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输送 中英文 翻译
中国矿业大学2007届本科生毕业设计 第 15 页附录A:带式输送机的安装使用及维护带式输送机是一种摩擦传动的连续式运输设备,生产率高,与转载机配套工作时,转载机搭在它的机尾上。带式输送机的机尾,主要作用是承受由转载机转来的煤炭并连续地将它输送出去。它可运输矿石、煤、粉末状的物料和包装好的成件物品。工作过程中噪声较小、结构简单。国内外的生产实践证明,带式输送机无论在运输量方面,还是经济指标方面,都是一种先进的运输设备。1主要部件的安装1.1 驱动装置在机头架上安装驱动装置在机头架上安装时,先将主滚筒轴端钢罩取下,擦洗干净配合面,拆下减速器输出轴锥孔保护塞,将另一端轴承盖打开,将输出轴内锥孔擦洗干净,然后将驱动装置吊起,使减速器输出轴锥孔与传动滚筒锥轴对中,使锥面上的键槽对准,将驱动装置徐徐推到滚筒轴上,同时将拉紧螺栓从外侧轴孔穿人,拧到主传动滚筒轴端的中心螺孔中。初次安装时,一般将减速器空心轴端面装到滚筒锥轴大端刻线处重合,切忌超过滚筒锥轴刻线,以免拆卸困难。驱动装置的拆卸程序与安装操作程序相反。1.2 张紧绞车与游动小车之间钢丝绳的缠绕张紧绞车上的钢丝绳其一端固定在绞车滚筒上,另一端绕过导向轮经游动小车的滑轮组和张紧绞车架上的固定滑轮组以后与负荷传感器相连。其缠绕方法如下:(1)当后退式采煤时,将贮带仓内游动小车置于前端,同时将小车卡住,防止钢丝绳把小车拉住;(2)用一根长度和直径合适的橇棍将钢丝绳安在绞车的2个侧架上,然后松绳;(3)将剩下的钢丝绳牢靠地缠在绞车滚筒上,防止乱层和咬绳,应特别注意上层与下层过渡的地方;(4)当钢丝绳开始缠绕到滚筒上时,注意检查固定绳卡是否紧固,一般放绳时,滚筒上最后需保留3圈钢丝绳。2 整机的安装2.1 安装前的准备(1)设备下井前,安装人员必须熟悉设备和有关图纸资料,根据矿井的搬动条件,确定设备部件的最大尺寸和质量。(2)在安装设备的巷道中,首先确定输送机安装中心线和机头的安装位置,将这些基准点在顶、底板相应的位置上标志出来。(3)清理巷道底板,根据设备总体装配图所标注的固定安装部分长度,将巷道底板平整出来,对安装非固定部分(主要指落地架式机身)的巷道也要求作一般性平整。(4)为便于运输,一般将大部件解体,在拆卸设备的较大部件时,应在设备上做好标记,以便对号安装。为避免搬运过程中可能产生零部件磕碰损伤或进入尘土,对于外露的齿轮、轴承以及加工配合面,必须采取措施予以保护。2.2 井下铺设(1)为避免巷道堵塞,应按照先里后外的原则,即按机尾、移动机尾装置、机身、机头传动装置顺序搬动到该件各自安装点的巷道旁。(2)根据已确定的基准点,首先安装固定部件如机头部、贮带仓、机尾等部件。安装后,机头、尾及各滚筒中心线应在同一条直线上,滚筒轴线的水平度允差在1/50以下。(3)一般将H型机架的横撑安在托辊之下,故可将H架每3 m一架先卧放在底板上,再将下股带铺放在H架开挡中间,然后分别将各架竖立、抬起输送带,安装下托辊。最后用刚性纵梁将各架连接,并将整个机身调整平直,在从纵梁鞍座中悬挂可变槽形托辊组。(4)输送带的铺设办法很多,各矿可根据自己的条件和经验确定。为避免下股输送带铺设过程中引起不必要的麻烦,一般铺带按先下后上的原则。下股带铺设应与H架结构结合起来考虑。一般上股输送带在整机上托辊安装后铺设。铺上股带可借助主传动滚筒和另设置1台牵引绞车进行。(5)用于后退式采煤法时,将贮带仓中游动小车置于靠近机头端。开动张紧绞车,给输送带以足够的张力,以保证输送机起动和运行过程中输送带不会在传动滚筒上打滑。(6)检查各部分安装情况,消除影响运转的障碍物,做好通讯联络,检查电控保护装置动作,准备点动开车。3 使用与操作3.1 张紧绞车的使用与操作在用张紧绞车张紧输送带时,先旋转手把使离合器与滚筒轴啮合,滚筒与传动轴连接,以形成电机-联轴器-蜗杆-蜗轮-中间轴-小齿轮-大齿轮-传动轴-离合器(啮合状态)-滚筒传动系统。当松带需要放绳时,先不要松开离合器,应使电动机反转,放松钢丝绳,然后停止电机,旋转手把,打开离合器,并继续转离合器制动盘使之与制动环接触。在产生适当动力后,即可放松钢丝绳。这样可防止由于松绳过多而引起游动小车运行不稳定或钢丝绳在滑轮上掉槽现象发生。3.2 卷带装置的使用与操作当后退式采煤需要从贮带仓中取出输送带时,先将小车移动架放下,将卷筒放在顶针小车上,再把顶针小车推人卷带装置架内,将小车移动架翻起并用销子挂住,操纵顶针手轮使小车和减速器出轮的顶针进入卷筒轴孔内,同时卷筒慢慢抬起离开小车架。这时卷筒一侧的牙嵌离合器也与减速器出轴顶针上的牙嵌离合器接合,将输送带接头运转到卷带装置架中的2个手动输送带夹板之间,用手摇动螺杆,通过两夹板把输送带接头2端夹住,把前面的接头与卷筒上预制的一段输送带接头用穿条重新穿好。放松前面的输送带夹板,使张紧绞车处于松带放绳状态。启放卷筒随游动小车徐徐前移,将贮带仓内的输送带慢慢地卷到卷筒上。3.3 机身的伸长与缩短3.3.1 机身伸长(1)贮带仓中的输送带,其操作方法如下: 清除机尾前进方向底板上的浮煤,打开张紧绞车离合器使之处于松带状态,利用移机尾装置或其他牵引设备将机尾部延伸一段距离,使转载机与机尾重迭处于最长长度。 根据延伸长度,接上相应数量的中间架。利用张紧绞车将输送带张紧。 调整机尾部使之平直,以免输送带跑偏。(2)贮带仓中无输送带,转载机已移到机尾部后端极限位置,游动小车已移至靠近机头一端,贮带仓中已放完输送带,其操作方法如下: 利用卷带装置或其他办法先将输送带贮人贮带仓中。 按程序进行操作3.3.2 机身缩短机身缩短之前也有2种情况:贮带仓可继续贮带和贮带仓已装满输送带。(1)转载机已移至机尾前端极限位置,贮带仓中游动小车位于靠近机头一端,贮带仓可继续贮带,其操作方法如下:根据所需缩短的长度,从近机尾端开始,拆除相应的机身中间架。 清除机尾滑橇下面前移距离内底板上的浮煤。在用移机尾装置移动机尾的同时,开动张紧绞车向后拉游动小车,使松掉的输送带进入贮带仓中。 调整机尾部使之平直。 利用张紧绞车将输送带张紧。