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previous /privs/ |CET4 TEM41.ADJ A previous event or thing is one that happened or existed before the one that you are talking about.例:She has a teenage daughter from a previous marriage. 2.ADJ You refer to the period of time or the thing immediately before the one that you are talking about as the previous one. 例:It was a surprisingly dry day after the rain of the previous week. infect /nfekt,nfkt/ v. T 1.to give someone a disease传染例 People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still infect others. 带有这种病毒的人可能毫无症状,却仍可能传染他人。+ with例 the number of people infected with HIV 艾滋病病毒感染者的数目2.usually passive,一般用被动态 to make something contain something harmful that gives people a disease污染使致病+ with例 Eggs known to be infected with salmonella were allowed to go on sale. 已知带有沙门氏菌的鸡蛋被允许销售。3.if a feeling or interest that you have infects other people, it makes them begin to feel the same way or have the same interest某种感情或兴趣感染,影响他人例 Lucys enthusiasm soon infected the rest of the class. 露西的热情很快就感染了班里的其他人。4.if a virus infects your computer or disk, it changes or destroys the information in or on it计算机病毒使感染controversy /kntrvs/ |CET4 TEM4N-VAR Controversy is a lot of discussion and argument about something, often involving strong feelings of anger or disapproval. 例:The proposed cuts have caused considerable controversy. controvert /kntrvt, kntrvt/ vt.1.辩驳,反驳;驳斥;否定:The statement of the last witness controverted the evidence of the first two.最后一个见证人的陈述反驳了前两个人的证词2.争论,辩论;讨论:This is a question much controverted between the old and the young.这是一个在老年人与年轻人之间争论不休的问题。tremble /trmbl/ |CET4 TEM41.V-I If you tremble, you shake slightly because you are frightened or cold. 颤抖例:His mouth became dry, his eyes widened, and he began to tremble all over. 他嘴巴干涩,眼睛睁大,而且开始全身发抖。例:Lisa was white and trembling with anger. 莉萨气得脸色发白,身体颤抖。2.N-SING Tremble is also a noun. 颤抖例:I will never forget the look on the patients face, the tremble in his hand. 我将永远不会忘记那病人脸上的表情和他颤抖的手。3.V-I If something trembles, it shakes slightly. (轻微地) 颤动例:He felt the earth tremble under him. 他感觉大地在脚下颤动。4.V-I If your voice trembles, it sounds unsteady and uncertain, usually because you are upset or nervous. (声音) 发颤例:His voice trembled, on the verge of tears. 他的声音颤抖着,就要落下泪来。5.N-SING Tremble is also a noun. (声音的) 发颤例:Please understand this, she began, a tremble in her voice. “请理解这个”,她开始用颤抖的声音说道。at the thought一想到in question讨论中的;成问题的;考虑中的mean /min/ 1.N-SING The mean is a number that is the average of a set of numbers. 平均数例:Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean. 取120个值计算平均数。2.ADJ intermediate or medium in size, quantity, etc (尺寸、数量等)中间的; 中等的3.see also meanssupervise /supvaz/ |CET4 TEM4V-T If you supervise an activity or a person, you make sure that the activity is done correctly or that the person is doing a task or behaving correctly. 例:A team was sent to supervise the elections in Nicaragua. paradoxical /prdkskl/ |TEM81.ADJ If something is paradoxical, it involves two facts or qualities that seem to contradict each other. 自相矛盾的例:Some sedatives produce the paradoxical effect of making the person more anxious. 一些镇静剂产生出使人更紧张这样自相矛盾的结果。2.ADV 自相矛盾地例:Paradoxically, the less you have to do the more you may resent the work that does come your way. 自相矛盾的是,你要做的事情越少,就越是对突然落在你身上的工作不满。