



1 20abccb abcaabbcbccbabc 21 b 根据文中 many people go for some famous attractions but in fact london has many things to do that are off the beaten path 很多人去著名的景点 但是 可知还有一些是不出 名的 22 c 根据最后一句话 these days it s a great pub to have a drink or three 23 d 根据第三段 you can view london from the top of the structure in the observation deck 24 b推理判断题 根据第二段的内容 尤其是 please leave me alone keep your dog away 可知 当时有人在那只小蓝企鹅旁边竖立了一个牌子警示人们不要打扰它 不要让狗靠近它 由此可推知 对于那只小蓝企鹅来讲 这个世界是可怕的 因为它面临着一些潜在的危险 故 b 项正确 25 c推理判断题 根据第四段中的 the chick weighs a mere 550 grams less than a standard basketball a blue penguin should weigh around 900 grams at this age 可知 这只小蓝企鹅体 重只有 550 克 而处于它这个年龄的小蓝企鹅的体重应达到 900 克左右 由此可推知 这只 小蓝企鹅的体重低于它这个年龄的小蓝企鹅的体重 故 c 项正确 26 d词义猜测题 根据第四段第一句 billy was taken to the christchurch penguin rehabilitation center after being retrieved from the beach 可知 这只小蓝企鹅是从沙滩上被 带到克赖斯特彻奇的一个企鹅康复中心的 由此可推知 画线词与 brought back 带回 意 思相近 故 d 项正确 27 c推理判断题 根据最后一段内容可知 在这只小蓝企鹅被放回海洋之前 康复中心 会帮助它增加一些体重 由此可推知 在那个企鹅康复中心里 这只小蓝企鹅会得到很好的 照顾 故 c 项正确 28 c 从文中 the research offers an explanation for why some people become much worse than others when infected with the same strain of the flu virus 可知研究的目的是了解不同人对抗病 毒的能力 29 b从文中 the researchers reported that screening travelers is not very effective for the 2019 coronavirus and that most infected travelers are undetectable meaning that they have no symptoms yet and are unaware that they have been exposed 可知很多已经感染的人并没有症 状 使得筛查的不是特别有效 30 d从文中 this puts the onus 职责 on government officials and public health officials to follow up with travelers after they arrive to isolate them and trace their contacts if they get sick later 要求政府和卫健委官员跟踪记录游客活动轨迹 一旦有感染即可隔离接触者可知选 d 31 a从文中 other countries especially developing nations lack the infrastructure 基础设施 and resources for those measures and are therefore vulnerable to importing the disease 发展中 国家缺乏防御病毒的设施和资源 更易输入感染者 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文 大部分人会接触到电子邮件 对电子邮件的处理方 式会影响我们的压力层级和整体健康 32 选 c 推理判断题 根据第一段第二句 a new study suggests that how we dealwith these incoming messages could be affecting our stress levels and overallhealth 并结合第三段内容 可知 该研究旨在弄清处理电子邮件的方式和压力以及健康的关系 故 c 项正确 33 选 c 推理判断题 根据第三段 richard mackinnon 所说的话 while email canbe a valuable communication tool it s clear that it s a source of stress andfrustration for many of us the people who reported it being most useful tothem also reported the highest levels of email pressure 可知 虽然电子邮件是很有用的沟通工具 但又是压力和沮丧的来源 声称电子 邮件最有用的人也是承受电子邮件压力最大的人 据此可推知 richard mackinnon 认为电 子邮件是一把双刃剑 故 c 项正确 34 选 d 细节理解题 根据第四段中的 half of those surveyed had pushnotifications 消 息推送 set up for new email while 62 percent ofrespondents left their email app open all day and all night both were linkedto higher levels of email pressure 可知 一半的受访者设置了 新的电子邮件推送通知 62 的受访者让他们的电子邮件应用程序全天整夜都开着 这两种 习惯都导致更大的压力 比早晚查看电子邮件导致的压力更大 故 d 项正确 c 项是说在 工作时间开着电子邮件应用程序 与文意不符 故排除 35 选 b 文章出处题 通读全文可知 文章第一段第二句 anew study suggeststhat how we deal with these incoming messages could be affecting our stresslevels and overall health 为 全文的主题句 据此可知 本文主要介绍了一项新的科学研究 处理电子邮件的方式影响人 的压力层级和整体健康 故本文最有可能选自一篇科学报告 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文 主要介绍了缓解假期忧郁的四种策略 36 选 d承接上文 the key point is that sadness and other tough emotions are not what we should try to avoid 可知 负面情绪不是我们应该试图避免的 且与下文中的 here are four strategies to help you make your own happiness recipe this holiday season 衔接 并结合下文介 绍的策略可推知 此处表示负面情绪反而有助于健康 快乐地生活 故选 d 37 选 e结合本段小标题 don t force cheer 和对本段的整体理解可推知 强颜欢笑会 适得其反 故选 e 38 选 g根据上文中的 negative feelings like sadness or anger only increase when we try to control them 和下文中的 we don t like contradictory behavior 可推知 此处表示当我们 的外表和内心的情感不一致时我们会感觉不开心 故选 g 39 选 f根据本段小标题 respond cautiously 以及空前一句中的 when you respond