2012届高考英语 常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列(十一)_第1页
2012届高考英语 常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列(十一)_第2页
2012届高考英语 常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列(十一)_第3页
2012届高考英语 常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列(十一)_第4页
2012届高考英语 常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列(十一)_第5页
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用心 爱心 专心 1 20122012 届高考常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列 十一 届高考常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列 十一 重点单词详解重点单词详解 1 1 arisearise vivi arose arose arisen arisen comecome intointo beingbeing 抽象名词作主语抽象名词作主语 出现 发生 呈出现 发生 呈 现现 difficulty issue matter chance problem situation 等可充当 arise 的主语 arise from 由 而产生 由 引起 originate from in 来自 说明具体的 出处 来源 来源是人时用 from 或 with result from 由 引起 强调动作 有某种结果 rise rose risen vi 升高 上升 raise vt 举起 升起 提出 抚养 饲养 1 The question then what are we going to do when we get the equipment 然后这个问题出现了 当我们买到这些设备以后 该怎么办呢 2 Difficulties will as we do the work 我们做这项工作的时候会出现一些困 难 3 A strong wind and blew our boat onto the rocks 一阵强风刮起来 把我们的船吹到了礁石上 4 The idea of writing this book a talk among some peasants 写这本书的想法源于一些农民的一次对话 5 His illness bad food 他的病是变质食品引起的 6 I ll one day to be a writer of the first rank 我总有一天会成为一流的 作家 答案 1 arises 2 arise 3 arose 4 originated in from 5 resulted from 6 rise 1 用适当的词填空 1 That morning we got up early and hurried to the Tian anmen Square to watch the national flag 2 Prices every day in some countries 3 In order to see the sun we decided to stay in the hotel at the top of Mount Tai 4 Smoke from the factory chimneys 答案 1 being raised 2 are rising 3 rising 4 rose 2 名校押题 A completely new situation will when the examination system comes into existence A rise B arise C arouse D raise 答案与解析 B arise come into being appear happen 题意 当考试系统出 现以后 会出现一种全新的局面 arouse 唤起 激起 唤醒 rise 上升 起床 起立 raise 举起 养育 2 2 approachapproach n n 方法 方式 方法 方式 vtvt 接近接近 approachable adj 可接近的 友善的 approach to sth 待人接物或思考问题的 方式 方法 用心 爱心 专心 2 approach sb about sth doing sth 与某人就某事进行接洽 1 The New Year 新年快到了 2 The professor is easy to and all the young teachers like to ask for advice from him 这位教授平易近人 所有年轻老师都喜欢向他请教 3 Few managers my father in ability 在能力方面很少有经理赶得上我父亲的 4 Our drove away the wild animals 我们一走动 野生动物全都跑了 5 All to the town were blocked 通往这城镇的所有路都被封锁了 6 His to the problem are wrong 他解决这个问题的所有方法都是错误的 答案 1 is approaching 2 approach 3 approach 4 approach 5 approaches 6 approaches approach way method 和 access approach 指处理某事的具体 方法 步骤 与介词 to 连用 way 方法 的普通用词 侧重简便 方法 途径 构成 the way to do sth the way of doing sth method 指有理论或系统的详细方法 构成 a method of doing sth access 接近 进入 入口 常用于 have access to 短语中 表示 使用或接近的权利 机会 方法 be accessible to 可以接近的 可以进入的 可参观的 可用的 1 用适当的词的适当形式填空 1 At the meeting they discussed three different to the study of mathematics 2 She still didn t find a job yet because she had no to anyone who could help her 3 All the to the Palace were guarded by soldiers 4 How could the thief gained to the flat 5 The only to the garden is walking