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Unit 4 Earthquakes.阅读理解Six Chinese surveillance(监视) ships have entered waters near islands claimed by both China and Japan.China said the ships were carrying out “law enforcement” to demonstrate its jurisdiction(管辖权) over the islands, known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan.At least two of the vessels left after the Japanese coast guard issued a warning, Japanese officials said.The move came after Japan sealed(确定) a deal to buy three of the islands from their private Japanese owner. Japan controls the uninhabited but resourcerich East China Sea islands, which are also claimed by Taiwan.The Japanese Coast Guard said the first two Chinese boats entered Japans territorial waters at 06:18 local time (21:18 GMT Thursday), followed by another fleet of four other ships just after 07:00.The first two ships then left the area. A third ship left later on Friday morning, one report said. No force was used, Japanese officials added.“Our patrol vessels are currently telling them to leave our countrys territorial waters,” the coastguard said in a statement.The Chinese foreign ministry confirmed that its ships were there.“These law enforcement and patrol activities are aimed to demonstrate Chinas jurisdiction over the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islets(附属小岛) and ensure the countrys maritime interests,” a statement said.The US has called for“cooler heads to prevail”as tension intensifies between China and Japan over the islands, which lie south of Okinawa and north of Taiwan.US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is due to visit both Japan and China from this weekend as part of a tour of the region that also includes New Zealand.The dispute has seriously damaged diplomatic relations between China and Japan and threatened to damage the strong trading relationship, says the BBCs John Sudworth in Beijing.The quarrel has also generated strong nationalist feelings on both sides that observers think it very difficult to be seen to be backing down, says our correspondent.The Japanese government says it is buying the islands to promote their stable and peaceful management. Its move followed a bid by right-wing Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara to buy the islands using public donationsan action that would likely have further anger China.China, on the other hand, says the islands have historically been its territory and fishing grounds.Meanwhile Japans newly-appointed ambassador to China, Shinichi Nishimiya, remains in hospital in Tokyo after he was found unconscious near his home in Tokyo on Thursday.No details have been given on his condition.He was appointed on Tuesday to replace Uichiro Niwa, who has been criticised for his handling of one of the worse diplomatic rows(争端) between Japan and China in recent years.1.The Diaoyu Islands are actually inhabited by .A. Japan B. ChinaC. Taiwan D. nobody2.Which of the following is true?A. Japan fired at the 6 Chinese ships to warn them to leave the waters.B. China admitted that the 6 ships had been forced to leave the waters.C. The US called on both sides to calm down.D. Shinichi Nishimiya was unconscious in the hospital because somebody attacked him.3.Why was Uichiro Niwa replaced?A. He is not iron (铁腕的) enough in handling the diplomatic rows between Japan and China.B. His health condition is not good enough to work there.C. He didnt do a good job in dealing with the dispute about the Diaoyu Islands.D. He criticized the Chinese government publicly in an improper way.4. This news report is most likely to be selected from the newspaper.A. British B. ChineseC. Japanese D. AmericanEvaluating Sources(来源) of Health InformationMaking good choices about your own health requires reasonable evaluation. A key first step in bettering your evaluation ability is to look carefully at your sources of health information. Reasonable evaluation includes knowing where and how to find relevant information, how to separate fact from opinion, how to recognize poor reasoning, and how to analyze information and the reliability of sources. 5 Go to the original source. Media reports often simplify the results of medical research. Find out for yourself what a study really reported, and determine whether it was based on good science. Think about the type of study. 6 Watch for misleading language. Some studies will find that a behavior “contributes to” or is “associated with” an outcome; this does not mean that a certain course must lead to a certain result. 