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八下人教版新目标(下)课 题Unit 5 where were you doing when the rainstorm came? - 集中识词课选课意图利用先进的教学手段,帮助学生攻克单词学习难关教 学 目 标1)通过杜老师直拼法教会学生如何快速发音2)通过张思中方法,利用卡片循环记忆单词3)让学生掌握三分之二的单词教 学 重 难 点重点利用张思中卡片教学法,杜老师直拼法快速掌握简单单词难点无规则的单词记忆教 学 手 段卡片循环记忆(教师,学生);杜老师直拼法教 学 过 程教 学 环 节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动Lead-inStep one:Step two:Step three:Step four:Step five:Step six:Step seven:Step eight:Step nine:Lead Ss to review thirty consonants and the rules of pronunciation.Divide the words into four parts( Ss deal with three parts, the teacher deals with the fourth part that is difficult)Ask Ss to remember the simple wordsHave a test by using pptTeach Ss to read the difficult words by using the cards over and over. Watch Ss around the classPK in each group.PK between the groups.Have a testThe teacher chooses the words that Ss cant remember then asks Ss.summarizeSs review the knowledge together.Let three students analysis the three parts according to Mr Du (look at ppt) 学生展示Ss remember the words in a minuteTranslate the words into Chinese or English according to ppt。Read the wordsRecite the words by using their own cards.Read the words as quickly as possible. The person who has most cards is the winner in each group and then stick the sign on the left of their clothes.Choose a person from each group to receive the challenge.According to the teachers orders. Fill in the blanks, then check them with your partners.Let Ss remember the wrong words课 堂 小 结1)Learn the direct spelling.2) Announce the winner.3) Expect Ss to remember the words.布 置 作 业Let Ss make a text paper.板 书 设 计Unit 5 Unit 5 Where were you doing when the rainstorm came?集中识词任务一. The rules of pronunciation5个元音字母发音:有阻挡:eg: be hi 无阻挡:eg: cat hat本单元涉及的字母组合发音:ai, or, ar, ea, ight, oo, ee任务二:利用直拼法分析单词的发音-学生展示第一板块:or, ea, ai组合: storm 暴风雨 report报道 heavily大量地 realize 意识到beat 敲打第二板块:高低音区: asleep睡着 apart 分开 against倚靠 begin开始 Icy 冰冷的ter.ro.rist 恐怖分子 completely 完全地 re.cently 不久前第三板块:阻挡规则:pu.pil 小学生 si.lence 沉默 rise 升起 light 光线flashlight 手电筒 wood 木头 kid 开玩笑Homework: make the word c


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