incompatible /nkmptbl/ |CET6 TEM81.ADJ If one thing or person is incompatible with another, they are very different in important ways, and do not suit each other or agree with each other. 不相容的; 不协调的例:They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system. 他们强烈地感到他们的宗教信仰与政治体制格格不入。2.N-UNCOUNT 不相容例:Incompatibility between the mothers and the babys blood groups may cause jaundice. 母亲和胎儿的血型不合有可能导致黄疸。3.ADJ If one type of computer or computer system is incompatible with another, they cannot use the same programs or be linked up. 不兼容的例:This made its mini-computers incompatible with its mainframes. 这使得它的微型电脑与其主机不兼容。susceptible /ssptbl/ |CET6 TEM81.ADJ If you are susceptible to something or someone, you are very likely to be influenced by them. 易受影响的例:Young people are the most susceptible to advertisements. 年轻人最容易受广告影响。例:James was extremely susceptible to flattery. 詹姆斯非常容易受奉承话的影响。2.ADJ If you are susceptible to a disease or injury, you are very likely to be affected by it. 易受 (伤) 的; 易患 (病) 的例:Walking with weights makes the shoulders very susceptible to injury. 负重行走使肩膀很容易受伤。worn out 1.ADJ Something that is worn out is so old, damaged, or thin from use that it cannot be used anymore. 破旧不堪的; 报废的例:Car buyers tend to replace worn-out tyres with the same brand. 汽车的买主们倾向于用同一品牌的轮胎更换废旧轮胎。2.ADJ Someone who is worn out is extremely tired after hard work or a difficult or unpleasant experience. 疲惫不堪的例:Before the race, he is fine. But afterwards he is worn out. 比赛前,他状态良好。但在赛后,他就疲惫不堪了。visibly /vzbli,vzbli,vzbl/ adv. ACin a way that is easy to see or notice显然,明显地,显而易见地visibly shaken/shocked/upset etc例 She was visibly shaken by the news. 那消息显然使她大为震惊。wear and tear /wrnt/ N-UNCOUNT Wear and tear is the damage or change that is caused to something when it is being used normally. 损耗例:.the problem of wear and tear on the equipment in the harsh desert conditions. 在恶劣的沙漠环境下设备损耗的问题。interpersonal /ntpsnl/ |TEM4ADJ Interpersonal means relating to relationships between people. 人际的例:Training in interpersonal skills is essential. 各种人际交往技巧的训练是非常必要的。paycheck /peitek/n.美国英语付薪金用的支票;薪金,工资obligation /blen/ |CET4 TEM41.N-VAR If you have an obligation to do something, it is your duty to do that thing. 义务例:When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it. 老师布置家庭作业时,学生们通常感觉做作业是一种义务。2.N-VAR If you have an obligation to a person, it is your duty to take care of them or protect their interests. 义务; 责任例:The United States will do that which is necessary to meet its obligations to its own citizens. 美国会尽其对国民应尽的义务。3.PHRASE In advertisements, if a product or a service is available without obligation, you do not have to pay for that product or service until you have tried it and are satisfied with it. 无义务地例:If you are selling your property, why not call us for a free valuation without obligation. 如果你打算出售房产,为什么不打电话让我们做个免费的评估呢。diffuse /dfjuz/ |CET6 TEM41.V-T/V-I If something such as knowledge or information is diffused, or if it diffuses somewhere, it is made known over a wide area or to a lot of people. 传播 (知识、消息等); 散布例:Over time, however, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries. 然而,随着时间的推移,这项技术在其它国家得以传播并使用。例:.to diffuse new ideas obtained from elsewhere. 传播从别处获得的新思想。2.N-UNCOUNT (对知识、消息等的) 传播; 散布例:.the development and diffusion of ideas. 思想的发展和传播。3.V-T To diffuse a feeling, especially an undesirable one, means to cause it to weaken and lose its power to affect people. 缓解; 消除例:The presidents will meet to try and diffuse the tensions that threaten to reignite the conflict. 