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精品文档 1欢迎下载 轻松英语名作欣赏轻松英语名作欣赏 0101 SnowSnow WhiteWhite ChapterChapter 1 1 A A BeautifulBeautiful PrincessPrincess There lives a beautiful princess Her hair is as black as ebony 乌木 Her lips are as red as blood Her skin is as white as snow So she is called Snow White One day her mother gets very sick and dies Snow White has a stepmother 继母 The stepmother is beautiful And she is very proud of it She has a magic mirror 魔镜 One day she asks the mirror Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most beautiful of all The mirror answers You are beautiful my Queen But Snow White is more beautiful The Queen hates Snow White She says to a hunter 猎人 Kill Snow White The hunter takes Snow White into the forest But he can t kill her Run away Princess he says Snow White runs and runs Oh poor princess She is lost in the forest Then she sees a small house She goes into the house There are seven small chairs There are seven small cups on the table There are seven small beds too She is very tired She falls asleep on a small bed ChapterChapter 2 2 SnowSnow WhiteWhite andand thethe SevenSeven Dwarves Dwarves 矮人矮人 The seven dwarves come home They see Snow White Oh a girl is sleeping here She is very beautiful they say Snow White opens her eyes She tells her story to the dwarves Stay with us Snow White say the dwarves One day the Queen asks the mirror Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most beautiful of all Snow White is the most beautiful answers the mirror What She is dead shouts the Queen No she is alive She lives with the seven dwarves in the forest says the mirror I will kill Snow White says the Queen She dresses as an old woman Then she goes to the dwarves house Look at these ribbons Do you want one she asks Snow White Yes They are beautiful says Snow White I will tie this ribbon 丝带 for you The old woman ties the ribbon very fight Snow White falls to the floor Now she is dead The Queen goes away 精品文档 2欢迎下载 That evening the dwarves come home They find Snow White Quickly they cut the ribbon Snow White opens her eyes ChapterChapter 3 3 TheThe AppleApple withwith PoisonPoison Oh my Snow White is not dead The Queen is angry She dresses as another old woman Beautiful combs she says to Snow White I will comb your hair The old woman puts the comb in Snow White s hair But the comb has poison Snow White falls to the floor That evening the dwarves come home They find the comb in Snow White s hair They take out the comb Snow White opens her eyes No way Snow White is still alive The Queen is very angry This time she takes an apple Half of the apple is red and half is green She puts poison 毒药 on the red half The Queen dresses as a farmer s wife 农妇 Sweet apples Taste one says the farmer s wife I can t eat it I must be careful says Snow White Look I will eat the apple first says the farmer s wife She eats the green part And she is OK Snow White eats the red part And she falls to the floor The dwarves come home Oh no Snow White is dead They cry and cry They put Snow White in a glass box Then they carry her into the forest ChapterChapter 4 4 AtAt thethe WeddingWedding One day a prince rides into the forest He sees Snow White in the glass box He sees the dwarves around the glass box too The Prince says to the dwarves I am a prince She is very beautiful I want to take her with me I love her OK Take her with you say the dwarves The Prince s men carry the glass box But one of them trips 绊倒 over a tree The glass box falls Then the piece of apple comes out of Snow White s mouth Where am I Who are you asks Snow White I am a prince says the Prince I love you Will you be my wife It is the Prince and Snow White s wedding day The Queen asks the mirror Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most beautiful of all The Prince s bride is the most beautiful answers the mirror The Queen is very angry Who is the Prince s bride she shouts She goes to the wedding There she sees Snow White She can t believe her eyes I did bad things to Snow White The Prince will not forgive me she says She is very afraid She runs away And no one sees her again 精品文档 3欢迎下载 0202 TheThe UglyUgly DucklingDuckling ChapterChapter OneOne TheThe UglyUgly DucklingDuckling HatchesHatches A mother duck sits on many eggs Crack Crack The pretty little ducklings hatch 孵蛋 from the eggs The ducklings say Peep peep The mother duck says