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中英文文献译文 外文 翻译 现代 集成 制造 技术 中英文 文献 译文
附录1现代集成制造技术信息技术的发展引起的革命使我们进入了信息时代. 信息革命不仅引起思想和生活方式的变化,从而导致生产和制造哲理的巨大变化 可以说,过去十年来新的制造理念都离不开它提供支持的信息技术制造先进制造技术是重要的生产历史转变时期. 多年来,中国综合国力的不断增强,即将到来,市场极具竞争力,从卖方国内市场变为买方中国市场,并迅速成为国际市场的同时,许多大中型企业处于劣势的竞争,甚至破产、关闭. 结合中国中国的国情,通过分析现代集成制造系统、先进制造技术与现代集成制造系统技术发展战略和道路做些有益的制造业发展探索. 含义与定位现代集成制造系统 现代集成制造系统(当代集成制造系统)是计算机集成制造系统新的发展阶段,计算机集成制造系统在继承优秀成果的基础上不断吸收先进制造技术与本质的思考,从信息整合、过程整合与企业整合的方向迅速发展先进制造技术为核心. 具体而言,将带来传统技术与现代信息技术、管理技术、自动化技术、系统工程技术有机结合,通过计算机技术产品的企业在整个生命周期的组织、经营、管理和技术的有机结合,优化经营整个企业的产品生命周期,情报,整合优化 达到产品上市快、服务好、质量好、低成本的目的,提高企业的软、敏捷性和简装性。企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地. 从整合角度看,早期的计算机集成制造系统侧重于信息一体化、现代集成制造系统集成概念在广度和深度上的一大扩展,除了信息一体化,还实现企业全产品生命周期的整体业务流程优化、过程整合和开发辅助企业与企业之间的整合阶段. 现代集成制造系统应该是国与国之间的研究范围之间的国家科技攻关计划、攀登计划. 攀登计划研究项目相比,它更注重成果的应用,将技术产业化,促进中国的现代化的生产过程; 国家科技攻关计划相比,将更加重视制造业发展的关键问题,我们共同来解决,而具前瞻性问题的模式之一. 现代集成制造系统技术 先进制造技术(举办先进制造技术)为专有名词,尚不明确、一致的定义. 通过其内容和特点的研究,目前共同的体会:先进制造技术是传统制造技术不断吸收机械、电子、信息、材料、能源和现代管理等方面的成果,其综合产品的设计、制造、测试、管理、销售、使用、服务的制造过程,以高质量、高效率、低、清洁、灵活生产 预期效果及经济技术创造三项技术总称. 它具有以下特点: 从技术为中心向以人为中心的转变,科技的发展更符合人类社会的需要; 模糊专业分工专业化压力、一专多能转变职工的智慧得到充分发挥; 由多层金字塔结构,网络管理面临着结构性变化,减少了中间环节和层次; 从传统的以平行方式转变工作方法,减少工作周期,提高工作质量; 从形式固定职能部门自主管理小组的工作方法,以动态变化. 通过先进制造技术的定义和分析的特点,我们发现,现代集成制造系统拥有最先进的制造技术特点先进制造技术,是不是涉及的范围,现代集成制造系统等先进制造技术,通过全面检查,我们提出了一个现代集成制造系统的技术构成模式. 图1表明,在先进制造技术、现代集成制造系统在吸收计算机集成制造系统优秀成果的基础上继续并行工程、虚拟制造,并成功地建立了动态联盟的深入研究,并不断吸收先进制造技术和成功经验,先进思想,将推广应用, 现代集成制造系统为核心的先进制造技术,具体如下: 1、并行工程: 并行工程相结合,同时进行相关程序的设计和产品(包括制造过程和支持过程)系统. 它要求产品开发人员在一开始就考虑整个产品生命周期概念产品用各种因素,包括质量、成本、时间和用户需求. 为达到目的,同时主楼高度一体化模式,实现各部门通过共同努力; 设计成功的产品,减少重复,许多地方的模拟技术; 模型,模拟部分包括应用虚拟制造技术 可以说并行工程的发展,是要建立一个虚拟制造技术条件,虚拟制造技术将根据并行工程、并行工程的进一步发展虚拟制造技术. 同时,并行工程处、计算机辅助生产、CAPP、技术支持,分别对原有工作在时间和空间上交叉、重叠,充分利用现有技术和吸收当前迅速发展的计算机技术、网络技术和优秀成果,为先进制造技术的基础. 虽然并行工程在实际工作中,研究的热点,也取得了一些成果,但是目前仍有一些问题: (一)研究的广度和深度:尽管是平行进行了广泛的研究著作,但在研究内容的角度看,还是从研究的水平,差距明显. 如:并行工程在成本和质量的应用刚刚起步,还没有统一供应的议程. (二)工程技术的同时还与实际:在实用技术研究、商品化软件尚未出生,而外国公司已推出的商业软件(如:亲工程首,随CADDS5). (三)实施并行工程充分:研究薄弱研究并不完全开花,并行工程实施将是困难的. 此外,目前国内机械行业在激烈的市场竞争中,好、计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助生产工艺术尚待普及,全面实施并行工程还缺乏基本的物质基础. 由于并行工程和我国的基础研究工作不足状况,决定要为现代集成制造系统的基础深入的研究工作已经展开. 2、虚拟制造(船民-虚拟制造): 虚拟制造利用信息技术、仿真技术、计算机技术对现实制造活动的人、物、信息及制造过程进行全面的仿真,以发现制造中可能出现的问题,产品在实际生产之前,采取预防措施,从而创造了一次性产品的成功,达到降低成本、缩短产品开发周期, 其目的是为了提高产品竞争力-四. 目前,虚拟制造技术已被国外,如:设计一家美国公司boneingVS-X虚拟飞机数据手套和头盔监测观察控制,飞机设计师身临其境观察结果设计飞机,其外观、内部结构及使用性能的检验; 日本的松下公司开发的虚拟厨房设备制造系统,允许消费者在购买商品前,在虚拟环境中体验不同的厨房设备功能于自己的喜好评价、选择和重组这些设备,他们的选择将储存并送往生产部门通过网络生产; 考文垂艺术与设计学院美国开发的虚拟原型系统设计者在设计初期建造的电脑虚拟原型和评价原型的这6. 国内的研究刚刚起步,主要集中在三个方面: (1)产品虚拟设计技术: 包括虚拟产品开发平台、虚拟测试、虚拟装配以及机床、虚拟设计工具实现. 清华大学利用美国国家仪器公司LabVIEW开发平台实现虚拟suoxiang电路、机械学用C程式语言、OpenGL初步实现了三维虚拟在车库的参数设计,可以进行停车场的视觉设计、设计、分析和运动模拟. (2)产品虚拟制造技术 主要材料热加工工艺模拟、加工仿真模拟盘形状,塑造制造业仿真. 法奥在运动发展局Optris材料模拟软件已基本形成类似于中门复杂汽车复盖羊和其他羊形件造型过程; 沉阳广播学院仿真软件开发电渣熔铸工艺已经应用于水轮发电机esrd3d流量变化曲面部件的生产, 其产品数量和中西部、建筑、服务等七个电站和平利用; 合肥工业大学与双刀架车床数码处理软件仿真马铁鞍山钢铁公司采用车轮厂Lungu数码手续,缩短调试时间由几个班几个小时,确保了试成功; 北京机床研究所、机械科学院、东北大学、上海交通大学、长沙铁路学院等单位还制定了一系列的仿真软件. (3)虚拟制造系统 虚拟制造技术包括建筑、技术支持、开发策略. 这就出现了比较成熟的思想并可能上海同济大学教授张苏分散的生产体系和网络十一警示交大院士组成一个网研究中心. 从上面的讨论,我们可以看到有很大区别国内和国际标准,因为它是虚拟制造技术工程平行的方向是能创造的核心,这意味着我们要为中心的现代集成制造系统技术,以推动相关技术的研究,他们一致顺利. 3、敏捷制造(实时-灵活制造): 竞争能力和创造一个具公信力的基础上组成的虚拟企业合作伙伴选择工作,共同为同一目标,以提高整体竞争力,快速响应用户需求,以满足用户的需要. 建立快速反应能力,建立一个虚拟企业的关键技术,其核心是虚拟制造技术,快速形成虚拟制造技术为基础. 创造能力的现代集成制造系统纳入企业信息一体化的道路,这是发展水平的现代集成制造系统的发展方向现代集成制造系统. 自1991年美国研制成功的思维,美国政府就赞助许多研究发展强大的基础设施和生产工具的单位,鼓励应用示范不同行业,已经取得了一些进展. 例如:崛起于制造业生产装置遥测示范工程,联合加州圣亚国家实验室、联合信号公司、美国堪萨斯市科新墨西哥州的国家实验室和圣地亚机械主要箱、印刷电路板供应商. 通过联合企业资源单一脆弱,时间会比单一企业的生产时间减少了50%的生产,大大提高工作效率. 现在美国许多大公司都参加了这一研究计划,欧洲和日本的发展已建立相关机构,研究和实施. 