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译林牛津版中考英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 单项填空(共15小题,计15分) (共15题;共15分)1. (1分) (2017九下成都月考) What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be university teacher. I hope dream will come true. A . a, aB . a, theC . an, a2. (1分) (2018九上东莞月考) Tony threw his bag me and went away without saying a word. A . atB . toC . inD . away3. (1分) I live near the station, Its only about five _ walk.A . minutesB . minuteC . minutesD . minutes4. (1分) He often_up at 5:30, but he _ up at 6:00 yesterday. ( )A . gets; gotB . gets; getsC . got; getsD . get; get5. (1分) Is the cola yoursAnns?Its Anns.A . andB . butC . orD . so6. (1分) (2019九下海淀期中) Mr. White is very kind to others. We all like _ very much. A . meB . himC . herD . us7. (1分) (2016九下荣成期中) May we leave the classroom now? No, you _. You _ to leave until the bell rings.A . mustnt; are allowedB . dont have to; are supposedC . neednt; arent allowedD . cant; arent supposed8. (1分) (2020七下) First I get up and _ I brush my teeth. A . thenB . finallyC . thanD . last9. (1分) (2017广东模拟) Every year thousands of trees _ to improve the environment. A . were plantedB . are plantedC . have plantedD . will plant10. (1分) (2017南京模拟) Jack, could you help me _these pictures on the blackboard? It may help us know more about the hazy weather. (雾霾) With pleasure.A . put inB . put upC . put onD . put down11. (1分) She arrived early in order to get a good seat.A . in case ofB . so thatC . so as to12. (1分) How long ago _ you _ the English Club?I _it since two years ago.A . did, join; joinedB . have, been in; joinedC . have, joined; have joinedD . did, join; have been in13. (1分) (2019七上泗洪月考) _ is your grandma? Shes sixty-four years old.A . How oldB . How many yearsC . How muchD . How14. (1分) Do you know of Guo Mingyi? Yes. He is an ordinary(普通的) worker helps many poor children in China. We should follow his example.A . thatB . whichC . whomD . what15. (1分) (2019九下龙海模拟) Some people _ shared bikes to work every day. A . rideB . rodeC . have ridden二、 阅读理解 (共25小题,计25分) (共4题;共25分)16. (5分) 阅读理解 Bob was only seven years old. One night Bob was at home alone while his parents were out for a party. He had often stayed alone before, so he wasnt afraid. As he waited for his parents to return home, he watched a film on TV. His eyes became heavier and heavier as time passed by.Suddenly Bobs eyes opened wide- what was the sound in the next room? Bob heard the window being opened slowly. For a minute, Bob was so frightened that he could not move, and his body felt like ice. He knew that he couldnt lose his head and began to think of the things he could do.Again he heard the sound of someone trying to climb into his home through the window.Bobs drums were standing in the corner near the TV. Wait, maybe there is something I can do, thought Bob. He beat his drums as hard as he could. The sound was so terrible that Bob surprised even himself. He also surprised the man in the window, who ran away as fast as possible. How clever he was!(1) What did Bob do when he waited for his parents? A . He played the drums.B . He watched TV.C . He fell asleep.D . He did nothing.(2) The person who wanted to come into the room might be _. A . a friendB . a strangerC . an animalD . a thief (贼)(3) What does the underlined phrase lose his head mean in Chinese? A . 冷静B . 生气C . 惊慌失措D . 喜出望外(4) What did Bob do to make the man run away? A . He turned up the TV.B . He called the police.C . He beat his drums.D . He asked his parents for help.(5) What do you think of Bob? A . Foolish.B . Lovely.C . Funny.D . Clever.17. (5分) (2019广州模拟) 阅读理解 Once upon a time there was an old man. He was really good at fishing. One day, he was fishing on the bank of a river. Soon he caught a full basket of fish. Just at that time, a child came and said to him, Can you give me the fishing rod(钓鱼竿) in your hands? The old man looked up at him and said, I can give you a full basket of fish. But the child shook his head. The old man was surprised and asked, Why do you want the rod instead of the fish?Oh! You know it doesnt take long to eat all the fish in a basket. But if I have the fishing rod, I can go fishing by myself and I wont be afraid of not having any fish to eat.You may certainly think that the child is very smart. Wrong! If he doesnt know how to fish, he cannot eat any fish, even if he has the fishing rod. Its useless to only have a fishing rod. Fishing skills are more important than the fishing rod.Too many people think that if they have a fishing rod in their life, they will no longer fear the wind and rain. In fact they will make the same mistake like the child in the story.