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陕西省2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There _ some forests here ten years ago. But now we can see nothing.Aused to haveBused to beCis used to beDwas used to have2 . Tom usually goes to school _.Aby busBtake a busCby bikesDin cars3 . -In recent years more and more Indians like traveling in Asia during May Day.-.ASo do we ChineseBNeither do we ChineseCSo we Chinese doDNeither we Chinese will4 . .I use my computer_ information every week.Ato searchBto findingCto search forDto look5 . I havent heard from Bill _he left here.AwhenBbeforeCsinceDwhile6 . Mom, Ill go to my friends party, but I dont know what to wear. Could you make a _ for me?OK. Let me see.AadviceBsenseCsuggestionDdecision7 . Do you know _for London tomorrow?- At 6:00 oclock in the morning.Awhen did he leaveBwhen he leftCwhen is he leavingDwhen he is leaving8 . _ useful advice our teacher has given us on how to improve our memory!AHowBWhat anCWhat aDWhat9 . Tracy never felt _ when she was traveling _ in Europe.Alonely; aloneBlonely; lonelyCalone; aloneDalone; lonely10 . What are you doing on Saturday morning?Well, its going to be sunny, so I _a picnic with my friend.AhaveBhadChave hadDam having11 . The charity show in our school hall this weekend.Awill be taken placeBis heldCwill be heldDtook place12 . All the children like the teachers _ can understand them.AwhoBwhichCwhatDwhom13 . The mountain torrent (山洪)at night ,It killed about 300 personsAtake placeBtook the placeCbroke outDhappen14 . Therell be _ one-hour documentary tonight on TV . It tells a story of _ honestboy in the mountain village far away .Aan , aBa ,anCan ,anDa,/15 . Mike does well in math, so is easy for him to work out the difficult math problem.AthisBthatCitDone二、补全对话5选516 . 补全对话:根据对话内容从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。A: Do you like living in the city or the countryside?B: 【小题1】A: But I think the countryside is much better than the city for living.B: 【小题2】A: Because there is terrible traffic and too much noise in the city.B: 【小题3】 I think the city is a wonderful place to live in, because we can go to parties, concerts and operas every day if we like.【小题4】A: Maybe you are right. 【小题5】三、完型填空There are many kinds of pollution around us, _ air pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. They are bad _ our health in many ways.Burning gas, oil and coal creates air pollution. It can cause sore eyes and_ problems.With the increase of pollution and the _ of industry, litter is everywhere. Itmakes our environment dirty. People put lots of rubbish in the land. Farmers use too many chemicals in the fields. They destroy the soil. So soil pollution has become serious.Noise pollution can make people_. For example, people may lose theirhearing if they work in a_ place for a long time. Too much noise can cause high blood pressure _.Working for a long time in strong, changeable light_ cause some kind ofillnesses. It makes people feel _ and is especially bad for the eyes.With _ pollution, our planet will become greener and our health will be better. Lets be greener people.17 . Asuch asBfor exampleCsuch likeDas well as18 . AtoBinCforDat19 . AbreathsBbreatheCbreathedDbreathing20 . AdevelopmentBdevelopCdevelopedDdeveloping21 . AblindBlameCblackDdeaf22 . AnoiseBnoisyCnoisilyDnoises23 . Aas wellBtooCeitherDalso24 . AmustBshouldCmayDneed25 . AterribleBcomfortableCterriblyDcomfortably26 . AlittleBa littleClessDfewer四、阅读单选News ReviewHead-on Train Crash On May 18,two trains had a head-on crash (正面相撞) near New York City. Over 250 people were on the trains then. About 60 people were hurt, but no deaths were reported.Travel Time Tourists came together to Mount Tai on May 1.Over 180,000 tourists visited the place of great interest during the three-day holiday, from April 29 to May 1.Brave VolunteerLiao Zhi, a dance teacher from Chengdu who lost her 1-year-old daughter and her legs in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, arrived in Yaan 13 hours after the earthquake. The dancer said she had had a terrible time herself and knew what people needed most, so she decided to come and offer help.Tomato Competition A tomato competition was held in Huainan, Anhui Province, on April 16.The best tomatoes were chosen according to(根据) their shape, color and taste. The competition hoped to encourage(鼓励) the farmers to grow better tomatoes.27 . About people were hurt in the head-on crash.A18B29C60D25028 . Liao Zhi lost her daughter and her legs .Ain Wenchuan earthquakeBin Yaan earthquakeCwhen she took a trainDwhen she climbed mountains29 . The tomato competition in Anhui Province was held to .Ahelp the people in YaanBsave the people on the trainsCforget the terrible timeDhelp grow better tomatoesImagine 50 years from now. Imagine the perfect school.Getting to school is already difficult because of traffic. In 50 years time, it will be even more difficult. A solution is needed. Imagine there is a big cyber-school, but the classes are in many different places, both in the suburbs and the city. You would never need to walk more than 10 minutes to get to school.Once you get there, there is no teacher speaking