我国专家从1993年开始回升创造了跟踪研究,包括:快速实施的制造技术基础; 建立虚拟公司架构和运作模式的步骤; 虚拟公司和组织实施. 与国外相比,这些研究只能原则性的研究,距离实际需要还有很长的路要走. 因此,在中国的企业也迅速创造不可能,但从科学研究,我们认为有必要采取适当的条件下建立一个研究虚拟企业,加深虚拟企业在实际应用方面遇到的困难的理解,在实践中学习有益的经验教训,将来的发展一定的技术储备. 4、绿色制造(基因-绿色制造): 绿色制造是一个综合考虑环境影响和资源效率的现代制造模式,其目标是使产品从设计、制造、包装、运输、利用废整个产品生命周期,对环境的影响(负作用)最小、最有效地利用资源. 绿色制造越来越重视环保的选择,而不是牺牲发展环境污染、国际实践表明,制造业的生产工序改进减少废物排放超过污水处理厂已处理大量节省. 绿色制造可以通过计算机仿真来达到目的,即它是虚拟制造的一部分. 从可持续发展战略,绿色制造是必然选择,它将成为现代集成制造系统的一个重要组成部分. 从以上的分析,我们可以看到:各种先进制造技术是相互关联、交叉、先进制造技术、建立现代集成制造系统为核心、先进制造技术的不断发展和发展现代集成制造系统是一个动态的概念. 我国现代集成制造系统的发展策略 在市场上的竞争驱动、先进制造技术发展十分迅速,新思想、新观念是通过现代集成制造系统、先进制造技术关系的分析,我们认为,在发展我国现代集成制造系统的发展战略,我们应把重点放在以人为本的思想、采用并行工程的理念、衔接的各种先进制造技术、协调发展, 并不断吸收先进制造技术的成熟成果,为先进制造技术的国家,以推动社会各界更广泛应用的作用.目前,并行工程在美国,推广使用阶段,而且在商业化虚拟制造软件投入市场,在这方面存在着巨大的差距,主要是:从研究、科研经费投入不足,研究力量分散,难以推广使用的研究成果,严重浪费; 从企业方面,企业整体素质、管理落后、软弱研究能力面对国际竞争,大多硬,很难在现代集成制造系统花费太多,而是由素质企业人员的限制,一些先进的技术还不易立即实际效果,这些企业都受应用先进制造技术的热情; 从国家政策,而国家的高度重视制造业,而是因为我们目前的状况在改革过程中,很多机制同时运作,难以协调各利益集团利用资金往往,国家的财政困难,而且还以金钱支持现代集成制造系统的研究. 针对这种情况,我们提出以下办法: (1)企业需求为出发点,甩图板工程为契机,传播民航技术、人员培训等,以帮助企业提高质量的企业(包括技术标准、劳动态度、道德水平等),不断提高企业的管理水平,计算机集成制造系统的成功示范企业推广并行工程,并适当宣传虚拟制造、 快速制造技术思想提供了坚实的基础,为企业的进一步发展. (2)在政府方面,政府应发挥协调职能,组织企业和科研部门的多方面、多层次的合作,加强科学研究,推广和应用要组织多学科、跨地区的研究力量的共同问题; 从加强宏观指导下的现代集成制造系统 我们集中智慧,制定符合中国发展计划国情和实施这一计划的实施. (3)在这方面的先进技术,导致过度追求世界,就应该根据实际业务需要,解决实际问题,努力创造有效,从而获取资本和商业支持,以帮助建立一个良性循环,推动进一步的研究. 同时,应该参与国际合作,跟踪发展国际研究,当然也可以适当引进一些关键的、有发展潜力的技术消化和创新,缩短我国与世界先进水平的差距,保持领先的技术. (4)对我们的科学力量分散的弱点,以及分散生产网络思想,利用计算机网络开展合作研究,建立分布式网络研究中心,研究协调. 分布式网络所谓研究室就是利用信息技术、网络技术、计算机技术、研究活动,真正的人、物、信息及研究进行全面一体化进程在某一时间内对共同目标的最佳组合的人员和单位进行科学研究. 调动各方面的积极性,共同努力,通过研究工作进行了广泛、深入、缩短周期的研究,以提高科技竞争力,可以说分布网络研究室是现实的功能研究机构网络映射是一种虚拟工作模式. 基于上述原因,中国的发展现代集成制造系统应该以需求为驱动力的企业,通过政府的政策和计划的协调,继续进行类似的工程,虚拟制造能力和制造绿色制造的研究和应用 分布式网络和利用研究中心组织各地区的现代科研力量集中突破与集成制造系统密切相关的应用标准等措施,CORBA标准扩建,改革过程企业理论研究的战略意义的理论研究工作,并逐步向现代集成制造系统成为我国制造业的灵魂.附录2Modern integration manufacturing techniqueArising from the development of information technology revolution has enabled us to enter the information age. The information revolution is not only a source of ideas and lifestyle changes, and led to the production and manufacture of the huge philosophical change, it can be said that over the past decade the new manufacturing philosophy can not be separated from the provision of it support to information technology for the manufacture of advanced manufacturing technology is important for manufacturing in the period of historic change. Over the years, Chinas comprehensive national strength has been continually enhanced, and the approaching, the market is extremely competitive, from a sellers domestic market into a buyers market, and is rapidly becoming part of the international market, many large and medium-sized enterprises at a disadvantage in the competition, and even bankruptcy, closure. The combination of Chinas national conditions, through the analysis of modern integrated manufacturing systems and advanced manufacturing technology relationship with our modern integrated manufacturing systems technology and development strategy and a way to do something useful for the development of our manufacturing exploration. With the meaning of modern integrated manufacturing system positioning Modern integrated manufacturing systems (Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing System) is a computer integrated manufacturing system, a new stage of development, and computer integrated manufacturing systems in succession outstanding on the basis of the outcome of its ongoing absorption of advanced manufacturing technology related to the essence of thinking, From information integration, process integration to the enterprise integration direction rapid development