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级进模 含CAD图纸、文档所见所得 钢制 插条 冲压 模具设计 CAD 图纸 文档 所得


- -摘 要冲压是利用安装在冲压设备(主要是压力机)上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产生分离或塑性变形,从而获得所需零件的一种压力加工方法。弯曲是将板料、棒料、管材和型材弯曲成一定角度和形状的冲压成形工序。本文主要研究工作:利用钢制零件特征之间的关系建立级进模排样设计模型,引如冲压排样设计原则;进一步将钢制零件的形状特征应用于模具结构设计中,建立模具模型,进行模具工艺设计和结构设计,从而确定总体的模具形式;模具投入制造后,可能在制造和生产调试过程中表现出设计的不足和错误,通过总结概括这些问题,可以进行修正工艺设计和模具结构设计,或增加新的工艺规则,为以后的模具设计提供宝贵的经验。基于以上的研究工作,可以建立一套可行的、适合于小型钢制零件的冲压级进模的设计方法,并在实际生产中应用。关键词关键词:钢制零件 ; 级进模 ; 排样设计Steel parts of the stamping process and die designAbstractStamping is installed in the use of stamping equipment (mainly press) on the mold to exert pressure on the materials to produce plastic deformation or separation, to obtain the necessary components of a pressure processing methods. Sheet metal bending is, bar, pipe-bending and profiles some perspective and shape of the stamping process. This paper studies: The use of steel parts to establish the relationship between the characteristics of the Progressive Die layout design models, such as punching with layout design principles; further steel components used in the shape of die structure design, create a model die, die design and technology Structural design, to determine the overall form of the mold; Die in manufacturing, may be in the manufacturing and production process of debugging demonstrated the inadequacies and errors in design, through the speech summed up these problems, that can process design and die structure design, new or increased Technology rules, the die design for the future provide a valuable experience. Based on the above studies, the establishment of a viable, suitable for small steel parts stamping progressive die design and application in production. - I -Key Words:Steel Parts;Progressive Die;Layout Design第一章第一章 零件的形状尺寸及要求零件的形状尺寸及要求零件的形状如图 1-1。此零件为插口的封条。零件材料为 08F,年产量 800 万件。图 1-1 零件形状尺寸图第二章第二章 零件材料性能分析零件材料性能分析08F 钢板较软,查表的其性能如下:(见表 1-1)表 1-1 08F 钢性能第三章第三章 有关模具结构形式的选择有关模具结构形式的选择由于零件是大批量生产,故可考虑用级进模或复合模。我们先来分析零件的工艺性。零件的整个成形过程包括冲孔、落料与弯曲三个过程,其中,弯曲部分必须先冲出小孔才能弯曲,因此,若采用复合模,弯曲时,冲孔凸模留在孔内,阻止了弯曲的进行,故我们考虑采用级进模。我们在设计模具时,对其精度的要求也可适当的放松,尽量满足其大批量生产的要求,并从经济性要求来考虑,尽量减少材料损失。几种方案的比较几种方案的比较根据零件的形状,我们初步拟订以下几种方案:方案一:冲孔落料弯曲 方案二:弯曲冲孔落料方案三:冲孔弯曲落料抗剪强度(/Mpa)抗拉强度(0/ MPa )伸长率(%)屈服点(MPa)22031028039032 180- II -方案一首先冲出两个大孔和小孔,然后将外形落料,最后进行弯曲,这种方案看起来很好,但我们考虑模具采用的是级进模,落料后,工件从条料上掉了下来,我们再进行第三步弯曲时,必须用手拿工件放在弯曲模部分,且还要重新进行定位,因此不利于大批量生产。方案二克服了方案一的问题,即工件在落料之前,完成了冲孔与弯曲两个过程,但又产生了一个新的问题。由于压力机是上下作垂直运动,因此,冲孔等工序都应该是在水平面内完成,但弯曲部分还有一小孔,若与弯曲同时进行,则必将阻止弯曲的进行,若放到第二道工序,则冲小孔必须在垂直平面内完成,故无法设计模具。方案三先进行冲孔,跟方案一相同,要克服方案一的问题,我们将弯曲与落料工序调换过来,先进行弯曲,最后才进行落料。在第一个工位,我们将中间两个大孔及弯曲部分的一个小孔冲裁出来,在第二个工位,我们利用前一个工位冲出的两个大孔作为定位孔,对要弯曲的部分进行剪切并弯曲,这两个过程同时进行,在第三个工位,我们将整个工件的外形落料出来,整个过程连为一整体,是一个连续生产的过程。综合以上比较,我们知道方案三的生产率高,克服了其它几中方案的缺点,适合于大批量生产,故我们采用方案三。第五章第五章 有关工艺的计算有关工艺的计算 1.毛坯尺寸的计算(1)弯曲件毛坯长度的计算(如图 1-2):图 1-2 弯曲件毛坯长度由于弯曲半径 r =1 0.5 t,故毛坯的长度应等于零件直线段长度和弯曲部分应变中性层长度之和,即:L=ioiix) txr (180Li由于零件的弯曲角为,故毛坯的展开长度为:o90 L=) txr (2llo21查表得:xo= 0.45- III - L = 8.2 +(1 + 0.450.8) + 118.2214. 3 = 2.14 + 126.4= 128.54(2) 搭边值的确定: 为补偿定位误差,维持条料一定的强度和刚度,保证送料的顺利进行,工件与边缘、工件与工件之间应有一定的搭边值,但由于工件的精度要求不高,且材料比较软,从经济性角度考虑,我们优先考虑提高材料的利用率,故工件与工件之间将不增加搭边值,以免增加模具的制造费用及浪费材料。查表得:工件与边缘之间的搭边值为 a1=1.8, 故条料宽度为: 010a2DB式中:B条料标称宽度() D工件垂直于送料方向的最大尺寸() a1侧搭边() 条料宽度的公差()查表得:=0.6 06 . 006 . 06 . 06 . 354.128B 06 . 074.132我们将其定为 132.5。 (3) 条料长度的确定:工件的宽度为 19,故在充分考虑冲裁操作方便性的情况下,我们将条料的长度定为 575。故对条料的下料尺寸为 575132.5。2计算排样排样是冲裁工艺与模具设计中一项很重要的工作,排样的合理与否,影响到材料的经济利用率,还会影响到模具结构、生产率、制件质量、生产操作方便与安全等。由于工件外形规则,且所要求的精度要求不高,故从经济性角度考虑,我们选择少废料排样方式,具体排样方式如图 1-3。 3计算材料的利用率条料的毛坯尺寸为 575132.5,故一张条料可冲出 30 个工件。一个进距内材料的利用率为:=00100BhnA = 00100195 .1322151= 85.400- IV -一张条料上总的利用率为:s= = 84.700100BCNA001005755 .13221513000图 1-3 排样图 4冲裁力、卸料力、推件力、弯曲力计算及初选压力机(1) 零件外形落料力:F1 = KLt = 1.30.8250275= 71500N(2) 冲孔力:F2 = 2KL1t+KL2t = 21.30.825012 + 1.30.8250()5 . 32325 . 3= 19603.5N + 6960.7N= 26564N(3) 弯曲力计算:由于弯曲时,有一条边同时要被剪开我们先算这个剪切力F3 = KLt = 250 = 2210N最大自由弯曲力(N)为- V - 02trcKBtF自式中:c 与弯曲形式有关的系数。由于是 V 形件,查表得 c=0.6。K 安装系数,一般取 1.3。B弯曲宽度,mmt 料厚,mmr 弯曲半径,r =10材料的强度极限,0=300MPa =1216N3008 . 164. 0193 . 16 . 0F自(4) 压料力的计算:压料力 F压值可近似取弯曲力的 30%80%。 N60812165 . 0F5 . 0F自压(5) 校正弯曲力的计算:为了提高弯曲件的精度,减小回弹,在板材自由弯曲的终了阶段,凸模继续下行,将弯曲件压靠在凹模上,其实质是对弯曲件的圆角和直边进行精压,此为校正弯曲。此时,弯曲件受到凸凹模挤压,弯曲力急剧增大。 PAF校 =80191.8 =2736N P 单位面积上的校正力,Mpa A 校正面垂直投影面积,mm2(6)卸料力、推料力的计算:查表得:= 0.04, = 0.055;由于弯曲模的影响,在凹模内不能有一个工卸K推K件,但冲孔有 2.5 个废料,两个孔,我们算 5 个。卸料力 FQ1= F1 = 0.0471500 = 2860N卸K推料力 FQ2 = nF2 推K= 50.05526564 = 7305.1N故总力 = F1 + F2 + FQ1 + FQ2 + + F3总F校压自FFF = 71500 + 26564 + 2860 + 7305.1 + 1216 + 608 + 2210 + 2736 = 114999.1N- VI - 115kN初选压力机 160kN,其各项技术参数如下:(见表 1-2)表 1-2 压力机技术参数公称压力 (kN)160发生公称压力时滑块下滑的极点距离 ()5固定行程 ()70滑块的行程调节行程 ()870最大闭合高度 ()220闭合高度调节量 ()60工作台尺寸 ()左右:450 前后:300工作台孔尺寸 ()左右:220 前后:110 直径:160模柄尺寸 (直径深宽)3050工作台板厚度 ()605冲裁模间隙及凹模、凸模刃口尺寸计算查表得:Zmin= 0.04,Zmax= 0.07凸模偏差 p= 0.02,凹模偏差 d= 0.02 p+d= 0.04 ZmaxZmin= 0.07-0.04 = 0.03 p+d故凸凹模采取配作加工的方法,查表得 x=0.5。(1) 冲大孔凸模: 工作尺寸为,则5 . 0012凸模磨损后,刃口尺寸变小,则用公式0pp)xA(A 002. 0)5 . 05 . 012( 002. 025.12其它各部分尺寸如图 1-4。(2) 冲小孔凸模尺寸:同样,凸模磨损后,刃口尺寸变小 图 1-4 冲大孔凸模 002. 0p)xA(A 002. 0)2 . 05 . 05 . 3(? 5- VII - 002. 06 . 3002. 0p)xB(B 002. 0) 1 . 05 . 03(002. 01 . 3其它各部分尺寸如图 1-5。图 1-5 冲小孔凸模(3) 落料凹模尺寸:整个工件的尺寸偏差为负偏差 0.2。如图中,凹模磨损之后,尺寸 A1,A2,A3尺寸变大1查表得:x1 = 0.75,x2 = 0.75,x3 = 0.75由公式 得:dAd0)xA( 02. 00d1)275. 019(A ()02. 0085.18 02. 00d2)2 . 075. 011(A ()02. 0085.10 02. 00d3)2 . 075. 0102(A ()02. 0085.101如图中,凹模磨损之后,尺寸 B1尺寸减小,x1=0.75。2 由公式 0dd)xB(B0d1d)2 . 075. 05(B ()002. 015. 5凹模磨损后,尺寸 C1,C2,C3尺寸减小,x1=x2=x3=0.753根据公式 2)5 . 0C(Cdd 01. 0)2 . 075. 04(Cd1- VIII - ()01. 085. 3 01. 0)2 . 075. 02(Cd2 ()01. 085. 1 01. 0)2 . 075. 07(Cd3 ()01. 085. 6 冲孔凹模与落料凸模的刃口尺寸按相应部分尺寸配制,保证双面间隙值 Zmin Zmax = 0.040.07。(4) 弯曲凹模的刃口尺寸计算:弯曲部分在弯曲的同时也进行了切边,其刃口部分如图 1-8。一般,弯曲凸模的半径应等于弯曲件内侧弯曲半径,但在这个模具中,由于只弯一个单弯角,故应等于工件半径。凹r故 =1,凹r则应为(36)t,我们选择=2.5, 弯曲凸模其它部分尺寸见图 1-9。凸r凸r(5) 弯曲模间隙的确定:间隙过大,则制件精度低;间隙过小,则弯曲力过大,制约直边变薄,且模具寿命降低,合理的 V 形件弯曲凸凹模单边间隙值可按下式计算: c = t + kt式中:c 弯曲凸凹模单边间隙,mmt 材料厚度,mm材料厚度正偏差k 根据弯曲件高度 h 和弯曲线长度 b 而决定的系数查表得:k= 0.05, 料厚 0.8,无偏差 =0故 c = 0.8 + 0 + 0.050.8 = (0.8 + 0.04) = 0.84- IX - 切边刃口18.85弯曲凸模(圆角R2.5) 72.3 图 1-8 弯曲凸模刃口 图 1-9 弯曲凸模6 卸料弹簧的选择根据卸料力 2860N,压料力 608N,由于两者不是同时要求,我们满足了卸料力,就满足了压料力,故我们根据卸料力来选择弹簧。我们采用 8 个弹簧,故每个弹簧承受的力为 357.5N。冲裁时,卸料板的工作行程为 h2=(t +2)=2.8,考虑凸模的修模量 h3=5,弹簧的预压量为 h1,故弹簧的总压缩量为: 321hhhH总 = h1 + 7.8考虑卸料的可靠性,取弹簧的预压缩量 h1时,就应有 357.5N 的压力,初选弹簧钢丝直径 d=4,弹簧中径为 22,工作极限负荷为 670N,自由高度 60,工作极限负荷下变形量 20.9。- X -该弹簧在预压 h1时,卸料力达 357.5N,即15.119 .206705 .357hFFhjj11 hj , 能满足要求。95.188 . 715.11H总弹簧的装配高度为85.4815.1160hhh10装根据凸模、凹模及弹簧、螺钉的布置,取卸料板的平面尺寸为 200125,厚度为 20。7选择上下模板及模柄:采用 GB2855.681 后侧带导柱形式模板,根据最大轮廓尺寸 200125,我们选择标准模板,LB 为 200125,上模板厚 40,下模板厚 50。选择 3050 旋入式模柄8 挡料销、始用挡料销的选择一块新条料在刚开始时,必须很好的定位,在这里,我们选用两个弹性挡料销和一个始用挡料销,两个弹性挡料销的规格为 610(长度)如图 1-10,另外,还要用一个始用挡料销宽度为 8。9 垫板、凸模固定板的设计由于凸模比较多,上模板上因模柄为旋入式模柄,必须开孔,故采用垫板加固,垫板厚度为 10。平面尺寸与卸料板相同,为 200125,下模板由于要进行弯曲,同时安装弹性挡料销的需要,也要采用垫板加厚,厚度为 11,其平面尺寸也为200125。冲孔凸模、弯曲凸模和落料凸模均采用固定板固定,固定板厚度取为 25,其平面尺寸为 200125。图 1-10 挡料销10闭合高度- XI -模具闭合高度应为上模板、下模板、上垫板、压料板、下垫板之和,再加上压料板与凸模固定板之间的距离 7,故 H0 =(40 + 10 + 25 + 7 + 20 + 15 + 18 + 50) = 185所选压力机闭合高度=220,=(22060)=160,满足maxHminH 5 H0 + 10 的要求。maxHminH11导柱、导套:按 GB2861.281查手册得,选 d=25,其中导柱长度有 110180,模具的闭合高度 H0=185,故选择导柱的长度 L=170。