cautiously 和 空 后 一 句 besides it is associated with less anxiety and may even carry physiological benefits 可推知 f 项符合语境 其中的 cautious response 也是提示 40 选 b根据空处所在位置可知 空处是段落小标题 根据对本段的整体理解可推知 本段主要讲的是享受混合情绪 故选 b 完型完型 答案与解析 答案与解析 41 c 下文有 as i walked i thought 44 about giving up both 等来看 此处说的 是 我 在剧院练完戏后走着回家 42 c 前面说离公开演出还有一个星期及在戏院疲劳的练习之后回家等来看 此处说 的是 我仍然在背记台词 lines 43 b 从前面的 after tiring practice at the theatre 及后面的 as i walked i thought 44 about giving up both acting and san francisco 等来看 此处说 我难于应付同时在银 行工作和夜晚排练表演两份工作 44 b 从面对两份工作 我自己觉得很疲劳及结合最后一段 可推测这里说的是 我 认真思考过想放弃演戏和离开 san francisco think seriously about 指 认真地考虑 45 c 从第一段知道此事发生在凌晨一点 且下面有 very few people were still out except a few sad looking 8 people under blankets 等 这些情况说明当时 我走在空荡的 街道上 46 d 从前面提到的凌晨一点 有几个披着毯子的无家可归的人及下文的 i began running both to keep warm 等来看 此处说的是 我觉得自己很渺小 也很冷 从上下文 来看 此处 cold 有两层意思 一是早晨天气冷 二是觉得自己很无助 心灰意冷 表现了 自己决定离开 san francisco 的心情 47 b 根据下文的 away from any possible robbers 可推测 此处说的是 我 想通过跑来 躲避抢劫 keep away from 为固定短语 意为 避开 远离 48 a 由 at one in the morning 以及 very few were still out sad looking under blankets 等可推测 此处说这些仍在大街上 无家可归 homeless 的人更符合语境 49 a 由下文可知这是 我 掉钱包的声音 故选用 sound 50 a 根据第 2 段的 and to 47 away from any possible robbers 可推测 当地 的治安不是很好 现在跑着跑着突然听到动静 我 急忙转过身 多半 想 看到是个拿刀或 枪的人 expect 表示 期望 51 b 这事发生在凌晨 那么我转过身来的身后发光的东西理应是 路灯 52 c 由第 1 段知 我 这是走在回住处的路上 故此处用 apartment 公寓住宅 53 b 从后面的 it had been my wallet falling to the sidewalk 可知 此时到了住处 我 才意识到 realize 刚才听到的声音其实就是钱包掉在地上的声音 54 c 当发觉自己的钱包丢了时 突然间 我 不觉得冷了 也不觉得累了 这点和第 1 段中的 was walking home at one in the morning after a tiring practice at the theatre 形成对 照 55 a 根据语境这是 我 顺着原 sidewalk 找钱包的情景 故用 search the sidewalk 这 可从下文的 just as i was about to the search 得到验证 56 d 前面说 我 焦急地找了 15 分钟 但还是没有找到来看 此处说的是 我正要放 弃寻找 57 b 从下文 the door opened and out jumped 来看 此处说的是 从车里面传出的声 音 from the inside from inside the truck 58 b 在这样的夜晚 他直呼 我 的名字 我 非常惊讶 他对我的反应觉得有点 好 笑 故用 amused look 即 被 逗乐的表情 59 a 他问 这是你在找的东西吗 时 手里 拿着 一个小的方型的东西 指我的钱包 60 b 由全文知这事发生在从剧院回家的一个早晨 再结合 it was nearly 3 am by the time i got into bed 可知 那晚我没有睡多少觉 单句填空 61 performance62 to63 without64 necessity 65 beliefs 66 reminder 67 with 68 can t69 curiosity70 dressed 语篇填空 71 in考查介词 in different shapes and sizes 表示 形状和大小都不同 为固定用 法 72 various考查形容词 根据后面的名词 methods 可知 空处需要用形容词 various 对 methods 进行修饰 73 placed考查 with 复合结构 with 复合结构为 with 名词 代词 非谓语动词 由 于句中的动词 place 与名词 candle 之间构成被动关系 故用过去分词形式 74 or考查连词 句中的 either or 表示 或者 或者 为固定搭配 75 are decorated考查时态和语态 结合上下文的时态和叙述的内容可知 此处应该 用一般现在时表示客观的描述 又由于句子主语 they 与动词 decorate 之间为被动关系 故 此处应该用一般现在时的被动语态 再根据主语是复数形式可知 此处应该填 are decorated 76 longer考查比较级 根据后面的 than 可知 这里应该用比较级形式 77 which考查定语从句 分析句子结构可知 此处为非限制性定语从句 先行词为 paper lanterns 指物 故此处填 which 78 festivals考查名词的数 festival 为可数名词 由于前面没有表示单数概念的限定 词 故此处需要用复数形式 79 to attract考查非谓语动词 此处表示 人们通常把纸灯笼挂在企业外面是为了吸 引注意力 此处动词不定式 to attract 表示目的 80 traditionally考查副词 句中 have been made 为谓语动词 故空处需要用副词 traditionally 修饰动词 高频词汇 lantern n 灯笼 提灯complex adj 复杂的framework n 框架 结构 character n 特征 文字 书面表达 dear john knowing that you are interested in how we are studying at home now i am writing to tell you about it as a result of the novel coronavirus wuhan is on lockdown now and we have been in qurantine at home naturally it is now impossible for us to go back to school although it is time for a new school term however we are still studying different things in different ways the most important change is that we make full use of the internet to help us in order to encourage the students schools have opened some online courses aimed at different students our teachers give lessons through a live streaming app we students form a large study group where we can communicate with each other and have discussions apart from academic studies i also have learned to do