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第 1 页 共 9 页 译林牛津版中考英语真题 任务型阅读 译林牛津版中考英语真题 任务型阅读 A A 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 任务型阅读任务型阅读 共共 7 7 题 共题 共 4040 分分 1 5 分 阅读短文 从所给的 A F 六个选项中 选出正确的选项填空 使短文通顺 内容完整 共 1 小 题 每小题 10 分 Many students think it is too difficult to learn English well though they know it is important Firstly A lot of people can t speak English well because they are afraid of making mistakes But in order to improve your spoken English you need to be brave and confident Don t care too much about the mistakes in your spoken English Being able to express your ideas is the most important thing Secondly You can watch Hollywood movies like Spider Man and Captain America Listen to what they say carefully and try to understand the main ideas of the movies Lastly I know that students are tired nowadays and you always have to do exercises of different subjects But practice makes perfect Only by doing a lot of exercises can you get better English skills and you just have to find the best way for you A watch English movies B don t be afraid to speak English C listen to English songs D Here are some ideas on how to learn English well E All in all there are many ways to learn English well 第 2 页 共 9 页 F do a lot of English exercises 2 5 分 根据短文内容 回答问题 Have you ever heard of a girl of15 who set up a company of her own Wendy Wong is the girl She started the business two years ago She has already written several successful compute games They are so popular that over half a million games are sold every year Now all of her family work in her business and she is still at school She gets up early in the morning and then she talks with her family about the business over breakfast Every day she goes to school in her own car with a driver for she is not old enough She enjoys her school but some of the work is too easy for her to feel interested She usually gets A grades in all her subjects so the other students often ask her for help She finished her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home After dinner she goes to her office and goes on working on her computer writing games until 2 am She does not usually need so much sleep as other children 1 When did Wendy Wong start the business 2 What has Wendy Wong already written successful 3 How does Wendy Wong go to school every day 4 How about her grades in all her subjects 5 How long can she finish her homework 3 10 分 阅读短文 根据其内容 补全下面表格 每空一词 Each year millions of new cars are produced in America Americans will not live without cars However some have realized the serious problem of air pollution caused by cars It is necessary to find ways to work out the problem of air pollution One way to clean the air is to build a new kind of clean car That s what several of the large car factories are trying to do But to build a clean car is easier said than done Progress in this field has been slow 第 3 页 共 9 页 Another way is to take the place of the car engine by something else Engineers are now working on it Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model that can make people pleased To prevent the world from being polluted by cars Americans have to make some changes in the way of their life They have to cut down on the number of their cars and they are encouraged to travel and go to work by bike But this change does not close down many workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory closes down And the problem of their pollution would become less important than that of losing jobs Americans may live a happy but sad life for a long time because of the car problem Title How to the Problem of Air Pollution in America Problem Disadvantages Conclusion Building a new kind of clean car Progress in this field is slow Taking the place of the car engine Engineers will years developing a practical model Air pollutio n caused by cars Cut down on the number of cars Traveling and to work Many American may lose jobs Americans may live a happy but sad life 4 5 0 分 根据短文内容完成表格 每空一词 Leonardo da Vinci 莱奥纳多 达多奇 was a famous artist who was born in Italy He was also a great inventor Many of his inventions have become important in modern life Although Leonardo hated war he invented many different machines used for war His most special invention was the machine gun which was produced and used in war Besides Leonardo spent days thinking about how to save time He developed ideas for something like cutting machines Leonard was a strange man He never ate meat That was very unusual in those times 时代 He 第 4 页 共 9 页 never published 发表 scientific discoveries He usually used mirror writing which looks like usual writing in a mirror starting from the right side of the page and moving to the left side Only a few of his paintings are left today Many paintings were not finished because he thought they were not perfect Leonardo was talented and creative He was regarded as one of the most intelligent men in the world Leonardo da Vinci His status 身份 Not only an artist but also an His invention and ideasThe machine Ideas for something like machines used to His strange behaviorsHe never ate meat He never published discoveries connected with He used mirror writing only a few of his paintings are left today Because many paintings were not finished 5 5 分 任务型阅读 左栏是五个人在生活中遇见的问题 右栏是七条建议 请为每个人匹配的建议 Jason s parents are away on business He has to stay at home after school by himself He s not good at planning the time so he was late for school yesterday Carol a busy engineer prefers junk food to healthy food As a result she gets a stomachache and has to take some medicine When Matt does his homework he always has a bored A Rome wasn t built in a day You can keep your weight down by constant 持续不断的 exercise Also you should pay attention to the food you eat Why not try a low fat diet B You need to take good care of yourself when you are ill Take medicine on time after seeing a doctor and have enough sleep Good sleep is important to your health C It is bad manners to be late for school You teachers may be angry with you and you will leave bad impression on others Why not set an alarm 第 5 页 共 9 页 expression on his face Without his parents help he can t finish his homework Olivia feels a bit down because she has a weight problem Her classmates often laugh at her She makes up her mind to lose weight but she doesn t know the correct way Derek is going to study abroad next year However he is not good at doing even simple housework like washing the dishes or cooking a meal His parents always do everything for him clock before going to sleep to prevent you from getting up late D Health is better than wealth You need to change your eating habits and choose a healthy diet Please stay away from unhealthy food and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables E You should know it s good for you to learn by yourself If you have any question about your study you can ask for help But you shouldn t depend on others all the time F Safety is very important especially when you live alone You should learn how to protect yourself when you stay alone Call for help if you are in trouble G It s a good idea to help with the housework in your spare time Learning to do some simple housework will be helpful when you live alone in the future 6 5 0 分 任务型阅读 I grew up in a small town in Ohio USA There was a man in my town named Bob He couldn t talk clearly and didn t receive much education So children in the town all thought he was silly and often played jokes on him One day when 1 met Bob I decided to play a joke on him just like the other children He asked how it was going I told him that my father lost his job and that we didn t have enough money to live Seeing my friends laughing far from us I decided to continue to play the joke I knew he was poor so it seemed funny when he asked me if we needed anything I told him that we didn t know if we would have enough to eat The next morning I went out and found a box of food outside my house I knew it was from Bob I looked at the small box in shame 羞愧 and wanted to return the box My father stopped me He said it would hurt Bob s feeling From that day on when we had dinner I would think of the small box Bob gave me the best he 第 6 页 共 9 页 had and I knew that I should not have been given that gift 1 Did the writer s father lose his job 2 Why did the writer s father stop him from returning the box 3 How did the writer feel at last 4 Do you think Bob is a good person Why or why not 7 5 分 根据短文内容 从方框中选出每段的主旨大意 并完成博物馆旅游须知 A The museum rules B The most popular room C A noisy museum D Many different rooms E A free museum The most unusual museum in London is the Science Museum In most museums there s no shouting and no running and people aren t allowed to touch the exhibits 陈设品 But the Science Museum is different It s noisy People can talk about what they will see and do there and some of the machines are noisy as well When I visit the Science Museum I go to the Launchpad 发射台 This is the most popular room because there are lots of physics tests We can also learn how astronauts travel into space and back again here I m really interested in those kinds of things so it is my favorite room On the second floor there is Human and Nature room We can compare our speed with animals the


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