Quack quack Crack The last egg hatches Peep peep The duckling is big and ugly The mother duck says You are not like the other ducklings You are big and ugly The mother duck takes her ducklings to the water The ducklings swim They have fun in the water But they don t play with the Ugly Duckling They say You are too big and ugly We don t want to play with you The Ugly Duckling goes to a farm Can I play with you he says to the farm animals No you can t We don t like you You are a big ugly duckling Go away they say Nobody likes me the Ugly Duckling cries and he runs away ChapterChapter TwoTwo NobodyNobody LikesLikes thethe UglyUgly DucklingDuckling The Ugly Duckling runs to a marsh He sees big marsh 沼泽 ducks I want to play with you says the Ugly Duckling You don t look like us Look into the water You are an ugly duckling says a big marsh duck The Ugly Duckling looks into the water He sees an ugly duckling The marsh duck is right I am ugly he sighs The Ugly Duckling is sad The Ugly Duckling runs to a house I will live in this house he says But he sees a big dog in the house Growl 咆哮 The dog growls and says You are an ugly duckling You can t live in this house The Ugly Duckling runs to a pond He sees beautiful swans The swans are beautiful I want to be like them he sighs ChapterChapter ThreeThree TheThe UglyUgly DucklingDuckling inin WinterWinter Winter is here It is very cold The water is frozen The Ugly Duckling wants to swim But he can t crack the ice The Ugly Duckling is freezing He can t move A man sees the Ugly Duckling Oh poor duckling I will take you to my house It is warm there the man says The man takes the Ugly Duckling to his house It is very warm But his 精品文档 4欢迎下载 children are not good to the Ugly Duckling The children are bad to me I am tired The Ugly Duckling cries and he runs away The Ugly Duckling runs to the marsh He lives in a cold home by the water He is alone He cries and cries ChapterChapter FourFour TheThe UglyUgly DucklingDuckling BecomesBecomes a a SwanSwan Soon winter is past It is spring The birds are singing The warm sun is shining But the Ugly Duckling is still alone The Ugly Duckling looks up at the sky He sees beautiful swans I want to fly like them he says He runs and runs And he spread his wings Then he rises higher and higher Oh yes He can fly Wow look at me I am an ugly duckling But I can fly says the Ugly Duckling to a swan No you are not a duckling says the swan Look into the water You are a swan The Ugly Duckling looks into the water He sees a beautiful swan Is that me he says I am not an ugly duckling any more I am a swan The Ugly Duckling is very happy 0303 PussPuss inin BootsBoots ChapterChapter OneOne OnlyOnly a a CatCat There is an old miller 磨坊主 He has three sons He is very sick So he is going to die soon The miller calls his three sons I have a mill 磨坊 a donkey and a cat he says I give the mill to you he says to the oldest son I give the donkey to you he says to the second son I give the cat to you he says to the youngest son Oh no only a cat sighs 叹气 the youngest son What can I do with it I will die of hunger Don t worry master says the cat Give me boots and a bag Then I will work for you The youngest son buys boots and a bag for his cat The cat wears his boots and the bag Call me Puss 猫 in Boots says the cat ChapterChapter TwoTwo PresentsPresents forfor thethe KingKing Puss in Boots puts some food into the bag A rabbit sees the food It jumps into the bag Puss catches the rabbit Puss goes to the King Sire 陛下 this rabbit is a present from my master says Puss Who is your master asks the King 精品文档 5欢迎下载 He is the Marquis 侯爵 of Carabas answers Puss On the second day Puss gives a skylark 云雀 to the King This skylark is a present from my master he says On the third day he gives a parrot 鹦鹉 to the King This parrot is a present from my master he says The King is very happy with the presents Is your master young and handsome asks the King Oh yes He is very rich too answers Puss I will come to see your master says the King Great My master will be happy to see you says Puss ChapterChapter ThreeThree TheThe CleverClever CatCat The King and the princess are coming in a carriage 四轮马车 Puss sees the King s carriage He says to his master Jump into the river now But I can t swim says Puss s master Trust me Then you can marry the Princess smiles Puss Puss s master jumps into the river Puss hides his master s old