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第二部分 语言知识运用精做08 完形填空说明文说明文往往围绕一个问题从不同的侧面来加以说明,通常结构严谨,句子结构复杂,因此也是高考完形填空题中较难理解的一种文体。其主要特点为:1. 开头点题在说明文类的完形填空中,作者一般在文章的首句直接提出说明的对象,这是掌握说明细节的前提。2.结构清晰说明文一般按一定的顺序展开。理清文章的说明顺序,对于正确把握文意和上下文的逻辑关系,选择正确答案具有重要意义。3.难度较大说明文往往采用比较正式的文体,表述准确严谨,生词术语较多,句子较长,结构较为复杂。4.遣词用字简练说明文一般采用简练的语言,按一定的方法介绍事物的类别、性质、特点、构造、成因、关系或事物的运动变化、发展的过程及其规律。5.条理清晰说明文十分讲究条理性,一般采取时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序或认知顺序来说明事物或事理。【解题技巧】1. 快速弄清文章大意对于此类文章我们结合选择项,进行粗读或略读,对文章的大意要先有一个大体的了解。说明文往往生词较多,而题材又比较广泛,所以阅读时,首先要能够掌握文章的大意。2. 弄清楚说明的顺序把握了说明顺序,就能准确把握文章的脉络,加强对整篇文章的理解。3. 把握文章的组织结构,理清事实细节把握语篇特征对理解文意与答题极为有利。说明性的文章一般都是一篇完整的、意思表达清楚的、逻辑比较严密的短文。在阅读这类文章时,我们一定要仔细研读文章的开头和结尾,从主题句着手,找出支持句,然后寻找文章的结论。这时,我们还要特别注意,不要被表面的一些细节所迷惑,我们在理解细节的基础上,还要斟酌文字的内涵意义,从而对文章进行深层次的理解。4. 注重上下文语境应逐句精读短文,逐题分析选项,对特定的语境作深入的理解,克服思维定势,根据全文大意和词不离句、句不离文的原则逐项填空。5. 熟练做题方法,遵循四个原则:(1)上下一致。每个选择项必须从全文出发,从大处着手,避免孤立地分析每一空格,造成误选。(2)语法正确。从语法地角度去考虑动词的时态、语态以及词类用法。(3)逻辑合理。在完形填空题中,逻辑推理非常重要,有时每个选择项从语法上讲都正确,但是有的是不合语境逻辑的。(4)符合搭配。英语中固定搭配很多,需要熟练掌握,才能做好此类题目。Cloze 1(2016上海卷)体裁文章话题词数建议时间难度自测正确率说明文一种新型管理理论授权管理及其作用。38215分钟In the 1960s, Douglas McGregor, one of the key thinkers in the art of management, developed the now famous Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X is the idea that people instinctively 1 work and will do anything to avoid it. Theory Y is the view that everyone has the potential to find satisfaction in work.In any case, despite so much evidence to the 2 , many managers still agree to Theory X. They believe, 3 , that their employees need constant supervision if they are to work effectively, or that decisions must be imposed from 4 without consultation. This, of course, makes for authoritarian (专制的) managers.Different cultures have different ways of 5 people. Unlike authoritarian management, some cultures, particularly in Asia, are well known for the consultative nature of decision-making all members of the department or work group are asked to 6 to this process. This is management by the collective opinion. Many western companies have tried to imitate such Asian ways of doing things, which are based on general 7 . Some experts say that women will become more effective managers than men because they have the power to reach common goals in a way that traditional 8 managers cannot.A recent trend has been to encourage employees to use their own initiative, to make decisions on their own without 9 managers first. This empowerment (授权) has been part of the trend towards downsizing: 10 the number of management layers in companies. After de-layering in this way, a company may be 11 with just a top level of senior managers, front-line managers and employees with direct contact with the public. Empowerment takes the idea of delegation (委托) much further than has 12 been the case. Empowerment and delegation mean new forms of management control to 13 that the overall business plan is being followed, and that operations become more profitable under the new organization, rather than less.Another trend is off-site or 14 management, where teams of people linked by e-mail and the Internet work on projects from their own houses. Project managers evaluate the 15 of the team members in terms of what they produce for projects, rather than the amount of time they spend on them.1. A. desireB. seekC. loseD. dislike 2. A. contraryB. expectationC. degreeD. extreme 3. A. vice versaB. for exampleC. howeverD. otherwise4. A. outsideB. insideC. belowD. above 5. A. replacingB. assessingC. managingD. encouraging 6. A. referB. contributeC. objectD. apply7. A. agreementB. practiceC. electionD. impression8. A. bossyB. experiencedC. westernD. male 9. A. askingB. trainingC. warningD. firing 10. A. doublingB. maintainingC. reducingD. estimating 11. A. honored B. leftC. crowdedD. compared12. A. economicallyB. traditionallyC. inadequatelyD. occasionally 13. A. denyB. admitC. assumeD. ensure14. A. virtualB. ineffectiveC. day-to-dayD. on-the-scene15. A. opinionB. riskC. performanceD. attractivenessCloze 2(2014新课标全国卷I)体裁文章话题词数建议时间难度自测正确率说明文各种形式的活动,如果人们经常做,都会产生厌倦情绪。