at the front of the class. Instead there is a large screen playing a video of the teacher. There is a classroom helper who walks around helping you with your problems. You can get the best teaching there, and you have a helper who can help you understand your work. You listen to the teacher for only 15 minutes. Then you work in teams to do group projects and solve problems together.The days of pen and paper are gone. You each have your own computer and you do all your work and tasks on it. After classes finish, you can stay there and talk with your school friends.You each have a locker to keep your personal things. There is a fridge to keep your lunch and a microwave to warm it. There are sofas to sit on when its time to read a book.Your class would always be cool in summer and warm in winter. There is solar and wind power on the roof of the building. Each room is kept at a comfortable temperature automatically.The school of the future is high-tech, but it is a friendly place to be!30 . Nowadays it is difficult to get to school because of .Athe terrible trafficBthe bad weatherCthe long distance31 . walks around to help you with your problems in class.AA school friendBA computer teacherCA classroom helper32 . You can after listening to the teacher for 15 minutes in class.Awatch a fun videoBbegin the group projectsCtalk with your friends33 . From the passage, we know the FALSE statement is .Aeach student has their own computer at schoolBits neither too hot nor too cold in each classroomCyou can use a fridge to keep and warm your food34 . Whats the best title for this passage?AThe school of the futureBThe teacher in the futureCThe traffic in the future五、阅读判断How do you make a small talk with a Briton(英国人)? Heres a good way: talk about weather. According to (根据)a survey, the weather is the favorite topic of the UK. Britons spend six months of their lives talking about rain and sun.In British culture, this weather talk has two meanings. It could be just a greeting. It could also open a new topic when one meets strangers(陌生人).Heres something to remember. Its not good to disagree(不同意)with a person who is talking about the weather. When someone says “Its cold today”, its impolite(不礼貌的)to say, “No, its not. ”One should always agree no matter(不管)what one really feels.阅读短文,判断正误(T/F)35 . The weather is the favorite topic of the UK.36 . Britons spend seven months of their lives talking about rain and sun.37 . In British culture, this weather talk has only one meaning.38 . Its not good to disagree with a person who is talking about the weather.39 . If someone says “Its cold today”, you should say, “No, its not. ”六、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)40 . Why is Mr. Smith so m_?Many students were late for class this morning.41 . The Eiffel Tower is in F_42 . Jackie Chan is an a_ actor. We often see him in some action movies.43 . We must study hard to s_ the people.44 . Many young people like watching the TV play My Love From The Star. They think the actor, Kim Soo Hyun is very h_.根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子。45 . I am very h_ now. Lets go to the restaurant and eat something.46 . I think we should have at l_ 8 hours sleep a night.47 . Do you often help with h_ at home?Yes. I usually help my mother clean the rooms.48 . I think its n_ for us to study hard at school.Yes. We must study hard.49 . In a basketball or soccer game, its important for the players to play together and b_out the best in each other.七、填空任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。Today let me talk about a sports-bicycling. More and more people like bicycling now. Bicycling is healthy and good for the environment. Maybe thats why there are about 1.4 billion bicycle and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today.Bikes can take you almost anywhere and there is no oil cost. Get on a bike and ride around your neighborhood. You may find something new around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can ride a bike to school or work and that is good exercise for you. It has no pollution at all.Folding (折叠)bikes are getting popular, too. If you need to take the train, you can just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on a plane. You can put your folding bike in the suitcase.Bicycling can take your physical health. Here are some examples: It helps to control your weight. A 15-minute bike ride three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year. It can improve your mood (心情) It makes people feel enjoyable. It is healthier than driving.50 . According to the passage, how many bicycles are on roads worldwide today?There are about_ bicycles on roads worldwide today.51 . Where should you put your folding bikes on a plane?You can put it_.52 . What can you do to burn off kilos of fat in a year according to the passage?We should spend_ to ride the bike three times a week.53 . Does riding a bike to school or work have pollution?_54 . What does the passage mainly talk about?It talks about_八、短文改错下列短文的划线部分是错误的,请将其正确答案写在相应位置You need to have healthy eating habits. Breakfast give you55 . enough energy for the morning. So


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