英语人教版七年级下册Unit4 Don’t eat in class .doc_第1页
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英语人教版七年级下册Unit4 Don’t eat in class .doc_第3页
英语人教版七年级下册Unit4 Don’t eat in class .doc_第4页




Unit4 Section B 1a-1d教学设计执教者 张军 课题Unit4 Dont eat in class Section B 1a-1d解读理念本节课的中心话题与学生实际生活紧密相关,主要探讨当代中学生的家庭规矩以及如何认识家庭规矩在生活中的意义。 学情分析七年级学生对英语学习具有较浓厚的兴趣,求知欲旺盛,而且在sectionA的教学中学生们已经涉及了一些祈使句及情态动词的用法,而本课主要学习一些家规,比较贴近学生们的生活实际,学生们渴望知道用英语如何表达家规,因此它为本课学习垫定了情感上的基础。教材分析 内容标准1.能询问、陈述家庭规矩(Talk about family rules)2.能针对家中存在问题制定相应的家规(make family rules) 教学目标情感态度价值观目标1.通过合作与竞赛等小组活动形式,增强学生培养学生的合作意识和竞争意识。2. 通过对家庭规矩的学习与讨论,教育学生理解父母并规范自己的行为。能力目标学会用英语表达自己或他人的家庭规矩;根据常识预测听力内容。知识目标1.熟练掌握以下词汇和短语: out, go out, practice, dish, do the dishes, before.2.正确使用情态动词can/must/have to表达家规。 教学资源1.人教版七年级下册教材2.课件3.相关链接:http:/www. 教学重点1.如何用询问、陈述家庭规矩(Talk about family rules)2.学会针对家中存在问题制定相应的家规(make family rules) 教学难点与家庭规矩相关的大量短语及借助情态动词谈论家规。方法解读 教学方法讨论、对话、小组合作教学。教学准备1.把握教材,搜集课本及与本节课相关的图片。 2.教师搜集相关资料,制作多媒体课件。w教学环节教学内容教师活动学生活动 导入新课观看央视视频新春走基层-家风是什么宣传片,引出本节课话题:family rules.提出问题:Are there any rules in your family? Lets look at the rules of the Jones family. 图片导入常见家规。1. 提出问题:Are there any rules in your family? Lets look at the rules of the Jones family. 引起学生思考。2. Ask students to read the family rules of Jones family.1. 学生观看央视视频新春走基层-家风是什么宣传片,思考本节课话题。2. Read the family rules of Jones family.教学环节Pre- listengStep 1.展示图片导入1a 图片中的相关短语。While- listeningStep 2.Listening.(1b)Step3.Listening (1c).Post-listeningStep4.Listen and repeat.Step5.Group-work.通过提出问题:Whats the boys name?Where is he?Is he at home?等问题教授out, go out, practice, dish, do the dishes, before等新授词汇。展示图片,了解语言知识:watch TV,do his homework,see friends等8个短语。 Ask the Ss to read instuctions carefully, play the tape for the Ss to listen.Ask the Ss to read instuctions carefully, play the tape for the Ss to listen.Teach listening skills.缩略词在听力中的应用。Show the tapescript on the screen, ask Ss to listen and repeat. 1.Provide students with some useful expressions. Can he ?Yes,he can./No,he cant.Must he?Yes,he must. /No,he neednt.Does he have to?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt. 2.Show students the mind-map about Daves family rules.3.Show the video and some useful expressions about family rules. 1.学习本节课新授词汇out, go out, practice, dish, do the dishes, before。2熟读与家庭活动相关的8个短语。3.Guessing games.根据图画内容编排动作,让其他同学说出来。 4.猜猜Daves family rules.1.Listen and put an for things Dave cant do and a for things he has to do.2. Check the answers. 1.Listen again. Write when Dave has to follow the rules in the chart in 1b. Choose from the phrases in the box。2. Check the answers.Listen again and repeat.1. Talk about the rules in Daves house.2. Retell Daves family rules according to the mind-map.3.Watch a video then talk about the family rules of their own.拓展延伸Make rules for your parents.Show the video.Watch the video and make rules for parents.教师寄语A country has its laws and a family its rules.So follow the rules and understand your parents,youll be a good student. 板书设计Can/Must/Does Dave? go out Dave can/cant/must/has to do the dishes practice the guitar 教学效果预测本课能密切联系学生的学习生活实际,精心选取典型的的图片及当前社会


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