in advanced manufacturing technology at the core. Specifically, it would create the traditional technology and modern information technology, management technology, automation technology, systems engineering technology for organic integration through computer technology products to enterprises throughout the life cycle of the organization, management, administration and technical organic integration and optimization of the operation in the entire enterprise product life cycle of it, intelligence, and integration optimization, reached products listed fast and good service, good quality, low-cost end, and to improve enterprise soft, Jianzhuangxing and nimble nature of the enterprise in the fierce market competition invincible. From the integration perspective, the early computer integrated manufacturing system, focusing on information integration, and modern integrated manufacturing system integration concept in the breadth and depth of a great expansion, in addition to information integration, also achieved enterprise-wide product life cycle of the overall business process optimization, process integration, and the development of complementary businesses to enterprise integration between the stages. Modern integrated manufacturing systems between countries should be the scope of the study plan and climbing between national research programmes. Compared with climbing planned research projects, it more results-oriented application, as will technology industrialization, and to promote the modernization of Chinas manufacturing process; Compared with the national research plan, it will pay more attention to the development of the manufacturing industry to address our common key issues, and forward-looking issues to one of the model. A modern integrated manufacturing systems technology Advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT-Advanced Manufacturing Technology) as a proper noun, is not yet a clear, consistent definition. Through its content and features research, the current common understanding : advanced manufacturing technology is a traditional manufacturing technology constantly absorbing mechanical, electronic, information, materials, energy and modern management, and other aspects of the results, and its integrated products for the design, manufacture, testing, management, sales, use, service manufacturing process, in order to achieve high quality, efficient, low, clean, flexible production, and the desired economic effects technology to create three-technology call the shopping strip. It has the following features : From a technology-centred to people-centred change, the development of technology more responsive to human needs of the community; To blur the division of professional specialization from stress, multi-skill changes to the intelligence of workers can be brought into full play; From the multi-storey pyramid management structure of the network to face structural changes to reduce the levels and the intermediate links; from the traditional approach in order to parallel changes in working methods, reducing work cycle, and enhance the quality of work; from the functional sector fixed form autonomous management teams to dynamic changes in the working methods. Through advanced manufacturing technology definition and analysis of the characteristics we found that modern integrated manufacturing system with the most advanced manufacturing technology features advanced manufacturing technology is involved than the scope of modern integrated manufacturing systems and so on advanced manufacturing technology through comprehensive inspection, We have made a