through the kitchen 答案 1 approaches 2 access 3 approaches 4 access 5 approach access 2 名校押题 1 At the class meeting some top students introduced several to the study of English A approaches B means C methods D ways 答案与解析 A 题意 在班会上 几个尖子学生介绍了几种英语学习方法 其他的均 是接 of v ing sth 2 Before the Hope Project was carried out in this poor area children here had no to education A approach B access C attitude D attraction 答案与解析 B 题意 在这个贫困地区实施希望工程之前 这里的儿童没有机会接受 教育 access to sth doing sth 做 的机会 符合题意 approach 路 方法 attitude 态度 attraction 吸引 3 3 contradictcontradict vt vt 批驳 批驳 驳斥驳斥 指事实 证据等指事实 证据等 与某与某 事物事物 相反或相矛盾相反或相矛盾 contradictory adj 互相矛盾的 抵触的 self contradictory adj 自相矛盾的 用心 爱心 专心 3 in contradiction to 与 正相反 1 The witness the driver s statement 目击者否认了那名司机的陈述 2 Don t your father 不要顶撞你父亲 3 The witnesses statements and the facts remained unclear 目击者的说法各不相同 事实还是不清楚 4 The speaker had got confused and started 演讲者弄糊涂了 说话变得自相矛盾 5 The report what we heard yesterday 这个报告与我们昨天听到的相矛盾 答案 1 contradicted 2 contradict 3 contradicted each other 4 contradicting himself 5 contradicts 1 完成句子 Your behavior is your words 你的行为与你的言语相矛盾 答案 in contradiction to 2 名校押题 People in Pisa were angry with Galileo for daring to the great Aristotle A contradict B convince C conflict D violate 答案与解析 A 题意 比萨的人们对伽利略极为气恼 因为他竟敢否定伟大的亚里士 多德 contradict 反驳 否认 否定 convince 使相信 使信服 conflict 冲 突 为不及物动词 常与 with 连用 violate 违反 法律 法规等 4 postpone4 postpone vt vt 使使 事件 行动等事件 行动等 延期 推迟延期 推迟 其常见搭配为 postpone sth until to 把某事推迟到 postpone doing sth 推迟做某事 put sth off put off doing sth 推迟 延缓 拖延某事物 delay doing sth 延误 延缓 拖延 做 某事 耽搁做某事 1 We re our holiday until we have some more money 我们把度假日期推迟到我们有更多钱的时候 2 The concert Saturday 音乐会已被推迟到星期六 举行 3 It was an unpopular decision to building the new hospital 延迟建新医院的决定是不得人心的 答案 1 postponing 2 has been postponed to 3 postpone 1 完成句子 We ve had to our wedding until September 我们得把婚礼延期到九月举行 答案 postpone 2 名校押题 You must be there within an hour There should be no in sending the information A question B doubt C delay D problem 答案与解析 C 考查名词 题意 你必须一小时内赶到那儿 赶快把消息送出去 there is no question there is no doubt 毫无疑问 there is no delay in doing 毫不拖延地做 there is no problem with doing 做 没问题 5 foresee5 foresee vt vt 预见 预见 预知 预知 预料预料 用心 爱心 专心 4 后面常跟名词 代词或从句作宾语 1 The difficulties could not 这些困难是无法预见的 2 He that the job would take a long time 他预料到做这项工作需要很长时 间 3 They could not how things would turn out 他们不可能预知事情 的结果 4 Do you any problems with the new system 对于这种新体制 你看会有什么 问题吗 5 He that his journey would be delayed by bad weather 他预知自己的旅程 会被恶劣的天气耽搁 答案 1 have been foreseen 2 foresaw 3 have foreseen 4 foresee 5 foresaw 1 完成句子 She that the improvement would continue 她预测情况将继续好转 答案 foresaw 2 名校押题 2010 杭州质检 The young woman made a to her parents that she would try to earn her own living after graduation A prediction B promise C plan D contribution 答案与解析 B make a promise 发誓 承诺 6 6 declinedecline vi vi 减少 降低 下降 拒绝 谢绝减少 降低 下降 拒绝 谢绝 vt vt 拒绝 谢绝拒绝 谢绝 n n 减少 下降 衰退减少 下降 衰退 常跟名词 代词或不定式作宾语 1 Do you think standards of education in some areas in recent years 你是否觉得最近几年有些地方的教育水准下降了 