24917分钟 As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine (常规) basis. As a matter of fact, we can see this 1at work in people of all 2.For example, on Christmas morning, children are excited about 3with their new toys. But their 4soon wears off and by January those 5toys can be found put away in the basement. The world is full of 6stamp albums and unfinished models, each standing as a monument to someones 7interest. When parents bring home a pet, their child 8bathes it and brushes its fur. Within a short time, however, the 9of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents. Adolescents enter high school with great 10but are soon looking forward to 11.The same is true of the young adults going to college. And then, how many 12, who now complain (抱怨) about the long drives to work, 13drove for hours at a time when they first 14their drivers licenses(执照)?Before people retire, they usually 15to do a lot of 16things, which they never had 17to do while working. But 18after retirement, the golfing, the fishing, the reading and all of the other pastimes become as boring as the jobs they 19.And, like the child in January, they go searching for new 20.1. A. principleB. habitC. wayD. power2. A. partiesB. racesC. countriesD. ages3. A. workingB. livingC. playingD. going4. A. confidenceB. interestC. anxietyD. sorrow5. A. sameB. extraC. funnyD. expensive6. A. well-organizedB. colorfully-printedC. newly-collectedD. half-filled7. A. broadB. passingC. differentD. main8. A. silentlyB. impatientlyC. gladlyD. worriedly9. A. promiseB. burdenC. rightD. game10. A. courageB. calmnessC. confusionD. excitement11. A. graduationB. independenceC. responsibilityD. success12. A. childrenB. studentsC. adultsD. retirees13. A. carefullyB. eagerlyC. nervouslyD. bravely14. A. requiredB. obtainedC. noticedD. discovered15. A. needB. learnC. startD. plan16. A. greatB. strangeC. difficultD. correct17. A. timeB. moneyC. skillsD. knowledge18. A. onlyB. wellC. evenD. soon19. A. lostB. choseC. leftD. quit20. A. petsB. toysC. friendsD. colleaguesCloze 3(2012新课标全国卷)体裁文章话题词数建议时间难度自测正确率说明文身势语在交际中的重要性24618分钟Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks 1than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more 2than we realize. In fact, non-verbal(非言语) communication takes up about 50% of what we really 3. And body language is particularly 4when we attempt to communicate across cultures. Indeed, what is called body language is so 5a part of us that its actually often unnoticed.And misunderstandings occur as a result of it. 6, different societies treat the 7between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having 8contact(接触)even with friends, and certainly not with 9. People from Latin American countries, 10, touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, its possible that in 11, it may look like a Latino is 12a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving 13. The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep 14 which the Latino will in return regard as 15.Clearly, a great deal is going on when people 16. And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from 17cultures, theres a strong possibility of 18. But whatever the situation, the best 19is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be 20.1. A. straighterB. louderC. harderD. further2. A. soundsB. invitationsC. feelingsD. messages3. A. hopeB. receiveC. discoverD. mean4. A. immediateB. misleadingC. importantD. difficult5. A. wellB. farC. muchD. long6. A. For exampleB. ThusC. HoweverD. In short7. A. tradeB. distanceC. connectionsD. greetings8. A. eyeB. verbalC. bodilyD. telephone9. A. strangersB. relativesC. neighboursD. enemies10. A.in other wordsB. on the other hand C.in a similar wayD.by all means11. A. troubleB. conversationC. silenceD. experiment12. A. disturbingB. helpingC. guidingD. following13. A. closerB. fasterC.inD. away14. A. stepping