查表找相应的导套,其中长度有 80,85,90,95,可选较长的 80。12卸料螺钉按 GB2867.681,选 d=16的带肩卸料螺钉,螺柱长 L=58。卸料螺钉窝深应满足 h 卸料板行程 + 螺钉头高度 + 修磨量(5) + 安全间隙(26) = 8 + 16 + 5 + (26) = 3135对螺钉进行验算,见图 1-11。H = (上模板厚 + 上垫板厚 + 凸模固定板厚 + 15 螺钉杆长) = (40 + 10 + 25 + 15) 58 = 32故所选螺钉长度满足要求,定卸料螺钉窝深为 32。l图 1-11 卸料螺钉13模具压力中心的计算在进行模具总体设计时,应使模具压力中心与压力机滑块中心相重合,否则,冲- XII -压时会产生偏心载荷,导致模具以及压力机滑块与导轨的急剧磨损,这不仅降低模具和压力机的使用寿命,而且也影响冲压件的质量。下面,我们采用平行力系合力作用线的求解方法来找其压力中心。 我们先单独求各孔的重心。小孔 如图 1-12 则重心坐标为( x01,y01) 143214433221101llllxlxlxlxlx 43214433221101llllylylylyly式中:l1 = l3 = 3, l2 = 3.5, l4 =5.5 x1 = 0, x2 = 1.75, x3 = 3.5, 图 1-12x4 = 1.75 y1 =1.5, y2=0, y3 =1.5我们先来求 l4的重心的 y 轴坐标。l4的方程为: (x 1.75)2 + (y 3)2 = 1.752 22)3y(75. 175. 1x )3y(2)3y(75. 1121x2222)3y(75. 13y dyx1ds2 ( 为常量)75. 4375. 43dsdsyy = 75. 4375. 43dsyds积分得: = 4.1145 . 33y y4= 4.114将各数据代入式中得:4- XIII - 9675. 15 . 55 . 3375. 15 . 303x01 1525.26 =1.75 96114. 45 . 55 . 1305 . 3115301y 15627.31 2.1两个大孔的重心坐标即为其圆心,重心坐标为(x02,y02)2切边(如图 1-13):3设其重心坐标为(x03,y03)我们同样将其分为 l1,l2,l3,l4四段。 图 1-13x1= 3.25, x3=8.5y1= 19, y3=9.5l1= 6.5, l2 = l4 = 3.14, l3=15 我们同样用积分的方法来求 x2,y2,x4,y4l2的方程为: (x6.5)2+(y17)2 = 22 17)5 . 6x(4y212 )5 . 6x(2)5 . 6x(421y212 2)5 . 6x(4)5 . 6x( ( 为常量)5 . 85 . 65 . 85 . 6dsdsxx22)5 . 6x(42y1ds代入积分得: x2=7.7777. 745 . 6x同理可求得: 4- XIV - y2=18.2727.18417yl4的方程为: (x6.5)2+(y2)2 = 22同理,我们利用重心坐标公式: , babadsdsxxbabadpdpyy即可积分出:x4=77. 745 . 6xy4=73. 042y将各数据代入得: 1514. 314. 35 . 677. 714. 35 . 81577. 714. 325. 35 . 6x03 =7.1 78.2773. 014. 35 . 91527.1814. 3195 . 6y03 =11.7弯曲部分(如图 1-14)4其重心坐标为:校自校自FF8 . 1FdxFx25. 48 . 004 273612168 . 12736dx121625. 48 . 0 =0.185y04 = 9.5 图 1-14设重心坐标为(x05,y05)13211313221105lllxlxlxlx13211313221105lllylylyly- XV -求各数据得:l1=7 l2=l13=3.14 l3=l12=5l4=l11=5.7 l5=l10=102 l6=l9=2.8l7=l8=5x1=0 x2=x13=0.73 x3=x12=4.5 x4=x11=9 x5=x10=62 x6=x9=114 x7=x8=117.5 y1=11.5 y2=16.27 y3=17y4=19 y5=21 y6=20y7=19 y8=0 y9=1y10=2 y11=4 y12=6y13=6.73将各数据代入公式中得:528 . 2210227 . 525214. 32773. 014. 35 . 4597 . 5621021148 . 25 .11755 .11751148 . 26210297 . 55 . 4573. 014. 307x053 .2546 .14613 = 57.5528 . 2210227 . 525214. 32773. 614. 36547 . 5210218 . 205195208 . 221102197 . 517527.1614. 35 .117y05 3 .25462.2898=11.4压力中心的确定6根据前面所算得的数据,我们来求冲压时的压力中心,先建立坐标系如图 1-16,然后计算各孔的轮廓线周长 l1 ,l2,ln ,其长度也就代表了各凸模的冲孔力,同时确定各重心的坐标。设压力中心的坐标为(x0,y0),则其公式为: 6216622110lllxlxlxlx6216622110lllylylyly式中:l1=254.3, l2=l3=37.7, l4=9, l5=27.8, l1=19 x1=57.5, x2=45, x3=75, x4=123.5, x5=127.1, x6=120.185 y1=49.4, y2=y3=11.5, y4=2.1, y5=11.7, y6=28.5,- XVI -图 1-16 压力中心的求算 将各数据代入,得:198 .2797 .377 .373 .254185.120198 .271 .1275 .1239757 .37457 .375 .573 .254x0 5 .385645.26074 = 67.6 198 .2797 .377 .373 .2545 .28198 .277 .111 . 295 .117 .375 .117 .374 .493 .254y0 5 .3852 .14315 = 37.1 故压力中心的坐标为(67.6,37.1),模柄中心线通过该点。14凸凹模强度的校核(1) 凹模外形尺寸的确定及校核,如图 1-17:凹模厚度可查表,根据料厚及外形尺寸,我们查得: c = 32,H = 22这可保证凹模有足够的强度和刚度,故一般凹模尺寸确定后,不再作强度校核。我们还可求得一个最小值。图 1-17 凹模厚度 (圆形)d3d21 (p5 . 1H0min- XVII -)1431221 (200075.98015 . 1= 1.78 5故刃口尺寸也能满足其要求。对非圆形件: 103 . 7p5 . 1Hmin故都能满足要求。(2) 凸模外形尺寸及强度计算:凸模长度选定后,一般不作强度校核,但对细长或冲料厚的凸模,为防止纵向失稳和折断,应进行凸模承压能力和抗弯能力的校核,我只对冲大孔和小孔的两个凸模进行校核。承压能力的校核1圆形凸模:冲裁时凸模缩手的应力,有平均应力 和刃口的接触应力 k两种,孔径大于冲裁件料厚时,接触应力 k大于平均压应力 ,因而强度核算的条件是接触应力 k小于或等于凸模材料的许用应力,查表得 = 1200MPa。即 k = 2(10.5 t / d) = 2250(10.50.8/12) = 483.3Mpa 式中: t 冲件材料厚度 ()d凸模或冲孔直径 () 冲件材料抗剪强度 (Mpa) k凸模刃口接触应力 (Mpa) 凸模材料许用压应力对于非圆形凸模,当凸模端面宽度 B 大于冲件材料厚度 t 时,可按下式计算(如图 1-18):图1-18 计算凸模强度时面积的取法k = L t /Fk L 冲件轮廓长度 () t 冲件材料厚度 ()- XVIII -冲件材料抗剪强度 (Mpa) Fk 接触面积,取接触宽度为 t / 2 k凸模刃口接触应力 凸模材料许用压应力 4 . 0L2508 . 0)5 . 3265 . 3(k Mpa4 . 0200 = 500 Mpa 故承压能力能满足要求。抗弯强度校核2由于压料板同时还起了一个导向作用(如图 1-19) ,故校核公式为:图 1-19 凸模对于圆形凸模: pd85L2max 75.980112852 9914485 = 123.6 我们取的 L 为 29 123.6,故满足要求。对于非圆形凸模: - XIX - pJ380Lmax 7 .6960435380 =95式中: Lmax许用凸模的最大自由长度 () d 凸模的最小直径 p冲裁力 J 凸模最小横断面的轴惯矩我们取的 L 为 29 95,故也满足要求 结束语及致谢词结束语及致谢词一个多学期的毕业设计,使我增长了不少见识,不断的在无知中获得新知。在碰到某些疑难问题时,通过不断的到图书馆和网上查找资料以及向老师和同学请教,得到了有效的解决。在整个过程中,我加深了对模具设计的认识,形成了一个比较全面而系统的思维路线,在不断的发现问题和解决问题的过程中,形成了自己严谨的办事风格,更重要的是,在这一过程中,我对粉末冶金模具的设计有了一定的了解,由于本套模具实现了现实中的加工应用,因此,更加深了我对模具应用于生产实践的认识。最后,感谢在设计中给予我巨大帮助的老师和同学。特别是 XXX 老师,既要承担一定的教学任务,又要进行科学研究,除此之外,还要指导八位同学的毕业设计,可以说日理万机。我们真的很感动。在此,让我对 x 老师表示最衷心的感谢,x 老师忘我的工作态度,严谨的工作作风以及待人和蔼都给我留下了深刻的印象,其影响必将伴随我的一生。总之,在这次设计中,我既学到了科学文化知识,又学到了很多做人的道理。 “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索” 。 参考文献参考文献1. 日太田哲 著. 冲压模具结构与设计图解. 北京:国防工业出版社,19832. 赵英才 主编. 冲压模具入工门. 浙江:浙江科学技术出版社,19993. 姜奎华 主编. 冲压工艺与模具设计. 北京:机械工业出版社,19984. 许发越 主编. 实用模具设计与制造手册. 北京:机械工业出版社,20005. 邱宣怀 主编. 机械设计. 北京:高等教育出版社,19976. 李硕根,莫雨松等 主编. 互换性与技术测量. 北京:中国计量出版社出版,1998- XX -7.冲模设计手册编写组 主编. 冲模设计手册. 北京:机械工业出版社,19998. 张秉璋 主编. 板料冲压模具设计. 陕西:西北工业大学出版,19979. 唐金松 主编. 简明机械设计手册. 上海:上海科技出版社,200010.机械电子工业部主编. 模具制造工艺和装备. 北京:机械工业出版社,199211.徐进,陈再枝 主编. 模具材料应用手册. 北京:机械工业出版社,200112.陈宏钧 主编. 机械加工工艺手册. 北京:机械工业出版社,200015.黄毅宏,李明辉主编. 模具制造工艺. 北京:机械工业出版社,199916.陆名彰 主编. 机械制造技术基础. 湖南:湘潭工学院出版,200017.苏洪,李孟冬等 主编. 机械设计与制造工艺简明手册. 北京:中国电力出版社出版,199818.印红羽,张华诚 主编. 粉末冶金模具设计手册. 北京:机械工业出版社出版,2001 目录目录第一部分第一部分 插条冲压模具设计插条冲压模具设计第一章 零件形状及尺寸要求 1 第二章 零件材料性能分析 1 第三章 有关模具结构形式的选择 1 第四章 几种方案的比较 2 第五章 有关工艺的计算 3 1 毛坯尺寸的计算 3 (1)弯曲件毛坯长度的计算 3 (2)搭边值的确定 3 (3)条料长度的计算 4 2 计算排样 4 3 计算材料的利用率 5 4 冲裁力、卸料力、推件力、弯曲力计算及初选压力机 6 5 冲裁模间隙及凹模、凸模刃口尺寸计算 8 6 卸料弹簧的选择 127 选择上下模板及模柄 13 8 挡料销、始用挡料销的选择 139 垫板、凸模固定板的设计 13 10 闭合高度14 11 导柱、导套14 12 卸料螺钉15 13 模具压力中心的计算 1614 凸、凹模强度的校核 22 (1)凹模外形尺寸的确定及校核 22 (2)凸模外形尺寸及强度校核 23 结束语及致谢词结束语及致谢词 25 第 0 页 共 27 页 Process simulation in stamping recent applications for product and process designAbstractProcess simulation for product and process design is currently being practiced in industry. However, a number of input variables have a significant effect on the accuracy and reliability of computer predictions. A study was conducted to evaluate the capability of FE-simulations for predicting part characteristics and process conditions in forming complex-shaped, industrial parts.In industrial applications, there are two objectives for conducting FE-simulations of the stamping process; (1) to optimize the product design by analyzing formability at the product design stage and (2) to reduce the tryout time and cost in process design by predicting the deformation process in advance during the die design stage. For each of these objectives, two kinds of FE-simulations are applied. Pam-Stamp, an incremental dynamic-explicit FEM code released by Engineering Systems Intl, matches the second objective well because it can deal with most of the practical stamping parameters. FAST_FORM3D, a one-step FEM code released by Forming Technologies, matches the first objective because it only requires the part geometry and not the complex process information.In a previous study, these two FE codes were applied to complex-shaped parts used in manufacturing automobiles and construction machinery. Their capabilities in predicting formability issues in stamping were evaluated. This paper reviews the results of this study and summarizes the recommended procedures for obtaining accurate and reliable results from FE simulations.In another study, the effect of controlling the blank holder force (BHF) during the deep drawing of hemispherical, dome-bottomed cups was investigated. The standard automotive aluminum-killed, drawing-quality (AKDQ) steel