2 I invited her to join us but she 我邀请她和我们一起 可是她婉言 谢绝了 3 We their offer of financial help 我们谢绝了他们提供的资金援助 4 As a result of in the quality of products the company lost a lot of customers 由于产品质量的下降 这家公司失去了很多顾客 答案 1 have declined 2 declined 3 declined 4 the decline 1 完成句子 Mary a hot drink and went to her room 答案 declined 2 名校押题 How are you getting along with your business Not very well The market for these products fast due to the financial crisis A was declined B was declining C is declined D is declining 答案与解析 D 题意 最近生意如何 不太好 由于金融危机 这些产品的市场 在迅速减少 根据上文 How are you getting along with your business 可知 这 里应该用现在时态 市场 和 减少 为主谓关系 故选 D 项 7 seek7 seek vt vt vi vi 寻找 寻求 设法 试图 探索 谋求 争取寻找 寻求 设法 试图 探索 谋求 争取 用心 爱心 专心 5 常用于 seek for sth from sb seek after for sth seek to do sth 结构 seek one s fortune 外出寻找发财机会 外出闯荡 闯世界 seek sb sth out 找出或找到某人 某物 1 They in vain for somewhere to shelter 他们怎么也找不到一个藏身的地方 2 We are currently new ways of expanding our membership 目前我们正探索发展会员的新途径 3 You must the manager 你必须设法让经理批准 4 They to mislead us 他们试图误导我们 答案 1 sought 2 seeking 3 seek permission from 4 are seeking 1 完成句子 We to tell her of her success 我们找到她 告诉她她 成功了 答案 sought her out 2 名校押题 He determined to a building more suited to his parents needs A seek for B call on C take on D hold up 答案与解析 A seek for look for 寻求 寻找 8 8 equipequip vtvt 为某人或地方为某人或地方 配备配备 设施 装备等设施 装备等 为某人为某人 提供提供 信息 知识 技能等信息 知识 技能等 常见的结构有 equip sb sth with sth 为某人配备某物 be equipped with sth 装备某物 1 We must young teachers to deal with difficult children 我们必须让年轻 教师具备对付问题学生的能力 2 Our laboratory is 我们的实验室装备良好 3 Your training will you for your future job 你受到的训练使你能够胜任未 来的工作 4 He much experience in teaching 他具有丰富的教学经 验 答案 1 equip 2 well equipped 3 equip 4 is equipped with 1 完成句子 This is the hospital in the area 这是本地区设备最好的医院 答案 best equipped 2 名校押题 We have already ourselves for the travel A equipped B fixed C supplied D provided 答案与解析 A equip 侧重提供与技术有关的装备 设备或理论知识等 fix 安装 修理 固定 supply 为普通用词 指提供任何所需求的物品 provide 强调人的深谋远虑 侧重用储备等方法作充分准备 9 9 concernconcern vt vt 使使 担忧 涉及 关系到担忧 涉及 关系到 n n 担心 关注 担心 关注 利害利害 关系关系 as it concerns 关于 concern oneself about for sth 某人为某事担心 be concerned about for sth 为某事担心 concern oneself with in 使 某人 与 有关系 使牵涉 使参与 用心 爱心 专心 6 be concerned in sth 与某事有关 参与某事 as so far as be concerned 就 而言 1 He doesn t bother about things that don t him 那些与他无关的事情 他 不去费心 2 She social welfare 她关注社会福利问题 3 There is growing violence on the Internet 人们对网络暴力日渐 关注 4 parents are having a meeting on how to solve the serious problem 忧心 忡忡的家长们正在开会讨论如何解决这个严重的问题 答案 1 concern 2 concerns herself with in 3 concern about 4 Concerned 1 完成句子 As far as I I m not against your plan 就我而言 我并不反对 你的计划 答案 am concerned 2 名校押题 The story that follows two athletes who have been accused of taking excitant A concerns B states C relates D refers 答案与解析 A 考查动词 题意 接下来的这个故事涉及两位被指控使用兴奋剂的运 动员 concern 涉及 state 陈述 relate 使联系 refer 谈及 重点短语详解重点短语详解 1 1 standstand forfor 代表 支持 为代表 支持 为 候选人 容忍 忍受候选人 容忍 忍受 represent vt vi 代表 受委托代表某人 组织 机构或国家等办事 representative adj 有代表性的 典型的 n 代表 代理人 stand by 支持 某人 vi 袖手旁观 stand out 突出 显著 坚持 