(2)转载机已移到机尾前端极限位置,贮带仓中游动小车已移到靠近绞车一端,贮带仓已不足以一次贮带,其操作方法如下: 利用卷带装置或人工操作从贮带仓中取出输送带,使贮带仓放空。再按4.3.1程序操作。后退式采煤时,如果带式输送机机身缩至不可再缩时,则可将带式输送机全部拆除,并将桥式转载机放平铺设。同时增加转载机的铺设长度以代替输送机解决这一段的运输,随着后退,再逐步减小转载机长度。4 主要部件的维护(1)清扫器的检查维护清扫器或清扫刮板不能对输送带或滚筒表面压得过紧,以免增大运行阻力和加剧磨损,但也不能存在间隙或间隙过大而使清扫器失去作用。对清扫器巡视的要点是检查接触情况和零件完整性,对损坏的零件应及时更换,对积聚在清扫器上的煤粉,在停车时应及时清除。(2)输送带张紧情况的检查维护滚筒打滑通常是输送带张力不足的表现,可以通过调整张紧力,来消除打滑现象;而张紧力过大则会引起下股带的振动,对张力的调整必须适当,以负荷传感器压力表数值控制或视输送带在传动滚筒上不产生打滑为宜。 (3)减速器、电机及所有滚筒轴承温度的检查维护对减速器和液力偶合器有渗漏油情况的设备,应定期检查充油量,并及时予以补充。对漏油严重的,应及时更换或修理密封件。(4)输送带跑偏、卡磨情况检查维护长时间的跑偏是造成输送带带边拉毛、开裂甚至纵向撕裂的主要原因,造成输送带跑偏的原因很多,发现跑偏应及时调整,避免卡磨现象长时间发生。(5)输送带接头和磨损情况检查维护断带通常发生在接头或磨损严重处,为避免满载运行时产生断带,带来的不必要的麻烦,对受损严重的输送带,特别是接头处必须及时割除重做,重做时应保证割口与输送带中心线垂直。(6)装载情况的检查维护偏载将会引起输送带跑偏,如果在机尾转载段发生偏载必须及时调整。(7)电控和安全装置的检查每周必须至少检查一次所有控制装置的运行情况。带式输送机是煤矿主要运输设备,它的安装与调式效果将直接影响其运输能力和使用性能。为了发挥输送机的最佳性能,确保输送机的安全运行,必须按要求定期维护和检修输送机的各零部件,保证设备的完好及正常运转,避免事故的发生,确保带式输送机发挥其应有的作用。附录B:带式输送机安全规范1. 输送机在正常工作条件下应该具有足够的稳定性和强度。2. 电气装置的安装和设计必须符合GB4064和GJ232的规定。3. 未经设计或者制造单位的同意,用户不应该进行影响输送机原设计,制造,安装安全要求的变动。4. 输送机必须按物料特性与输送量要求选用,不得超载使用,必须防止堵塞和溢料,保持输送顺畅。a. 输送带应有适合特性的载荷和输送物料特性的足够宽度。b. 输送机倾角必须设计成能防止物料在正常工作条件下打滑或者滚落。c. 输送机应该设置保证均匀给料的控制装置。d. 料斗或者溜槽壁的坡度,卸料口的位置和尺寸必须能确保物料靠本身重力自动的流出。e. 受料点应设在水平段,并设置导料板,受料点必须设在倾斜段时,需设置辅助装料设施。f. 垂直重锤拉紧装置区段应装设落料挡板。g. 受料点宜采用降低冲击力的措施。5. 输送粘性物料时,滚筒表面,回程段带面应该设置相应的清扫装置。倾斜段输送带尾部滚筒前宜设置挡料刮板消除一切可能引起输送带跑偏的隐患。6. 倾斜的输送机应该装设防止超速或逆转的安全装置,此装置在动力被切断或者出现故障时起保护作用。7. 输送机上的移动部件无论是手动或者是自动式的都应该装设停车后的限位装置。8. 严禁人员从无专门通道的输送机上跨越或者从下面经过。9. 输送机跨越工作台或者通道上方时,应装设防止物料掉落的防护装置。10. 高强度螺栓连接必须按设计要求处理,并用专用工具拧紧。11. 输送机易挤夹部位经常有人接近时应该加强防护措施。输送机头部,尾部改向滚筒和拉紧装置的转折部位以及相邻两托辊转折处超过3时,都认为是危险的易挤夹部位。翻译部分英文原文: The introduction of Conveyor BeltA conveyor belt may be defined as “a number of load carrying members bonded together with polymeric compounds (making up the car case); and protected from mechanical damage by elastomeric .The load carrying members usually consist of either a number of ply of woven fabric, a single solid woven fabric car case, or a single layer of parallel, equidistant steel cables.” At the onset, it must be stated that conveyor belting of any construction ,may be classified as Fire Resistant or Non-fire Resistant .In certain underground situation ,the former may be required by legislation or by accepted codes of Practice .For example ,in the U.K , coal mining industry ,only approved fire resisting belting may be used underground , most other developed countries have similar requirements . In addition there are many situations where the use of five resistant belting is recommended, for example, in complex mineral benefication plant. It is most important that in the early stages of design of any conveyor systems , the type