matter how good they may look, or what color they are, its often not right to wear jeans in formal places. But, when you are out, relaxing and having fun, jeans are the best choice.56. The story is talking about _.A. Levi Strauss B. jeans C. cool 57. Levi Strauss made the first blue jeans _.A. when he was 44 B. when he was 24C. in 1853 58 _ wore jeans after they were first made.A. American soldiers B. American cowboys C. Levi Strauss 59 Jeans can be cool for nearly 150 years because _.A. they have different styles B. they have different colorsC. they make us feel youth, comfort and energy 60.When you _, youd better not wear a pair of jeans.A. go to an important meeting B. go on a trip C. have a party CQuick Reference IndexItemsPagesItemsPagesACTORS AND ACTRESSES364-382MAPS(COLOR)511-522MUSEUMS448-475MEDICAL DEVELOPMENTS492ANIMALS490-494HOLIDAYS841-873FAMOUS ART480-482PLANTS, RIVERS108-109 114-115HIGHWAYS121-131NATIONAL PARKS747-749BOOKS, BEST SELLERS476COUNTRIES523-624DISCOVERIES AND INVENTIONS320-346PASSPORTS142-144ENVIRONMENT 84-120POPULATION625-640EDUCATION252-318POST INFORMATION1033-1039FLAGS OF THE WORLD(COLORS)505-510SPORTS884-978根据表格信息,选择最佳答案。61.Where can you find the information about things that are best sold?A. MAPS(COLOR) on Pages511-522. B. BOOKS, BEST SELLERS on Page 476.C. NATIONAL PARKS on Pages 747-749. 62 If you are interested in Chinese actor Bruce Lee, you may search the item .A. ENVIRONMENT B. ACTORS AND ACTRESSESC. POST INFORMATION 63. If you want to know more about Thomas Edison, where should you begin your research?A. DISCOVERIES AND INVENTIONSB. FAMOUS ARTC. EDUCATION64. One who likes sports can find information on how to surf on Pages _.A. 448-475 B. 517-528 C. 884-97865You can find “preventing pollution” on Pages _.A. 84-120 B. 625-640 C. 142-144 DCough MedicineDo you always understand the instructions on a bottle of medicine? Heres one for John. John is twelve years old. He had a bad cold and coughed day and night. He went to see a doctor. The doctor gave him some cough medicine. Please read the following instructions and see if you can understand them.Cough Medicine:The medicine is for a person with a cough. Shake it well before use.Take it three times each day before meals or before sleep.Dose (药量)Age: over 142 teaspoonfuls (勺)8 13 1 teaspoonfulNot right for children below the age of three or old persons with heart trouble. Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st, 2010.Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st, 2010.Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st, 2010.Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st, 2010. three or old persons with heart trouble.Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st, 2010. old persons with heart trouble.Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st, 2010.4 7 1/2 teaspoonfulNot right for children below the age of three or old persons with heart trouble.Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st, 2010.66. John should take _ a day. A. 1 teaspoonfulB. 2 teaspoonfulsC 3 teaspoonfuls67. The medicine should be kept in _.A. any place B. hot waterC. a fridge68 John should _ before he takes it.A. drink a cup of tea B. eat nothing C. shake the medicine well 69. When people are _ years old, they cannot take medicine.A. two B. twelveC. thirty70. John will _ the medicine when it is left after December 1st, 2010. A. take once B. throw awayC. take six times moreEA 5R Rule for Environment1. Reduce(减少)If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely. A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses a little paper carelessly and throw it out, soon we would not have any trees left. Other things are also being wasted, and people dont know what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is necessary to reduce the waste. 2. Reuse(再利用) You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your clothes you do not use or the ones which are too small to the poor. In a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters. 3. Recycle(回收) Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so we save lots of time and money. For example, coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed(打碎) flat and melted(融化) and the metal things are made for new coke cans. 4. Recover (恢复) When you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotten apples, you have two choices: one is to throw the whole apples away, or you could cut off the rotten parts and use the good parts. In this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food. 5. Repair(修补) If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, it is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair. It is true that North America is a “throwaway” society, but the time has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment. Every one of us should try our best.71. The “Reduce” rule mainly requires(要求) us _.A. to use things wisely B. to cut down many trees C. to use less paper 72. The right order of recycling coke cans is _.a. collect the used cans b. melt them c. smash them flat d. send them to a factoryA. a b c d B. a d c b C. d b c a 73. The “Recover” rule mainly requires us _.A. to throw waste thing away B. to cover waste thing with the earthC. to get back the useful parts 74. _ is the best way to do with your broken tables.A. Throwing them away B. Repairing them C. Putting them away 75. According to the passage, _ can not be reused. A. clothes B. shoes C. rotten apples 第二部分(非选择题)(四)情景交际运用(共16分)VIII. 根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词。(每空一词,每词1分,共6分)A: Im tired because I cant sleep well.B: Do you drink coffee before you go to bed?A: No, I dont.B: If I (86)_you, I would take a long walk before going to bed.A: What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech? I cant sleep well (87)_ Im worrying about this.B: Id s


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