stand up 站起来 经久耐用 stand up to 抵抗 经得起 磨损等 stand up for 维护 支持 1 We equality among all nations big or small 我们主张国家无论大小 一律平等 2 What does NBA NBA 代表什么 3 That was more than I could 那超出了我能容忍的限度 4 Three women this seat 三位妇女竞选这个位置 答案 1 stand for 2 stand for 3 stand for 4 are standing for 1 完成句子 1 I hated the organization and all that it 2 The carpet is designed to a lot of wear and tear 3 Her bright red hair made her from the others 4 He ordered the soldier to 5 The teacher blamed the boy but his classmates all him 答案 1 stood for 2 stand up to 3 stand out 4 stand out 5 stood up for 2 名校押题 用心 爱心 专心 7 Cinderella has been learning Chinese in Beijing University for the past four years No wonder she above her colleagues in Chinese A stands out B sticks out C comes out D sorts out 答案与解析 A stand out 突出 显著 stick out 坚持 come out 结果是 出版 sort out 分类 题意 Cindenlla 过去四年一直在北京大学学习汉语 怪不 得她在汉语方面比她的同事突出多了 2 2 protect fromprotect from 保护 不受 protect sb from harm 保护某人使其免受伤害 protect sb against attack 保护某人免遭袭击 under the protection of 在 的保护下 defend sb 防守 保卫 为 辩护 答辩 defence defense n 防御 guard n 保卫 守卫 警卫 防范 on guard 在站岗 guarded adj 有戒备的 谨慎的 言语等 keep prevent sb sth from 阻止 做 注意 注意 1 protect from1 protect from 指危害较小的事情 指危害较小的事情 protect againstprotect against 指危害较大的事情 指危害较大的事情 2 defend2 defend 指对迫在眉睫的危险或侵袭而采取武力或其他手段防御 指对迫在眉睫的危险或侵袭而采取武力或其他手段防御 1 This medicine will you against a return of the illness 这种药会防止 你的疾病复发 2 She protected her eyes the sun with her hands 她用手遮挡阳光以保护 眼睛 3 Little children live of their parents 小孩在父母的保 护下生活 4 These quilts don t give you much from the cold 那些被子不能使你御寒 5 They tried to themselves against the enemy with all their might 他们 竭尽全力抵御敌人 6 The player was closely by her opponent 那名运动员被她的对手死死防守 住 7 Three men him whenever he went out 每次外出都有三个人保护他 答案 1 protect 2 from 3 under the protection 4 protection 5 defend 6 guarded 7 guarded 1 完成句子 1 To this question the spokesman gave a 谨慎的 answer 2 You must wash your hands when preparing food 为了 阻止 spreading infection 3 Shoes are 一种保护 for the feet 答案 1 guarded 2 to guard against 3 a protection 2 名校押题 Parents should take seriously their children s request for sunglasses eye protection is necessary in sunny weather 用心 爱心 专心 8 A whenever B until C while D wherever 答案与解析 A 题意 当在任何有必要保护自己眼睛的晴天 父母应该重视孩子要太 阳镜的要求 3 3 bebe supposedsupposed toto 被期望或要求 应该被期望或要求 应该 Be supposed to 本应该 常常用来把本应该发生的事与实际发生的事进行对照 可 替换为 be supposed to have done suppose that 从句 认为 suppose sb sth to be to have done 认为某人 某物 是 做了 suppose supposing that 从句 假定 假设 I suppose so I think 我认为 常用作插入语 I suppose so I suppose not 我想是这样 我想不会的 经典句子 1 We all no one should lose hope however sad the situation is 我们都认为无论形势多么糟糕 都不要失去希望 2 he doesn t come shall we go without him 假如他不来的话 我们不带他就走吗 3 clean all the rooms or just this one 我是应该打扫所有的房间呢 还是就是这一间 4 She probably has made a wrong decision 我认为她很可能作出了一个错误的决定 答案 1 suppose that 2 Supposing that 3 Am I supposed to 4 I suppose 1 用 suppose 的相关短语填空 1 我认为 kids should be taught on how to suffer and how to get along with others correctly 2 You play football in the classroom 3 Will