7 unit 2 when do you use a computer课后作业b_第1页
7 unit 2 when do you use a computer课后作业b_第2页
7 unit 2 when do you use a computer课后作业b_第3页




不要等待机会,而要创造机会。M7 Unit 2.单项选择。1I often search_ information _the Internet. Afor; on Bfor; to Cabout; on Dfor; in2_my mother goes to work on foot.ASometime BSome timeCSometimes DSome times3The girl plans_the Great Wall.Avisit Bvisiting Cto visit Dvisits4My parents like_music.Alisten Blisten toClistening Dlistening to5There_a lot of useful_on the Internet.Aare;informations Bare;informationCis;information Dis;informations.从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空。listen to,make plans,search for,go on the Internet,share.with6Bob often_information for his work.7My father is a manager of a company,so he often _on the Internet.8We should_happiness(快乐)_our friends.9I often do my homework first,and then I_music for twenty minutes.10Many children_to play computer games on Sundays.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。11What i_ do you search for on the Internet?12Sometimes his father buys train t_ on the Internet.13I like to s_emails to my friends every day.14Can you help me make travel p_on the Internet?15There is only one room in our house,so I have to s_ it with my sister.用适当的介词完成句子。16Is there a computer_your home,Lily?17We can talk_our friends on the Internet.18Do you know the time_the next train?Yes,its at half past five.19After finishing my homework,I often listen_music.20I share a computer_my father.完形填空。All my family members like to use computers. We live in China, 22 my uncle lives in Australia. My father and my uncle often 22 email to each other. Sometimes 23 chat online. My mother is a 24 in a middle school. She often 25 the computer for her lessons. She also gets information for her lessons 26 the Internet.My brother and I like to 27 computer games. I like to play Counter Strike,but he likes to play Tomb Raider. My 28 dont like us to play them too long. They say that playing computer games too long is bad for our 29 and study. We both like music,too. So sometimes we 30 music from the Internet to our MP4 players.21A.but Bbecause Cor Dso22A.make Bgive Chave Dsend23A.we Byou Cthey DI24A.doctor Bteacher Cworker Dstudent25A.plays Bbuys Cuses Ddoes26A.in Bfrom Cat Dto27A.make Bdo Cplay Dget28A.parents Bfriends Cfather Dmother29A.legs Bfaces Cears Deyes30A.listen Bhear Cdownload Dsend.阅读理解。My family has a computer and I use it every day.In the morning I make a timetable on the computer.During the day I write my homework on it and get some information from the Internet.In the evening I often play Counter Strike and play some CDs.When I go to bed,I check my timetable and make a new one for the next day.I never download(下载) music from the Internet.At weekends I send emails to my sister.Mum and Dad use my computer,too.They only check emails and get information.31How many computers does the writers family have?ATwo. BThree. COne. DFour.32What does the writer do on the computer in the morning?AHe/She makes a timetable.BHe/She plays some CDs.CHe/She sends emails to his/her sister.DHe/She writes his/her homework.33Who use(s) the computer according to the passage(短文)?A The writer. BThe writers mum and dad.CA and B. DNo one.34What does the writer do when he/she goes to bed?ADownloads music.BChecks emails.CChecks his/her timetable and makes a new one for the next day.DSends emails to his/her sister.35How often does the writer download music from the Internet?AOften. BNever. CSometimes. DAlways.任务型阅读。汤姆喜欢玩电脑游戏。He plays games on his computer for about half an hour every evening.And he always plays with his friends online.Jim,David and Betty are Toms friends.They all like computers.Jim often does his homework on his computerHe has a file(文件夹) on it.All his homework is in the file,and he saves his homework every day.David often listens to pop music online;he also downloads new songs _ the Internet.He also has a file.In the file,he _(保存) many pop songs.How about Betty?She sends emails to her friends.She says sending emails is free.36把处汉语翻译成英语。_37把处英语译成汉语。_38在处填一个合适的介词。_39根据汉语提示在处填一个合适的词。_40What does Betty do on the computer?_答案.1.A2C点拨:sometime过去或将来的某个时间,some time一段时间,sometimes有时,some times几次。由句意知有时我妈妈步行去上班,故选C。3C点拨:plan to do sth.。4D5C点拨:information 不可数名词故用单数,故选C。.6.searches for7.makes plans8.share;with9.listen to10.go on the Irmation12.tickets13.send14.plans15.share.16.in17.to1


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