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我 1 开场白 Good afternoon professors I am very glad to be here for this interview today I would like to answer whatever you may raise and i hope i can make a good performance today 2 姓名 家乡 家庭 性格 爱好 First of all I d like to introduce myself briefly My name is Z I come from City in the central of is an ancient city of long history and is famous for its Ru Porcelain which dates back to Song Dynasty Many heritage sites have been well reserved such as White Cloud Temple Kiln k ln Site sa t of Song and so on Welcome to visit my hometown There are four members in my family my father mother and my elder sister Both my parents are farmers Though they don t have much knowledge they taught me the spirit of hard working and the active attitude towards life I really appreciate what they have done for me I am an open minded willing and thoughtful person I have many interests in my spare time Such as running traveling and reading which are effective ways I think to improve my body health and mind 毕业院校 专业 实践经验 I graduated from My major is Information and Computer Science which has a great relationship with Computer Application Technology and Information Security I showed much interesting in mathematics and computer science even when I was a little boy Einstein said that Interest is the best teacher And it does work on me I took part in the national mathematics modeling contest in university and gained a prize Furthermore I am interested in C programming language and have written some application programs 3 为什么想读研 Through four years undergraduate education I did learn a lot Although I grasp the essential knowledge of the major I could feel it insufficient when to handle the practical problem owing to lack of experience and ability In addition my love on computer technology is increasing So I think further study on relevant courses is still urgent for me to improve my practical and research ability That is why I am here 4 将来愿意从事的方向 读研时的打算 The major that I hope pursue for my further postgraduate education is Computer Application Technology and Information Security Because I find Information Security is playing a more and more important role in modern society Nowadays with the rapid development of our domestic networking information technology and digital technology is growing deeply into the all aspects of our country That may provide a lot of chances to us I plan to concentrate on study and research in Information Security and Information Maintenance And I hope I can have a systematic view of it and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here and better serve the community I will do my best to join the new group and stare no effort to master the professional knowledge 4 结束语 OK that s all Thank you very much 复试中的口试要求 从以下三个方面进行评价 1 语言准确性 语法和用词的准确性 语法结构的复杂性 词汇的丰富程度 发音的准确 性 2 话语的长短和连贯性 内容的连贯性 寻找合适词语而造成的停顿频率及长短 表达思 想的语言长短等 3 语言的灵活性和适合性 语言表达是否灵活 自然 话语是否得体 语言能否与语境 动能和目的相适应 评价成绩为 a 优秀 能用外语就指定的话题进行口头交流 基本没有困难 b 良好 能用外语就指定的题材进行口头交流 虽有些困难 但不影响交流 c 及格 能用外语就指定的话题进行简单的口头交流 d 不及格 不具有口头表达能力 口试内容与结构 分为两部分 有两名教师参加口试工作 一名教师主持口试 随时与考生交谈并评分 另一名教师专事评分 不参与交谈 两名口试教师所给的分数各占口试成绩的 50 第一部分 考查学生理解并回答有关日常生活 家庭 工作 学习等问题的能力 3 分 第二部分 考查学生连续表达的能力 考生从所给你的问题中选择一个话题 就此话 题表达自己的看法 3 分钟 口试用材料 部分 仅供参考 part a interlocutor 问话者 good morning my name is and this is my colleague he is just going to listening to us are your name is first of all we d like to know sth about you so i m going to ask some questions about yourself 从以下各项问题中选择几个适当的问题提问考生 hometown where are you from how long have you lived there how do you like it why do you live near here where about what do you think are the good points