已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1 胡敏关于胡敏关于阅读阅读的十二个原的十二个原则则 阅读理解题命题原则与应试对策考生在复习备考时 会发现研究生英语试卷的阅读理解部分虽 只有20道题 分数值却占总分的40 而这一部分正是考生的难点所在 所以能否在阅读理解这一部 分取得理想的成绩 就成为考研英语成功的关键所在 如何突破阅读难关 怎样迅速提高阅读水平 能否找到一些切实可行的应试规律 面对考生提出的这些迫切的问题 笔者仔细研究了历年考题 结 合自己多年的教学经验 针对考研考试大纲所考核阅读理解能力的八条要求 并分析回顾历年考研 阅读理解题目的大致规律 总结归纳出考研阅读理解应试的十二大原则 希望能为正在求学之路上 辛苦求索的学子们助一臂之力 英语考试大纲 在阅读部分要求考生能够读懂不同类型的文字材料 生词量不超过所读材料总 词汇量的3 包括信函 书刊和杂志上的文章 还应能读懂与本人学习或工作有关的文献 技术说 明和产品介绍等 根据所读材料 考生应能 1 理解主旨要义 2 理解文中的具体信息 3 理解文中的概念性含义 4 进行有关的判断 推理和引申 5 根据上下文推测生词的词义 6 理解文章的总体结构以及单句之间 段落之间的关系 7 理解作者的意图 观点或态度 8 区分论点和论据 基于对历年考题阅读部分的总体分析和对2005年考试阅读部分的预测 笔者建议考生在复习时 注意把握以下几点 1 注重从总体把握文章 掌握作者的主要论点 把握文中的重要信息 拿到一篇文章 不要急于 做题 而是要先判断文章的体裁和内容 从而缩小理解范围 例如议论文中 作者一定会提出自己的 观点并加以解释和说明 考生就应准备去理解作者如何阐述观点 把握文章大意 可以从理解段落 大意着手 找到段落的主题句 主题句一般位于段首或段尾 文章的作者一般都会直接或间接地表 达自己的观点和倾向 许多作者会通过主题句来表达自己的论点 或是间接地把自己的观点在关键 词或行文的字里行间体现出来 考生要有意训练自己在这方面的能力 2 注重了解句与句 段与段之间的关系 特别是文章中的转折关系 学会利用上下文进行必要的 判断 推理和引申 只有掌握句段之间的关系 才能摸清作者深层思路上的逻辑关系 从句子与句子 段落与段落之间的过渡可以读出作者整个的思路及论证过程 才能做出正确的推理 判断或引申 平时训练时 考生应多注意一些过渡词 3 积极扩展词汇量 注意动词和名词 训练理解一些难句 复杂句 扩展词汇量的目的是避免词 汇的欠缺造成理解的失误 动词作为语句结构的枢纽 意义重大 可以帮助考生理解作者的思想意 图 而名词常常是关于事实的 细节题常考的内容多与名词有关 难句和复杂句多是具有深层含义 的 学会解读难句 复杂句须从其结构入手 考生应抓住难句 复杂句的主干 找出主要信息和深层 含义 4 阅读时注意速度和解题顺序 建议考生先快后慢 先易后难 先略读文章 总体上把握 再细读 搜寻答案 先解决容易的事实题再做较难的考深层含义的题 5 多阅读时效性比较强的英美报刊文章 在历年的考研阅读文章中 时文占到相当大的比例 在 备考初期就应当注意扩大知识面 并熟悉此类文章的内容 语言风格和篇章结构 一 一 应试总则应试总则 翻开考研英语试卷的阅读部分 考生首先应当掌握的最基本的应试总则可以概括为12个字 文章 2 思路 圈点到位 重叠原文 事实上这12个字已经概括了阅读解题的全部过程 第一步 文章思路 是指考生首先应对文章总体的思路和结构有一个大概的了解 先不要急于去 读题目 而是应当将文章从头到尾看一遍 弄清楚文章的中心意思 这一遍阅读的目的并不是要立 即找到答题所需要的信息点 在阅读的时候还要有主次之分 文章的第一段是文章的灵魂和核心 也应当是第一遍阅读的重点所在 考生要尽量将第一段的每一句话都理解透彻 因为掌握了第一段 就已经基本了解掌握了整篇文章的内容 至于其他的段落可以加快速度 看得懂就看 看不懂就暂 时跳过去 在不懂的地方做出记号 留待以后解决 读完文章并理清思路后就可以接着阅读试题 命题专家在设计考卷时 题目排列的次序与文章的 布局基本是相吻合的 也就是说题目所需要的信息点在文章中应当是按顺序出现的 这一点对于基 础差的考生相当重要 因为考生完全可以根据每篇文章题目的题干来推测文章大致的内容和思路 有些考生在把握文章思路时常常会陷入困境 他们虽然也从头到尾把文章读了一遍 但还是搞不 清文章到底在讲什么 如何扫清阅读理解中出现的盲点 笔者建议考生在第 一遍阅读时注意以下几点 1 文章中有些信息可以忽略 例如有关职务 头衔 社会地位等补充性说明 2 第一遍阅读时 可暂时不管句中破折号后所提供的旁支信息 3 复杂的难句看清主 谓 宾即可 其他辅助信息除非与解题有关 否则亦可暂时不管 4 上下文中平行对称的地方经常内容相同 所以这些互相对照的内容也可帮助考生消除盲点 5 做题时应注意 因为命题时要求选项部分的语言难度要低于文章语言的难度 所以读懂选项 的语言常会帮助考生正确理解文章的内容 第二步 圈点到位 是就审题而言 实质上就是要求考生审题到位 弄清楚题目针对文章的什么 内容提问 考生在读完题目后通常会返回到文章里去寻找答案 这时又会出现另一种情况 有些考 生文章都看懂了 可就是找不到答案在哪里 出现这种情况的根本原因是考生没有审清题意 没有 弄清楚题目要求考生在文章中寻找什么信息 因为绝大部分题目是针对文章的具体内容提问 所以只要考生审题到位 返回原文搜索答案时 即可圈点出相应的内容 从而缩小寻找范围 大 大提高正确率 2000年考研试题的20道阅读题中只有4道题目 3道主旨题 1道判断题 无法依据题干 语言在原文中圈点 其他的16道题目均可根据题干命题语言在文中圈点出相应的内容 答案基本就 在所圈语句的附近 所以只要能在掌握文章思路的基础上做到 圈点到位 基本上所有的阅读题目 都可以迎刃而解 特别是具体的细节题 可以说是手到擒来 第三步 重叠原文 即完成题目之后检查所找到的答案是否正确 设计阅读题时 选项通常是这 样四种情况 假设选项内容是一个圆 文章内容也是一个圆 第一种情况是两者相距甚远 根本没有 相交的地方 内容完全不一样 这种选项很容易就被排除掉 第二种情况是这两个圆相切 即只有很 小一部分互相联系 但会有一部分考生选这个选项 因为选项的内容文中有所提及 有一定的迷惑 性 第三种情况是这两个圆相交 有大部分内容重叠 考生往往会选择这种选项 较之前者 这种情 况的迷惑性更大 也是最危险的干扰项 但只有符合第四种情况 即两个圆完全重合 内容完全相符 的选项才是正确答案 因此在检查时 考生要做的就是把所选的选项与文章中相应的内容做比较 看其是否能与原文重 叠 在判断选项是否能重叠原文时 考生常常也会感到迷惑 无法判断选项是否与原文内容完全重叠 这是因为命题专家在设计考题时会使用一些语言来迷惑考生 从而测试考生的英语水平和阅读能力 一般说来 事实上命题专家最常用的有四种方式 语言简化 反话正说 正话反说 和 关键词替换 语言简化 是命题专家命题使用语言时所必须遵守的总则 在设置选项时 四个选项的长度及句 法不应有太大差异 而选项所使用的语言难度必须低于文章本身的难度 这一点对考生大有帮助 因为考生可以利用选项来理解文章 这一原则几乎在所有的阅读试题中都有所体现 故此笔者在这 3 里就不再列举 反话正说 的命题方式是指选项用肯定的方式来表述文中用否定方式所表述的内容 仅在2000年的考研试卷中 就有四道题目采用了这种命题方式 例 Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle The author seems to believe the revival of the U S economy in the 1990s can be attributed to the A turning of the business cycle B restructuring of industry C improved business management D success in education 2000年54题 A 正确答案 