was used as well as high performance materials such as high strength steel, bake hard steel, and aluminum 6111. It was determined that varying the BHF as a function of stroke improved the strain distributions in the domed cups.Keywords: Stamping; Process ;stimulation; Process design第 1 页 共 27 页1. IntroductionThe design process of complex shaped sheet metal stampings such as automotive panels, consists of many stages of decision making and is a very expensive and time consuming process. Currently in industry, many engineering decisions are made based on the knowledge of experienced personnel and these decisions are typically validated during the soft tooling and prototyping stage and during hard die tryouts. Very often the soft and hard tools must be reworked or even redesigned and remanufactured to provide parts with acceptable levels of quality.The best case scenario would consist of the process outlined in Fig. 1. In this design process, the experienced product designer would have immediate feedback using a specially design software called one-step FEM to estimate the formability of their design. This would allow the product designer to make necessary changes up front as opposed to down the line after expensive tooling has been manufactured. One-step FEM is particularly suited for product analysis since it does not require binder, addendum, or even most process conditions. Typically this information is not available during the product design phase. One-step FEM is also easy to use and computationally fast, which allows the designer to play “what if” without much time investment.Fig. 1. Proposed design process for sheet metal stampings. Once the product has been designed and validated, the development project would enter the “time zero” phase and be passed onto the die designer. The die designer would validate his/her design with an incremental FEM code and make necessary design changes and perhaps even optimize the process parameters to ensure not just minimum acceptability of part quality, but maximum achievable quality. This increases product quality but also increase process robustness. Incremental FEM is particularly suited for die design analysis since it does require binder, addendum, and process conditions which are either known during die design or desired to be known.The validated die design would then be manufactured directly into the hard production tooling and be validated with physical tryouts during which the prototype parts would be made. Tryout time should be decreased due to the earlier numerical validations. Redesign and remanufacturing of the tooling due to unforeseen forming problems should be a thing of the past. The decrease in tryout time and elimination of redesign/remanufacturing should more than make up for the time used to numerically validate the part, die, and process. 第 2 页 共 27 页Optimization of the stamping process is also of great importance to producers of sheet stampings. By modestly increasing ones investment in presses, equipment, and tooling used in sheet forming, one may increase ones control over the stamping process tremendously. It has been well documented that blank holder force is one of the most sensitive process parameters in sheet forming and therefore can be used to precisely control the deformation process.By controlling the blank holder force as a function of press stroke AND position around the binder periphery, one can improve the strain distribution of the panel providing increased panel strength and stiffness, reduced springback and residual stresses, increased product quality and process robustness. An inexpensive, but industrial quality system is currently being developed at the ERC/NSM using a combination of hydraulics and nitrogen and is shown in Fig. 2. Using BHF control can also allow engineers to design more aggressive panels to take advantage the increased formability window provided by BHF control.Fig. 2. Blank holder force control system and tooling being developed at the ERC/NSM labs.Three separate studies were undertaken to study the various stages of the design process. The next section describes a study of the product design phase in which the one-step FEM code FAST_FORM3D (Forming Technologies) was validated with a laboratory and industrial part and used to predict optimal blank shapes. Section 4 summarizes a study of the die design stage in which an actual industrial panel was used to validate the incremental FEM code Pam-Stamp (Engineering Systems Intl). Section 5 covers a laboratory study of the effect of blank holder force control on the strain distributions in deep drawn, hemispherical, dome-bottomed cups.2. Product simulation applicationsThe objective of this investigation was to validate FAST_FORM3D, to determine FAST_FORM3Ds blank shape prediction capability, and to determine how one-step FEM can be implemented into the product design process. Forming Technologies has provided their one-step FEM code FAST_FORM3D and training to the ERC/NSM for the purpose of benchmarking and research. FAST_FORM3D does not simulate the deformation history. Instead it projects the final part geometry onto a flat plane or developable surface and repositions the nodes and elements until a minimum energy state is reached. This process is computationally faster than incremental simulations like Pam-Stamp, but also makes more assumptions. FAST_FORM3D can evaluate formability and estimate optimal blank geometries and is a strong tool for product designers due to its speed and ease of use particularly during the stage when the die geometry is not available.第 3 页 共 27 页In order to validate FAST_FORM3D, we compared its blank shape prediction with analytical blank shape prediction methods. The part geometry used was a 5 in. deep 12 in. by 15 in. rectangular pan with a 1 in. flange as shown in Fig. 3. Table 1 lists the process conditions used. Romanovskis empirical blank shape method and the slip line field method was used to predict blank shapes for this part which are shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 3. Rectangular pan geometry used for FAST_FORM3D validation.Table 1. Process parameters used for FAST_FORM3D rectangular pan validation Fig. 4. Blank shape design for rectangular pans using hand calculations. (a) Romanovskis empirical method; (b) slip line field analytical method.Fig. 5(a) shows the predicted blank geometries from the Romanovski method, slip line field method, and FAST_FORM3D. The blank shapes agree in the corner area, but differ greatly in the side regions. Fig. 5(b)(c) show the draw-in pattern after the drawing process of the rectangular pan as simulated by Pam-Stamp for each of the predicted blank shapes. The draw-in patterns for all three rectangular pans matched in the corners regions quite well. The slip line field method, though, did not achieve the objective 1 in. flange in the side region, while the Romanovski and FAST_FORM3D 第 4 页 共 27 页methods achieved the 1 in. flange in the side regions relatively well. Further, only the FAST_FORM3D blank agrees in the corner/side transition regions. Moreover, the FAST_FORM3D blank has a