of belt be determined ,ad differing characteristics of the two types may influence the design of other associated equipment and problems may be introduced if a change is required at some late date .The use to which any particular belt is to be subjected should be recorded in the purchase specification ;since the various properties of a belt may need modification to accommodate the sometimes conflicting demands of coefficient of friction ,ageing characteristics , moisture absorption ,etc. Also as a generally, a belt of rubber construction has a greater ability to absorb impact than one of fire resistant construction. There are three main constructional forms of belting: (a) ply construction, (b) solid woven construction (c) steel cord construction In the above constructions, (a) and (b), only the car-case provides the strength to carry the load and withstand the various operational stresses that are developed in the belt . Since the car-case is the most expensive element in the belt , it is important that the specification incorporates adequate means of protecting this most important element . In (c), the load carrying steel cords requires like protection. Additionally, there is the specialized design of belt used with the Cable Belt System which will be separately described when that arrangement is considered.(1)Ply Belt ConstructionWhen discussing ply belting ,the terms warp and weft often occur ,for the purpose of this sub-section it may be taken that :warp refers to the long itudinal strength of the belt .The lateral flexibility of the belt is always of importance in order that it may conform to the idler curve ,this being particularly so when deep trough idlers are to be used . The traditional belt car case consisted of woven natural fabric ,this now consist of one or more plies of synthetic fibers such as nylon or terylene ,the whole being vulcanized or fused together with the appropriate cover material . Such synthetic fibers are stronger than natural fibers. are thinner , more flexible allowing deeper through in the idlers , allow the use of smaller diameter pulleys and have a shorter elongation under high working tensions .The cover may be rubber in the case of non-fire resisting belts and PVC. Neoprene, etc, in the case of fire resisting types. The minimum cover on both sides of any belt should be not less than 0.8 mm, but for the transport of almost all minerals must be increased having regard to the material handled .For example, with moderately abrasive materials such as coal .rubble , ashes , etc. the minimum carrying side cover should be 2.4 mm with 0.8 mm on the pulley side cover should be 3.2 mm with 1.6 mm on the pulley side.Although national standards may vary, a belt type may be classified having regard to its strength, an example being given in the next sub-section.