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teaching aims:1. knowledge objects:1)能掌握以下单词:thanksgiving, traditional, autumn, traveler, celebrate, mix, pepper, fill, oven, plate, cover, gravy, serve, temperature2)能掌握以下句式结构:its a time to give thanks for food in the autumn.fill the turkey with this bread mix.cut the turkey into thin pieces.first next then finally2. ability objects:1)train the students reading and writing skills.2). teach the students learn to make turkey.3. moral objects:1)在活动中渗透中西方餐饮文化,在语言的运用中感受中西方饮食文化的不同。2)通过食物制作过程的介绍,让学生认识到劳动成果的来之不易,使之懂得不能浪费食物,珍惜他人的劳动成果。3)通过感恩教育使学生学会感恩亲朋好友、感恩社会、感恩生活。teaching important points:1)掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。2)进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。3)阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。4)拓民训练写作,提高学生们的写作能力。teaching difficult points:1).阅读短文并完成相关要求。2)按照要求写作文。teaching methods:1. listening and speaking practice.2. autonomous and cooperative approach.3. communicative approach, group work.teaching tools: a tape recorder, pptteaching procedures:step 1warm-up and lead in1. have a discussion:(议一议)1).what traditional festivals do people know inchina?2).what kind of traditional food do people eat on special holidays inchina?2. show some special festivals inchinaand the traditional food that people often eat on these festivals.(展示一些传统的中国节日,以及人们经常吃的传统食物。)3. show some special days in theunited statesto lead in “ thanksgiving in theunited states”.(由中国的传统节日导入到美国的传统节日,从而引出本课主题。)step 2presentation1.divide the passage into two parts. play the tape and let the students finish the following tasks.(把这篇文章分为两部分,首先播放第一段落的听力,要求学生完成以下两个任务。)task one: find out the new words in paragraph one while listening.task two:answer the following questions:1. where do people celebrate thanksgiving?2. when do people celebrate it?3. why do people celebrate it?4. how do people celebrate it now?5. what is the main dish of the thanksgiving meal?2. show the key points in this paragraph according to these five questions. (以这个五个问题为线索来讲解这一段落的主要知识点。)step 3presentation1. lead-in the main dish of thanksgiving :turkey. and show some pictures to attract the students attention on making turkey for a thanksgiving dinner. (通过所学内容,以及呈现一些图片很自然地导入到第二部分:怎样为感恩节制作火鸡。)2play the tape, let the students listen and find out how to make turkey for a thanksgiving dinner. and finish task three.(播放听力,要求学生听第二部分,并且找出制作火鸡的步骤。)task three: lets make turkey for thanksgiving dinner.3teach the new words and the key points in this part according to the procedures.(通过一步一步展示火鸡制作过程来呈现这部分的新单词和重要知识点。)4. lets the students finish activity 2d.(要求学生回顾火鸡制作过程。)step 4consolidation1. sum up.then let the students read the whole passage again, and retell the passage. let the students fill in the blanks. (要求学生通读一遍课文,然后要求学生回顾课文内容,关上书完成老师所给出的任务:复述这篇文章并填空。)2writing : give the students some information about dragon boat festival. and ask the students to write a small article.(根据感恩节的一些信息,老师给出一些关于中国端午节的信息,并要求学生根据这些信息写一小短文。)dragon boat festivalwhenmay 5th in chinese lunar calendarwhyin order to remember the famous poet qu yuan.howpeople eat zongzi and have boat races.traditional foodthe main dishes are zongzi3. give one possible versionin most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays. a special day inchinais dragon boat festival. it is on the fifth day of may in Chinese lunar calendar. people celebrate this festival to remember the famous poet Qu Yuan who loved his country ve


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