【精品】高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit8 Learning a foreign language(备课资料)_第1页
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Reference for Teaching.异域风情A Graded ReaderA graded reader is a book containing simplified languages used to help learners master the language.Readers come in different levels,from beginners to advanced.English learners need to choose a reader that is suitable for their level.Why use readers?Lots of research shows that extensive reading improves all aspects of language learning,including vocabulary,speaking skills,fluency,writing skills and reading comprehension.Reading is a way of learning English without classes or a teacher.It helps develop learner independence.And while reading graded readers,learners dont have to run to a dictionary because the language is at their level.How do I get started?The entire class can read the same book or different books at different times.How do I know the right level?If your class is all reading the same book,choose one that is appropriate for their level.If your students are reading different books,you can have a selection of books at different levels.In this case,dont worry too much about the level.A learner who is interested in detective stories might read a higher level book if the motivation is there.How to read the book depends on students age,motivation and class time available.Some classes like to read silently,others like to read aloud in small groups and some enjoy being read to by the teacher.Be sensitive to the class and ask for their opinions.Some pre-reading activities are needed.Before students open a book,it is important to spark interest in the story and in the whole process of reading.For example,ask them to guess what the story is from cover,chapter titles and let students put them in the best order,or discuss the author.During reading,choose a suitable chapter or chapters that can be broken down to make a comic strip.Or students select a part of the book to make into a radio play.Students can also become journalists and report on parts of the story.Choose a piece of action and have students write it up.Besides,students can role-play an interview with a character.知识归纳1.stick(stuck,stuck)v.(1)贴,粘Two pages of the dictionary stuck together.这部词典中有两页粘在了一起。(2)插,扎,固定在某处I found a nail sticking in the tyre.我发现轮胎上有个钉子。(3)卡住,陷在里(无法移动)The heavy snow stuck the traffic for hours.大雪使交通中断了好几个小时。(4)随便放某处Stick it on the desk.就把它放在桌子上吧。(5)忍受(主要用在口语中)We dont like hot weather.But last summer I stuck it in the south for a few weeks.我们不喜欢大热天,但去年夏天我在南方遭受了好几个星期的大热天。(6)老待在某处Shes stuck(=has to stay)at home all day with the children.她不得不整天待在家且照看孩子。stick at(1)坚持干(某事),努力干(某事)He sticks at his work ten hours a day.他坚持每天工作10小时。(2)让阻碍自己,因而停滞不前,就是要也在所不惜He wouldnt stick at cheating to get what he wanted.为得到他想要的东西,就是骗人的事他也干得出来。stick out(1)伸出,突出How his stomach sticks out!他肚子好大啊!(2)伸出某物Stick out your tongue to let the doctor have a look.伸出舌头来让医生看一下。(3)显得突出She has her hair dyed red,which always sticks out in a crowd.她把头发染红了,因此在人群中总是很显眼。(4)坚持到底,坚持说The workers are determined to stick out until they get their demands.工人们决心坚持到底,达到他们的要求。stick to(1)坚持(真理等)I stick to what I said yesterday.我坚持昨天我说的话。(2)坚持干(某事)He will stick to his task until it is finished.他决心坚持干他的工作,直到把它干完。(3)遵循,按做(讲),跟着走Weve decided to stick to our previous plan.我们已经决定按既定计划去做。(4)忠于(某人),(和)长期保持友好关系I will stick to my friend Tom whatever is said of him.无论别人说什么,我将忠于我的朋友汤姆。stick up(1)伸出来,举起Stick up your hand if you know the answer.如果知道答案你就举手。(2)贴上The examination results will be stuck up on this board tomorrow.