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第 1 页 共 22 页 沪教版英语八年级上册沪教版英语八年级上册 UnitsUnits 1 1 5 5 阶段检测 无听力材料 阶段检测 无听力材料 C C 卷卷 一 一 听句子 选择最佳应答语 听句子 选择最佳应答语 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1010 分分 1 2 分 2019 八下 北碚期末 根据你所听到的句子 选出最恰当的答语 A 1 kilometer B 10 minutes C By train 2 2 分 2018 七上 金华月考 听录音 选择最佳答语 A It s black B It s a pen C I m Alice 3 2 分 听句子 选择正确的应答语 A A blue skirt B At 7 00 C Some noodles 4 2 分 2019 八下 九龙坡月考 听句子 选择最恰当的答语 A Fried rice B Milk C Water 5 2 分 请听句子 选择最佳应答语 A Here you are B I think so C Of course not 第 2 页 共 22 页 二 二 听对话 选择最佳答案 听对话 选择最佳答案 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1010 分分 6 2 分 Where are they from A England B America C Australia 7 2 分 2019 南浔模拟 How does Tom s mother usually go to work A By bike B By car C By bus 8 2 分 When did the woman start to learn Chinese A Two years ago B Three years ago C Four years ago 9 2 分 2016 七下 柳江期中 Where is the station A On the right B On the left C Near the park 10 2 分 2019 八下 浙江期中 Why do other students dislike the girl A Because she never helps others B Because she often laughs at others C Because she likes making jokes in class 三 三 听长对话 选择最佳答案 听长对话 选择最佳答案 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 4 4 分分 第 3 页 共 22 页 11 4 分 听下面一段对话 回答小题 1 Why does the boy s father seldom spend time with him A Because he is busy with his work B Because he doesn t want to do that C Because the boy has to go to school 2 What does the girl think of the future A There will be more work B There will be more machines C People will have short holidays 四 四 听短文 选择最佳答案 听短文 选择最佳答案 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 4 4 分分 12 4 分 2018 八下 海淀期末 请听一段独白 完成小题 1 What could the students write about A A mountain B A restaurant C A bedroom 2 What can we learn from the speech A Anyone can write for the competition B The winner will get a free ticket to the beach C The club wants young people to love the outdoors 五 五 单项选择单项选择 共共 1515 题 共题 共 3030 分分 13 2 分 2017 七下 深圳期中 What do you usually do when you finish your homework I usually read books for two hours and then go to bed 第 4 页 共 22 页 A complete B do C spend 14 2 分 2019 闵行模拟 They will have to close the theatre they can find some more money A if B because C unless D when 15 2 分 2016 七上 扬州期末 What can I do for you madam please A Two bottles of oranges B two bottle of orange C Two bottles of orange D two bottle of oranges 16 2 分 2019 八下 深圳期末 Look There are five Chinese characters on the Ping an Building What do they mean They mean Shenzhen welcomes you The Light Show is fantastic A personalities B words C roles 17 2 分 2017 九上 秦皇岛期中 If I were you I d talk to someone who looks then 第 5 页 共 22 页 you won t feel shy A friendly B nervous C calm D serious 18 2 分 2017 七上 深圳期中 Every day my elder sister and I go to school with each other A enjoy B then C together 19 2 分 2017 河北 Mr Liu is a really nice person the person I know A nicer B nicest C happier D happiest 20 2 分 2017 常熟模拟 The way Mike thought the classroom clean and tidy proves to be very good A keeps B keeping C kept D to keep 21 2 分 Does Anna have an sister Yes She is 2 years than Anna 第 6 页 共 22 页 A old older B old elder C elder older 22 2 分 Where were you last Saturday I in the Capital Museum A am B will be C was D have been 23 2 分 2017 八上 凉山期中 The water in the lakes and rivers in Yunnan became because of the dry weather A fewer and fewer B more and more C less and less D little and little 24 2 分 They tried best to solve the problem A they B their C them D theirs 25 2 分 I will go abroad for further study this autumn and we won t be able to see each other for some time You can me by email 第 7 页 共 22 页 A make friends with B catch up with C keep in touch with 26 2 分 William Shakespeare an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen A decide to be B wanted to be C decided to have D become 27 2 分 2016 七上 浙江期中 Are these your brothers A Yes they re B No they are C Yes they are D Yes they aren t 六 六 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1515 分分 28 15 分 2019 九上 泰州月考 完形填空 Tom was leaving school to be a criminal 罪犯 never to return He thought he was a lonely boy who was loved by 1 His best friend Joe was looking for Tom for the same reason his mother beat him 2 he didn t do anything wrong The two boys met Huck who 3with their plan about starting a life of crime on Jackson s Island with some food and tools in the boat In the midnight they landed on the island 5 kilometers away and let the 4 go down the Missouri river It is just the life for me said Tom I don t 5 to get up early to hurry to school and wash and all those6 things I m free now The other two cheered too It seemed wonderful for them to live7 on the