(1) What did the boy want when he met the old man? A . A full basket of fish.B . The fishing rod.C . The fishing skills.D . Some advice on how to fish.(2) What does the writer think of the boy according to the passage? A . He was very smart.B . He was very kind.C . He was a bit silly.D . He was hard-working.(3) In what order did the following take place in the story? a. The boy said he could go fishing by himself if he had the fishing rod.b. The man said he could give the fish to the boy.c. The man was fishing on the bank of a river.d. The man caught a full basket of fish soon.f. The boy didnt want the fish.A . b, a, c, d, fB . c, d, b, f, aC . c, f, d, a, bD . d, c, b, f, a(4) Many people think if they have a fishing rod in their life, _. A . they will no longer fear the wind and rainB . they wont worry about the fishC . it wont take long to eat all the fishD . they can catch fish by themselves(5) Which of the following is NOT true? A . The old man was good at fishing.B . Its useless to only have a fishing rod.C . The boy wanted the fishing rod instead of the fish.D . Fishing skills are less important than the fishing rod.18. (10分) 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 excite we love graduate(1) Their school is very beautiful, but _ is even more beautiful. (2) Jessica is a(n) _ girl with two big eyes. (3) Luke worked as a manager after _ from university. (4) Ill never forget the _ of the school art festival. 19. (5分) (2019哈尔滨) 阅读短文,根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词;完成同义句转换,每空一词;根据短文内容回答问题。 Dinosaurs(恐龙)once lived on the earth for a long time. They suddenly disappeared millions of years ago. What happened to them? Thats still a mystery. People never stop searching for the answer.Some US scientists say it is because there were not enough male(雄性的)dinosaurs. They got this idea after researching crocodiles(鳄鱼).Mother crocodiles lay eggs and later baby crocodiles come out. The local temperature decides the sex(性别)of the baby crocodile. When the eggs are at a temperature of 26 to 30,the babies are all girls; when the temperature is 30 to 34,there are both boys and girls; when it is 34 to 36, only boys are born.Dinosaurs babies also came from eggs. So scientists have given us a new picture: millions of years ago, it suddenly became very cold. Almost all dinosaur babies were girls. There were fewer and fewer male dinosaurs. Mother dinosaurs could not give birth to more babies. Finally, these powerful animals disappeared.(1) e_as many or as much as necessary l_to produce eggs from the bodies of birds, insects and so on(2) 同义句转换 Dinosaurs babies also came from eggs. Dinosaurs babies came from eggs _.(3) When did dinosaurs suddenly disappear? (4) What decides the sex of the baby crocodile? (5) Are the baby crocodiles only boys when its 35? 三、 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。(共8小题, (共8题;共8分)20. (1分) People think that Confucius was a very _ (wise)man. 21. (1分) The thing _ is not important. 22. (1分) Just now John only ate one of the smallest_(sandwich).23. (1分) Reading in bed is_(harm)to our eyes. 24. (1分) (2019八下建平期末) Of all the mountains, Qomolangma rises the _ (high). 25. (1分) Id like _(take)some seafood to you tomorrow. 26. (1分) I was too _(embarrass) to admit that I was scared. 27. (1分) _ is your English teacher? (填疑问词) Mr. Smith.四、 动词应用(共7小题,计7分) (共1题;共7分)28. (7分) He is very lazy and often _(sleep) 15 hours a day. 五、 任务型阅读(共5题,计10分) (共1题;共10分)29. (10分) (2019八上咸阳月考) 根据短文内容完成下列各题 In America, boys and girls like watching TV. Some children spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV sets. Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday. Televisions are like books and films. A child can learn both good things and bad things from it. Some TV programs help children to understand the news, the people and places in other countries. With TV, children do not have to go to the movies. They can listen to interesting music or watch a game at home. But some programs are bad for children, so parents sometimes should help them to find other int


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