modern integrated manufacturing systems technology constitute model. As figure 1 shows that, in advanced manufacturing technology, the modern integrated manufacturing system in absorbing computer integrated manufacturing system, the outstanding achievements on the basis of the continuation of parallel projects, virtual manufacture, and successfully create a dynamic Union-depth research, and continually absorb advanced manufacturing technologies and successful experiences of advanced ideas, they will promote the use, This modern integrated manufacturing system for the advanced manufacturing technologies into the core, specify the following : 1, parallel works (CE-Concurrent Engineering) : Parallel projects to be integrated, concurrent design of products and related processes (including manufacturing processes and support processes) system. It requires product development staff at the outset to consider the entire life cycle of products from conceptualization to product spent all factors, including quality, cost, schedule and user requirements. To achieve the purpose parallel to the main building highly integrated model through which to achieve the different sectors to work together; To design a successful product, reducing repeated it in many parts of the simulation technology; The modelling, simulation applications were included in the partial virtual manufacturing technology, It can be said that the parallel development of the project was to create a virtual manufacturing technologies conditions, virtual manufacturing technology will be based on concurrent engineering, parallel project is the further development of virtual manufacturing technologies. At the same time, in parallel engineering CAD, CAM, CAPP, technical support, respectively, for the original work in time and space overlapping and duplication, and make full use of existing technology and to absorb the current rapid development of computer technology, network technology and outstanding results, as advanced manufacturing technology base. Although parallel projects in our work to study hot and have achieved some results, but there are still a number of current issues : (1) The breadth and depth of study : Although parallel studies have been carried out extensive works, but in terms of research content perspective, or from the level of research that are obviously gaps. Such as : cost and quality of parallel projects in the application has just started, and suppliers have not been integrated agenda. (2) the technology works in parallel with the practical enough : in practical technology research, commercialization software are not yet born, and foreign companies have already introduced commercial software (such as : the Pro-Engineering initials, the CADDS5 cv). (3) the implementation of concurrent engineering enough : As weak research in the research are not fully flowering, parallel project implementation will be difficult. Moreover, the current domestic machinery industry in the fierce market competition-well, CAD/CAM remains to be universal, comprehensive implementation of a parallel project also lack basic physical infrastructure. Works are due to the parallel position and our basic research inadequate, a decision must be as basic modern integrated manufacturing system in-depth research work has been carried out. 2, virtual manufacturing (VM-Virtual Manufacturing) : Virtual manufacturing use of information technology, simulation technology, computer technology to the reality of the manufacturing activities of people, goods, information and manufacturing process for a comprehensive simulation to detect manufacturing