better strain distribution and lower peak strain than Romanovski as can be seen in Fig. 6.Fig. 5. Various blank shape predictions and Pam-Stamp simulation results for the rectangular pan. (a) Three predicted blank shapes; (b) deformed slip line field blank; (c) deformed Romanovski blank; (d) deformed FAST_FORM3D blank.Fig. 6. Comparison of strain distribution of various blank shapes using Pam-Stamp for the rectangular pan. (a) Deformed Romanovski blank; (b) deformed FAST_FORM3D blank.To continue this validation study, an industrial part from the Komatsu Ltd. was chosen and is shown in Fig. 7(a). We predicted an optimal blank geometry with FAST_FORM3D and compared it with the experimentally developed blank shape as shown in Fig. 7(b). As seen, the blanks are similar but have some differences.Fig. 7. FAST_FORM3D simulation results for instrument cover validation. (a) FAST_FORM3Ds formability evaluation; (b) comparison of predicted and experimental blank geometries.Next we simulated the stamping of the FAST_FORM3D blank and the experimental blank using Pam-Stamp. We compared both predicted geometries to the nominal CAD geometry (Fig. 8) and found that the FAST_FORM3D geometry was much 第 5 页 共 27 页more accurate. A nice feature of FAST_FORM3D is that it can show a “failure” contour plot of the part with respect to a failure limit curve which is shown in Fig. 7(a). In conclusion, FAST_FORM3D was successful at predicting optimal blank shapes for a laboratory and industrial parts. This indicates that FAST_FORM3D can be successfully used to assess formability issues of product designs. In the case of the instrument cover, many hours of trial and error experimentation could have been eliminated by using FAST_FORM3D and a better blank shape could have been developed.Fig. 8. Comparison of FAST_FORM3D and experimental blank shapes for the instrument cover. (a) Experimentally developed blank shape and the nominal CAD geometry; (b) FAST_FORM3D optimal blank shape and the nominal CAD geometry.3.3. DieDie andand processprocess simulationsimulation applicationsapplicationsIn order to study the die design process closely, a cooperative study was conducted by Komatsu Ltd. of Japan and the ERC/NSM. A production panel with forming problems was chosen by Komatsu. This panel was the excavators cabin, left-hand inner panel shown in Fig. 9. The geometry was simplified into an experimental laboratory die, while maintaining the main features of the panel. Experiments were conducted at Komatsu using the process conditions shown in Table 2. A forming limit diagram (FLD) was developed for the drawing-quality steel using dome tests and a vision strain measurement system and is shown in Fig. 10. Three blank holder forces (10, 30, and 50 ton) were used in the experiments to determine its effect. Incremental simulations of each experimental condition was conducted at the ERC/NSM using Pam-Stamp.Fig. 9. Actual product cabin inner panel.Table 2. Process conditions for the cabin inner investigation 第 6 页 共 27 页Fig. 10. Forming limit diagram for the drawing-quality steel used in the cabin inner investigation.At 10 ton, wrinkling occurred in the experimental parts as shown in Fig. 11. At 30 ton, the wrinkling was eliminated as shown in Fig. 12. These experimental observations were predicted with Pam-stamp simulations as shown in Fig. 13. The 30 ton panel was measured to determine the material draw-in pattern. These measurements are compared with the predicted material draw-in in Fig. 14. Agreement was very good, with a maximum error of only 10 mm. A slight neck was observed in the 30 ton panel as shown in Fig. 13. At 50 ton, an obvious fracture occurred in the panel.Fig. 11. Wrinkling in laboratory cabin inner panel, BHF=10 ton.Fig. 12. Deformation stages of the laboratory cabin inner and necking, BHF=30 ton. (a) Experimental blank; (b) experimental panel, 60% formed; (c) experimental panel, fully formed; 第 7 页 共 27 页(d) experimental panel, necking detail.Fig. 13. Predication and elimination of wrinkling in the laboratory cabin inner. (a) Predicted geometry, BHF=10 ton; (b) predicted geometry, BHF=30 ton.Fig. 14. Comparison of predicted and measured material draw-in for lab cabin inner, BHF=30 ton.Strains were measured with the vision strain measurement system for each panel, and the results are shown in Fig. 15. The predicted strains from FEM simulations for each panel are shown in Fig. 16. The predictions and measurements agree well regarding the strain distributions, but differ slightly on the effect of BHF. Although the trends are represented, the BHF tends to effect the strains in a more localized manner in the simulations when compared to the measurements. Nevertheless, these strain prediction show that Pam-Stamp correctly predicted the necking and fracture which occurs at 30 and 50 ton. The effect of friction on strain distribution was also 第 8 页 共 27 页investigated with simulations and is shown in Fig. 17.Fig. 15. Experimental strain measurements for the laboratory cabin inner. (a) measured strain, BHF=10 ton (panel wrinkled); (b) measured strain, BHF=30 ton (panel necked); (c) measured strain, BHF =50 ton (panel fractured).Fig. 16. FEM strain predictions for the laboratory cabin inner. (a) Predicted strain, BHF=10 ton; (b) predicted strain, BHF=30 ton; (c) predicted strain, BHF=50 ton.Fig. 17. Predicted effect of friction for the laboratory cabin inner, BHF=30 ton. (a) Predicted strain, =0.06; (b) predicted strain, =0.10.A summary of the results of the comparisons is included in Table 3. This table shows that the simulations predicted the experimental observations at least as well as the strain measurement system at each of the experimental conditions. This indicates that Pam-Stamp can be used to assess formability issues associated with the die design.Table 3. Summary results of cabin inner study 4. Blank holder force control applications第 9 页 共 27 页The objective of this investigation was to determine the drawability of various, high performance materials using a hemispherical, dome-bottomed, deep drawn cup (see Fig. 18) and to investigate various time variable blank holder force profiles. The materials that were investigated included AKDQ steel, high strength steel, bake hard steel, and aluminum 6111 (see Table 4). Tensile tests were performed on these materials to determine flow stress and anisotropy characteristics for analysis and for input into the simulations (see Fig. 19 and Table 5).Fig. 18. Dome cup tooling geometry.Table 4. Material used for the dome cup study Fig. 19. Results of tensile tests of aluminum 6111, AKDQ, high strength, and bake hard steels. (a) Fractured tensile specimens; (b) Stress/strain curves.Table 5. Tensile test data for aluminum 6111, AKDQ, high strength, and bake hard steels 第 10 页 共 27 页It is interesting to note that the flow stress curves for bake hard steel and AKDQ steel were very similar except for a 5% reduction in elongation for bake hard. Although, the elongations for high strength steel and aluminum 6111 were similar, the n-value for aluminum 6111 was twice as large. Also, the r-value for AKDQ was much bigger than 1, while bake hard was nearly 1, and aluminum 6111 was much less than 1.The time variable BHF profiles used in this investigation included constant, linearly decreasing, and pulsating (see Fig. 20). The experimental conditions for AKDQ steel were simulated using the incremental code Pam-Stamp. Examples of wrinkled, fractured, and good laboratory cups are shown in Fig. 21 as well as an image of a simulated wrinkled cup.