考试结果明天将贴在告示牌上。2.adopt v.(1)采取,采用,采纳They adopted my suggestion finally.他们最终采纳了我的建议。(2)通过The board adopted the proposal after much debate.经过多次辩论,董事会采纳了他的建议。(3)收养As they had no children of their own,they adopted an orphan.因为自己没有孩子,他们收养了一个孤儿。3.acquire v.(1)(经过一个过程或通过自己的努力)得到,获得(后面跟抽象名词)Mary acquired confidence.玛丽有了自信。(2)(经过努力)得到(具体的东西)By the time Jannes was twenty,he had acquired a store of his own.到二十岁时,Jannes拥有了属于他自己的商店。4.sense作名词(1)视觉,听觉,嗅觉等官能(可数)Those who cant see often have a fine sense of hearing.眼睛看不见的人往往听力好。(2)“感觉”(多作单数),常可译为“感”。A sense of accomplishment often accompanies hard effort.成就感往往和艰苦的努力结伴而行。My teacher had a sense of humour.我的老师有幽默感。(3)观念,概念He has no sense of discipline.他没有纪律观念。(4)头脑(不可数)He had enough sense to know what it meant.他有足够的头脑,会知道这是什么意思的。(5)意思,意义(可数)The word “of” has many senses.“of”有多种意义。make sense有意义,有道理,能被理解The whole article doesnt make sense.整篇文章意思看不懂。make sense of懂,理解I didnt make sense of what he said.我听不懂他说的话。There is no sense in doing sth.(做某事)没有道理。There is no sense worrying.担心没有道理。sense作动词是 “感觉到,觉察出”的意思。He sensed the approaching disaster.他感觉到灾难即将来临。.词语辨析1.awful,terrible,dreadful,horrible,horridawful具有“由于对某个强大的,伟大的,具有特殊意义的人或事物的尊敬,崇拜和畏惧而引起的骇怕”的隐微含义。有时仅表示“非常的,大的”。The band plays the awful music of “Don Juan” before the statue enters.在塑像出来之前,乐队奏“唐璜”中的令人恐怖的音乐。She has got an awful lot of work to do.她有很多工作要做。terrible表示“对某种具有较大力量的东西的惧怕;恐怖的;能使人痛苦的”。A terrible fire destroyed six houses.可怕的大火烧毁了六所房屋。dreadful有“因害怕和恐惧而引起惊恐”的含义。Cancer is a dreadful disease.癌症是一种可怕的病。horrible有“与其说是引起害怕和恐惧的感觉,不如说是引起讨厌和仇恨;可恶的”和“使人憎恶的”等隐含的意义。From the fish dealers stalls arises a horrible smell.在卖鱼摊上冒出一股令人厌恶的气味。horrid的意义和形容词horrible相近,隐含有“可恶的,讨厌的”等意义。What a horrid nuisance!真讨厌!2.get,receive,obtain,gain,acquireget“得,取得,获得”,具有最广泛的意义,是口语中最普通的用词,不管通过任何方式取到手,都可用get,可以代换本组其他各同义词。I went from one place to another but got the same answer everywhere.我走了一处又一处,但听到的回答都是一样的。receive隐含主体的消极性,如:他只是接受别人送给他的东西(to receive the letter,news,telegram收到信、消息、电报;to receive punishment接受惩罚)。On the third day he wrote to her and received an answer.第三天他给她写了一封信,并收到了回信。obtain“得,得到”,是书面用语,隐含主体的主动性,主体尽了一定的努力,或至少是表示出强烈的愿望才得到了什么;强调达到目的这一事实。He obtained much experience through his work.他通过工作得到很多经验。gain“得,获得”,隐含“要花费力气或通过竞争和斗争才能获得”的意义,并指所得的东西有一定的好处和利益。He could hardly gain a livelihood in Paris.他在巴黎难以谋生。acquire“获得,取得”,通过自己的努力或行为而使原有的东西更多,并成为永久所有;也指慢慢并渐次地获得,如智力等。You must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of a foreign language.要获得良好的外语知识,你必须努力。3.effective,efficienteffective(adj.)“有效,有效力,生效,有效果”,指得到所希望的结果或产生比较长远的效果,可以用于人或事,用于人时,指所做的事收到一定的效果,有时也指印象深刻或显眼等。He is an effective speaker.他是个有力的发言者。People were deeply impressed with this effective scheme of decoration.这个有效的装饰设计给了人们深刻的印象。efficient(adj.)“有效率的,得力的,效果好,有能力,有本领”,这个词除了指效果好以外,还含有方法好,做事不太费劲的意味,用于人、事物或行为,但用以形容人时,要指有才干的人。Efficient management is one of the factors which will lower production cost.有效率的管理是降低成本的一个因素。An efficient executive,he soon had matters running smoothly.他是一个有本领的领导者,很快就使事情顺利进行了。.能力训练同义句型转换1.老师要求学生记住这首诗。(1)The teacher asked the students to_the poem.(2)The teacher asked the students to_the poem.(3)The teacher asked the students to_the poem_ _.答案:(1)memorize(2)remember(3)learn;by heart2.她幻想太多,成绩退步,落人之后。(1)She dreamed too much and_ _ _her lessons.(2)She dreamed too much and_ _ _her lessons.答案:(1)fell behind in(2)did not know3.我今天有许多工作要做。(1)Ive got_of work to do today.(2)Ive got_of work to do today.(3)Ive got_ _ _of work to do today.(4)Ive got_ _ _of work to do today.(5)Ive got_ _of work to do today.答案:(1)piles(2)lots(3)a great deal(4)a large amou


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