总统们将举行会晤以试图缓解可能重新引发冲突的紧张局面。4.V-T If something diffuses light, it causes the light to spread weakly in different directions. 使 (光线) 漫射例:Diffusing a light also reduces its power. 使光线漫射也会减弱其能量。5.V-I To diffuse or be diffused through something means to move and spread through it. 扩散例:It allows nicotine to diffuse slowly and steadily into the bloodstream. 它使尼古丁缓慢、稳步地扩散到血液当中。6.N-UNCOUNT 扩散例:There are data on the rates of diffusion of molecules. 有一些关于分子的扩散速率的数据。rest with1.取决于;得靠:The matter rests with you.这件事取决于你了。It rests with the headmaster to make the decision.决策要由校长来制定。2.在手中;存在于;归属于:All power rests with the people.一切权力属于人民。scientific endeavor科学探索archive /kav/ |CET6+ TEM81.N-COUNT Archives are a collection of documents and records that contain historical information. You can also use archives to refer to the place where archives are stored. 档案; 档案馆例:.the State Librarys archives. 国立图书馆的档案。2.ADJ Archive material is information that comes from archives. 记入档案的例:.archive material. 档案资料。3.V-T If you archive material such as documents or data, you store it in an archive. 把存档例:The system will archive the information so agencies can review it in detail. 该系统会将该信息存档,以便各代理机构能对其详细审阅hybrid /habrd/ |CET6+ TEM81.N-COUNT A hybrid is an animal or plant that has been bred from two different species of animal or plant. 杂交种例:All these brightly coloured hybrids are so lovely in the garden. 园中所有这些色彩鲜艳的杂交植物真好看。2.ADJ Hybrid is also an adjective. 杂交的例:.the hybrid corn seed. 杂交玉米种子。3.N-COUNT A hybrid or a hybrid car is a car that can be powered by either petrol or electricity. 混合动力汽车例:Hybrids, unlike pure electric cars, never need to be plugged in. 混合动力汽车,不像纯电动汽车,从不需要接电源。例:Hybrid cars can go almost 600 miles between refuelling. 混合动力汽车加满油能行驶将近六百英里。4.N-COUNT You can use hybrid to refer to anything that is a mixture of other things, especially two other things. 混合物例:.a hybrid of solid and liquid fuel. 固体和液体燃料的混合。5.ADJ Hybrid is also an adjective. 混合的例:.a hybrid system. 一个混合系统。facilitate /fsltet/ |CET4 TEM4V-T To facilitate an action or process, especially one that you would like to happen, means to make it easier or more likely to happen. 例:The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism. frame /frem/ |CET4 TEM41.N-COUNT The frame of a picture or mirror is the wood, metal, or plastic that is fitted around it, especially when it is displayed or hung on a wall. 框架例:Estelle kept a photograph of her mother in a silver frame on the kitchen mantelpiece. 埃丝特尔把她母亲的一张照片放在厨房壁炉架上的银质相框里。2.N-COUNT You can refer to someones body as their frame, especially when you are describing the general shape of their body. 身躯例:Their belts are pulled tight against their bony frames. 他们的腰带紧裹着瘦骨嶙峋的躯体。obscure /bskj/ |CET6 TEM41.ADJ If something or someone is obscure, they are unknown, or are known by only a few people. 鲜为人知的例:The origin of the custom is obscure. 该习俗的起源鲜为人知。2.ADJ Something that is obscure is difficult to understand or deal with, usually because it involves so many parts or details. 复杂难懂的; 难处理的例:The contracts are written in obscure language. 那些合同是用复杂难懂的语言写的。3.V-T If one thing obscures another, it prevents it from being seen or heard properly. 遮掩例:Trees obscured his vision; he couldnt see much of the squares southern half. 树木遮住了他的视线,他不怎么看得见广场南半部。4.V-T To obscure something means to make it difficult to understand. 使难懂例:.the jargon that frequently obscures educational writing. 