第 11 页 共 27 页Fig. 20. BHF time-profiles used for the dome cup study. (a) Constant BHF; (b) ramp BHF; (c) pulsating BHF.Fig. 21. Experimental and simulated dome cups. (a) Experimental good cup; (b) experimental fractured cup; (c) experimental wrinkled cup; (d) simulated wrinkled cup.Limits of drawability were experimentally investigated using constant BHF. The results of this study are shown in Table 6. This table indicates that AKDQ had the largest drawability window while aluminum had the smallest and bake hard and high strength steels were in the middle. The strain distributions for constant, ramp, and pulsating BHF are compared experimentally in Fig. 22 and are compared with simulations in Fig. 23 for AKDQ. In both simulations and experiments, it was found that the ramp BHF trajectory improved the strain distribution the best. Not only were peak strains reduced by up to 5% thereby reducing the possibility of fracture, but low strain regions were increased. This improvement in strain distribution can increase product stiffness and strength, decrease springback and residual stresses, increase product quality and process robustness.Table 6. Limits of drawability for dome cup with constant BHF Fig. 22. Experimental effect of time variable BHF on engineering strain in an AKDQ steel dome cup.第 12 页 共 27 页Fig. 23. Simulated effect of time variable BHF on true strain in an AKDQ steel dome cup.Pulsating BHF, at the frequency range investigated, was not found to have an effect on strain distribution. This was likely due to the fact the frequency of pulsation that was tested was only 1 Hz. It is known from previous experiments of other researchers that proper frequencies range from 5 to 25 Hz 3. A comparison of load-stroke curves from simulation and experiments are shown in Fig. 24 for AKDQ. Good agreement was found for the case where =0.08. This indicates that FEM simulations can be used to assess the formability improvements that can be obtained by using BHF control techniques.Fig. 24. Comparison of experimental and simulated load-stroke curves for an AKDQ steel dome cup.5 Conclusions and future work In this paper, we evaluated an improved design process for complex stampings which involved eliminating the soft tooling phase and incorporated the validation of product and process using one-step and incremental FEM simulations. Also, process improvements were proposed consisting of the implementation of blank holder force control to increase product quality and process robustness.Three separate investigations were summarized which analyzed various stages in the design process. First, the product design phase was investigated with a laboratory and industrial validation of the one-step FEM code FAST_FORM3D and its ability to assess formability issues involved in product design. FAST_FORM3D was successful at predicting optimal blank shapes for a rectangular pan and an industrial instrument cover. In the case of the instrument cover, many hours of trial and error experimentation could have been eliminated by using FAST_FORM3D and a better blank shape could have been developed.Second, the die design phase was investigated with a laboratory and industrial validation of the incremental code Pam-Stamp and its ability to assess forming issues associated with die design. This investigation suggested that Pam-Stamp could predict strain distribution, wrinkling, necking, and fracture at least as well as a vision strain 第 13 页 共 27 页measurement system at a variety of experimental conditions.Lastly, the process design stage was investigated with a laboratory study of the quality improvements that can be realized with the implementation of blank holder force control techniques. In this investigation, peak strains in hemispherical, dome-bottomed, deep drawn cups were reduced by up to 5% thereby reducing the possibility of fracture, and low strain regions were increased. This improvement in strain distribution can increase product stiffness and strength, decrease springback and residual stresses, increase product quality and process robustness. It can be expected that improvements in drawability would be further enhanced by optimizing the variation of the BHF in function of time. Further, good agreement was found for experimentally measured and numerically predicted load-stroke curves indicating that FEM simulations can be used to assess the formability improvements that can be obtained using BHF control techniques.第 14 页 共 27 页 Die position in industrial production Mold is a high-volume products with the shape tool, is the main process of industrial production equipment. With mold components, with high efficiency, good quality, low cost, saving energy and raw materials and a series of advantages, with the mold workpieces possess high accuracy, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption , other manufacturing methods can not match. Have already become an important means of industrial production and technological development. The basis of the modern industrial economy. The development of modern industrial and technological level depends largely on the level of industrial development die, so die industry to national economic and social development will play an increasing role. March 1989 the State Council promulgated on the current industrial policy decision points in the mold as the machinery industry transformation sequence of the first, production and capital construction of the second sequence (after the large-scale power generation equipment and the corresponding power transmission equipment), establish tooling industry in an important position in the national economy. Since 1997, they have to mold and its processing technology and equipment included in the current national focus on encouraging the development of industries, products and technologies catalog and to encourage foreign investment industry directory. Approved by the State Council, from 1997 to 2000, more than 80 professional mold factory owned 70% VAT refund of preferential policies to support mold industry. All these have fully demonstrated the development of the State Council and state departments tooling industry attention and support. Mold around the world about the current annual output of 60 billion U.S. dollars, Japan, the United States and other industrialized countries die of industrial output value of more than machine tool industry, beginning in 1997, Chinas industrial output value has exceeded the mold machine tool industry output. According to statistics, home appliances, toys and other light industries, nearly 90% of the parts are integrated with production of chopsticks; in aircraft, automobiles, agricultural machinery and radio industries, the