第三种常用的命题方式 正话反说 是指文中用肯定方式表述 而选项用否定方式表述 两者意 义相吻合 这一命题方式在近年的试卷中也可找到例证 例 How many men would have considered the possibility of an apple falling up into the tree Newton did because he was not trying to predict anything He was just wondering His mind was ready for the unpredictable Unpredictability is part of the essential nature of research If you don t have unpredictable things you don t have research Scientists tend to forget this when writing their cut and dried reports for the technical journals but history is filled with examples of it The author asserts that scientists A shouldn t replace scientific method with imaginative thought B shouldn t neglect to speculate on unpredictable things C should write more concise reports for technical journals D should be confident about their research findings 1999年第68题 B 正确答案 关键词替换 是出现最频繁的命题方式 几乎每年都有一些用这种方式设置的题目 例 This speeding up of life says the Futurist receives a new form of expression Futurists claim that we must A increase the production of literature B use poetry to relieve modern stress C develop new modes of expression D avoid using adjectives and verbs 2000年61题 C 正确答案 命题专家常常采用 语言简化 反话正说 正话反说 关键词替换 这四种方式设置考题 对考生进 行干扰 考生在了解这些方式后 就可以反其道而行之 利用这四种命题方式来检查所选选项是否 与原文重叠 总则中笔者介绍了考研阅读理解应试的基本步骤 下面将就具体题型提出相应的应试原则 二 二 主主题题原原则则 主旨题型又叫主题原则 主要针对文章主题设问 考查考生对通篇文章的理解和把握 但是要特 4 别注意和下面这种题型区分开来 笔者建议考生在做主题题型时遵循这样的原则 因为此类题干扰性最大 难度也最大 考生须读 完全文才能准确把握文章主题 所以考生拿到这种题时 不要急于去找答案 不论其出现在什么位 置都把它作为最后一道题来做 因为在做另外三道题时 无疑有助于加深对整个文章的理解 而且 事实上 首先做主旨题 考生往往还会回过头来核查答案 这样耗时间 做题效率低 主题题型分为以下两种 1 明确的主题题型 此类题型位置较为固定 一般是第一个问题或最后一个问题 要求考生为文章选择合适的标题或 是总结文章的中心思想 此类题型相对难度较小 例 If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile you must know how to identify shared experiences and problems Your humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with their point of view Depending on whom you are addressing the problems will be different If you are talking to a group of managers you may refer to the disorganized methods of their secretaries alternatively if you are addressing secretaries you may want to comment on their disorganized bosses Here is an example which I heard at a nurses convention of a story which works well because the audience all shared the same view of doctors A man arrives in heaven and is being shown around by St Peter He sees wonderful accommodations beautiful gardens sunny weather and so on Everyone is very peaceful polite and friendly until waiting in a line for lunch the new arrival is suddenly pushed aside by a man in a white coat who rushes to the head of the line grabs his food and stomps over to a table by himself Who is that the new arrival asked St Peter Oh that s God came the reply but sometimes he thinks he s a doctor If you are part of the group which you are addressing you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman s notorious bad taste in ties With other audiences you mustn t attempt to cut in with humor as they will resent an outsider making disparaging remarks about their canteen or their chairman You will be on safer ground if you stick to scapegoat like the Post Office or the telephone system If you feel awkward being humorous you must practice so that it becomes more natural Include a few casual and apparently off the cuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforced manner Often it s the delivery which causes the audience to smile so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a lighthearted remark Look for the humor It often