常使教学行文变得复杂难懂的术语。recruit /rkrut/ |CET4 TEM41.V-T If you recruit people for an organization, you select them and persuade them to join it or work for it. 例:The police are trying to recruit more black and Hispanic officers. 例:She set up her stand to recruit students to the Anarchist Association. 2.N-UNCOUNT 例:A bomb exploded at an army recruiting office. 3.N-COUNT A recruit is a person who has recently joined an organization or an army. 例:.a new recruit to the LA Police Department. common practice 惯例;习惯作法notably /ntbl/ 1.ADV You use notably to specify an important or typical example of something that you are talking about. 尤其例:The divorce would be granted when more important problems, notably the fate of the children, had been decided. 当更重要的问题,尤其是孩子们的命运被决定时,离婚就会获得批准。2.ADV You can use notably to emphasize a particular quality that someone or something has. 明显地例:Old established friends are notably absent, so its a good opportunity to make new contacts. 老朋友们显然都已不在身边,所以这是结交新朋友的一个好机会。protein /prtin/ |CET4 TEM4N-MASS Protein is a substance found in food and drink such as meat, eggs, and milk. You need protein in order to grow and be healthy. 蛋白质例:Fish was a major source of protein for the working man. 鱼曾是劳动者获取蛋白质的主要来源。infection /nfkn/ |CET4 TEM41.N-COUNT An infection is a disease caused by germs or bacteria. 传染病例:Ear infections are common in preschool children. 耳朵感染在学前儿童中很常见。secular /skjl/ |CET6 TEM4ADJ You use secular to describe things that have no connection with religion. 非宗教的例:He spoke about preserving the country as a secular state. 他谈到保持该国的非宗教国性质。短语1.Secular 世俗;非周期性;长期性;修道院外的2.Secular music 世俗音乐;世俗音乐;任意妄为及混进俗乐3.secular state世俗国家;世俗国短语1.secular trend 长期趋势;世俗趋势;百年趋势;长期趋向2.secular variation trend 长期变化趋势;超长期变化趋势3.the secular growth trend 生长发育长期趋势substantial /sbstnl/ |CET4 TEM4ADJ Substantial means large in amount or degree. 大量的; 很大程度的例:A substantial number of mothers with young children are deterred from undertaking paid work because they lack access to childcare. 很多有小孩的母亲找不到人照顾小孩,从而无法从事有薪工作。impose /mpz/ |CET4 TEM41.V-T If you impose something on people, you use your authority to force them to accept it. 强制实行例:Fines are imposed on retailers who sell tobacco to minors. 向未成年人销售烟草制品的零售商要被强制罚款。例:A third of companies reviewing pay since last August have imposed a pay freeze of up to a year. 自去年8月以来,在审检工资发放的公司中,有三分之一已经强行实施工资冻结长达1年。2.N-UNCOUNT 强制实行例:.the imposition of sanctions against Pakistan. 对巴基斯坦制裁的强制实行。3.V-T If you impose your opinions or beliefs on other people, you try and make people accept them as a rule or as a model to copy. 把 (观点、信仰等) 强加于例:Parents should beware of imposing their own tastes on their children. 父母应该提防把自己的兴趣强加给孩子。4.V-T If something imposes strain, pressure, or suffering on someone, it causes them to experience it. 使承受 (令人不快之事物)例:The filming imposed an additional strain on her. 影片拍摄使她承受了额外的压力。5.V-I If someone imposes on you, they unreasonably expect you to do something for them which you do not want to do. 不合理地要求例:I was afraid youd feel we were imposing on you. 我担心你会觉得我们在不合理地要求你。6.N-COUNT 不合理的要求例:I know this is an imposition. But please hear me out. 我知道这是个不合理的要求,但请听我把话说完。7.V-T If someone imposes themselves on you, they force you to accept their company although you may not want to. 使强迫接受例:I didnt want to impose myself on my married friends. 我不想硬要我的已婚朋友们接受我。