proportion exceeded 60%. Such as aircraft manufacturing, the use of a certain type of fighter dies more than 30,000 units, 第 15 页 共 27 页of which the host 8000 sets, 2000 sets of engines, auxiliary 20 000 sets. From the output of view, since the 80s, the United States, Japan and other industrialized countries die industry output value has exceeded the machine tool industry, and there are still rising. Production technology, according to the International Association predicts that in 2000, the product best pieces of rough 75%, 50% will be finished mold completed; metals, plastics, ceramics, rubber, building materials and other industrial products, most of the mold will be completed in more than 50% metal . The 19th century, with the arms industry (guns shell), watch industry, radio industry, dies are widely used. After World War II, with the rapid development of world economy, it became a mass production of household appliances, automobiles, electronic equipment, cameras, watches and other parts the best way. From a global perspective, when the United States in the forefront of stamping technology - many die of advanced technologies, such as simple mold, high efficiency, mold, die and stamping the high life automation, mostly originated in the United States; and Switzerland, fine blanking, cold in Germany extrusion technology, plastic processing of the Soviet Union are at the world advanced. 50s, mold industry focus is based on subscriber demand, production can meet the product requirements of the mold. Multi-die design rule of thumb, reference has been drawing and perceptual knowledge, on the design of mold parts of a lack of real understanding of function. From 1955 to 1965, is the pressure processing of exploration and development of the times - the main components of the mold and the stress state of the function of a mathematical sub-bridge, and to continue to apply to on-site practical knowledge to make stamping technology in all aspects of a leap in development. The result is summarized mold design principles, and makes the pressure machine, stamping materials, processing methods, plum with a structure, mold materials, mold manufacturing method, the field of automation devices, a new look to the practical direction of advance, so that pressing processing apparatus capable of producing quality products from the first stage. Into the 70s to high speed, launch technology, precision, security, development of the second stage. Continue to emerge in this process a variety of high efficiency, business life, high-precision multi-functional automatic school to help with. Represented by the number of working places as much as other progressive die and dozens of multi-station transfer station module. On this basis, has developed both a continuous pressing station there are more slide forming station of the press - bending machine. In the meantime, the Japanese stand to the worlds largest - the mold into 第 16 页 共 27 页the micron-level precision, die life, alloy tool steel mold has reached tens of millions of times, carbide steel mold to each of hundreds of millions of times p minutes for stamping the number of small presses usually 200 to 300, up to 1200 times to 1500 times. In the meantime, in order to meet product updates quickly, with the short duration (such as cars modified, refurbished toys, etc.) need a variety of economic-type mold, such as zinc alloy die down, polyurethane rubber mold, die steel skin, also has been very great development. From the mid-70s so far can be said that computer-aided design, supporting the continuous development of manufacturing technology of the times. With the precision and complexity of mold rising, accelerating the production cycle, the mold industry, the quality of equipment and personnel are required to improve. Rely on common processing equipment, their experience and skills can not meet the needs of mold. Since the 90s, mechanical and electronic technologies in close connection with the development of NC machine tools, such as CNC wire cutting machine, CNC EDM, CNC milling, CNC coordinate grinding machine and so on. The use of computer automatic programming, control CNC machine tools to improve the efficiency in the use and scope. In recent years, has developed a computer to time-sharing by the way a group of direct management and control of CNC machine tools NNC system. With the development of computer technology, computers have gradually into the mold in all areas, including design, manufacturing and management. International Association for the Study of production forecasts to 2000, as a means of links between design and manufacturing drawings will lose its primary role. Automatic Design of die most fundamental point is to establish the mold standard and design standards. To get rid of the people of the past, and practical experience to judge the composition of the design center, we must take past experiences and ways of thinking, for series, numerical value, the number of type-based, as the design criteria to the computer store. Components are dry because of mold constitutes a million other differences, to come up with a can adapt to various parts of the design software almost impossible. But some products do not change the shape of parts, mold structure has certain rules, can be summed up for the automatic design of software. If a Japanese companys CDM system for progressive die design and manufacturing, including the importation of parts of the figure, rough start, strip layout, determine the size and standard templates, assembly drawing and parts, the output NC program (for CNC machining Center and line cutting program), etc., used in 20% of the time by hand, 第 17 页 共 27 页reduce their working hours to 35 hours; from Japan in the early 80s will be three-dimensional cad / cam system for automotive panel die. Currently, the physical parts scanning input, map lines and data input, geometric form, display, graphics, annotations and the data is automatically programmed, resulting in effective control machine tool control system of post-processing documents have reached a high level; computer Simulation (CAE) technology has made some achievements. At high levels, CAD / CAM / CAE integration, that data is integrated, can transmit information directly with each other. Achieve network. Present. Only a few foreign manufacturers can do it. Die & Mould Industry Status Due to historical reasons for the formation of closed, big and complete enterprise features, most enterprises in China are equipped with mold workshop, in factory matching status since the late 70s have a mold the concept of industrialization and specialization of production. Production efficiency is not high, poor economic returns. Mold production industry is small and scattered, cross-industry, capital-intensive, professional, commercial and technical management level are relatively low. According to incomplete statistics, there are now specialized in manufacturing mold, the product supporting mold factory workshop (factory) near 17 000, about 600 000 employees, annual output value reached 20 billion yuan mold. However, the existing capacity of the mold and die industry can only meet the demand of 60%, still can not meet the needs of national economic development. At present, the domestic needs of large, sophisticated, complex and long life of the mold also rely mainly on imports. According to customs statistics, in 1997 630 million U.S. dollars worth of imports mold, not including the import of mold together with the equipment; in 1997 only 78 million U.S. dollars export mold. At present the technological level of China Die & Mould Industry and manufacturing capacity, Chinas national economy in the weak links and bottlenecks constraining sustainable economic development. 