comes from the unexpected A twist on a familiar quote If at first you don t succeed give up or a play on words or on a situation Search for exaggeration and understatements Look at your talk and pick out a few words or sentences which you can turn about and inject with humor The best title for the text may be A Use Humor Effectively B Various Kinds of Humor C Add Humor to Speech D Different Humor Strategies 2002年45题 A 正确答案 5 2 隐蔽的主题题型 这类题型在设问时较为隐蔽 不像明确的主题题型会直接问 文章的主题是什么 而且位置也很 随意 不会固定在第一道或最后一道 下列例题即为隐蔽的主题题型经常出现的形式 考生应熟悉 此类题型的语言形式 以利于审题时准确判断题型 例 When it comes to the slowing economy Ellen Spero isn t biting her nails just yet But the 47 year old manicurist isn t cutting filing or polishing as many nails as she d like to either Most of her clients spend 12 to 50 weekly but last month two longtime customers suddenly stopped showing up Spero blames the softening economy I m a good economic indicator she says I provide a service that people can do without when they re concerned about saving some dollars So Spero is downscaling shopping at middle brow Dillard s department store near her suburban Cleveland home instead of Neiman Marcus I don t know if other clients are going to abandon me too She says Even before Alan Greenspan s admission that America s red hot economy is cooling lots of working folks had already seen signs of the slowdown themselves From car dealerships to Gap outlets sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending For retailers who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time Already experts say holiday sales are off 7 percent from last year s pace But don t sound any alarms just yet Consumers seem only mildly concerned not panicked and many say they remain optimistic about the economy s long term prospects even as they do some modest belt tightening Consumers say they re not in despair because despite the dreadful headlines their own fortunes still feel pretty good Home prices are holding steady in most regions In Manhattan there s a new gold rush happening in the 4 million to 10 million range predominantly fed by Wall Street bonuses says broker Barbara Corcoran In San Francisco prices are still rising even as frenzied overbidding quiets Instead of 20 to 30 offers now maybe you only get two or three says John Tealdi a Bay Area real estate broker And most folks still feel pretty comfortable about their ability to find and keep a job Many folks see silver linings to this slowdown Potential home buyers would cheer for lower interest rates Employers wouldn t mind a litter fewer bubbles in the job market Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stock market swings which investors now view as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom Diners might see an upside too Getting a table at Manhattan s hot new Alain Ducasses restaurant used to be impossible Not anymore For that Greenspan and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business All through the nineteenth century America Africa India Australia and parts of Europe were being developed by British capital and British shareholders were thus enriched by the world s movement towards industrialisation Towns like Bournemouth and Eastbourne sprang up to house large comfortable classes who had retired on their incomes and who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders meeting to dictate their orders to the management On the other hand shareholding meant leisure and freedom