fitness exercise since it is not a good time to go out for jogging i have got used to doing some yoga on the cushion every day besides since i have a lot of time at present i am learning how to cook from my mother i am still not sure when everything will return to normal but i believe i will have wasted no time at that time text 1 m i can t find my car keys i thought i left them in the bag w look on the floor maybe you dropped them m they re not here they may still be inside the car w i ll look you re right dad here they are text 2 w is there any way i can get on the next flight to tokyo my flight from hong kong didn t arrive on time so i missed my connection m if you re willing to fly by way of seoul there s a flight leaving in 25 minutes text 3 w what a disappointment i was told that this restaurant was good but the service is quite unacceptable m yeah it has been rather slow it seems each waiter is responsible for too many tables text 4 w jim can you help me fill these forms my assistant has been ill and went to see the doctor just now m just tell me what needs to be done i m free till the four o clock meeting begins text 5 w this line doesn t seem to be moving have you been waiting long m yes the automatic machine isn t working so people have to be here w too bad i need to get back to the office but i also have to withdraw some money text 6 m hi iris what are you still doing here i thought you were working a half day so you could prepare for your trip to the beach w that was my plan but the weather report is calling for rain this weekend it s supposed to be nicer next weekend m so will you go next weekend instead w yeah i think i ll stay at home this weekend and work a half day next friday i d rather go when the weather is better text 7 m so selina have you heard back yet about the marketing job you applied for w yes i got a phone call this morning i m going to have an interview with the marketing director tomorrow morning m good for you where s the interview going to be held w at the company head office at milan street it s very close to your office why don t we have lunch tomorrow i ll tell you all about it m that s ok let s meet at 11 30 text 8 m amanda could you make a call to the cinema to see if there are still some seats left for the movie this afternoon w i ve already booked tickets online for the two o clock movie i m thinking of picking them up from the ticket office on the way to the restaurant what do you think m ok well the smiths want to move our appointment forward by a half hour earlier that means we should be there at 11 30 w then we don t have enough time we d better get moving oh before i forget can you remind me to stop by the bookstore on the way back home i have to order a book there m ok text 9 w hi scott how are you m oh hi rebecca i m tired w well don t go to bed so late m but i don t i watch sports on tv and then i go to bed at about nine fifteen the problem is i wake up really early w why s that m i take the boat to school now and it goes at half past seven in the morning so my mum wakes me up at a quarter past six i have breakfast and leave home at seven w so have you changed schools then m yes the school on our island is for six to eleven year olds now i m twelve w oh i see so do you get home late in the evening m quite late the boat back home is two hours after school my mum s sister lives near the school so i go and have dinner at her house w when do you have time to do your homework m i usually find a quiet table on the boat when i get home i watch tv listen to music or use the computer text 10 m finchbrooke country park is open seven days a week from 8 a m to


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