problems that might appear during the product in actual production before the adoption of preventive measures, thus creating a one-time product success, to achieve lower costs and shorten product development cycles, The purpose is to enhance the competitiveness of products - 4. Currently, virtual manufacturing technology has been used abroad, such as : the design of an American company Boneing VS-X virtual aircraft available data gloves and helmets monitors to observe and control, aircraft designers to experience personally observe the outcome of the design of aircraft, and its exterior, the internal structure and the use of performance of the inspection; Japans Matsushita companies develop virtual kitchen equipment manufacturing systems, allowing consumers to purchase goods in the former, in a virtual environment experience different kitchen equipment functions at its own preferences evaluation, selection and reorganization of the equipment, their choices will be stored and sent to the production sector through the network of production; Coventry School of Art and Design American Development virtual prototype system designers in the design of the initial phase of construction in the computer virtual prototype and evaluate this prototype of the 6. Domestic research has just begun, mainly concentrated in three areas : (1) virtual product design technologies : Include virtual product development platform, and virtual testing, virtual assembly and machine tools, the virtual instrument designed to achieve. Qinghua University, which uses U.S. national equipment companies Labview development platforms achieved Suoxiang virtual circuits, machinery Sciences used C programming language and OpenGL initially achieved a three-dimensional virtual reality Garage under the parameters of the design, we can carry out the garage visual layout, design, analysis and simulation campaign. (2) Virtual manufacturing technology products Mainly hot material machining simulation, processing simulation, plate shaped simulation, molding manufacturing simulation. Campaign with Faw in Optris development board material shaped simulation software has been basically similar to the middle doors complexity of the vehicle and other coverage of the ram ram shaped pieces shaped process; Shenyang Institute of casting simulation software package developed electroslag have molded processes have been applied to water turbogenerator ESRD3D change toroidal flow components of the production, its products in volume and the Lijiaxia, construction, service and other peaceful use of seven power stations; Hefei Industrial University and the double-tool carrier digital lathe processing simulation software Maanshan Iron and Steel Company in the application of wheel Lungu plant to digital procedures to shorten the debugging time by several classes of a few hours, and to ensure a ban is successful; Beijing Machine Tool Research Institute, machinery Sciences, Northeastern University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Changsha Railway College, and other units also developed a number of the simulation software. (3) virtual manufacturing system Include virtual manufacturing technology architecture, technical support, development strategies. Which raised more mature ideas and possible by the Shanghai Tongji University Professor Zhang Shu decentralized network of production systems and Xian Jiaotong University warns Bo academicians formed another network research center. From the above discussion, we can see there is a big difference between domestic and international research standards, and because it is virtual manufacturing technology works in parallel direction is the ability to create core, which meant that we have to it as the center of modern integrated manufacturing systems technology to drive relevant technology research, and their concerted smoothly. 