which was used by many of the later Victorians for the highest purpose of a great civilisation The shareholders as such had no knowledge of the lives thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which they held shares and their influence on the relations of capital and labour was not good The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away Indeed the mere size of operations and the numbers of workmen involved rendered such personal relations impossible Fortunately however the increasing power and organisation of the trade unions at least in all skilled trades enabled the workmen to meet on equal terms the managers of the companies who employed them The cruel discipline of the strike and lockout taught the two parties to respect each other s strength and understand the value of fair negotiation The author is most critical of A family firm owners B landowners C managers 8 D shareholders 1996年62题 D 正确答案 在谈到family firm owners 时 作者只是说 通过雇用一大批专业人员 这一变化适应了新时代 的技术要求 防止了效率的下降 而效率的下降通常是家族公司在精力充沛的创立者之后的第二三 代破产的原因 这是很客观的表述 在谈到landowners时说 对资本与企业的如此大规模的非个人运 作大大增加了作为一个阶层的持股人的数量及地位的重要性 国民生活中这一现象的出现代表了不由个人负责的财富与土地及土地所有者的义务的分离 这 也在同样程度上意味着 不由个人负责的财富 与经营管理责任的分离 也是很客观的表述 没有表 明自己的态度 C选项在原文中有两处提及 但都是指带薪经理 对经理并没有进行任何批评性评论 因而也不符合题意 只有D选项对应原文中The shareholders as such had no knowledge of the lives thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares and his influence on the relations of capital and labour was not good 像这样的 持股人 对所持股票公司雇用的工人的生活 思想和需求一无所知 他对资本与劳工 关系没有什么好的影响 显然 作者对这种 持股人 持批判的态度 所以D是正确答案 实际上 1996年第62题命题也可以直接以下面的形式出现 The author s attitude towards shareholders is A biased B positive C sympathetic D critical 四 首段原四 首段原则则 首段原则应用于根据首段内容所设置的题目 它包括两种形式 首句原则和末句原则 1 首句原则 回顾近几年的考研阅读题 细心的考生会发现历年考研试卷中都有题目针对首段第一句话设问 为 什么会出现这种情况 原因很简单 考研阅读所选的文章均是议论文和说明文 此类文章的文体要 求在首段提出观点 突出中心 因此第一段就好像全篇文章的一个总纲 确定了文章的主要内容 而 第一句话常常是一个自然段的主题句 首段首句自然就成为常考且必考的一个考点 例 It is said that in England death is pressing in Canada inevitable and in California optional Small wonder Americans life expectancy has nearly doubled over the past century Failing hips can be replaced clinical depression controlled cataracts removed in a 30 minute surgical procedure Such advances offer the aging population a quality of life that was unimaginable when I entered medicine 50 years ago But not even a great health care system can cure death and our failure to confront that reality now threatens this greatness of ours What is implied in the first sentence A Americans are better prepared for death than other people B Americans enjoy a higher life quality than ever before C Americans are over confident of their medical technology D Americans take a vain pride in their long life expectancy 2003年56题 C 正确答案 2 末句原则 有时一个自然段的主题句也会出现在段末 因此考点也相应转向末句 9 例 Technically any substance other than food that alters our bodily or mental functioning is a drug Many people mistakenly believe the term drug refers only to some sort of medicine or an illegal chemical taken by drug addicts They don t realize that familiar substances such as alcohol and tobacco are also drugs This is why the more neutral term substance is now used by many physicians and psychologists The phrase substance abuse is often used instead of drug abuse to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine Substance abuse is preferable to drug abuse in that A substance can alter our bodily or mental functioning if illegally used B drug abuse is only related to a limited number or drug takers C