forwardB. going onC. backing awayD. coming out15. A. weaknessB. carelessnessC. friendlinessD. coldness16. A. talkB.travelC. laughD. think17. A. differentB. EuropeanC. LatinoD. rich18. A. curiosityB. excitement C. misunderstandingD. nervousness19. A. chanceB. timeC. resultD. advice20. A. noticedB. treatedC. respectedD. pleasedCloze 1(2019广东省广州市2019届高三第二次模拟考试)话题词数难度参考用时正确率 发射卫星的意义 31316分钟Always wished the Earth had a second moon? Then you will be 1 to hear that the Chengdu Aerospace Science Institute has plans to launch multiple mini moons over the next few years. Similar to our 2 satellite, the light of the artificial orb 球体 will be obtained from the sun and 3 to Earth by its mirrorlike coating. According to its designers, the 4 of light being reflected can be controlled from Earth and the light can even be 5 , if necessary. While the multiple mini moons will certainly appear picturesque, their main purpose is to conserve 6 The Chengdu Aerospace experts claim the mini moons dusklike glow will allow the government to eventually 7 costly streetlights in cities. They estimate that using the artificial satellite to light up Chengdus streets at night will 8 the city 1. 2 billion yuan anally. Since the orbs location can be 9 moved, it could also be used to shine light over disasterstruck areas that have lost 10. Once the first mini moon is 11 successfully, the experts plan to launch three 12 ones. Together, the satellites, which will take turns depending on their 13 in relation to the sun, are expected to 14 an area of 3,600 to 6,400 square kilometers. While the orbs will be 15 through a telescope from anywhere on the globe, their real beauty will only be seen by visiting Chengdu. Officials, 16 , believe they will be a huge tourist attraction, helping improve the citys 17 . As is often the case with major 18 , some experts are concerned. They 19 that the moons will impact on the sleep patterns of humans and animals. However, officials believe the satellites will cause little, if any 20 . 1.A. pleasedB. surprisedC. alarmedD. relieved2.A. traditionalB. uniqueC. naturalD. famous3.A. carriedB. reflectedC. introducedD. transformed4.A. colourB. speedC. sourceD. amount5.A. sent outB. switched offC. given awayD. turned down6.A. resourcesB. animalsC. farmlandD. space7.A. rebuildB. expandC. improveD. remove8.A. bringB. leaveC. saveD. cost9.A. hardlyB. easilyC. frequentlyD. normally10.A. moneyB. homeC. contactD. power11.A. travellingB. appearingC. workingD. signaling12.A. additionalB. specialC. brightD. colourful13.A. sizeB. importanceC. positionD. function14.A. pick upB. take upC. hold upD. light up15.A. reliableB. visibleC. availableD. testable16.A. thereforeB. howeverC. otherwiseD. moreover17.A. populationB. educationC. evolutionD. conflict18.A. drawbackB. breakthroughsC. technologyD. economy19.A. doubtB. concludeC. worryD. agree20.A. disturbanceB. destructionC. satisfactionD. discussionCloze 2(江苏省南京市九月学情调研)话题词数难度参考用时正确率 古希腊戏剧的起源35517分钟The Beginning of DramaThere are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The one most widely accepted today is based on the1that drama evolved from ritual(宗教仪式). The argument for this view goes as follows. In the beginning, human beings2the natural forces of the worldeven the seasonal changesas unpredictable, and they sought through various means to3these unknown and feared powers. Those measures which appeared to4the desired results were then kept and repeated until they changed into5rituals. 