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第 1 页 共 9 页 浙江新目标 浙江新目标 GoGo forfor itit 版初中英语八年级下册 版初中英语八年级下册 UnitUnit 1 1 SectionSection A A 同步练习同步练习 A A 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单词拼写 词汇运用 单词拼写 词汇运用 共共 1010 题 共题 共 1010 分分 1 1 分 2017 七下 开平期中 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 1 她坐你和我之间 She sits you and 2 我们教室前面有一棵树 There is a tree our classroom 3 请问 我怎样能到达邮局 Excuse me how can I the post office 4 你必须照管好你的东西 You must your things 5 每年很多人在交通事故中丧失生命 Every year many people in traffic accidents 2 1 分 2019 八下 南浔月考 Minnie hates to do 杂务 What about you 3 1 分 2019 七上 顺德月考 儿童 like drinking cola 4 1 分 2017 八上 德阳期中 The man 选择 to go shopping with his wife last weekend 5 1 分 There was plenty of rain here so the 庄稼 grew well 6 1 分 根据句意和汉语提示 用正确的单词填空 1 The product of this company has reached the international 标准 so it sells well all over the world 第 2 页 共 9 页 2 It s a tradition for a Chinese family to buy a new 挂历 when the new year is drawing near 3 When the star 出现 on the stage the fans all screamed excitedly 4 Many business people prefer to choose the 高速的 train though it means that they need to pay more money for the ticket 7 1 分 Fish are swimming 在 下面 the surface of water 8 1 分 2017 杭州模拟 Lily l out the fruits and desserts to welcome the guests from other places 9 1 分 The stone looked l a big egg 10 1 分 You should remember the 日期 of her birthday 二 二 语法填空语法填空 共共 6 6 题 共题 共 1111 分分 11 6 分 根据短文内容及括号内所给单词的提示填空 Mrs Black has three daughters Sue is the young of the three She is outgoing than her two sisters She always tells some funny jokes make people laugh At school her teacher thinks that Sue is the hard working student and that she does thing the carefully Sue has a dream she want be a reporter To achieve 实现 her dream Sue makes a plan First she decides join the writing Club to practice writing Second she tries talk with her penfriends in different languages To meet more people and talk with them Sue plans work in some public 公共的 places I m sure she will be one of the famous reporters in the world Good luck to her 12 1 分 My brother used live in the USA when he was a child 第 3 页 共 9 页 13 1 分 2017 七上 大竹期中 she pencil is red 14 1 分 People often start by write Dear Diary 15 1 分 Lucy close the door or someone will come in 16 1 分 I like go shop at weekends 三 三 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 17 10 分 根据短文理解 从 A B C D 四个选项中选择最佳答案填空 Some day little cars may take the place of today s cars If everyone 1 such a little car in the future there will be less 2 in the air There will be more parking places in the cities and the street will be 3 Now the space for one car of the usual size can 4 more than one such little cars Driving will be 5 because these little cars can go only 50 kilometres an 6 The future cars will be fine for going around the city but they will not be 7 for going far away The little cars 8 only two batteries one battery for the motor and the other for the horn 汽车喇叭 and the lights If we still 9 the big cars along with the small ones we will need to 10 two kinds of roads That is there will be some roads for the big fast cars and other roads for the smaller and slower ones 1 A sits B drives C sells 2 A noise B pollution C space 3 第 4 页 共 9 页 A less crowded B poorer C dirtier 4 A hold B sit C sell 5 A better B faster C safer 6 A day B minute C hour 7 A careful B useful C bad 8 A runs B makes 第 5 页 共 9 页 C needs 9 A think B park C use 10 A build B put C open 四 四 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 18 10 分 Want a good night s sleep Then turn off your computer cell phone or PSP two hours before you go to bed These things have bright lights When our eyes see bright lights just before sleep our sleep patterns 模式 change a study has found Our body clock starts shutting us down for bed at 9 or 10 pm But bright lights make our minds think that it is still daytime That wakes us up and leaves us sleepless experts say But if you read a paper book before sleeping you won t have this problem This is because light from a bedside lamp 台灯 does not go straight into our eyes Also if you are watching a television from across the bedroom you won t have problems falling asleep The TV sends light to us from a distance so the light won t be as strong 1 The writer tells us to turn off the computer before bed time A half an hour 第 6 页 共 9 页 B an hour C two hours D three hours 2 Which of the following may make us sleepless A Reading a newspaper B Talking on QQ C Reading a book D Watching TV 3 Why can t we sleep well if we use a computer before bed time A We think it is daytime if we leave computers on B We feel too excited to sleep after using computers C Lights from computers are brighter than other lights D Lights from computers can change our sleep patterns 五 五 翻译翻译 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 19 5 分 句子英汉互译 1 Eating too much is bad for your health 2 第 7 页 共 9 页 He should go to a doctor and get an X ray 3 Meng Xiangbin jumped into the river without thinking twice 4 听起来你好像感冒了 5 刚才我看到一只狗躺在地上 第 8 页 共 9 页 参考答案参考答案 一 一 单词拼写 词汇运用 单词拼写 词汇运用 共共 1010 题 共题 共 1010 分分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5


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