alcohol and tobacco are as fatal as heroin and cocaine D many substances other than heroin or cocaine can also be poisonous 1997年59题 D 正确答案 五 段落原五 段落原则则 段落推断原则考查考生对段落内容的理解 分为两类题型 段落首句推断和段落中句子推断 针 对这两种具体题型的原则为 先看首句 如与选项符合即可选择 不必再浪费时间看完整个段落 如 首句不能与选项吻合时再将整个段落读完以寻找符合的选项 1 段落首句推断 例 Straitford president George Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of mutually reinforcing tool for both information collection and distribution a spymaster s dream Last week his firm was busy vacuuming up data bits from the far corners of the world and predicting a crisis in Ukraine As soon as that report runs we ll suddenly get 500 new Internet sign ups from Ukraine says Friedman a former political science professor And we ll hear back from some of them Open source spying does have its risks of course since it can be difficult to tell good information from bad That s where Straitford earns its keep It can be learned from paragraph 4 that A Straitford s prediction about Ukraine has proved true B Straitford s guarantees the truthfulness of its information C Straitford s business is characterized by unpredictability D Straitford is able to provide fairly reliable information 2003年44题 D 正确答案 2 段落中句子推断 例 But it is hardly inevitable that companies on the web will need to resort to push strategies to make money The examples of Virtual Vineyards A and other pioneers show that a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of interactivity hospitality and security will attract online customers And the cost of computing power continues to free fall which is a good sign for any enterprise setting up shop in silicon 10 People looking back 5 or 10 years from now may well wonder why so few companies took the online plunge e learn from the last paragraph that A pushing information on the Web is essential to Internet commerce B interactivity hospitality and security are important to online customers C leading companies began to take the online plunge decades ago D setting up shops in silicon is independent of the cost of computing power 1999年58题 B 正确答案 六 六 转转折折 对对比原比原则则 议论文和说明文都强调逻辑的严谨性 而转折和对比常常可以用来测试考生在这一方面的阅读 理解能力 所以考生对文中的转折和对比关系应高度重视 只要看到标明转折或对比的关系词如but however等 就应当立即在原文上进行圈点 一般说来转折后的内容多与上文所表达的意思相反 而 对比往往是强调其中的一方 1 首段的转折 对比 只要首段中出现一对处于对比状况的概念 命题专家通常都会就此设置考题 考生应掌握这一规 律 在看到文章首段出现转折对比的内容时 应当立即集中注意力 同时还要明白 第一段出现转折 关系时 转折后所表述的一定是文章的中心议题 而在首段出现的对照或对比的内容将在下文中进 行具体的议论 并在文章最后得出结论 例 Few creations of big technology capture the imagination like giant dams Perhaps it is human kind s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideal of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating But to be fascinated is also sometimes to be blind Several giant dam projects threaten to do more harm than good The third sentence of paragraph 1 implies that 转折 A people would be happy if they shut their eyes to reality B the blind could be happier than the sighted C over excited people tend to neglect vital things D fascination makes people lose their eyesight 1998年51题 C 正确答案 2 文中的转折 例 It is a remarkable record stretching back over 70 years yet the BBC s future is now in doubt The world famous BBC now faces A the problem of new coverage B an uncertain prospect C inquiries by the general public D shrinkage of audience 1996年55题 B 正确答案 七 复指原七 复指原则则 在历年的考题中 应用复指原则设问的题目较多 此类题目的考点是复指代词或与复指副词作用 11 相同的词 1994年 1995年时此类题目大多是直接问考生文章某句中的 it 或 that 等代词指代什么 近几年此类题目的问法开始转向隐蔽 但无论题目用何种方式设问 考生都


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