3.1Research on the Structure of industrial products mold In accordance with the division of China Mould Industry Association, China mold is divided into 10 basic categories, which, stamping die and plastic molding two 第 18 页 共 27 页categories accounted for the main part. Calculated by output, present, China accounts for about 50% die stamping, plastic molding die about 20%, Wire Drawing Die (Tool) about 10% of the worlds advanced industrial countries and regions, the proportion of plastic forming die die general of the total output value 40%. Most of our stamping die mold for the simple, single-process mode and meet the molds, precision die, precision multi-position progressive die is also one of the few, die less than 100 million times the average life of the mold reached 100 million times the maximum life of more than accuracy 3 5um, more than 50 progressive station, and the international life of the die 600 million times the highest average life of the die 50 million times compared to the mid 80s at the international advanced level. Chinas plastic molding mold design, production technology started relatively late, the overall level of low. Currently a single cavity, a simple mold cavity 70%, and still dominant. A sophisticated multi-cavity mold plastic injection mold, plastic injection mold has been able to multi-color preliminary design and manufacturing. Mould is about 80 million times the average life span is about, the main difference is the large deformation of mold components, excess burr side of a large, poor surface quality, erosion and corrosion serious mold cavity, the mold cavity exhaust poor and vulnerable such as, injection mold 5um accuracy has reached below the highest life expectancy has exceeded 20 million times, the number has more than 100 chamber cavity, reaching the mid 80s to early 90s the international advanced level. 3.2 mold Present Status of Technology Technical level of Chinas mold industry currently uneven, with wide disparities. Generally speaking, with the developed industrial countries, Hong Kong and Taiwan advanced level, there is a large gap. The use of CAD / CAM / CAE / CAPP and other technical design and manufacture molds, both wide application, or technical level, there is a big gap between both. In the application of CAD technology design molds, only about 10% of the mold used in the design of CAD, aside from drawing board still has a long way to go; in the application of CAE design and analysis of mold calculation, it was just started, most of the game is still in trial stages and animation; in the application of CAM technology manufacturing molds, first, the lack of advanced manufacturing equipment, and second, the existing process equipment (including the last 10 years the introduction of advanced equipment) or computer standard (IBM PC and compatibles, 第 19 页 共 27 页HP workstations, etc.) different, or because of differences in bytes, processing speed differences, differences in resistance to electromagnetic interference, networking is low, only about 5% of the mold manufacturing equipment of recent work in this task; in the application process planning CAPP technology, basically a blank state, based on the need for a lot of standardization work; in the mold common technology, such as mold rapid prototyping technology, polishing, electroforming technologies, surface treatment technology aspects of CAD / CAM technology in China has just started. Computer-aided technology, software development, is still at low level, the accumulation of knowledge and experience required. Most of our mold factory, mold processing equipment shop old, long in the length of civilian service, accuracy, low efficiency, still use the ordinary forging, turning, milling, planing, drilling, grinding and processing equipment, mold, heat treatment is still in use salt bath, box-type furnace, operating with the experience of workers, poorly equipped, high energy consumption. Renewal of equipment is slow, technological innovation, technological progress is not much intensity. Although in recent years introduced many advanced mold processing equipment, but are too scattered, or not complete, only about 25% utilization, equipment, some of the advanced functions are not given full play. Lack of technology of high-quality mold design, manufacturing technology and skilled workers, especially the lack of knowledge and breadth, knowledge structure, high levels of compound talents. Chinas mold industry and technical personnel, only 8% of employees 12%, and the technical personnel and skilled workers and lower the overall skill level. Before 1980, practitioners of technical personnel and skilled workers, the aging of knowledge, knowledge structure can not meet the current needs; and staff employed after 80 years, expertise, experience lack of hands-on ability, not ease, do not want to learn technology. In recent years, the brain drain caused by personnel not only decrease the quantity and quality levels, and personnel structure of the emergence of new faults, lean, make mold design, manufacturing difficult to raise the technical level. 3.3 mold industry supporting materials, standard parts of present condition Over the past 10 years, especially the Eighth Five-Year, the State organization of the ministries have repeatedly Material Research Institute, universities and steel enterprises, research and development of special series of die steel, molds and other mold-specific carbide special tools, auxiliary materials, and some promotion. However, due to the quality is not stable enough, the lack of the necessary test 第 20 页 共 27 页conditions and test data, specifications and varieties less, large molds and special mold steel and specifications are required for the gap. In the steel supply, settlement amount and sporadic users of mass-produced steel supply and demand contradiction, yet to be effectively addressed. In addition, in recent years have foreign steel mold set up sales outlets in China, but poor channels, technical services support the weak and prices are high, foreign exchange settlement system and other factors, promote the use of much current. Mold supporting materials and special techniques in recent years despite the popularization and application, but failed to mature production technology, most still also in the exploratory stage tests, such as die coating technology, surface treatment technology mold, mold guide lubrication technology Die sensing technology