仁爱版2020届九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷(II )卷_第1页
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第 1 页 共 22 页 仁爱版仁爱版 20202020 届九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷 届九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷 IIII 卷 卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单项选择单项选择 共共 1515 题 共题 共 3030 分分 1 2 分 Do you think story I told you yesterday interesting one A a the B the an C a an D the a 2 2 分 When you are lost 迷路 you can ask a policeman A for direction B for directions C with direction D with directions 3 2 分 No smoking means A You mustn t smoke B You don t like smoke C You can smoke outside 4 2 分 Sound travels air a speed of about 340 metres per second A over in B through at 第 2 页 共 22 页 C by at D through over 5 2 分 My mind wasn t on what he was saying so I m afraid I half of it A was missing B would miss C will miss D missed 6 2 分 It s ten at night I m very tired I would rather than TV A to sleep watch B sleep to watch C sleep watching D sleep watch 7 2 分 We like to sit on the floor and the sea A look out B look for C look out at D look out of 8 2 分 Do you know how many manatees A there is B there are C is there D are there 第 3 页 共 22 页 9 2 分 Which would you like to read paper books or e books My parents only allow me to read paper books They my eyes A talk about B hear about C learn about D worry about 10 2 分 You should when you are waiting for a bus A wait in line B cut in line C jump the line D get excited 11 2 分 When the bus passed by the supermarket I saw an little boy on the road A stand B to stand C standing D stood 12 2 分 I m not used to the food here He isn t A too B also C either 13 2 分 Would you like to go fishing with me I don t feel like it I would rather at home and have a sleep 第 4 页 共 22 页 A stay B to stay C staying D stayed 14 2 分 He wrote his phone number a piece of paper A on B for C in D from 15 2 分 一 These glasses are very expensive so please be careful with them 一 OK I ll be careful A therefore B but C because 二 二 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1515 分分 16 15 分 Monty was the son of a horse trainer When he was in his ninth grade he was asked to write a 1 about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up That night he wrote a seven page paper saying that someday he d 2 a horse ranch 牧场 He wrote about his dream in great detail and he 3 drew a picture of a 200 acre ranch with all the buildings He put a great deal of his 4 into the project and the next day he handed it in 5 his teacher Two days later he received his paper back On the front page was a large red F with a 6 that read See me after class 第 5 页 共 22 页 The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked 7 did I receive an F The teacher said This is an 8 dream for a young boy like you You come from a poor family Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of 9 You have to buy the land You have to pay for other things There is no10 you could ever do it Then the teacher added 11 you rewrite this paper with a more realisticgoal I will reconsider your grade The boy went home and thought about 12 long and hard He asked his father what he should do His father said Look son you have to make up your own mind on this However I think it is a very important 13 for you Finally after sitting with it for a week the boy turned in the 14paper making no changes at all He said to the teacher You can keep the F and I ll keep my 15 1 A speech B paper C notice D diary 2 A paint B win C own D sell 3 A just B almost C ever 第 6 页 共 22 页 D even 4 A heart B life C advice D trust 5 A to B with C from D for 6 A word B letter C note D post 7 A How B Why C When D Where 8 第 7 页 共 22 页 A unusual B unforgettable C unimportant D unrealistic 9 A money B time C space D effort 10 A wonder B way C problem D matter 11 A Though B since C Until D If 12 A himself B him 第 8 页 共 22 页 C it D itself 13 A change B gift C message D decision 14 A long B thick C same D correct 15 A grade B dream C duty D secret 三 三 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 5050 分分 17 10 分 Bob was cutting a branch 树枝 off a tree in his garden While he was sawing 锯 another man passed in the street He stopped and said Excuse me but if you continue 继续 to saw 锯 that branch like that you will fall down with it He said this because Bob was sitting on the branch and cutting it at a place between himself and the trunk 树干 of the tree 第 9 页 共 22 页 Bob said nothing He thought This is some foolish 愚笨的 person who has no work to do and goes about telling other people what to do and what not to do The man continued on his way Of course after a few minutes The branch fell and Bob fell with it My God he cried That man knows the future and he ran after him to ask how long he was going to live But the man had gone 1 One day Bob was cutting a branch a tree in his garden A on B in C at D off 2 While Bob was sawing another man A told him to stop working B told him he would fall down C would borrow something from him D would help him saw that branch 3 After hearing the man s words Bob thought that A that was a foolish person B that was a wise person C that was a proud person D that fellow cheated him 4 What happened to Bob after a few minutes A The branch fell 第 10 页 共 22 页 B Bob fell down to the ground C Bob was hurt himself D Both A and B 5 This story is about A a foolish man B a wise man C cutting a tree D that we need to take good advice 18 20 分 阅读理解 C 根据表格信息 选择正确的答案 1 Where is Green Market A On 77 Baiyun Road B On 14 Xinhua Road C On 29Huiming Road 2 If you are interested in playing musical instruments you can go to A Hope Art Club B Green Market 第 11 页 共 22 页 C Teddy Bear Museum 3 Where is Green Market A On 77 Baiyun Road B On 14 Xinhua Road C On 29Huiming Road 4 For more information about Teddy Bear Museum you d better call A 2980736 B 3980637 C 3630640 5 If you are interested in playing musical instruments you can go to A Hope Art Club B Green Market C Teddy Bear Museum 6 You can t go to Teddy Bear Museum on A Saturday B Friday C Thursday 7 For more information about Teddy Bear Museum you d better call A 2980736 B 3980637 C 3630640 第 12 页 共 22 页 8 What can we learn from the passage A Everyone