英语人教版六年级下册Unit 2 Last Weekend复习课.doc_第1页
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英语人教版六年级下册Unit 2 Last Weekend复习课.doc_第4页




PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit2复习课教学设计肥城市安驾装镇张安小学 王静本单元是PEP版六年级下册的第二单元,这个单元的话题是Last weekend,此单元可以设计为6课时,本节课主要是学习过去式的时间词以及was用法。一、教学内容复习掌握一些表示过去式的时间词以及was用法,并能运用过去式举行会话练习。二、教学目标知识目标1、能借助数字推理理解yesterday、last weekend/month/day等的意思以及be动词was的变化。2、能辨别过去式句型并能正确表达。3、能借助图片,用比较流利的语言进行交流。4、能借助书面提示,完成填空,使句子完整。情感、文化意识目标1、中西方日期表达方法的差异。2、合作的意识。三、教学重难点1)重点:听说读写短语 watched TV、washed the clothes、cleaned the room、played football、visited grandparents;能听说句子 what did you do last weekend?并能就过去时间所做的事情进行简单回答。2)难点:学生对本课的几个短语都比较熟悉,但动词的过去式第一次出现,因此,这几个短语的过去式的构成及其发音是本课的难点。四、学习策略1、温习2、比赛3、练4、认真倾听并作出判断五、课前准备课件、听力材料、学生图片等六、教学过程Step one:listen to a song(设计思路:课前让学生唱,欣赏英语歌曲,创设良好的英语学习氛围,激发了学生的学习热情。)Step Two: Presentation 1、Review the words(利用小组间竞赛的形式进行抢答拼出单词,能有效提高学生的积极性,活跃课堂氛围)Ss first read the words together. Second, Ss in groups have a match of reciting words. The winner can get a point. Then the group can get a star on the Bb.2、To review the phrases of past tense.Teacher can show the phrases on the screen, Ss read and act out the phrases.Then, Ss can play a game about guessing the phrases in past tense.3、To review the main sentences(借助日常生活自己所做过的事来应用到课堂对话中,即练习了过去时句型又能拓展知识面)T: Do you know what kind of sentences we learned in this unit?Ss: How was your weekend?Ss: What did you do last weekend?Ss: Did you .Teacher show the sentences on the Bb,Ss can do a survey about their last weekend.Ss can also practise sentences in groups one by one like a train.4、 Free talk(自由对话以本单元重点句型为主,适当加入以前知识)Ss can make a conversation using the main sentences in groups.The groups who can act well with no wrong uses can get a point.5、 Make a interview.(此活动可以锻炼学生的口语交际能力和交际能力)Ss can act to be reporters to interview classmates asking about the things they have done last weekend or yesterday.Step threeDo some exercises on the screen.Ss can answer like a train,one by one in groups.Step fourCheck the answers.Teachers can pick out the difficult parts to Ss and explain much more.Ste


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