extract |CET61.V-T To extract a substance means to obtain it from something else, for example, by using industrial or chemical processes. 提炼; 提取例:.the traditional method of pick and shovel to extract coal. 用锄和铲采煤的传统方法。例:Citric acid can be extracted from the juice of oranges, lemons, limes or grapefruit. 柠檬酸可以从橙汁、柠檬汁、酸橙汁或柚子汁中提取。2.N-UNCOUNT 提炼; 提取例:Petroleum engineers plan and manage the extraction of oil. 石油工程师们规划并管理石油的提炼。3.V-T If you extract something from a place, you take it out or pull it out. 取出例:He extracted a small notebook from his hip pocket. 他从臀后口袋拿出了一本小笔记簿。4.V-T When a dentist extracts a tooth, they remove it from the patients mouth. 拔 (牙)例:A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble. 牙医可能会决定拔掉这颗牙,以防复发。5.N-VAR 拔牙例:In those days, dentistry was basic. Extractions were carried out without anaesthetic. 那时牙科学刚起步,拔牙是在没有麻药的情况下进行的。6.V-T If you say that someone extracts something, you disapprove of them because they take it for themselves to gain an advantage. 谋取例:He sought to extract the maximum political advantage from the cut in interest rates. 他力图从利息削减中谋取最大的政治利益。7.V-T If you extract information or a response from someone, you get it from them with difficulty, because they are unwilling to say or do what you want. 探取 (消息、反映)例:He made the mistake of trying to extract further information from our director. 他犯了想从我们主任那里探取进一步信息的错误。8.V-T If you extract a particular piece of information, you obtain it from a larger amount or source of information. 摘取 (信息)例:Ive simply extracted a few figures. 我只是摘取了一些数据。例:Britains trade figures can no longer be extracted from export-and-import documentation at ports. 英国的贸易数字再也不能从各港口的进出口文件中摘取了。9.V-T PASSIVE If part of a book or text is extracted from a particular book, it is printed or published. (从书中) 摘录例:This material has been extracted from Collins Good Wood Handbook. 该资料摘自柯林斯良木手册。10.N-COUNT An extract from a book or piece of writing is a small part of it that is printed or published separately. 摘录; 选段例:Read this extract from an information booklet about the work of an airline cabin crew. 阅读这个航空公司机务员工作信息手册的选段。11.N-MASS Extract is a very concentrated liquid that is used for flavouring food or for its smell. 高浓缩汁液例:Blend in the vanilla extract, lemon peel, and walnuts. 调和香草精、柠檬皮和核桃。spur /sp/ |CET4 TEM41.V-T If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it. 鼓动; 激励例:Its the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats. 是金钱驱使这些渔民驾驶单薄的小船冒险出海远航。2.PHRASAL VERB Spur on means the same as . 鼓动; 激励 (同)(spur)例:Their attitude, rather than reining him back, only seemed to spur Philip on. 他们的态度非但没令菲利普回头,似乎只是激励他继续下去。3.V-T If something spurs a change or event, it makes it happen faster or sooner. 使更快发生; 加速例:The administration may put more emphasis on spurring economic growth. 政府可能会更加重视经济的加快增长。4.N-COUNT Something that acts as a spur to something else encourages a person or organization to do that thing or makes it happen more quickly. 促进因素; 推动例:.a belief in competition as a spur to efficiency. 一种认为竞争能促进效率提高的观点。5.PHRASE If you do something on the spur of the moment, you do it suddenly, without planning it beforehand. 一时冲动之下例:They admitted they had taken a vehicle on the spur of the moment. 他们承认一时冲动之下偷了一辆车。infancy /nfns/ |TEM41.N-UNCOUNT Infancy is the period of your life when you are a very young child. 婴儿期例:.the development of the mind from infancy onwards. 从婴儿期开始的智力开发。2.N-UNCOUNT If something is in i


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