can get free ice cream in Green Market B A six yearold boy and his parents will pay 30 50 if they visit Teddy Bear Museum C If you want to have a violin lesson you can go to Hope Art Club in the whole July 9 You can t go to Teddy Bear Museum on A Saturday B Friday C Thursday 10 What can we learn from the passage A Everyone can get free ice cream in Green Market B A six yearold boy and his parents will pay 30 50 if they visit Teddy Bear Museum C If you want to have a violin lesson you can go to Hope Art Club in the whole July 19 10 分 阅读理解 The Kings lived in a small house in New York with their child Sometimes Mr King came back from work very late When his wife and the child were asleep he opened the front door of his house with his key and came in very quietly But one night when he was coming home late he lost his key So when he reached his home he rang the bell Nothing happened He rang it again Again nothing happened Nobody moved inside the house Mr King knocked at the bedroom window He spoke to his wife he shouted but she didn t wake up At last he stopped and thought for a minute Then he began to speak like a small child Mother he said I want to go to the toilet He spoke quietly but at once Mrs King woke up Then he spoke to her and she opened the door for him 1 When Mr King came back very late from work and his wife was asleep he usually came into his house 第 13 页 共 22 页 A with his wife s help B by knocking at the door C with his child s help D by opening the door with his key 2 One night when he found his key lost he first A spoke to his wife B shouted at this wife C rang the bell D knocked at the bedroom window 3 Mrs King woke up because A she heard the sound of the bell B she heard Mr King s voice C She heard a knock at the door D she heard the voice mother like her child s 4 Like a small child Mr King spoke to his sleeping wife A loudly B in a low voice C angrily D with tears in his eyes 5 At last A Mrs King opened the door for Mr King B his child opened the door for Mr King 第 14 页 共 22 页 C Mr King opened the door by force D Mr King opened the door with his wife s help 20 10 分 Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schools Some middle schools in Australia have banned 禁止 students from carrying mobile phones during school hours Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for the school this year Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas gifts teachers said mobile phone use is a distraction 娱乐 to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn t get in touch with 与 联系 their children Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school but if there was a good reason they could leave their phones at school office They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school they were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones 1 Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones A because they are students B when they are free C when they are at school D because they are children 2 We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from A the makers and sellers B the passers by and strangers 第 15 页 共 22 页 C their parents and friends D some mobile phones users 3 What does the underlined word cheat mean in the passage A 聊天 B 核对 C 查询 D 作弊 4 Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn t during school hours A use their mobile phones B leave their mobile phones at school office C help the teachers with their work D get in touch with their children 5 The passage tells us that A students shouldn t have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons B it is impossible to ban students from using mobile phones at school C some parents felt unhappy because they couldn t use their phones at school D parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hours 四 四 补全对话补全对话 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 21 5 分 根据对话内容 从方框中选择 恰当的选项补全对话 其中有两项多余 Pam wins two concert 音乐会 tickets from the radio show P Pam R Radio host A Amy P Two concert tickets Thank you so much 第 16 页 共 22 页 R You can see Steve Haun perform live 在现场表演 P I m so excited R P There is more R You can also have dinner with him at the Jungle Cafe P R Thank you for joining us Later P Do you think Tom can go to the concert with me A Pam You are taking me right P Of course I m taking you What can I say to Steve Haun A You can say Hi I m Pam I love you P Amy Steve Haun is a great musician A What do you like about his music P The lyrics 歌词 are fun but also serious A That s true I really like his style 风格 A Be serious B I m just joking C And that s not all D His songs tell stories E You can buy tickets easily F This is a dream come true 第 17 页 共 22 页 G He practices singing every day 五 五 选词填空选词填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 22 10 分 根据短文内容 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 but favorite want about hamburger and like often I visit Dear Han Mei Thank you for your letter I China very much And I to go to China with my parents We want Beijing I know something China from your letters I don t know much about Chinese food Could you tell something about it I like and fish very much You tell me you eat rice vegetables and chicken And your food is jioazi What kind of food drink can I have in China Please tell me 六 六 任务型阅读任务型阅读 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 23 5 分 任务型阅读 New rules and behaviour standards 行为规范 for middle school students came out in March Middle schools are going to use a new way to decide who the top students are The best students won t only have high grades The following are some of the new rules Tell the truth Have you ever cheated 作弊 in an exam Don t do it again That s not something honest students should do Do more at school Good students love animals and care for other people April is Bird loving Month in China Is your school doing anything to celebrate it You should join In that way you can learn more about animals and how to protect them Be open to new ideas Have you ever thought people could live on the moon Maybe you ll find another earth in space in the future Everyone s new ideas are important Protect yourself Has a thief ever taken


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