(2)Solid woven beltMuch of that said about ply belting applies to the solid woven form , but in the later ,the fibers from which the belt car-case is constructed are inter-woven ,then impregnated to give a solid form ,and to which appropriate covers are applied .The fibers may be of high tenacity nylon warp cotton pile and blended weft ,with certain qualities of belting employing a polyester warp . In the standard fire resisting form the cover may be PVC ,but this has certain limitations ,particularly in respect of conveying up inclines .To overcome this problem the cover may be polymer ,which offers the advantages of natural rubber . Such nit rile rubber covers are applied to both the carrying and the driving faces of the belt with consequently improved frictional characteristics which minimize load slier and afford increased driving traction . A further advantage is that such covers do not polish in services as does PVC. ply separation and gives excellent resistance to age wear ,further , its rot proof and resistant to mineral oils .A modern loom to manufacture solid woven belting employs a rapier weft in certain system rather than a shuttle to eliminate the down time required to change weft bobbins, and also to give good selvedge finish. The wearing process which entails impregnation with liquid PVC compound, giving an additional, appropriate wear resistant surface coating, finally being press cured under tension. In addition to satisfying U.K requirements such belts conform to the following fire resistant specifications and are readily available in tensile strengths from 315 to 2625 kN/m of belt with:Australia MDA series 250 International ISOR340Canada 4th draft NO.M422 m France NF-M81-65USA USBM Schedule 2G South Africa SABS971Germany DIN2203/4 A particular product range includes belts ranging in tensile warp (longitudinal) strength ranging from 315 to 1000kN/m, with associated warp (lateral) strength from 158 to 350kN/m, the weft to warp ratio varies progressively from 50 down to 35%. Higher strength belts then increase to a tensile strength to 2625kN/m, the weft strength remaining constant at 350kN/m .Consequently, the weft /warp ratio drops rapidly down to 11.4%, this being necessary to allow ready tracking in the trough idlers (3)Steel cord Belt construction The ever increasing demand for stronger belt rein for cements ,which at higher level cannot be satisfied by