6stories arose which explained or masked the mysteries of the rituals. As times passed, some rituals were7, but the stories, later called myths, continued to exist and provided material for art and drama. Those who believed that drama evolved out of ritual also argue that those rituals contained the8of theatre because music, dance, masks, and9were almost always used. 10, a suitable site had to be provided for performances and11the entire community did not participate , a(n)12division was usually made between the area of acting and theatre in which an audience sits . Besides, there were performers, and, since considerable importance was13to avoiding mistakes in the practice of rituals, religious leaders usually14that task. Wearing masks and costumes, they often imitated (模仿) other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mimed (用哑剧表演出) the15effectsuccess in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun16an actor might. Eventually such dramatic representatives were separated from17activities. Another theory traces the theaters origin from the human interest in18. According to this view, tales about the hunt, war or other things are told and gradually spread. 19through the use of action and dialogue by a narrator and then through the assumption of each of the roles by a different person. A closely related theory traces theater to those dances that are primarily gymnastic or that are20of animal movements and sounds. 1.A. backgroundB. assumptionC. evidenceD. theory2.A. viewedB. employedC. imaginedD. dismissed3.A. takeB. possessC. guaranteeD. control4.A. startB. showC. bringD. continue5.A. usualB. directC. convincingD. fixed6.A. ApparentlyB. ActuallyC. EventuallyD. Naturally7.A. spreadB. abandonedC. followedD. celebrated8.A. seedB. contentC. mythD. history9.A. costumesB. routinesC. instructionsD. performances10.A. As a resultB. In factC. On the contraryD. In addition11.A. whenB. althoughC. unlessD. while12.A. deepB. equalC. clearD. extra13.A. attachedB. relatedC. committedD. tied14.A. put upB. took upC. took onD. put on15.A. unexpectedB. unpredictedC. preparedD. desired16.A. wheneverB. asC. whateverD. so17.A. socialB. politicalC. economicD. religious18.A. accountsB. story-tellingC. descriptionsD. drama-writing19.A. at that timeB. at a timeC. at firstD. at once20.A. imitationsB. creaturesC. presentationsD. exhibitionsCloze 1话题词数难度参考用时正确率 不同时期社会观点的行为标准24616分钟If you associate modern British fiction with the cool, lonely tones of Martin Amis and Julian Barnes, and US fiction with Jonathan Franzens1inner worlds or John Irvings sentimentality, it seems you have good2. An analysis of the3texts of English-language books over the4century concludes that, since the 1980s, words that5emotional content have become6more common in US books than in British ones. The7, by anthropologist (人类学家) Alberto Acerbi of the University of Bristol, UK, and his colleagues, takes advantage of Googles database of more than 5 million digitally8books from the past several centuries. This resource has9been used to examine the10of literary styles and trends in literary expressions of individualism. Such11of the cultural information made available by new technologies has been12culturomics (文化组学). Its13think that these approaches can14trends in social opinions and standards of behavior that are15hidden within vast quantities of data. Language use in books16what people are talking about and thinking about during a17time, so Google Books provides a fascinating18into the past, says psychologist Jean Twenge of San Diego State University in California. The19results certainly seem to show that informal descriptions about social mood are reflected in the20(both fiction and non-fiction) of the twentieth century. 1.A. independentB. emotionalC. peacefulD. autonomous2.A. reasonB. wayC. excuseD. truth3.A. digitizedB. translatedC. adaptedD. adopted4.A. oldB. modernC. formerD. past5.A. takeB. includeC. carryD. arrange6.A. significantlyB. surprisinglyC. doubtfullyD. instructively7.A. bookB. studyC. experimentD. lecture8.A. writtenB. chosenC. scannedD. made9.A. formallyB. casuallyC. neverD. previously10.A. evolutionB. developmentC. progressD. revolution11.A. learningB. miningC. searchingD. using12.A. regardedB. formedC. appointedD. called13.A. opponentsB. ownersC. advocatesD. writers14.A. examineB. discoverC. causeD. generate15.


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