he come with us Yes 答案 1 I suppose 2 are not supposed to 3 I suppose so 2 名校押题 How do you look at the issue My point is that our government making the public aware of the seriousness of water shortages A is supposed to B contributes to C is committed to D devoted to 答案与解析 C 考查动词词组辨析 答句题意 我的观点是我们政府应该致力于使公 众意识到水源短缺的严重性的工作 be supposed to 应该 被期望或要求 后接动词 原形 contribute to 捐赠 捐献 有助于 be committed to 献身于 致力于 符合题意 devoted to 致力于 把 完全用于 但语态错误 4 4 comecome toto 达到某种状态 恢复 苏醒过来 达到某种状态 恢复 苏醒过来 comecome toto lifelife 总计 谈到 涉及 总计 谈到 涉及 come to an end 结束 终止 come to terms with sth doing sth 接受 令人不快的事物 come to terms with sb 与某人达成妥协 come to do sth 开始做某事 1 The late risers on the other hand are tired during the day and only in the afternoon or evening 另一方面 起床晚的人在 用心 爱心 专心 9 白天的时候很累 他们只有到下午或晚上的时候才真正地苏醒过来 2 I ve the importance of that as I ve grown up this time 我已经意识到它的重要性了 因为这次我已经长大了 3 She had see the problem in a new light 她终于开始用新的角度 来看待这个问题了 4 She seems to have losing her sight 她好像 已经接受她失明的事实了 答案 1 come to life 2 come to realize 3 come to 4 come to terms with 1 用 come 的相关短语填空 1 They tried to him 接受 2 Things such a state in company that he s thinking of resigning 已经达到 3 The idea him in his bath 产生 4 The diving competitions have 结束 答案 1 come to terms with 2 have come to 3 came to 4 come to an end 2 名校押题 What was unusual was that the roles were the opposite of what we expect A have come to B come to C had come to D came to 答案与解析 C 考查时态 题意 不同寻常的是作用与我们原先所期待的恰恰相反 期待的动作在意识到作用不同寻常之前 属于过去的过去 所以用过去完成时 5 5 atat thethe momentmoment 此刻 正在那时此刻 正在那时 for a moment 片刻 片刻 一会儿 forfor thethe momentmoment 目前 暂时目前 暂时 inin a a momentmoment 马上 立刻马上 立刻 at the last moment 在最后关头 thethe very very momentmoment minuteminute that that 一一 就就 1 He s unemployed and has been for over six months 他目前失业已经 6 个多月了 2 I ll be back 我马上就回来 3 he decided not to help us 就在最后关头 他决定不帮助我们了 4 I want to see him he arrives 他一来我就要见他 答案 1 at for the moment 2 in a moment 3 At the last moment 4 the moment 1 用 moment 的相关短语填空 1 To everybody s delight she arrived 最后 2 He felt a thrill he got into the theatre 3 The number is engaged Try again in five minutes 此刻 4 We are happy living in a flat but we want to move to a house soon 暂时 答案 1 at the last moment 2 the very moment 3 at the moment 4 for the 用心 爱心 专心 10 moment 2 名校押题 She is out so you may use her typewriter A at the moment B in a moment C for the moment D in the moment 答案与解析 C 考查词组辨析 题意 她出去了 因此你可以暂时使用她的打字机 at the moment 此刻 正在那时 in a moment 马上 立刻 for the moment 目前 暂时 6 6 taketake upup 拿起 接受 开始 继续 占拿起 接受 开始 继续 占 时间 地方等时间 地方等 take off 脱下 起飞 切除 大受欢迎大受欢迎 take on 呈现呈现 开始雇用 承担 take over 接管接管 take in 接纳 吸收 包含 包括 欺骗欺骗 take one s time 不要急 慢慢来 take an interest in 对 感兴趣 taketake toto 开始对开始对 产生好感产生好感 经典例句 1 Her lecture all the recent developments in the subject 她的 演讲把该学科的最新发展全部包括在内 2 After being painted our small room a new look 经过粉刷 我们的小屋呈现出了新面貌 3 When she fell ill her daughter the business from her 她患 病期间生意由她女儿代管 4 His leg had to be above the knee 他的一条腿从膝盖上面截去了 答案 1 took i


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