the use of even the highest man-made fibers ,resulting in the use of the steel cord belt in which the warp strength is provided by steel cables such belt is manufactured in a two part process ,(a) the maxi of poly chloroprene to produce a enter matrix and covers in a rolling process with the cords under tension ,followed by a curing process . It has been found that a combination of hand (80degrees) fire resistant , antistatic (FRAS) elastomers and cords displaced vertically at a distance greater than 1 mm leads to the failure of the elastomer by compression and tension ,like problems may occur if therere defects in the design concept .Such problems may be overcome by the use of elastomers with a hardness in the 60 to 68 degree range , this being a stringent requirement when additives to ensure fire by close attention to drive and return drum diameters and by the use of tongue limitation devices in the conveyor drive.In the USA, the details of the belt employed at the Selby mining complex are: Conveyor length: 14.93 km Belt thickness: 28.3 mmBelt width: 1300 mm Belt strength: 6950 kN/mNumber of cords: 57 Vertical lift: 990Cord diameter: 13.1 mm Motor power: 1010kWThe conveyor belt is the most important part in the belt conveyor. In addition to the conveyor belt, there are idlers , pulleys , drive and structure ,to which are added other important items, they are make up the belt conveyor.In its simplest form a belt conveyor consists of a pair of drums, one of which is powered, and between which is stretched and endless hand .This elementary arrangement has limited use for other than short distance application such as the carrying of packages, etc. For other than short distances the top hand must be supported by regularly spaced idles to prevent sagging idlers are ideal for this purpose ,a set of which is normally consists of three separate rollers ,the two outer and shorter being inclined upwards to trough the belt .For low capacity, narrow belts ,two idles may be used and for high capacity duty ,five or more may be employed .The bottom or return belt requires a lower level of support and generally may run in a flat plane a usual arrangement being to use single rollers ,at double the spacing distance used with the top strand . With exceptionally long conveyors, two roblsemi-troughed return rollers may be justified.The drive arrangement normally consists of an electric motor and speed reduction gear box, connected to each other by suitable coupling.Ideally, the adopt for the transport of any mineral should: (a) provide continuity of mineral clearance form the point of production with maximum safety and reliability, to ensure that production is not interrupted by transport restrictions. (b) be capable of handling the peak outputs.