7 Carefully read or listen to information in order to fully understand it.Use your common sense. If a report seems too good to be true, probably it is. Be especially careful of information contained in advertisements.8 Evaluate “scientific” statements carefully, and be aware of quackery(江湖骗术).9 Friends and family members can be a great source of ideas and inspiration, but each of us needs to find a healthy lifestyle that works for us.Developing the ability to evaluate reasonably and independently about the health problems will serve you well throughout your life.A. Make choices that are right for you.B. The goal of an ad is to sell you something.C. Be sure to work through the critical questions.D. And examine the findings of the original research.E. Distinguish between research reports and public health advice.F. Be aware that information may also be incorrectly explained by an authors point of view.G. The following suggestions can help you sort through the health information you receive from common sources.完形填空Its never easy to admit you are wrong. Being human, we all need to know the art of 1. Look back with honesty and think how often youve judged 2, said unkind things, pushed yourself ahead at the 3 of a friend. Then count the occasions 4 you indicated clearly and truly that you were 5. A bit frightening, isnt it? Frightening because some deep 6 in us knows that when even a small wrong has been 7, some mysterious moral feeling is disturbed; and it stays out of balance until fault is acknowledged and 8 is expressed.I remember a doctor friend, the late(已故的) Clarence Lieb, telling me about a man who came to him with a variety of 9: headaches, insomnia and stomach trouble. No 10 cause could be found. Finally my friend said to the man, “11 you tell me whats worrying you, I cant help you.” After some 12, the man confessed that, as executor of his fathers will, he had been13 his brother, who lived abroad, of his inheritance(继承权). Then and there the wise old doctor made the man write to his brother14 forgiveness and enclosing a cheque as the first step in restoring their good15. He then went with him to mail box in the corridor. As the letter disappeared, the man16 crying. “Thank you,” He said, “I think Im 17.” And he was. A heartfelt apology can not only heal a damaged relationship but also make it 18. If you can think of someone who19 an apology from you, someone you have wronged, or just neglected, do something about it 20.1.A.communicating B.expressingC.apologizing D.explaining2.A.roughly B.toughlyC.gently D.honestly3.A.risk B.expenseC.loss D.mercy4.A.that B.howC.which D.when5.A.sorry B.doubtfulC.tolerant D.amazed6.A.wisdom B.painC.fright D.tension7.A.ignored B.committedC.adjusted D.promoted8.A.regret B.curiosityC.devotion D.envy9.A.questions B.complaintsC.signs D.conflicts10.A.spiritual B.immoralC.physical D.outward11.A.If B.UntilC.When D.Unless12.A.recalling B.unconsciousnessC.mediation D.hesitation13.A.accusing B.informingC.cheating D.warning14.A.calling for B.begging forC.reckoning on D.focusing on15.A.relationship B.situationC.condition D.attention16.A.burst out B.brought outC.gave out D.let out 17.A.rescued B.curedC.sealed D.persuaded18.A.weaker B.maturerC.stronger D.fruitier19.A.borrows B.receivesC.demands D.deserves20.A.for a moment B.at lastC.right away D.in a while.短文改错导Dear Editor,Im the only daughter of my parents. So they worried about everything I do. For example, when I ride my bike, my parents wont let me ride by myself. They are afraid I might fall off from my bike and hurt myself. They are taking great trouble to support a bike, with my mother even carried a firstaid box. Im not free to ride and I often say angry, “Why not let me ride alone?” Now, most family have one child. Parents want to do everything for our children. This does no good to them. Too many love from parents may prevent children from independent. In my opinion, parents should let their children do that they should do alone. Yours,Li Hua答案:.阅读理解A语篇导读:本文介绍了钓鱼岛事件的相关情况。1.D细节理解题。由第四段的“the uninhabited but resourcerich”可知钓鱼岛是无人居住的。故选D项。2.C细节理解题。第七段表明了美国对中日钓鱼岛事件的态度,The US has called for “cooler heads to prevail”。“cooler”对应于C项中的“calm down”。故选C项,“美国号召双方冷静”。3.C细节理解题。最后一段介绍了日本新任命的驻中国大使Shinichi Nishimiya的情况,其取代前任Uichiro Niwa,是因为后者被批评“handling of one of the worse diplomatic rows(争端)between Japan and China in recent years”,即没有解决好中日争端。所以C项符合文意。4.A推理判断题。文章以中肯的口吻、中立的立场叙述了政治事实,涉及到了中国、日本、美国三个国家,依据常识,很有可能是这三个国家以外的另一个国家的新闻。故选A项。B语篇导读:本文是一篇应用文。当我们面对纷繁复杂、各种各样的健康信息时,我们应该怎样对这些信息进行分析、归类呢!下面就让我们一起来学习一下吧!5.G考查承上启下的衔接关系。上文说到:合理的评价包含从什么地方、如何找到相关信息,如何区分事实与观点,如何识别出论据不充足的理论,如何分析信息及信息来源的可靠性,而下文是用祈使句开始每一段,是具体怎么做。因此,这里用“以下建议有助于你对自己所收集到的信息进行梳理”来承上启下。6.D这一段建议读者应首先追根溯源,即:找到信息来源,这里重申关键词original research,即对原始的研究成果加以仔细审查。7.F本段主要是谈论“误导”,因此这里强调“当心有些信息是作者从其自己的观点出发而作出了错误的解释”。8.B作者在本段是建议读者用常识去识别虚假广告,不要被江湖骗术所欺骗,并告知读者:广告的目的是卖东西。9.A上文谈广告的不可信,下文说到:朋友和家人往往是我们想法与灵感的来源。因此,这里选择A项:作出对你而言正确的选择,即:从不同的信息中作出正确的选择,这是作者的落脚点和本文的中心信息。.完形填空语篇导读:每当我们犯了错误,道义感就会使我们失去心理平衡,只有承认错误并表示歉意才能消除它。1.C通过对下文的理解可知,文章主要讲述道歉的艺术。2.A“粗鲁地”评断,指说话时不考虑他人的感受,并结合下文的unkind things可知,这里指导致失去朋友的一些负面行为。3.Bat the expense of为固定短语,意为“以为代价”,这里指失去或得罪朋友为代价。4.D考虑先行词occasion在定语从句中用作时间状语,故用关系副词when引导定语从句。5.Asorry在这里表示“有歉意的”,句意:数一数你明确并真诚地表达歉意的场合有多少。6.A对这少得可怜的道歉次数感到震惊,是因为内心的“智慧”告诉我们,即便犯了一个小小的错误,出于莫名的道德方面的原因,人就会感到不安。7.Bcommit a wrong犯错误,详见上题解析。8.A只有承认了错误并表达了“悔意”,内心才会感到平衡。regret后悔;curiosity好奇心;devotion忠诚;envy嫉妒。9.Csigns这里指下文所提到的头痛、失眠、胃疼等各种症状。10.C根据下文可知,未能发现引起这些症状的生理原因。11.D我的朋友另辟蹊径,询问病人的心理原因。“除非你告诉我什么事情让你忧心,否则我帮不了你。”unless引导


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