lonely but happy island But soon they found that the life here was hard They 第 8 页 共 22 页 began to miss their parents and friends On Wednesday Tom returned home and hid under the bed He heard everyone missed them very much and searched the river they thought the boys had drowned 溺亡 Poor Tom he wasn t really bad he never8 any harm and he had a good heart Aunt Polly said and began to cry They were going to wait until 9 for their funerals 葬礼 Tom had a new plan in his head then he went back to his 10 and told everything to Joe and Huck That Saturday afternoon Aunt Polly s family prepared their 11funeral clothes for the next day with great sadness Even the weekend was 12 for children who had no pleasure in their games When Sunday school finished funeral began in the town church Almost all the villagers came in black and nobody remembered 13 the church had been so full Everybody thought they have made a mistake to see only14 in the boys people all cried Suddenly there was a slight noise people all turned around and saw the three dead boys walking up the doorway Aunt Polly Joe s and Huck s families 15 their boys with kisses and thanks 1 A nobody B anybody C everybody D somebody 2 A moreover B therefore C however D otherwise 3 第 9 页 共 22 页 A disagreed B thought C knew D agreed 4 A food B tools C boys D boat 5 A hope B need C refuse D like 6 A dirty B clean C clever D foolish 7 A slowly B comfortably 第 10 页 共 22 页 C safely D wisely 8 A prevented B took C meant D offered 9 A Wednesday B Friday C Saturday D Sunday 10 A island B home C river D school 11 A black B red C gray D white 第 11 页 共 22 页 12 A happy B difficult C usual D important 13 A why B when C where D how 14 A noise B wisdom C problems D sadness 15 A covered B beat C watched D paid 七 七 情景交际情景交际 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 29 5 分 2019 抚顺 在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语 话语可以是词 短语或句子 使对话完 第 12 页 共 22 页 整 A Hi Wang Hai B Not bad What about you A Pretty good I m learning tennis in a club B Tennis A Yes but I m not very good at it now B Well A Every weekend It s very interesting and relaxing Do you want to go with me B But I m very busy next weekend A B My cousin is coming I m going to take her to Legao Water World A That s a good place B Thank you 八 八 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 2121 分分 30 8 分 2017 杭州模拟 阅读理解 Deisha walked up and down as she waited backstage This would be her most important piano performance yet At ten years old she was the youngest performer in the recital 音乐演奏会 She had practiced playing her song more than 30 times that week When she closed her eyes at night the music played over and over again in her head Now that the day had arrived Deisha was not sure she was ready She smoothed her hair and picked a piece of lint 绒毛 from the new dress that her mother had bought for her She noticed that her hands were shaking How could she play the notes of the song if her hands were shaking She tried to concentrate on steadying 稳住 them but they only shook more Deisha s piano teacher Ms Neal walked up to speak to her I have something for you she 第 13 页 共 22 页 said putting a smooth black stone into Deisha s hand It s a special stone There s no other one like it in the world You ve practiced so much you don t need anything else The stage lights reflected off the rock Thank you Deisha said When Deisha s name was called she rubbed the stone stepped onto the stage and played better than ever After her performance she noticed that Ms Neal had a whole bag of black stones Why did you say this one was so special she asked Her teacher responded Because like your talent it belongs only to you 1 Why did Deisha hear the piano music in her head at night A She had practiced many times B She wanted to remember the song forever C She listened to the song every day D She liked this piece of music very much 2 Before the performance began Deisha A was dissatisfied 不满意 with her new dress B waited impatiently backstage C was too nervous to keep her hands steady D forgot the notes suddenly 3 According to the text Ms Neal thought that A Deisha was fully prepared for the recital B it was difficult to play the piano 第 14 页 共 22 页 C it took talent to play the piano D Deisha owned many things 4 What idea does the writer want to show A Practice leads to a perfect performance B People are talented in their own way C Rubbing a stone can bring good luck D Performing in front of people is hard 31 8 分 The famous research scientist Stephen Glenn who had made very important medical achievements was being interviewed by a new reporter asked Stephen Glenn so much more creative than other He said that it all came from an experience with