about living in this city family could you tell us sth about you family what does your family usually do for the weekend what do you think about living together with your parents leisure do you have any hobbies how did you become interested in the hobbies study work why do you choose to study at our institute why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job what are your favorite subjects what kind of job did you do have you ever worked during the vacation why do you want to go back to study instead of going on with your work what qualifications are needed in order to do your job well what did you enjoy most about your campus life future plans what do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute do you think english is important for your future plans in what aspects is it important part b interlocutor 问话者 now i d like you to talk about sth for about 3 minutes here is a list of topics 将一组话题或问题递给学生 pls read the topics and choose one from the list you like to talk about you ll have 5 minutes to prepare for your talk 5 分钟后 could you tell me what you want to talk about all right you ll have 3 minutes to give your talk would you begin the interloculor may intervene only when necessary topics questions 只列举少部分话题 需要参看其余话题的同学请与我联系 give your comment on the statement that a part time job is an important experience that every college student should have use specific examples to set forth your views on the saying haste makes waste describe one of your own experiences to demonstrate that nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced explain your understanding of the conventional belief that age brings wisdom what are the current problems of college education how to resolve them some people say there is no absolute truth because truth is defined by people and there is no objectivity whenever people are involved does absolute truth exist or not why 考研复试面试技巧 1 应试者的仪表风度 仪表风度是指应试者的体态外貌 穿着举止以及精神状态等 其具体要求是 1 穿着整齐 得体 无明显失误 2 沉着 稳重 大方 3 走路 敲门 坐椅符合礼节 4 精力充沛 5 口语文雅 礼貌 对仪态风度的测定没有专门的题目 而是由考官在整个面试过程中通过观察给应试者一个 评定 所以就要求应试者在整个面试过程中保持始终如一的仪态风度 由于在应试者进入 考场后 考官首先看到的就是仪态风度 这就使考官在面试正式开始前就对应试者有了个 最初的印象 而这个最初的印象将给考官留下很深的印象 并进而影响甚至控制着在正式 面试中考官对应试者的评价 正如一位有经验的主考官所说 一个人能否被录用往往在他 步入考场的那一瞬间就决定了 虽然此话有些夸张仪态风度对面试的影响 但其重要由此 也可见一斑 2 应试者的智力结构 所谓智力 是指人对客观事物的认识和理解能力 智力的因素包括观察能力 记忆能力 思维能力与想象能力 智力是人的各种能力的基础 1 观察能力 观察是一种有目的 有计划 有意识 有选择地感知客观事物的过 程 是人们大量积累材料 增加感认识的主动形式 观察能力的评分要点是观察 的广度 精确度和整体如何 F 0 m7Y6Q 2 记忆能力 记忆里的评分要点是记忆的敏捷 持久 精确和准备 3 注意力 注意力是各种心理活动必不可少的特 关于注意力的评分要 点是注意的指向和集中 稳定 广阔 转移 4 想象能力 想象能力是 人的一种特殊的思维活动 是人的创造才能的基础 5 思维能力 思维是人脑对客观事物的间接概括反映 是人脑反映事物的高级形 式 具有无限的广阔 深刻 独创和灵活 思维能力是智慧能结构的核心因素 3 应试者的能力结构 1 语言应用能力 2 处理事物的能力 3 处理人际关系的能力 4 创造能力 5 掌握现代化办公设备的能力 五 面试题目的提问方式 1 封闭型提问 封闭型问题要求应试者人员做出简单回答的问题 这是一种只要求应试者做 是 否 一个词或一个简单句的回答 例如 你是什么时候参加工作的 你在大学学的是 管理专业吗 2 开放型问题 开放型问题时提出的问题要求应试者不能只用简单的一词或一句话来回答 而必须另加解 释 论述 才能圆满回答问题 面试中的提问一般都应该用开放试问题 以启发应试者的 思路 激发其沉睡的潜能与素质 从大量输出信息中进行测评 真实地考察其素质水平 例如 你在原单位的工作 要求经常与哪些部门的人打交道 有些什么体会 3 假设型问题 假设型问题是以虚拟式的提问了解应试者的反应能力与应变能力 解决问题能力和思维能 力等 有时为了委婉地表达某种意思 也可用此提问方式 例如 假如我现在告 诉你因为某种原因 你可能难以被录用 你如何看待呢 4 连串型问题 连串型问题提问一半用于压力面试中 主要考察应试者人员的反应能力 思维的逻辑和条 理等 但也可以用于考察应试者的注意力 瞬时记忆力 情绪稳定 分析判断力 综合概 括力等 例如 我想问三个问题 第一 你为什么到我们单位来 第二 到我们 单位后有何打算 第三 你报道工作几天后 发现实际情况与你原来想象不一致你怎么办 5 压迫型问题 这种提问方式带有某种挑战 其目的在于创造情景压力 以此考察应试者的应变力与忍耐 一般用于压力面试中 这种提问多是 踏应试者的痛处 或从应试者的谈话中引出问题 例如 应试者表示如被录用愿服务一辈子 另一方面却知道他工作五年已换了四个单位情 况 此时可向他提问 据说你工作五年已换了四个单位 有什么可以证明你能在我们单 位服务一辈子呢 6 引导型问题 这类提问主要用于征询应试者的某些意向 需求或获得一些较为肯定的回答 如涉及薪资 福利 待遇 工作安排等问题 宜采取此种提问方式 例如 到单位两年以后才 能定职 你觉得怎么样 7 反称型问题 迂回型问题 当主试者觉察应试者不太愿回答某个问题而又想有所了解时 可以采取声东击西的策略 8 背景型问题 背景型问题目的用于初步了解应试者的志向 学习 工作等基本背景 并为以后提问搜集 话题的问题类型 问题特点是让每位应试者


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