clothes Help Help My master is in the river yells 大喊 Puss The King sees Puss The King s man helps Puss master A thief stole my master s clothes says Puss The King gives good clothes to Puss master This is my master the Marquis of Carabas says Puss Puss master looks handsome in the new clothes The Princess likes him I want to see your castle 城堡 says the King The Marquis of Carabas is scared 害怕的 I do not have any castle Puss in Boots whispers 小声说 Puss master Trust me I have a plan whispers Puss to his master Then Puss says to all of them Follow me please I will lead you to my master s castle ChapterChapter FourFour TheThe OgreOgre s s CastleCastle Puss in Boots runs before the King He arrives at the Ogre s castle Can you change into anything asks Puss Yes I can says the Ogre 怪物 食人魔鬼 Then can you change into a lion Of course The Ogre changes into a lion Wow Then can you change into a mouse asks Puss Of course Watch me says the Ogre He changes into a mouse Puss quickly catches the mouse And he eats it The King the Princess and the Marquis of Carabas come to the castle Welcome to my master s castle says Puss The castle is so great The King likes the Marquis of Carabas Will you marry the Princess asks the King 精品文档 6欢迎下载 The Marquis of Carabas marries the Princess Puss does not catch mice any more He eats good food He wears good clothes Puss whispers to his master Am I better than a mill or a donkey 0404 CinderellaCinderella ChapterChapter OneOne Ella Ella Ella Ella CinderellaCinderella There is a beautiful girl Her name is Ella She lives with a wicked 邪恶的 stepmother And she lives with two ugly stepsisters 同父异母的姐妹 too Every day they yell Ella clean the house Make us breakfast Ella is cleaning the house She is cleaning the fireplace Look at her laughs one of her sisters She is very dirty from the cinders 煤灰 Right Let s call her Cinderella says the other sister One day a letter arrives from the Prince There will be a big party at the palace Everyone wants to go Can I go asks Cinderella No You re too ugly and dirty says her mother We need new dresses Cinderella her sisters yell ChapterChapter TwoTwo CinderellaCinderella s s FairyFairy GodmotherGodmother 教母教母 Cinderella s sisters are at the party They are wearing new dresses Cinderella is not at the party She is wearing an old dirty dress Cinderella is at home alone She is sad and lonely She is crying PUFFF Don t cry Cinderella says the woman Who are you asks Cinderella I m your Fairy Godmother I will help you says the woman The Fairy Godmother waves her magicmagic wandwand 魔杖 PUFFF A pumpkin 南瓜 changes into a coach 马车 PUFFF A mouse changes into a coachman 车夫 And two mice mouse 的复数形式 change into two white horses PUFFF Cinderella s dirty dress changes into a beautiful dress Finally the Fairy Godmother gives beautiful glassglass shoesshoes 水晶鞋 to Cinderella Now go to the party But be home by 12 o clock says the Fairy Godmother My magic 魔法 will disappear 消失 at 12 o clock ChapterChapter ThreeThree TheThe PartyParty Cinderella arrives at the palace She is very beautiful says the Prince He goes to Cinderella and says Please dance with me They dance all evening Cinderella is very happy with the Prince It is nearly 12 o clock Oh I must go says Cinderella She runs away 精品文档 7欢迎下载 Wait Wait yells the Prince Cinderella runs down the stairs She runs and runs Oh Oh NO NO One of her glass shoes falls off The Prince runs after Cinderella But he finds only one glass shoe Oh here is her shoe I will find her he says At last it is 12 o clock The magic disappears The coach turns back into a pumpkin The horses and the coachman turn back into mice Cinderella is in her dirty dress again ChapterChapter FourFour TheThe GlassGlass ShoeShoe The Prince tries to find Cinderella Many women try on the shoe But it doesn t fit anyone Cinderella s sisters try too But their feet are too big Cinderella is working in the kitchen The Prince sees her She must try on the shoe he says Cinderella is only a kitchen girl yell her sisters She is too dirty says her mother Every woman must try says the Prince Cinderella tries on the glass shoe ItIt fits fits Yes yes It s you says the Prince Will you marry me Yes I will says Cinderella Cinderella and the Prince get married They are happy Cinderella is never lonely again 0505 PinocchioPinocchio ChapterChapter OneOne A A MovingMoving andand


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