3, nimble manufacturing (AM-Agile Manufacturing) : Competitiveness and ability to create a degree of credibility based on the composition of virtual companies choose partners, work, work together for the same goal to enhance overall competitiveness, a rapid response to user demand to meet user needs. To achieve a rapid response capability, the establishment of a virtual enterprise is the key technology, the core of which is virtual manufacturing technology that is quickly creating a virtual manufacturing technology-based. Ability to create a modern integrated manufacturing system is integrated into the enterprise integration of information from the road, which represent the level of development of the level of development of modern integrated manufacturing system is the direction of development of modern integrated manufacturing systems. Since 1991 the United States successfully manufactured thinking, the U.S. government sponsored numerous studies on the development of strong manufacturing units infrastructure and tools, and encourages the application of the model in different sectors of the economy, has now made some progress. For example : the rise in manufacturing production telemetry devices demonstration projects, which the California Joint sacred Asian National Laboratory, the Joint Signal Company Kansas City Division and New Mexicos national laboratories and mechanical main holy Asia boxes, printed circuit boards suppliers. Through joint enterprise resources for a single vulnerability, the Union of time than a single production enterprises to reduce production time by 50%, significantly improving productivity. Now many large U.S. companies have participated in this research project, developed in Europe and Japan have established relevant institutions, research and implementation accordingly. Our experts began to rise from 1993 to create a follow-up study, including : quick implementation of the manufacturing technology base; The establishment of virtual companies and the structure and operation mode steps; Virtual companies and organizations applied. In comparison with foreign countries, these studies can only be principled research, practical distance needed has a long way to go. Therefore, in Chinas enterprises are also quick to create impossible, but from the perspective of scientific research, we believe that the need for appropriate conditions to establish a research virtual enterprise, deepen our virtual enterprises in the practical application of the difficulties encountered in the understanding that, in practice, learn useful lessons for the future development of a certain technology reserves. 4, green manufacturing (GM-Green Manufacturing) : Green manufacturing is a comprehensive consideration of environmental impacts and resource efficiency of modern manufacturing model, with the goal of making products from the design, manufacture, packaging, transport, use to spent the entire product life cycle, the environmental impact (negative effects) the smallest, most efficient use of resources. Green manufacturing is growing attention to environmental protection by choice, not by development at the cost of environmental pollution, international practice shows that the manufacturing sector, by improving the manufacturing processes to reduce waste, emissions than waste treatment plants have been dealt with significant