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人教版2020年小升初英语试题(I)卷小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 语音。(判断下列每组单词中划线部分共有几种读音,如有一种,填 (共1题;共2分)1. (2分)Turn right at the traffic lights.night _ _二、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)2. (2分)I will fly _next Sunday. A . houseB . to homeC . home3. (2分)I read books _ weekend. A . on theB . onC . in4. (2分)Does Tonny eating ice creams? Yes, he does.A . areB . likeC . likes5. (2分)Look, Alice is _ the tree. A . betweenB . behindC . in front6. (2分)My brother _ short before. A . wasB . wereC . am7. (2分) quiet in the library. A . OnB . AtC . Be8. (2分)John wear glasses in the future.A . is notB . dontC . wont9. (2分)Were you at school yesterday?No,_.A . I was B . I wasnt10. (2分)Did you buy any presents? A . Yes. I did.B . Yes, I can.C . Yes, I am.11. (2分)Are there _ hills in the village? A . someB . aC . any12. (2分)He doesnt go to school today_ he is ill A . andB . orC . becauseD . but13. (2分)Whats that? A . Its a bike.B . Its a boat.C . Its a plane.14. (2分)Is there a clock in your room? Yes, there .A . areB . isC . isnt15. (2分)He is a boat. A . rowingB . rowsC . row16. (2分)She will _ in Shanghai this winter. A . isB . beC . are17. (2分)I like pears. A . amB . am notC . dont18. (2分)She a dancer ten years ago. A . isB . wasC . are19. (2分)Playing football _ my hobby. A . isB . amC . are20. (2分)A . Very well, thanks.B . Nice to meet you.C . Good morning, Miss White.D . Nice to meet you, too.21. (2分)Mary is ill and she doesnt feel like . A . to eat somethingB . to eat anythingC . eating somethingD . eating anything三、 词汇运用。 A)根据句意和首字母,写出句子中所缺的单词。 (共15题;共31分)22. (1分) e_23. (1分)Is it y_or blue? 24. (5分)h o r s b o a t o x (找出连续的字母拼成单词)25. (1分)It is more t_ twenty thousand kilometres long.26. (5分)shortside27. (2分)We dont eat m_ c_at the Dragon Boat Festival . 28. (1分)We can go to the nature park by_.29. (4分)用英语写出下列节日的日期。 (1) _(2) _(3) _(4) _30. (2分)My mother often _tea with her friends, but yesterday, she_tea with my father at home. (drink) 31. (2分)What_(be) it? What_(be) they? 32. (2分)_(do) your parents _(read) newspapers every day? 33. (1分)My brother often _ (have) lunch at school. 34. (1分)Mum, lets _ (buy) some fruit for Grandma. 35. (2分)Sam usually_(go) to bed early, but yesterday he_(go) to sleep late. 36. (1分)Lily _ (have) a beautiful skirt. 四、 下列各句中各有一处错误,请指出并在横线上改正。 (共10题;共26分)37. (1分)Here are a photo of my family. _38. (5分)找出错误,并改正。Sam often go swimming.39. (5分)找出错误,并改正。She sometimes go to the park.40. (1分)找出错误并改正。_Im a work.41. (1分) _42. (1分)找出错误的选项并改正。_43. (5分)Im a cat up a hat. 44. (5分)找出错误,并改正45. (1分)The boy go to the school library. _46. (1分)找出错误的选项并改正。_五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共6分)47. (6分)读一读,选择正确的单词填空完成对话。 Mary is talking about Easter with her friend, Sally.Mary: Easter is1. I like it very much.Sally: What can we do 2Easter?Mary: 3we make some chocolate eggs?Sally: Thats a good idea! What do we need?Mony: We 4some chocolate, an egg mould (模具), and some colourful foil (锡纸). First, we melt (熔化) the chocolate. Then we pour it 5the egg mould and cool it down. Finally, we wrap (包装) it in the foil.Sally: Sounds fun! Lets 6.(1)A . come B . coming C . comes (2)A . on B . in C . at (3)A . Shall B . Would C . Must (4)A . have B . like C . need (5)A . beside B . into C . near (6)A . doing B . do C . does 六、 阅读理解。根据短内容选择正确的答案。 (共3题;共39分)48. (23分)阅读理解Im going to graduate(毕业)from my school. The school looks different now.It has a lot of changes. And I change a lot, too.Six years ago, there was no library. Now we have a new one. And there are many new books in it. I didnt like reading before, but now I love reading. There was no dining hall six years ago. We couldnt have lunch at school. Now we have a big dining hall. There was no gym in our school six years ago. Now there is a big new one. We often play badminton in it. I didnt like sports before. Now I like sports a lot. I couldnt go cycling six years ago. Now I ride my bike to school every day.根据短文内容判断正误;根据短文信息完成表格;根据信息完成短文。(1)There is a new library in our school now. (2)I like reading a lot before. (3)There was a dining hall in our school six years ago. (4)We can play badminton in the gym now. (5)I rode a bike to school six years ago. (6)根据短文信息完成下列表格。The changes of our school My changesno library_didnt like reading_a new dining hall_like sports a lotno gym_ride a bike every day(7)根据以上信息完成短文。There was no library,_or gym in our school six years ago. But_is a big library, a new dining hall and a new_now.I didnt like reading or _before. But I love_and sports now.I couldnt go cycling six years_. But I can _every day.49. (6分)根据所给的信息判断正误A Farewell PartyPlace:Our classroomTime:2 P. m. July 8th, WednesdayActivities:sing songs;chat;take photos;have some cakes, chocolates, juice and fresh fruits(1)The farewell party will be held(举行)in our classroom. (2)You can enjoy the farewell party on the morning of July 8th,. (3)You will have some beef and beer(啤酒)at the party. 50. (10分)阅读理解,选择正确答案Sam is a good boy. He is tall and fat. He likes sports. In spring, he flies kites in the park. In summer, he plays football with his friends under the tree. In autumn, he goes fishing with his Dad in the lake. In winter, he plays snow with his pupils at school. He is happy each day.(1)Sam is . A . tall and thinB . tall and fatC . short and fat(2)He flies kites . A . in springB . in winterC . in summer(3)He goes fishing with in the lake. A . his friendsB . his pupilsC . his Dad(4)In winter, he plays snow . A . at schoolB . under the treeC . in the lake(5)Is he happy each day? A . No he isnt.B . Yes, he isC . Yes, he does.七、 书面表


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