(c) minimize degradation and dust problems.(d) eliminate spillage or at least incorporate means for its collection and reintroduction to the main mineral stream.(e) provide optimum economy in labor requirement . In general terms, belt conveying systems satisfy the above standard, the application of remote monitoring and control together with employment of bunker conveyors, further enhance the efficiency of the systems. There are limiting factors affecting the use of belt conveyors in that generally reasonably straight run is necessary ,the maximum angle of inclination is normally 25 degrees(1 in 4)and the maximum lump size is to be less than about half the width of the belt .The carrying capacity is influenced by the angle of the mineral material transported , keeping in mind that in passing over the idler rollers , the material is continuously disturbed and spread out on the belt ,Not with standing the above the belt conveyor has a tremendous and expanding mineral transport potential.中文原文:输送胶带简介 胶带输送机的胶带被定义为:能够承受大量负载的聚合物被粘合在一起,并且以弹性材料覆盖物来保护它们免受机械损伤。这些能够承受大量负载的聚合物通常有的由许多编织物层芯,单一的整芯编织物构成,有的由单一的平行线层,等距离的钢丝绳构成。 首先,先谈谈运输机胶带装置的构成,其可以被分为防火胶带和非防火胶带,在地下使用的情况下,前者防火胶带是规定是必须或及按照一定的规范使用。 例如,在U.K 采煤工业,只批准防火胶带可以在地下使用。大多数其它发达国家也有相似的要求。另外,也有许多情况下防火胶带被推荐使用,例如,在合成的选矿厂。胶带类型的确定,在任何带式输送机系统被设计的早期阶段是最重要的,其因为这两种胶带类型的特征可能影响其它与之相关的设备的设计,如果在以后需要变化时,该问题也会出现的,任何特殊胶带的使用的提出应该写在购买说明书上,因为胶带的设计者为了适应某些要求,如摩擦系数,老化,潮湿度的变化可能需要修改,而且一般来说,橡胶材料胶带比任何一个防火材料的胶带更有能力减轻物料的冲击。主要有三种胶带结构形式:(a)层芯结构,(b)整芯编织结构,(c)钢丝绳芯结构。在以上的结构中,(a)与(b)仅仅是带芯提供输送重物,而且能够承受各种各样冲击。以至于它们能够在胶带上被使用,因为带芯在胶带中是最重要的部分,所以采用合理的保护措施保护带芯是很重要的。在(c)中,大负载的输送用钢丝绳芯胶带,其也要求有合理的保护措施。另外,有特殊要求的胶带设计和钢绳牵引胶带一起被使用,当这种布置被认同的时候,这个系统将要被独立的描述。(1)层芯胶带结构 在讨论层芯胶带结构时,术语“弯曲强度”和“胶带横向强度”经常出现,为了分段的目的,它被认为:胶带弯曲强度涉及到胶带横向受力。为了符合托辊的曲线设计要求,胶带侧面的柔韧性是非常重要的,当深槽形托辊组被使用的时候,这个是特殊的。传统的胶带带芯是由天然的纤维品构成,现在的胶带带芯是由一种或者更多的人工制造的纤维层芯构成的。例如尼龙和涤纶,整体被硬化或用特殊材料合并,这些人造纤维比天然的纤维强度更高,它们更轻,更具有韧性,当通过托辊的时候允许更深的槽行,允许更小直径的滚筒使用,它们在高强度的张力下,只有较短的伸长。表层物质通常是橡胶,其用于非防火胶带和聚氯乙烯氯丁橡胶,氯丁(二烯)橡胶带等,在任何胶带的两面上,最小表层物不小于0.8mm,考虑到运输的物质,几乎所有矿物的输送时胶带都必须增加适度的有耐磨的物质。矿物质例如,煤、碎石、灰烬等。最小的运料侧层应该是1.4mm。滚筒侧层是0.8mm。当有更多的金刚砂,最小运料侧层应该是3.2mm,滚筒侧层应该是1.6mm。虽然国家标准可能改变,但是当考虑到其强度,胶带类型将被分类,在下面的介绍中将被给出。(2)整芯编织胶带通常情况下,许多层芯胶带结构适用于整芯编织,但是随后胶带带芯所构成的纤维是内编织物,然后演变为固体形式,而且合理的布置被使用,纤维可能是高粘性尼龙,棉花软毛,混合纤维。以防火要求为标准的表层覆盖物是聚氯乙烯,但这种物质有一定的局限性,特别是在倾斜输送的场合。为了克服这个问题,表层覆盖物则是用聚合物制成的,这种聚合物具有天然橡胶的优点,这种聚合物覆盖物被应用在胶带的输送和驱动表面上,因为它们能够提高摩擦的特性,使物料滑落的可能性降到最低,并且能够增大牵引力,考虑到煤的高潮湿度和许多其它的矿物质,无阻力允许更有效的保持胶
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