savings. Green manufacturing can achieve through computer simulation to achieve the purpose that it was a virtual manufacturing part. From the perspective of sustainable development strategies, green manufacturing is the inevitable choice, and it will become a modern integrated manufacturing system an important component. From the above analysis, we can see : all kinds of advanced manufacturing technology are interrelated and overlapping, and in advanced manufacturing technology, the building of modern integrated manufacturing system as its core, and advanced manufacturing technology with the continuous development and the development of the modern integrated manufacturing system is a dynamic concept. My modern integrated manufacturing system development strategy Competition in the market driven, advanced manufacturing technology developed very rapidly, new ideas, new concepts are adopted to modern integrated manufacturing systems and advanced manufacturing technology relations analysis, we believe in developing our modern integrated manufacturing system development strategy, we should focus on people-oriented thinking, the use of parallel works philosophy, interface between the various kinds of advanced manufacturing technology, coordination development, and continually absorb advanced manufacturing technologies mature results for the advanced manufacturing technologies in the country to promote the wider use of a role. Currently, the parallel works in the United States has to promote the use of stage, but also in the commercialization of virtual manufacturing software into the market, in this context there is a huge gap between us, mainly in : from the perspective of research, research funding shortage, the research forces dispersed, it is difficult to promote the use of research results, serious wastage; From the enterprise side, the overall quality of enterprises, management backward, weak research capacity when facing international competition, mostly hard, it is difficult in the modern integrated manufacturing system to spend too much, but by the quality of enterprise personnel constraints, some advanced technologies are also not susceptible to immediate practical effect, these enterprises are affected by the application of advanced manufacturing technology enthusiasm; from the perspective of national policy, While countries attach great importance to the manufacturing sector, but because of our present situation in the reform process, many mechanisms operating at the same time, it is difficult to coordinate various interests in the use of funds too often, and the states financial difficulties, but also use money to support modern integrated manufacturing systems research. In response to these conditions, we propose the following solution : (1) to enterprise needs as a starting point, Lut drawing board works as an opportunity to spread CAD technology, training personnel to help enterprises enhance the quality of the enterprise (including technical standards, labour attitudes, moral standards, etc.), and continually enhance the management level of enterprises, computer integrated manufacturing system in the successful demonstration enterprises Popularize parallel project, and appropriate publicity virtual manufacturing, quick thinking and manufacturing technology for enterprises to provide a solid foundation for further development. (2) On the government side, the government should play a coordinating function, the organization of enterprises and scientific research sector multidimensional and multilevel cooperation, the stre
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