his mother that happened when he was two years old He tried to carry a bottle of milk form the refrigerator But tried to carry a bottle of milk sprinkled all over the kitchen floor When his mother came into the kitchen instead of complaining about it she said Robert what a of complaining about it she said Robert what a great and wonderful mess you have made Well the terrible thing has already been done Would you like to get down and play in the milk form a few minutes before we clean it up Indeed he did After a few minutes his mother said You know Robert whenever you make a mess like this you have to clean it up We could use a sponge or a towel Which do you prefer He chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the milk His mother then said You know what we have here is a failed experiment in how to carry a 第 15 页 共 22 页 big milk bottle with two small hands Let s go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it The little boy learned that if he held the bottle at the op near the lip 容器的嘴 with both hands he could carry it without dropping it What a wonderful lesson At that moment he knew that he didn t need to be afraid to make mistakes and mistakes were just opportunities for learning something new 1 What does Stephen Glenn do A A research scientist B A famous doctor C A science teacher D A newspaper reporter 2 When Stephen Glenn s mother saw the mess in the kitchen she was A angry B patient C happy D sad 3 cleaned up the floor of the kitchen A No one B The baby sitter C Stephen Glenn and his mother D Stephen Glenn 1 s father 第 16 页 共 22 页 4 How did Stephen GIenn learn Io carry a bottle of milk without dropping it A He tried carrying it over and over again B He experimented by carrying a bottle of water C He did as what his mother told him to D His teacher told him 32 5 分 任务型阅读 C My name is George I m from England Now I m studying in Germany I get to school at 7 30 every morning I find many of my schoolmates come to school by bike This is an interesting thing for me In England people usually drive take a bus or walk somewhere for example to school In Germany I often see people even people over eighty years old going somewhere by bike It makes me think My father gives the answer We are living in Northern Germany It is very flat 平坦的 So it is easy for people here to go somewhere quickly by bike And it s cheaper than 比 便宜 going by car or by bus Also it s good for the environment 环境 I like riding bikes now When I go back to England I will ride more and ask my friends to ride with me I think they will like tiding bikes too 根据材料内容完成下列任务 1 将 A B C 三个句子填入文中空缺处 A Are English people too lazy or is this something important for Germany B A bike can take me somewhere quickly and help me keep healthy C But in England my schoolmates don t do that often 第 17 页 共 22 页 2 George gets to school at 7 00 every morning 3 It is flat in Northem Germany 九 九 根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空 根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 33 1 分 2017 八上 雁江期中 It s an education game 34 1 分 2018 八下 句容月考 Armstrong became interested in flying when he took his first fly at six 35 1 分 Mr Miller provide us with lots of useful information last year 36 1 分 Hearing the news Bill jumped out of bed in great excite 37 1 分 Are you free practice your piano this afternoon 十 十 完成句子完成句子 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1414 分分 38 3 分 I can ask him to call you later 改为一般疑问句 you ask him me later 39 2 分 We can help the SPCA by asking other people to care for animals 对划线部分提问 we help the SPCA 40 2 分 I hope that I can be a doctor someday 改为简单句 I hope a doctor someday 41 5 分 句型转换 1 It often takes about 16 hours to go from Beijing to Shanghai by train 对画线部分提问 第 18 页 共 22 页 it often to go from Beijing to Shanghai by train 2 She paid 100 yuan for the coat 改为同义句 She 100 yuan the coat 3 His parents will go to Mount Tai by bus tomorrow 对画线部分提问 his parents go to Mount Tai tomorrow 4 The train ticket cost him 120 对画线部分提问 the train ticket 5 Tom gets a letter from his father every month 改为同义句 Tom his father every month 42 2 分 2019 七上 浦东期中 Betty likes the white dress better than the black one 保持 原句意思不变 Betty the white dress the black one 十一 十一 综合填空综合填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 43 10 分 选词填空 other choose by trip information just something notebook taste maybe You like travelling don t you How can you make your interesting Here s some advice Before you leave you should find some about the place you ll visit such as its geography history and people You can understand the place better reading it 第 19 页 共 22 页 If you want to take some p


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