and lubrication technology, mold to stress technology, mold and other anti-fatigue and anti-corrosion technology productivity has not yet fully formed, towards commercialization. Some key, important technologies also lack the protection of intellectual property. Chinas mold standard parts production, the formation of the early 80s only small-scale production, standardization and standard mold parts using the coverage of about 20%, from the market can be assigned to, is just about 30 varieties, and limited to small and medium size. Standard punch, hot runner components and other supplies just the beginning, mold and parts production and supply channels for poor, poor accuracy and quality.3.4 Die & Mould Industry Structure in Industrial Organization Chinas mold industry is relatively backward and still could not be called an independent industry. Mold manufacturer in China currently can be divided into four categories: professional mold factory, professional production outside for mold; products factory mold factory or workshop, in order to supply the product works as the main tasks needed to die; die-funded enterprises branch, the organizational model and professional mold factory is similar to small but the main; township mold business, and professional mold factory is similar. Of which the largest number of first-class, mold production accounts for about 70% of total output. Chinas mold industry, decentralized management system. There are 19 major industry sectors manufacture and use of mold, there is no unified management of the department. Only by China Die & Mould Industry Association, overall planning, focus on research, cross-sectoral, inter-departmental management difficulties are many.第 21 页 共 27 页 Mold is suitable for small and medium enterprises organize production, and our technical transformation investment tilted to large and medium enterprises, small and medium enterprise investment mold can not be guaranteed. Including product factory mold shop, factory, including, after the transformation can not quickly recover its investment, or debt-laden, affecting development. Although most products factory mold shop, factory technical force is strong, good equipment conditions, the production of mold levels higher, but equipment utilization rate. Price has long been Chinas mold inconsistent with their value, resulting in mold industry own little economic benefit, social benefit big phenomenon. Dry as dry mold mold standard parts, standard parts dry as dry mold with pieces of production. Dry with parts manufactured products than with the mold of the class of anomalies exist.4 Die trend 4.1 mold CAD / CAE / CAM being integrated, three-dimensional, intelligent and network direction (1) mold software features integrated第 22 页 共 27 页 Die software features of integrated software modules required relatively complete, while the function module using the same data model, in order to achieve Syndicated news management and sharing of information to support the mold design, manufacture, assembly, inspection, testing and production management of the entire process to achieve optimal benefits. Series such as the UK Delcams software will include a surface / solid geometric modeling, engineering drawing complex geometry, advanced rendering industrial design, plastic mold design expert system, complex physical CAM, artistic design and sculpture automatic programming system, reverse engineering and complex systems physical line measurement systems. A higher degree of integration of the software includes: Pro / ENGINEER, UG and CATIA, etc. Shanghai Jiaotong University, China with finite element analysis of metal plastic forming systems and Die CAD / CAM systems; Beijing Beihang Haier Software Ltd. CAXA Series software; Jilin Gold Grid Engineering Research Center of the stamping die mold CAD / CAE / CAM systems . (2) mold design, analysis and manufacture of three-dimensional Two-dimensional mold of traditional structural design can no longer meet modern technical requirements of production and integration. Mold design, analysis, manufacturing three-dimensional technology, paperless software required to mold a new generation of three-dimensional, intuitive sense to design the mold, using three-dimensional digital model can be easily used in the product structure of CAE analysis, tooling manufacturability evaluation and CNC machining, forming process simulation and information management and sharing. Such as Pro / ENGINEER, UG and CATIA software such as with parametric, feature-based, all relevant characteristics, so that mold concurrent engineering possible. In addition, Cimatran company Moldexpert, Delcams Ps-mold and Hitachi Shipbuilding of Space-E/mold are professional injection mold 3D design software, interactive 3D cavity, core design, mold base design configuration and typical structure . Australian company Moldflow realistic three-dimensional flow simulation software MoldflowAdvisers been widely praised by users and applications. China Huazhong University of Science have developed similar software HSC3D4.5F and Zhengzhou University, Z-mold software. For manufacturing, knowledge-based intelligent software function is a measure of die important sign of advanced and practical one. Such as injection molding experts Cimatrons software can automatically generate parting direction based parting line and parting surface, generate products corresponding to the core and cavity, implementation of all relevant parts mold, and for automatically generated 第 23 页 共 27 页BOM Form NC drilling process, and can intelligently process parameter setting, calibration and other processing results. (3) mold software applications, networking trend With the mold in the enterprise competition, cooperation, production and management, globalization, internationalization, and the rapid development of computer hardware and software technology, the Internet has made in the mold industry, virtual design, agile manufacturing technology both necessary and possible. The United States in its 21st Century Manufacturing Enterprise Strategy that the auto industry by 2006 to achieve agile manufacturing / virtual engineering solutions to automotive development cycle shortened from 40 months to 4 months. 4.2 mold testing, processing equipment to the precise, efficient, and multi-direction (1) mold testing equipment more sophisticated, efficient Sophisticated, complex, large-scale mold development, testing equipment have become increasingly demanding. Precision Mould precision now reached 2 3m, more domestic manufacturers have to use Italy, the United States, Japan and other countries in the high-precision coordinate measuring machine, and with digital scanning. Such as Dongfeng Motor Mould Factory not only has the capacity 3250mm 3250mm Italian coordinate measuring machine, also has a digital photography optical scanner, the first in the domestic use of digital photography, optical scanning as a means of spatial three-dimensional access to information, enabling the establishment from the measurement of physical model out
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